Anisakid nematodes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anisakidosis, caused by anisakid larvae, is an important fish-borne zoonosis. This study aimed to summarize the prevalence of anisakid infection in fish in China. A systematic review and meta-analysis were performed using five bibliographic databases (PubMed, CNKI, ScienceDirect, WanFang, and VIP Chinese Journal Databases). A total of 40 articles related to anisakid infection in fish in China were finally included. Anisakid nematodes were prevalent in a wide range of fish species, and the overall pooled prevalence of anisakid nematodes in fish in China was 45.5%. Fresh fish had the highest prevalence rate (58.1%). The highest prevalence rate was observed in Eastern China (55.3%), and fish from East China Sea showed the highest prevalence of anisakid nematodes (76.8%). Subgroup analysis by sampling year suggested that the infection rate was higher during the years 2001-2011 (51.0%) than the other periods. Analysis of study quality revealed that the middle-quality studies reported the highest prevalence (59.9%). Compared with other seasons, winter had the highest prevalence (81.8%). The detection rate of anisakid nematodes in muscle was lower (7.8%, 95% CI: 0.0-37.6) than in other fish organs. Our findings suggested that anisakid infection was still common among fish in China. We recommend avoiding eating raw or undercooked fish. Region, site of infection, fish status and quality level were the main risk factors, and a continuous monitoring of anisakid infection in fish in China is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anisakid nematode larvae (NL) in fish products comprise a risk to human health and, if visible, lead to the rejection of these products by consumers. Therefore, great efforts are being made for the identification of these anisakid larvae to estimate the potential consumer health risk as well as to develop effective detection methods in order to prevent the introduction of heavily infected fish products into the market. The tasks of national reference laboratories include the improvement of detection methods and to promote their further development. As a prerequisite for improved detection, it is important to understand the structural properties of anisakid NL and compounds produced during host-parasite interactions. This review provides an overview of the intrinsic properties of anisakid NL and reports the latest detection methods in published literature. First, in order to define the potentially interesting intrinsic properties of anisakid nematodes for their detection, anatomy and compounds involved in host-parasite interactions are summarised. These can be used for various detection approaches, such as in the medical field or for allergen detection in fish products. In addition, fluorescence characteristics and their use as both established and promising candidates for detection methods, especially in the field of optical sensing technologies, are presented. Finally, different detection and identification methods applied by the fish processing industries and by control laboratories are listed. The review intends to highlight trends and provide suggestions for the development of improved detection and identification methods of anisakid NL in fish products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anisakiasis is a gastrointestinal disease caused by parasitic anisakid nematodes, mainly Anisakis simplex sensu stricto (A. simplex). Anisakiasis is prevalent in Japan and approximately 40% of anisakiasis cases in Tokyo occur through the consumption of raw or marinated mackerel. However, in 2018, there was a sudden increase in the number of the food poisoning cases in Tokyo caused by consumption of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis). Therefore, we investigated anisakiasis cases resulting from ingestion of skipjack tuna in Tokyo, and surveyed the presence of Anisakis larvae in skipjack tuna in 2018 and 2019. Nineteen samples from 15 patients (13 in 2018 and 2 in 2019) with anisakiasis surely caused by ingestion of skipjack tuna were all identified as A. simplex. The higher mean abundance of Anisakis simplex larvae in skipjack tuna muscle in May 2018 (1.30; 13 larvae/10 fishes) compared to that in the other periods was regarded as a contributing factor in the increase in anisakiasis cases by ingesting skipjack tuna in 2018. To verify whether Anisakis larvae migrate from the visceral organs to the muscle during the period from fishing on the boat until processing for sale, the number of Anisakis larvae in skipjack tuna caught from August to November 2018 was investigated by removing the visceral organs at three different timings, i.e., immediately after catching, after landing, and after transport to the laboratory. Anisakis larvae were detected in the muscle irrespective of the timings at which visceral organs were removed. All larvae from the muscle were detected only from the ventral part and were identified as A. simplex. We thus consider that avoiding raw consumption of the ventral muscle should be an effective measure to prevent anisakiasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) are the only native cetacean species in the German North and Baltic Seas and the final host of Anisakis (A.) simplex, which infects their first and second gastric compartments and may cause chronic ulcerative gastritis. Anisakis simplex belongs to the family Anisakidae (Ascaridoidea, Rhabditida) as well as the phocine gastric nematode species Pseudoterranova (P.) decipiens and Contracaecum (C.) osculatum. These nematode species are the main causative agents for the zoonosis anisakidosis. The taxonomy of these genus with life cycles including crustaceans and commercially important fish is complex because of the formation of sibling species. Little is known about anisakid species infecting porpoises in the study area. Mature nematodes and larval stages are often identifiable only by molecular methods due to high morphological and genetic similarity. The restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method is an alternative to sequencing and was applied to identify anisakid nematodes found in harbour porpoises from the North Sea, Baltic Sea and North Atlantic to species level for the first time. In the study areas, five gastric nematodes from different harbour porpoise hosts were selected to be investigated with restriction enzymes HinfI, RsaI and HaeIII, which were able to differentiate several anisakid nematode species by characteristic banding patterns. Anisakis simplex s. s. was the dominant species found in the North Sea and Baltic porpoises, identified by all three restriction enzymes. Additionally, a hybrid of A. simplex s. s. and A. pegreffii was determined by HinfI in the North Sea samples. Within the North Atlantic specimens, A. simplex s. s., P. decipiens s. s. and Hysterothylacium (H.) aduncum were identified by all enzymes. This demonstrates the value of the RFLP method and the chosen restriction enzymes for the species identification of a broad variety of anisakid nematodes affecting the health of marine mammals.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to its remote and isolated location, Antarctica is home to a unique diversity of species. The harsh conditions have shaped a primarily highly adapted endemic fauna. This includes the notothenioid family Channichthyidae. Their exceptional physiological adaptations have made this family of icefish the focus of many studies. However, studies on their ecology, especially on their parasite fauna, are comparatively rare. Parasites, directly linked to the food chain, can function as biological indicators and provide valuable information on host ecology (e.g., trophic interactions) even in remote habitats with limited accessibility, such as the Southern Ocean. In the present study, channichthyid fish (Champsocephalus gunnari: n = 25, Chaenodraco wilsoni: n = 33, Neopagetopsis ionah: n = 3, Pagetopsis macropterus: n = 4, Pseudochaenichthys georgianus: n = 15) were collected off South Shetland Island, Elephant Island, and the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula (CCAML statistical subarea 48.1). The parasite fauna consisted of 14 genera and 15 species, belonging to the six taxonomic groups including Digenea (four species), Nematoda (four), Cestoda (two), Acanthocephala (one), Hirudinea (three), and Copepoda (one). The stomach contents were less diverse with only Crustacea (Euphausiacea, Amphipoda) recovered from all examined fishes. Overall, 15 new parasite-host records could be established, and possibly a undescribed genotype or even species might exist among the nematodes.







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    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Anisakid nematodes are common parasites of fish, mammals, fish-eating birds, and reptiles with a worldwide distribution, causing diseases in human, fish and important economic losses.
    METHODS: A preliminary epidemiological study was carried out on Anisakid nematodes larvae in some commercially important fish species to evaluate the anisakid nematode larvae from greater lizardfish, (Saurida tumbil), Japanese thread fin bream (Nemipterus japonicus), crocodile longtom (Tylosurus crocodilus crocodiles) and longfin trevally (Carangoides armatus) from the Persian Gulf of Iran.
    RESULTS: The collected larvae were identified mainly as the third larval stage (L3) of Hysterothylacium larval type A, B and C, Anisakis sp., Raphidascaris sp., Pseudoterranova sp. and Philometra sp. (Nematoda: Philometridae). The prevalence of Anisakid larvae infection of examined fishes was 97.2% in N. japonicus, 90.3% in S. tumbil, 20.5% in crocodile longtom and 5.5% in longfin trevally. Anisakis type III for the first time was different from Anisakis type I and Anisakis type II.
    CONCLUSIONS: Zoonotic anisakids by high prevalence in edible fish could be a health hazard for people. So health practices should be considered in these areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anisakiasis/anisakidosis caused by anisakid nematodes is an emerging infectious disease that can cause a wide range of clinical syndromes and are difficult to diagnose and treat in humans. In spite of their significance as pathogens, the systematics, genetics, epidemiology and biology of these parasites remain poorly understood. In the present study, we sequenced the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome of Pseudoterranova azarasi, which is one of the most important zoonotic anisakid parasites. The circular mt genome is 13,954 bp in size and encodes of 36 genes, including 12 protein-coding, 2 ribosomal RNA and 22 transfer RNA genes. The mt gene order of P. azarasi is the same as those of Ascaris spp. (Ascarididae), Toxocara spp. (Toxocaridae) and Anisakis simplex (Anisakidae), but distinct from those of Ascaridia spp. (Ascaridiidae) and Cucullanus robustus (Cucullanidae). Phylogenetic analyses based on concatenated amino acid sequences of 12 protein-coding genes by Bayesian inference (BI) showed that Pseudoterranova were more closely related to Anisakis than they were to Contracaecum with strong a posterior probability support. This mt genome provides a novel genetic markers for exploring cryptic/sibling species and host affiliations, and should have implications for the diagnosis, prevention and control of anisakidosis in humans.





