Anthropogenic impact

  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dysbiosis and acclimatization are two starkly opposing outcomes of altered holobiont associations in response to environmental pollution. This study assesses whether shifts in microbial taxonomic composition and functional profiles of the cosmopolitan sponge Hymeniacidon perlevis indicate dysbiotic or acclimatized responses to water pollution. To do so, sponge and water samples were collected in a semi-enclosed environment (San Antonio Bay, Patagonia, Argentina) from variably polluted sites (i.e., eutrophication, heavy metal contamination). We found significant differences in the microbiome of H. perlevis with respect to the pollution history of the sites. Several indicators suggested that acclimatization, rather than dysbiosis, explained the microbiome response to higher pollution: 1) the distinction of the sponge microbiome from the water microbiome; 2) low similarity between the sponge and water microbiomes at the most polluted site; 3) the change in microbiome composition between sponges from the different sites; 4) a high similarity in the microbiome among sponge individuals within sites; 5) a similar ratio of common sponge microbes to opportunistic microbes between sponges at the most and least polluted sites; and 6) a distinctive functional profile of the sponge microbiome at the most polluted site. This profile indicated a more expansive metabolic repertoire, including the degradation of pollutants and the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, suggesting a relevant role of these microbial communities in the adaptation of the holobiont to organic pollution. Our results shed light on the rearrangement of the H. perlevis microbiome that could allow it to successfully colonize sites with high anthropogenic impact while resisting dysbiosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The concurrent impact of anthropogenic and bioclimatic factors on biodiversity is a key focus in macroecological and biogeographical considerations in conservation programs within riverine ecosystems. However, there is still a lack of understanding about how multidimensional alpha and beta diversity measures respond to anthropogenic and bioclimatic drivers. Here, we assess the variations in taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional alpha and beta diversity of riverine macroinvertebrate communities across different watersheds in China. Our results show significant declines in most facets of alpha diversity across watersheds with low environmental heterogeneity, reflecting the loss of species with unique traits and evolutionary legacies. Both functional and phylogenetic beta-diversity values reveal a decreasing pattern along low heterogeneity environments, whereas taxonomic beta-diversity shows a contrasting pattern, which highlights the influence of microhabitat variation. Moreover, our findings identify nutrient levels, organic matter, water quality indicators, climatic variation, and geographic and habitat characteristics as key determinants of diversity patterns that are indicative of broader water pollution challenges. These factors jointly influence functional and phylogenetic alpha diversity and contribute to spatial homogenization, which is reflected in decreased functional and phylogenetic beta diversity. These trends highlight the complex interactions of chemical and physical factors in shaping biodiversity characteristics across watersheds. Based on the null model, macroinvertebrate communities primarily show random patterns, whereas clustering and overdispersion were sporadically observed in specific communities. We propose that conservation and restoration efforts should be aimed at enhancing aquatic biomes by managing extreme environmental conditions and amplifying spatial spillover, thereby supporting the intrinsic dynamics within natural metasystems and thus preserving the multidimensional aspects of biodiversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thirteen elements including Al, Ag, As, Co, Cu, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Se, Zn, and Pb were measured in 107 surface grab sediment samples and 175 segments of eight cores from Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron, using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Concentrations in Ponar grabs vary considerably among metals and among locations, ranging from the highest median for Fe in Lake Superior (42,000 mg/kg) to the lowest median for Ag in the main Lake Huron (0.05 mg/kg). The inventory at coring sites ranged from 7 × 106 mg/m2 of Fe to 3 mg/m2 of Ag. The background concentrations were estimated from deeper core segments, and enrichment factors (EFs) were calculated with Fe or Al as the reference element. The results show that Al, Fe, Co, Cr, and Mn did not enrich, Ag, Cu, and Ni were present higher than expected from natural sources alone, while Pb, Cd, Se, Zn, and As have been enriched at most sites after European settlement in the region. EFs of most metals are higher for Lake Michigan than the other lakes. However, EF comparison among sampling sites revealed intrinsic problems of this approach for the assessment of human interference. Preliminary risk assessment, conducted by calculating risk quotients, revealed environmental risks of some metals in each lake; however, the results should be interpreted with caution because the approach used is considered to be conservative.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hydrometeorological processes are often assumed to be key drivers of plastic transport. However, the predominant focus on these factors overlooks the impact of anthropogenic factors, such as mismanaged plastic waste (MPW) on plastic transport variability. Here, we investigate the roles of both anthropogenic and hydrometeorological factors on plastic pollution in the Odaw catchment, Ghana. Data on macroplastic transport and density were collected at ten locations between December 2021 and December 2022. We tested for differences between the wet and dry seasons and applied a multiple regression analysis to examine the separate and combined impact of hydrometeorological variables (rainfall, discharge, and windspeed) on macroplastic transport. Additionally, we analyzed the spatial correlation in macroplastic transport/density with MPW and population density. Data collection involved visual counting of floating macroplastics at 10 river locations and counting litter at 9 riverbanks and land locations. Rainfall data was sourced from TAHMO (Trans-African Hydrometeorological Observatory), discharge was measured during field campaigns, and windspeed data sourced from a global climate data provider. We used globally modelled MPW estimates to represent anthropogenic factors. Contrary to previous studies, we found no seasonal differences in macroplastic pollution and only weak correlations were observed between the hydrometeorological variables and macroplastic transport. However, a strong correlation was observed between MPW and macroplastic pollution. We hypothesize that, the influence of hydrometeorological factors on macroplastic transport depend on the relative impact of anthropogenic factors. Our research highlights the limited role of hydrometeorology, showing the significant role of mismanaged plastic waste to field monitored macroplastic pollution variability in the catchment. This insight is essential for future research as it highlights the importance of holistically investigating both anthropogenic and hydrometeorological factors in explaining plastic transport and retention dynamics. This insight is essential for developing interventions that effectively address plastic pollution in catchments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural native forests are rapidly being replaced by anthropogenic forests often with a strong presence of invasive alien plant species. Eucalypt species are widely planted worldwide, with Eucalyptus globulus plantations being particularly expressive in Portugal. Poor forestry practices often lead to the associated expansion of invasive species, such as Acacia dealbata. However, we still know relatively little about the functioning of anthropogenic forests, such as seed and pollen dispersal services. Here, we compared bird abundance and richness and the seed and pollen dispersal networks in both forest types. Anthropogenic forests presented lower bird abundance, and smaller, more simplified, and more random (abundance-based) seed dispersal services than those of natural forests. Interestingly, the pollen dispersal network was more similar than the seed dispersal network for both forest types and dominated by opportunistic and neutral processes, given the absence of specialized nectarivorous. The proportion of birds transporting seeds decreased, while those carrying pollen significantly increased in the anthropogenic forest compared to the native forest. Our work highlights the impact of anthropogenic forests on bird abundance, with consequences for seed dispersal services and forest regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the last century, the Atacama Desert has been exploited due to the mineral resources in this environment. These anthropogenic effects have primarily been linked to the development of the mining industry, the impact of which remains uncertain. Here, we use high-resolution geochemical characterization and magnetic properties analysis from the sedimentary core of Inka Coya Lake, located in the Atacama Desert, to assess the anthropogenic impact in this metallogenic region. The geochemistry and magnetic properties changed with core depth. Elements, such as Cu, Ni, and Zn, increased during the lake\'s most recent period. Additionally, an increase in mass magnetic susceptibility (χ) and a decrease in magnetic susceptibility depending on the frequency (χfd%) may be attributed to fine iron oxide grains originating from industrial and urban sources. Moreover, indices of pollution classified the sediment of Inka Coya Lake as slightly polluted and strongly polluted with Ni, and Cu, respectively. This could reflect a period of pollution caused by the increase in the production of copper sulfide. These results highlight the possible impact of mining activities in the hyper-arid core of the Atacama Desert, which affects surrounding areas through dispersive processes, even reaching high altitudes, and provides a scientific basis for the prevention of environmental pollution from mining and the protection of the sediment and water source in the Atacama Desert.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Urbanization and technological advancements result in the dispersion of antropogenic electromagnetic fields (EMF) that can affect on ecosystems. Therefore, it is important to understand their impact on the environment. Aquatic ecosystems are subject to EMF as part of various electricity sources, e.g., high-voltage transmission lines (HVTL). We examined the impact of EMF generated by HVTL on the spatial arrangement and survival of pike (Esox lucius) embryos. Fertilized eggs were incubated under two HVTL configurations 110 kV and 220 kV compared with a control group devoid of anthropogenic EMF. Embryo orientation and survival were monitored until blastopore closure. The control group showed dominance in the arrangement of embryos along the N-S, NNW-SSE, and NNE-SSW axes, with a slight prevalence of northern directions. EMF originating from HVTL did not exert a significant influence on the spatial arrangement of pike embryos, although some deviations from the arrangement noticed in the control group were observed. Increased embryo mortality was observed only at 110 kV site, but probably due to factors unrelated to EMF. In conclusion, EMF generated by HVTL did not significantly change pike embryo orientation or chances of survival. However, longer exposure or higher EMF levels could provoke notable reactions, requiring ongoing evaluation as power networks continue to spread more widely.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Land use conversion of natural to production systems is one of the most important threats to belowground communities and to the key ecosystem processes in which they are involved. Available literature shows positive, negative, and neutral effects of land use changes on soil fauna communities; and these varying effects may be due to different characteristics of natural and production systems and soil organisms. We hypothesize that land conversion from high to low plant biomass, diversity, and structural complexity systems may have the most negative impacts on soil fauna. Here, we performed the first meta-analysis evaluating the overall effects of land use conversion on soil invertebrate communities and the influence of factors related to characteristics of natural and production systems, of soil fauna communities and methods. We compiled a dataset of 260 publications that yielded 1732 observations for soil fauna abundance and 459 for richness. Both abundance and richness showed a global decline as a consequence of natural land conversion to production systems. These negative effects were stronger, in general, when the conversion occurred in tropical and subtropical sites, and when natural systems were replaced by croplands, pastures and grazing systems. The effects of land use conversion also depended on soil property changes. In addition, the abundance of most taxa and richness of Acari and Collembola were strongly reduced by land use changes while Annelida were not affected. The highest reduction in abundance was recorded in omnivores and predators, whereas detritivores showed a reduction in richness. Our meta-analysis shows consistent evidence of soil biodiversity decline due to different land use changes and the partial dependence of those effects on the magnitude of changes in vegetation. These findings stress the need to continue developing production modes that effectively preserve soil biodiversity and ecosystem processes, without hampering food production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The concerning of plastic pollution in different ecosystems has been worsened by the widespread presence. Phthalate esters (PAEs), plasticizers found in everyday products, can migrate into the environment, especially into the oceans. Researches on their effects on cetaceans are still rare. Metabolomics helps assess perturbations induced by exposure to PAEs, which act as persistent endocrine disruptors. Four PAEs (dimethyl phthalate - DMP, diethyl phthalate - DEP, dibutyl phthalate - DBP, and di(2-ethylhexyl phthalate - DEHP) were analyzed, along with cholesterol and fatty acid profiles of P. blainvillei\'s blubber samples collected in southern Brazil. The study reveals pervasive contamination by PAEs - especially DEHP, present in all samples - with positive correlations between DEP content and animal size and weight, as well as between the DEHP amount and the C17:1 fatty acid. These findings will be relevant to conservation efforts aimed at this threatened species and overall marine ecosystems.





