
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite being the focal point of decades of research, female breast cancer (BC) continues to be one of the most lethal cancers in the world. Given that 80 % of all diagnosed BC cases are estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) with carcinogenesis driven by estrogen-ERα signalling, current standard of care (SOC) hormone therapies are geared towards modulating the function and expression levels of estrogen and its receptors, ERα and ERβ. Currently, aromatase inhibitors (AIs), selective ER modulators (SERMs) and selective ER degraders (SERDs) are clinically prescribed for the management and treatment of ER+ BC, with the anti-aromatase activity of AIs abrogating estrogen biosynthesis, while the anti-estrogenic SERMs and SERDs antagonise and degrade the ER, respectively. The use of SOC hormone therapies is, however, significantly hampered by the onset of severe side-effects and the development of resistance. Given that numerous studies have reported on the beneficial effects of plant compounds and/or extracts and the multiple pathways through which they target ER+ breast carcinogenesis, recent research has focused on the use of dietary chemopreventive agents for BC management. When combined with SOC treatments, several of these plant components and/or extracts have demonstrated improved efficacy and/or synergistic impact. Moreover, despite a lack of in vivo investigations, plant products are generally reported to have a lower side-effect profile than SOC therapies and are therefore thought to be a safer therapeutic choice. Thus, the current review summarizes the findings from the last five years regarding the anti-aromatase and anti-estrogenic activity of plant products, as well as their synergistic anti-ER+ BC effects in combination with SOC therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The main cause of cancer death among women is breast cancer. The most common type of breast cancer is the estrogen receptor positive breast cancer. Discovery of estrogen receptor provided a highly effective target for treatment of hormone-dependent breast cancer. Selective estrogen receptor inhibitors are useful for halting the growth of breast cancer cells and inducing apoptosis. Tamoxifen, a popular selective estrogen receptor modulator, can treat breast cancer but also has unfavourable side effects due to its estrogenic activity in other tissues. Many herbal remedies and bioactive natural compounds, such as genistein, resveratrol, ursolic acid, betulinic acid, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, prenylated isoflavonoids, zearalenol, coumestrol, pelargonidin, delphinidin, and biochanin A, have the ability to specifically modulate the estrogen receptor alpha. Moreover, several of these compounds speed up cell death by supressing estrogen receptor gene expression. This opens wide avenue to introduce number of natural medicines with a revolutionary therapeutic impact and few side effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Discovery of SERDs has changed the direction of anticancer research, as more than 70% of breast cancer cases are estrogen receptor positive (ER+). Therapies such as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM) and aromatase inhibitors (AI\'s) have been effective, but due to endocrine resistance, SERDs are now considered essential therapeutics for the treatment of ER+ breast cancer. The present review deliberates the pathophysiology of SERDs from the literature covering various molecules in clinical trials. Estrogen receptors active sites distinguishing characteristics and interactions with currently available FDA-approved drugs have also been discussed. Designing strategy of previously reported SERDs, their SAR analysis, in silico, and the biological efficacy have also been summarized along with appropriate examples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To reduce the discharge of micropollutants, advanced wastewater treatment methods were investigated in the last years. Estrogenic effects were found to be reduced by ozonation. These activities are usually measured using genetically modified cell-based tests. As these bioassays are representing a sum parameter, also inhibitory effects such as antagonistic effects need to be further investigated as they are potentially reducing the detected activities. Therefore, a direct comparison of chemical target analysis and biological equivalent concentrations measured by bioassays is often difficult. To investigate the fate of antagonistic activities and their role in mixtures with agonistic activities, two hospital wastewater treatment plants were studied after different treatment steps. Thereby highly enriched samples were analyzed by a combination of bioassays with chemical target and non-target analyses. In order to achieve an in-depth characterization of the antagonistic activities a fractionation of the enriched samples was performed. To identify relevant compounds an effect directed identification approach was used by combining high-resolution mass spectrometry and bioassays. The results showed a high reduction for estrogene and androgene activities. However, a constant antagonistic activity after membrane bioreactor and ozone treatment was observed. A reduction of the antagonistic activity was observed after passing an activated carbon filter. The fractionation approach showed a specific finger-print of each sample of the different treatment steps. Hereby we could show that the composition of agonistic and antagonistic active compounds is changing after each treatment step while the overall measured activity stays the same. Using fractionation and the combination of bioassays the number of relevant features detected by chemical non-target screening could be reduced by >85%. As a result the phosphorous flame retardant TCEP could be identified as anti-estrogene active. Future research should be done to identify more antagonistic active compounds and potentially active transformation products after ozone treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Saraca asoca (Fabaceae) is a prime ingredient in Asokarishta, a well-known Ayurvedic preparation for gynecological ailments. Due to scarcity, adulteration or substitution of related raw drugs is a common practice in its preparation. The bark of Kingiodendron pinnatum (Roxb. ex DC.) Harms, morphologically similar to S. asoca (Asoka) is a widely used substitute. The present study aimed to evaluate the pharmacological effectiveness of K. pinnatum as an alternative for S. asoca in Asokarishta by determining the inhibitory effect of estrogen induced uterus endometrial thickening in immature female rats. Arishta was prepared using S. asoca and with the substitute, K. pinnatum as per Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia. Uterus endometrial thickening was induced by the administration of estradiol (20 μg/kg b. wt, i.p) to 8-day-old rats for 5 alternate days. On day 16, following estradiol administration, the serum estrogen level was found elevated to 156.5 ± 8 pg/ml from the normal value 32.4 ± 5 pg/ml and consequently increased the thickness of uterus endometrium from 16.7 ± 1.4 to 75.2 ± 15.3 μm. Upon oral administration of 400 μl/kg b. wt Asokarishta (ASA) and Arishta made with K. pinnatum (AKP), the thickening was reduced to 42.5 ± 12.7 and 47.1 ± 10.5 μm and the estrogen level diminished to 102.6 ± 10 and 97.3 ± 8 pg/ml, respectively. Arishta also reduced the chronic/acute inflammations in mice and improved the antioxidant status of rats. No toxic symptom was observed in the animals by the treatment of Arishta. The study supports the use of K. pinnatum as an alternative to S. asoca in Asokarishta and gives a scientific validation for Asokarishta in gynecological ailments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Combination therapies are often explored to treat cancer. The use of curcumin as an adjuvant to current chemotherapies has been reported, whilst aminonaphthoquinones have shown potential as anticancer agents in various tumour cell lines. This study aimed at screening synthetic aminonathoquinone derivatives (Rau 008, Rau 010, Rau 015 and Rau 018) alone and in combination with curcumin for anti-breast cancer activity.
    Combination effects were determined in MCF-7 breast cancer cells using combination index analyses. Synergistic anti-proliferative effects were further investigated in breast (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231), osteosarcoma (MG-63) and endometrial (HEC-1A) cancer-derived cells.
    Rau 015 (15 μM) and curcumin (112.5 μM) significantly reduced MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 and MG-63 cell proliferation compared to individual treatment, indicating synergistic anti-proliferative effects. Rau 018 (30 μM) and curcumin (100 μM) displayed similar effects in MCF-7 and MG-63 cells.
    We report on the potential of Rau 015 or Rau 018 as anti-breast cancer agents when combined with curcumin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estrogens play undisputedly important physiological roles, but lifetime exposure to estrogens has also been linked to the development of breast cancer. Moreover, imbalanced estrogen levels have been associated with various symptoms such as osteoporosis and menopausal disorders. For the improvement of such estrogen imbalances, estrogenic reagents with regulatory properties have shown promising potential. Herein, we report the construction of a 12-arylbenzoacridine library via a diversity-oriented strategy that furnished non-toxic estrogenic and anti-estrogenic agents. Derivatives with a hydroxy group at the molecular edge exhibit potent binding affinity to the estrogen receptor α (ERα) and ERβ (IC50 < μM), while binding to the estrogen-related receptor γ (ERRγ), i.e., an orphan nuclear receptor on which estrogens often trigger unfavorable events, was not observed. These findings offer valuable insights into 12-arylbenzoacridines as a novel platform for the development of selective estrogen-receptor modulators (SERMs).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A considerable amount of scientific evidence indicates that a number of pharmaceuticals that could be detected in the environment can contribute towards the development of problems associated with human reproductive systems, as well as those of wildlife. We investigated the estrogenic and androgenic effects of select pharmaceuticals with high production volume and environmental relevance. We examined the receptor-binding activities of these pharmaceuticals in the T47D human cell line using altered secretion of cytokine CXCL12. Functional yeast-luciferase reporter gene assays were also employed to confirm the mechanism of receptor binding by estrogen and androgen. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, namely ibuprofen, diclofenac and antiarrhythmic agent amiodarone showed strong anti-estrogenic effects in the T47D cell line. In the yeast-luciferase assay, these anti-inflammatory drugs also demonstrated anti-estrogenic potency and inhibited the E2 response in a concentration-dependent manner. Amiodarone did not exhibit any response in the yeast-luciferase assay; therefore, the endocrine disruption presumably occurred at a different level without directly involving the receptor. All the anti-inflammatory drugs considered in this study, including ketoprofen, naproxen and clofibrate, exhibited a dose-dependent antagonism towards the androgen receptor in the yeast-luciferase assays. Several other drugs, including the stimulant caffeine, did not show any response in the tests that were employed. A risk assessment analysis using \'Hazard Quotient\' suggested a potential risk, especially in the cases of ibuprofen, ketoprofen, diclofenac and clofibrate. The results reveal the intrinsic endocrine disrupting nature of several pharmaceuticals and thus could contribute towards explaining a number of adverse health effects on humans and wildlife.





