Anticipation medicine

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    \"Digital Hypertension\" is a new research field proposed by the Japanese Society of Hypertension that integrates digital technology into hypertension management and proactively promotes research activities. This novel approach includes the development of new technologies for better BP management, such as sensors for detecting environmental factors that affect BP, information processing, and machine learning. To facilitate \"Digital Hypertension,\" a more sophisticated BP monitoring system capable of measuring an individual\'s BP more frequently in various situations would be required. With the use of these technologies, hypertension management could shift from the current \"dots\" management based on office BP readings during clinic visits to a \"line\" management system based on seamless home BP or individual BP data taken by a wearable BP monitoring device. DTx is the innovation to change hypertension management from \"dots\" to \"line\", completely achieved by wearable BP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent innovations in digital technology have enabled the simultaneous accumulation, and the linking and analysis of time-series big data relating to several factors that influence blood pressure (BP), including biological indicators, physical activity, and environmental information. Various approaches can be used to monitor BP: in the office/clinic; at home; 24-h ambulatory recording; or with wearable and cuffless devices. Of these, home BP monitoring is a reliable and convenient method, and is recommended for hypertension management by current national and international guidelines. This recommendation is based on evidence showing that home BP is an important predictor of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and kidney disease in patients with hypertension. In addition, lifetime personalized health record (PHR)-based home BP with telemonitoring combined with co-interventions has been shown to lower BP more effectively than the traditional approach based on office BP. Thus, home BP represents a key metric for personalized anticipation medicine, from digital healthcare to digital medicine. This paper summarizes the latest evidence on home BP monitoring and proposes a Hypertension Cardiovascular Outcome Prevention and Evidence in Asia (HOPE Asia) Network consensus on a home BP-centered approach to the management of hypertension.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have developed a multisensor home and ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring system for monitoring 24-h central and brachial BP variability concurrent with physical activity (PA), temperature, and atmospheric pressure. The new BP monitoring system utilizes our recently developed biological and environmental signal monitoring Information Communication Technology/Internet of Things system, which can simultaneously monitor the environment (temperature, illumination, etc.) of different rooms in a house (entryway, bedroom, living room, bathing room, and toilet), and a wrist-type high-sensitivity actigraph for identifying the location of patients. By collecting both data on BP and environmental parameters, the system can assess the brachial and central hemodynamic BP reactivity profiles of patients, such as actisensitivity (BP change with PA), thermosensitivity (with temperature), and atmospheric sensitivity (with atmospheric pressure). We used this new system to monitor ambulatory BP variability in outpatients with one or more cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors both in summer and winter. Actisensitivity (the slope of the regression line of ambulatory BP against the log-physical activity) was higher in winter than summer. By multi-level analysis using the parameters monitored by this system, we estimated the ambulatory BPs under different conditions. The individual time-series big data collected by this system will contribute to anticipation medicine for CVD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are notable differences between Asians and Westerners regarding hypertension (HTN) and the relationship between HTN and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Asians show greater morning surges in blood pressure (BP) and a steeper slope illustrating the link between higher BP and the risk of CVD events. It is thus particularly important for Asian hypertensives to achieve 24-h BP control, including morning and night-time control. There are three components of \'perfect 24-h BP control:\' the 24-h BP level, nocturnal BP dipping, and BP variability (BPV), such as the morning BP surge that can be assessed by ambulatory BP monitoring. The morning BP-guided approach using home BP monitoring (HBPM) is the first step toward perfect 24-h BP control, followed by the control of nocturnal HTN. We have been developing new HBPM devices that can measure nocturnal BP. BPV includes different time-phase variability from the shortest beat-by-beat, positional, diurnal, day-by-day, visit-to-visit, seasonal, and yearly changes. The synergistic resonance of each type of BPV would produce a great dynamic BP surge (resonance hypothesis), which triggers a CVD event, especially in the high-risk patients with systemic hemodynamic atherothrombotic syndrome (SHATS). In the future, the innovative management of HTN based on the simultaneous assessment of the resonance of all of the BPV phenotypes using a beat by beat wearable \'surge\' BP monitoring device (WSP) and an information and communication technology (ICT)-based data analysis system will produce a paradigm shift from \'dots\' BP management to \'seamless\' ultimate individualized \'anticipation medication\' for reaching a zero CVD event rate.





