
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intravitreal injection (IVI) of a drug allows for immediate intraocular concentrations of active ingredients higher than those obtained by intravenous injection while reducing the risk of systemic side effects. Today, IVI\'s play a central role in the treatment of many vitreoretinal diseases. With the aging of the population and the advent of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) antagonists, their indications have increased exponentially, creating structural, organizational and economic difficulties. IVI is now one of the most widely performed medical procedures in industrialized countries, and its indications are expected to expand further in the near future with the development of new molecules. Although the overall safety of this practice is proven, an IVI exposes the patient to a 0.05 % risk of endophthalmitis, the consequences of which are often dramatic. This article details the current recommendations, in particular regarding asepsis and antisepsis, and proposes a typical sequence for performing an IVI.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    To identify procedures to reduce maternal morbidity during cesarean.
    The quality of evidence of the literature was assessed following the GRADE® method with questions formulated in the PICO format (Patients, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) and outcomes defined a priori and classified according to their importance. An extensive bibliographic search was performed on PubMed, Cochrane and EMBASE databases. The quality of the evidence was assessed (high, moderate, low, very low) and a (i) strong or (ii) weak recommendations or (iii) no recommendation were formulated. The recommendations were reviewed in two rounds with external reviewers (Delphi survey) to select the consensus recommendations.
    Of the 27 questions, there was agreement between the working group and the external reviewers on 26. The level of evidence of the literature was insufficient to provide a recommendation on 15 questions. Preventing hypothermia is recommended to increase maternal satisfaction and comfort (weak recommendation) and to reduce neonatal hypothermia (strong recommendation). The quality of the evidence of the literature did not allow to recommend the skin disinfectant to be used nor the relevance of a preoperative vaginal disinfection nor the choice between the use or nonuse of an indwelling bladder catheterization (if micturition takes place 1 hour before the cesarean section). The Misgav-Ladach technique or its analogues should be considered rather than the Pfannenstiel technique to reduce maternal morbidity (weak recommendation) bladder flap before uterine incision should not be performed routinely (weak recommendation), but a blunt (weak recommendation) and cephalad-caudad extension of uterine incision (weak recommendation) should be considered to reduce maternal morbidity. Antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended to reduce maternal infectious morbidity (strong recommendation) without recommendation on its type or the timing of administration (before incision or after cord clamping). The administration of carbetocin after cord clamping does not significantly decrease the incidence of blood loss>1000 ml, anemia, or blood transfusion compared with the administration of oxytocin. Thus, it is not recommended to use carbetocin rather than oxytocin in cesarean. It is recommended that systematic manual removal of the placenta not to be performed (weak recommendation). An antiemetic should be administered after cord clamping in women having a planned cesarean under locoregional anaesthesia to reduce intraoperative and postoperative nausea and vomiting (strong recommendation) with no recommendation regarding choice of use one or two antiemetics. The level of evidence of the literature was insufficient to provide any recommendation concerning single or double-layer closure of the uterine incision, or the uterine exteriorization. Closing the peritoneum (visceral or parietal) should not be considered (weak recommendation). The quality of the evidence of the literature was not sufficient to provide recommendation on systematic subcutaneous closure, including in obese or overweight patients, or the use of subcuticular suture in obese or overweight patients. The use of subcuticular suture in comparison with skin closure by staples was not considered as a recommendation due to the absence of a consensus in the external review rounds.
    In case of cesarean, preventing hypothermia, administering antiemetic and antibiotic prophylaxis after cord clamping are the only strong recommendations. The Misgav-Ladach technique, the way of performing uterine incision (no systematic bladder flap, blunt cephalad-caudad extension), not performing routine manual removal of the placenta nor closure of the peritoneum are weak recommendations and may reduce maternal morbidity.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: The main objective was to evaluate the surgical antibiotic prophylaxis\'s compliance rate. The secondary objectives were to evaluate the tools designed to help the surgical antibiotic prophylaxis\'s prescription, and evaluate the surgical site infection rate.
    METHODS: This retrospective study was done in a university hospital on a random selection of 125 pediatric patients having undergone a surgery (cardiac, general, neurological, ENT, orthopedic or plastic). Compliance to the current recommendations has been assessed.
    RESULTS: Out of the 125 studied patients (2 exclusions), the indication was compliant at 87% (107/123). The perioperative document included an intention to use antibiotic prophylaxis in 24% of cases (29/123). The compliance for the presence of the standard order set for antibiotic prophylaxis was only 15% (19/123). The compliance for the preoperative administration varied: antibiotic choice (94%, 63/67), dose (91%, 61/67), route (99%, 66/67), timing (30%, 20/67). The compliances for intra- and postoperative administrations were respectively 75% (57/76) and 89% (68/76). The surgical site infection rate was 4% (5/123).
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of a standard order set for antibiotic prophylaxis and the timing of the preoperative administration were sub-optimal. A better dissemination and use of the administrative tools and the implementation of a coordination system with the members of anesthesia services would improve these important aspects of the surgical antibiotic prophylaxis. The establishment of a digital perioperative document is planned.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surgical site infection after emergency hand surgery can cause considerable morbidity and, in the most severe forms, even toxic shock syndrome. Postoperative antibiotic prophylaxis aims to reduce the number of surgical site infections. However, excessive use of antibiotics induces side-effects for patients and antibiotic resistance for society. Contrary to other orthopedic sites, there is no consensus on postoperative antibiotic prophylaxis in open hand trauma beyond analogic reasoning with no proven scientific validity. Our hypothesis was that absence of postoperative antibiotic prophylaxis after open hand trauma surgery does not affect the rate of surgical site infections. A prospective cohort study included 405 patients, operated on in the emergency hand trauma unit without intra- or post-operative antibiotic prophylaxis. Patients were followed up in consultation at 7, 14 and 30 days. Surgical site infection was defined by need for surgery for detersion and flattening, followed by curative antibiotic therapy. The surgical site infection rate was 2.22%. Four patients were lost to follow-up and counted as surgical site infection as originally planned in the worst-case analysis. There were five surgical revisions followed by antibiotic therapy. These results do not differ from those reported in the literature, and thus confirm our hypothesis that postoperative antibiotic prophylaxis is not indicated in open hand trauma management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The implantation of pacemakers and defibrillators carries the highest risk of infection in interventional electrophysiology. The use of implantable cardiac devices is continually increasing with almost 2 million devices implanted worldwide each year. The recipients\' profile may also be associated with an increased risk of infection. Several measures can be implemented to reduce the risk of device-related infection. Systematic antibiotic prophylaxis has proven to be beneficial provided that prescription modalities are respected, especially with respect to the selection of the appropriate molecule and timing of administration prior to the procedure. Despite all the precautions taken during surgery (asepsis, prophylactic antibiotic therapy….) the estimated rate of peri-procedural infection is around 2%. Device related infections are associated with a high rate of morbidity and mortality as well as substantial healthcare costs. Staphylococcus aureus (SA) and epidermidis (SE) are the pathogenic agents involved in most cases. Prevention is crucial given the difficulties in treating such infections because of the near-systematic need to remove the device and antibiotic resistance. Leadless pacemakers and subcutaneous defibrillators are potential alternatives to implantable endocardial devices, albeit with certain limitations. A group of experts has recently issued consensus paper on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infections associated with endocardial implantable cardiac devices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Subdural empyema (SDE) is a rare complication of chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) surgery. We introduced antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) for this procedure in 2014 following a morbidity-mortality conference (MMC) in our department. We report the results of retrospective data analysis to assess the effect of systematic AP and to identify risk factors for SDE.
    METHODS: Two hundred eight patients were recruited between January 2013 and December 2015; 5 were excluded for incomplete data: 107 without and 96 with AP (n=203). SDE was confirmed by clinical examination, imaging and bacteriological analysis. Comparisons between AP-(no cefuroxime) and AP+ (cefuroxime) groups were made with Chi2 test and Student\'s t-test.
    RESULTS: One empyema was found in each group, indicating that AP had no effect (P=1). The only criterion associated with SDE for these two patients was a greater number of reoperations for CSDH recurrence (P=0.013).
    CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of postoperative empyema was 1%, similar to the range of 0.2%-2.1% reported in the literature. This rare incidence explains why we found no significant effect of AP. The medical decision taken at the MMC did not help to reduce the rate of postoperative SDE. MMCs can help to define factors associated with adverse surgical events and identify opportunities for improvement.
    CONCLUSIONS: AP, introduced after an MMC, did not impact SDE rates. In practice, AP should be required only in case of reoperation for CSDH recurrence. However, we still continue to use AP following the MMC considering different parameters discussed in the manuscript.






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    Antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended during surgical induced abortions. Systematic screening for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrheae infection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on a vaginal sample is recommended before any surgical abortion. Moreover, the bacteriological result should be available before the abortion so that antibiotic treatment effective against the identified bacteria, if any, can be proposed before the procedure. The absence of bacteriological result on the day of the abortion must not, however, delay the procedure. If screening is positive for a sexually transmitted infection (STI), and the bacteriological result is only available after the abortion, it is recommended that antibiotic treatment start as soon as possible. The first-line antibiotic treatment is ceftriaxone 500mg in a single dose by the intramuscular route for N. gonorrheae, doxycycline 200mg per day orally for 7 days for C. trachomatis and azithromycin 500mg the first day (D1) then 250mg per day from D2 to D4 orally if Mycoplasma genitalium is detected by multiplex PCR. In case of positive screening, antibiotic treatment of the woman\'s partner(s) is recommended, adapted to the STI agent(s).






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    BACKGROUND: Urological recommendations never focused on prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections related to endo-ureteral material.
    METHODS: We conducted an evaluation of French professional practices in May 2019 in the aim of highlighting the important heterogeneity of practices using a Survey Monkey inquiry.
    RESULTS: One-hundred-and-seventy-five urologists answered the inquiry, as to say 13% of French urologists. Questions regarding the management of pre-surgical polymicrobial urine sample, medical and surgical management of pyelonephritis on endo-ureteral material and regarding the need to diagnose and treat asymptomatic bacteriuria before endo-ureteral stent removal are the main points a majority of French urologists felt uncomfortable with.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study evaluated French practices in 2019. The diversity of the answers highlights the need for new recommendations on these subjects of daily practice. Future recommendations should allow their homogenization based on the existing evidence-based data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In plastic surgery, guidelines about antibiotic prophylaxis are inaccurate and incomplete, due to result the absence of high-level studies on this subject. The main aim is to establish national common recommendations for plastic surgery antibiotic prophylaxis.
    METHODS: A working group will discuss and validate a multi-center analysis of practices in three University Hospital Centers compared to an interdisciplinary analysis of recommendations to the French Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine and scientific literature. This working group is composed of plastic surgeon members of the French Society of Aesthetic Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, infectious disease physicians, and anaesthesiologists to define clear and precise antibiotic prophylaxis recommendations.
    RESULTS: Antibiotic prophylaxis with cefazoline (or clindamycine±gentamicine in case of allergy), has been recommended for general surgery with flap or implants, for breast surgery, lipofilling, and rhinoplasty. In other plastic surgery, no antibiotic prophylaxis has been recommended.
    CONCLUSIONS: We established common recommendations for plastic surgery antibiotic prophylaxis that is the first step to update these recommendations. Now, they can be evaluated in clinical situation to validate them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate safety of home care, clinical and biological initial examination and effectiveness of prophylactic antibiotic in preventing maternal and neonatal infectious complications in women with term prelabor rupture of membranes.
    The MedLine database, the Cochrane Library and the recommendations from the French and foreign obstetrical societies or colleges have been consulted.
    In case of expectant management and low rate of antibiotic prophylaxis coverage, home care compared to hospitalization could be associated with an increase in neonatal infections (LE3), especially when colonized with Group B Streptococcus (GBS) (LE3). Home care is therefore not recommended (Grade C). Studies investigating the initial clinical-biological examination are sparse. The initial examination should search for signs of intra-uterine infection. Repeated digital examination before and during labor is associated with an increased risk of intra-uterine infection (LE3). It is therefore recommended to limit the number of digital examinations before and during labor (Grade C). A GBS-positive vaginal swab is strongly associated with the risk of intra-uterine and neonatal infection (LE3) independently of the type management (induction vs. expectant management) and the mode of induction (oxytocin or prostaglandin) (LE3). When the GBS-positive vaginal swab has not been performed between 34 and 38 weeks, it is recommended to perform it on admission (Professional consensus). The diagnostic performance of the CRP and white blood cell count for the prediction of neonatal infection is low (LE3). If these tests are used, the negative predictive value of the CRP should be preferred (Professional consensus). In case of term prelabor rupture of membranes after 12hours, prophylactic antibiotics could reduce the rate of intra-uterine infection without reducing the risk of neonatal infection (LE3). Their use in term prelabor rupture of membranes after 12hours is therefore recommended (Grade C). When prophylactic antibiotics are indicated, intravenous beta-lactamine is the preferred option (Grade C).
    Overall, the current data on initial management of term prelabor rupture of membranes are of low evidence level.





