
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A female infant born at 38 weeks and 2 days via induced vaginal delivery was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit for respiratory distress soon after birth. Noted to have aphonia on examination, the patient underwent direct laryngoscopy and was diagnosed with an anterior glottic web and subglottic stenosis. The patient underwent a genetic workup including whole exome sequencing which resulted in a diagnosis of a FREM1-associated disorder. Congenital glottic webs and subglottic stenoses have not been previously described as clinical manifestations of FREM1-associated disorders.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the features of voice disorders associated with novel coronavirus infection and to develop the clinical algorithm for diagnostic and treatment these patients.
    METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted in patients with dysphonia after COVID-19 (n=60). All patients underwent a comprehensive voice assessment before and after the proposed treatment. The follow-up period was 1 month.
    RESULTS: Functional dysphonia or aphonia with a stable (refractory) or recurrent course was diagnosed in 58 (97%) patients. A tendency to an increase in the value of the latent period of the P300 and MMN in patients with voice disorder was revealed. There was a significant decrease in supraglottic constriction and glottal insufficiency before and after the treatment. The mean VHI-10 decreased from 25.4 before treatment to 15.3 after treatment. The DSI which is based on the set of voice measurements, statistically significant improved from -5.2 to 2.6 in patients as a result of treatment. The average value of MFI-20 improved from 65.4 (8.7) at the beginning of the study to 20.3 (5.3) after treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: In patients with dysphonia or aphonia associated with COVID-19 are indicated a refractory type of dysphonia. This was indicated by the study of AEPs of the brain. The clinical algorithm for treatment and diagnostic patients with voice disorders after COVID-19 has been developed. The treatment of this group of patients should be adjunct by the drug therapy, kinesiotaping method and psychotherapy.
    UNASSIGNED: Изучить особенности нарушения голоса у пациентов после перенесенной инфекции COVID-19.
    UNASSIGNED: Проведено проспективное обсервационное исследование пациентов с нарушением голоса после перенесенной новой коронавирусной инфекции (n=60). Всем пациентам выполнено комплексное клинико-функциональное исследование голосового аппарата до и после восстановительного лечения. Срок наблюдения составил 1 мес.
    UNASSIGNED: Диагноз «функциональная дисфония или афония, устойчивое (рефрактерное) или рецидивирующее течение» установлен 58 (97%) пациентам. Выявлена тенденция к увеличению значения латентного периода потенциала Р300 и негативности рассогласования у пациентов с нарушением голоса после перенесенной инфекции COVID-19. После восстановительного лечения отмечено значительное уменьшение напряжения в вестибулярном отделе гортани и появление полного смыкания голосовых складок при фонации по данным ларингоскопии. Среднее значение VHI-10 снизилось с 25,4 в начале исследования до 15,3 после лечения. Индекс DSI статистически значимо улучшился у пациентов в результате лечения: с –5,2 до 2,6. Среднее значение MFI-20 улучшилось с 65,4 (8,7) в начале исследования до 20,3 (5,3) после лечения.
    UNASSIGNED: У пациентов с функциональной дисфонией после перенесенной новой коронавирусной инфекции выявлены признаки устойчивого и рецидивирующего течения заболевания по данным исследования слуховых вызванных потенциалов головного мозга. Особое внимание хотим обратить на развитие астенического синдрома, который являлся наиболее ярким симптомокомплексом у пациентов, перенесших новую коронавирусную инфекцию и имеющих нарушение голоса. Лечение пациентов с нарушением голоса после перенесенной новой коронавирусной инфекции должно дополнительно включать кинезиотейпирование, медикаментозную терапию и психотерапию.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Voiceless sonorant consonants are typologically rare segments, appearing in only a few of the world\'s languages, including Burmese. In this study, Burmese sonorants and their adjacent vowels are investigated in an attempt to (1) determine what acoustic correlates distinguish voiced and voiceless sonorants and (2) determine whether there are multiple realizations of voiceless sonorants and, if so, establish what acoustic correlates distinguish them. In order to pursue these questions, a production study was carried out and target words were analyzed, demonstrating that Burmese voiceless sonorants have a spread glottis period resulting in turbulent airflow 78 % of the time. Findings from linear mixed-effects models showed that voiced and voiceless sonorants are significantly different in terms of duration of the sonorant, F0 of the sonorant, and strength of excitation measured over the following vowel. A linear discriminant analysis was able to predict voicing category with 86.7 % accuracy, with the duration of the spread glottis period being the best indicator of voicelessness, followed by the cues that were significant in the linear mixed-effects models. In cases when the spread glottis period is absent from voiceless sonorants, the sonorant only has correlates that are associated with voicelessness (such as F0 and strength of excitation) but not correlates that are associated with the spread glottis gesture (such as duration and harmonics-to-noise ratio). These results have implications both for our understanding of the acoustics of Burmese sonorants and for our understanding of voiceless sonorants more generally.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the efficiency of DoctorVox voice therapy in psychogenic dysphonia or aphonia patients, and to share the mid- to long-term results of the method.
    METHODS: The study was carried out on patients who underwent DoctorVox voice therapy for psychogenic dysphonia or aphonia between January 2015 and September 2019. The evaluation methods used were: the Voice Handicap Index-10; the grade, roughness, breathiness, asthenia and strain (\'GRBAS\') scale; and videolaryngostroboscopy recordings.
    RESULTS: The mean Voice Handicap Index-10 values of the patients were 30.91 ± 2.97 before treatment, 8.14 ± 3.82 after treatment, and 3.36 ± 1.78 in the final follow-up examination. The grade, roughness, breathiness, asthenia and strain scale scores were: 9 ± 0.67 pre-treatment, 0.78 ± 0.80 post-treatment, and 0.57 ± 0.64 at the final follow up.
    CONCLUSIONS: DoctorVox voice therapy seems to be an efficient treatment method for psychogenic dysphonia or aphonia; it helps develop phonatory muscle functions, using multidimensional biofeedback mechanisms, and increases the patients\' therapy adherence.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 33-year-old woman admitted to our hospital for further examination of severe non-productive cough lasting for about two months. Her symptom did not ameliorate by treatments including long acting β2 agonists. She had a medical history of drug allergy to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. At the initial visit, she could not speak at all and communicated with us in writing. Chest auscultation revealed no wheezes, rhonchi and other crackles. Laboratory findings showed a mild eosinophilia with normal total and specific serum immunoglobulin E. The results of an electrocardiogram, a chest X-ray and a chest CT were unremarkable. A fractional exhaled nitric oxide value was within normal limit. Based on these observations, a diagnosis of atopic cough (AC) was suspected, and we started treatment with a histamine H1 receptor antagonist (H1-RA). She had become able to speak again in association with complete disappearance of cough by eight-weeks after treatment initiation, and her symptoms did not recur even after cessation of treatment. By the confirmation of remarkable clinical improvement in response to a H1-RA, a diagnosis of AC was made. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an AC patient who presented severe cough with aphonia. J. Med. Invest. 70 : 281-284, February, 2023.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Complete subglottic stenosis is often managed with surgical resection. However, involvement of the high subglottis can limit candidacy for open resection, and there are few treatment options for these patients. We refined an endoscopic approach that evolved into a tracheal rendezvous technique with T-tube placement as an alternative to open surgical resection. Here, we present our series, technique, and outcomes. A retrospective review was performed to identify patients who underwent endoscopic management of complete high subglottic stenosis at the University of California San Diego. The surgical technique was initially a two-step staged procedure and was subsequently revised to a single-stage procedure with stenosis ablation, dilation, and insertion of a T-tube, which was completed in one day. Patients were seen at regular follow-up intervals for reassessment. Five patients were identified with complete stenosis not amenable to surgical resection. The average age of the cohort was 44.8 years. The etiology of stenosis in all patients was related to prolonged intubation and tracheostomy, and the average length of stenosis was 19.6 mm. Stenosis resection was accomplished via laser ablation and balloon dilation, and the average T-tube length was 50.3 mm. All patients were discharged on postoperative day one. Two patients developed airway crusting within the T-tube and required emergency department visits. Decannulation was attempted in three patients, although failed in two. Tracheal rendezvous is a safe and effective procedure for patients with grade IV subglottic stenosis. This provides a feasible endoscopic alternative to patients who are not candidates for open surgical resection, ye are motivated to have phonatory capacity.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Congenital laryngeal webs are rare and are defined as thick epithelium-covered fibrous tissue lying between the vocal folds; the anterior glottis is the most common site of involvement, with possible extension to the subglottic region. The association with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome has also been reported. Symptoms have been abnormal or absent crying and airway obstruction since birth. Management strategies range from endoscopic division using cold instruments to open surgery for severe webbing. In endoscopic surgery, the need for tubeless anesthesia and spontaneous breathing is fundamental for obtaining the best surgical outcome. Here, we describe the case of a 4-month-old female patient affected by a type II glottic web according to Cohen, who was treated by simple endoscopic division in spontaneous breathing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Convergence to variation in voice onset time (VOT) of English voiceless stops is reported to be selective, with speakers adjusting their VOTs after exposure to stimuli with lengthened, but not shortened, VOT. The current study re-examined this proposed selectivity with an explicit imitation paradigm designed to maximize convergence, using stimuli with more extreme differences, and explored the perceptual salience of the differences in a discrimination task. Participants showed phonetic convergence to both shortened and lengthened VOT, and better discrimination of shortened than lengthened VOT. Results suggest that there is no general constraint against convergence to shortened VOT.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We describe an unusual case of post-operative conversion aphonia in a pediatric patient. It indicates the importance of discussing its presentation, and amplifies the need for emotional support in the immediate post-operative period for young patients with heightened anxiety. Laryngoscope, 133:1737-1738, 2023.





