Animal Structures

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adult moths from framily Spingidae (i.e. hawkmoths or sphinx moths) commonly feed on flower nectar through an extended proboscis, often several centimeters in length and longer than the body of the moth. Feeding on a viscous liquid (nectar) through a long and narrow tube is a challenging fluid dynamic problem and the subject of long-running scientific investigation. Here we characterized the relationship between proboscis submergence depth and nectar drinking rate in Manduca sexta hawkmoths. Video recordings of moth feeding bouts were collected and neural networks were used to extract data by object localization, tracking the location of the nectar meniscus and moths\' proboscis tips. We found that although feeding rates vary among bouts, the variation was not associated with proboscis submergence depth. These results show that despite the theoretical possibility of fluid uptake through the walls of the proboscis, such effects do not have a substantial effect on nectar uptake rate, and suggest that nectar must traverse the full length of the proboscis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper contributes further studies Chinese cave crickets and describes seven new species and the female sex of Rhaphidophora longitabula Bian, Zhu & Shi, 2017. All the specimens are deposited in Guangxi Normal University.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper deals with five species of the genus Homogryllacris Liu, 2007 from China, including one new species, i.e. Homogryllacris nigromacula sp. nov. Morphological illustrations of most species and habitus of the new species are provided. Moreover, one geographical population of Homogryllacris yunnana Shi, Guo & Bian, 2012 and intraspecific variation of Homogryllacris platycis Liu & Bian, 2021 are discussed and illustrated. All specimens examined are deposited in the Museum of Hebei University.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The gryllacridid genus Woznessenskia Gorochov, 2002 comprises 13 extant species from Asia, with 8 species reported from China and 5 species reported from Vietnam. A new species from Xizang, China, Woznessenskia lianhua sp. nov., is reported in this paper.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pseudogonatodes is a poorly known genus of small bodied, diurnal, ground-dwelling geckos widely distributed in northern South America. No additional species have been described in over two decades. Herein we describe a new species from the eastern slope of the Cordillera de Mrida in the Venezuelan Andes. The new species is readily diagnosable morphologically from the other seven recognized species of Pseudogonatodes by having a single postnasal scalea putative autapomorphy. Furthermore, it is characterized by a unique combination of phenotypic characters that includes granular dorsal scales, three large postrostrals, five to six loreals, mental U-shaped, four to six postmentals, 2629 ventrals between anterior levels of fore- and hind limbs, third lamella under fourth toe not distinctly enlarged, and subcaudal pattern 11. In addition to characterizing the external morphology, we present a description of the skull, based on 3D digital models reconstructed from high resolution computed microtomography scans. The discovery of this new species highlights the still underestimated diversity of this group of Neotropical dwarf geckos and underscores the need for further studies on its systematics and taxonomy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The European species Nigrobaetis gracilis (Bogoescu & Tabacaru 1957) and more than 19 Asian and African species of Nigrobaetis Kazlauskas (in Novikova & Kluge) 1987 belong to the subgenus Margobaetis Kang & Yang 1994, which is characterized by peculiar asymmetric eggs and narrow paraglossa of larval labium. A new synonymy is established: Nigrobaetis (Margobaetis) minutus (Mller-Liebenau 1984) = N. paramakalyani Kubendran & Balasubramanian in Kubendran et al. 2015 = N. sumbensis Kaltenbach & Gattolliat 2023, synn.n.; winged stages (male and female imagines and subimagines) and eggs of this species are described for the first time. N. (M.) minutus is widely distributed on Oriental Region, being revealed in West Malaysia, Southern India, Sumba and Sulawesi islands in Indonesia. Winged stages (male and female imagines and subimagines) and eggs of Nigrobaetis (Margobaetis) klugei Sivaruban et al. 2022 are described for the first time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Chisosa Huber, 2000 previously included only three species of small to tiny North American and Caribbean spiders that are rare in collections and poorly studied. Originally placed in the subfamily Ninetinae, Chisosa is currently considered a representative of Arteminae, close to the North American genus Physocyclus Simon, 1893. This placement has been suggested by molecular data, and it affects the interpretation of morphological characters that were originally thought to support the monophyly of Chisosa: they are shared with Physocyclus and thus plesiomorphic for Chisosa. Here we describe a new species from Mexico, C. calapa sp. nov., and restudy in detail the morphology (incl. ultrastructure) of the type species C. diluta (Gertsch & Mulaik, 1940) and of C. caquetio Huber, 2019, based on newly collected material. We document further similarities with Physocyclus but find only weak morphological support for the monophyly of Chisosa (body size reduction and short legs). In addition, we document surprisingly large genetic distances among C. caquetio specimens from Curaao (>14% CO1 K2P distances), possibly indicating species limits. Finally, we propose that the Dominican amber genus Serratochorus Wunderlich, 1988, based on a single male specimen, is also phylogenetically close to Chisosa and should be included in future studies on these enigmatic spiders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study provides a comprehensive account of 40 species (52 valid names and one preoccupied name) of the genus Nemophora Hoffmannsegg, 1798 described or recorded from Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. A key to the species based on external characters and on male genitalia is provided; 14 new species are described: N. auricapitella Kozlov, sp. nov., N. chalcoptera Kozlov, sp. nov., N. karsholti Kozlov, sp. nov., N. kuznetzovi Kozlov, sp. nov., N. meyi Kozlov, sp. nov., N. nielseni Kozlov, sp. nov., N. nieukerkeni Kozlov, sp. nov., N. nigripunctella Kozlov, sp. nov., N. punctifasciella Kozlov, sp. nov., N. rubicunda Kozlov, sp. nov., N. szabokyi Kozlov, sp. nov., N. thailandensis Kozlov, sp. nov., N. vietnamensis Kozlov, sp. nov. and N. yeni Kozlov, sp. nov. Lectotypes are designated for four species, including one junior synonym: Nemotois diplophragma Meyrick, 1938, Nemotois sinicella Walker, 1863, Nemotois cleodoxa Meyrick, 1922 and Adela satrapodes Meyrick, 1894. Eight new synonyms for four species are proposed: Nemophora badagongshana Liao, Hirowatari & Huang in Liao, Hirowatari, Yagi, Wang, Wang & Huang, 2023, syn. nov. of Nemophora aurifera (Butler, 1881); Nemotois chrysocharis Caradja, 1938, syn. nov. of Nemophora sinicella (Walker, 1863); Nemotois diplophragma Meyrick, 1938, syn. nov. of Nemophora melichlorias (Meyrick, 1907); Nemophora basalistriata Liao, Hirowatari & Huang in Liao, Hirowatari, Yagi, Wang, Wang & Huang, 2023, syn. nov. of Nemophora melichlorias (Meyrick, 1907); Nemotois limenites Meyrick, 1914, syn. nov. of Nemophora aurifera (Butler, 1881); Nemophora quadrata Liao, Hirowatari & Huang in Liao, Hirowatari, Yagi, Wang, Wang & Huang, 2023, syn. nov. of Nemophora aurifera (Butler, 1881); Nemotois rubrofascia formosicola Matsumura, 1931, syn. nov. of Nemophora sakaii (Matsumura, 1931); Nemotois servata Meyrick in Caradja, 1925, syn. nov. of Nemophora aurifera (Butler, 1881). Four new combinationsare introduced: Nemophora aglaospila (Meyrick, 1928), comb. nov.; Nemophora cleodoxa (Meyrick, 1922), comb. nov.; Nemophora melichlorias (Meyrick, 1907), comb. nov.; and Nemophora sinicella (Walker, 1863), comb. nov. Of 40 species considered, 16 were recorded in Myanmar, 21 in Thailand, 4 in Laos, 4 in Cambodia and 13 in Vietnam.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Odontogryllini is a tribe of ground-dwelling crickets exclusive to America. After several taxonomic rearrangements, this tribe has five genera and 23 species now placed in the subfamily Landrevinae. These crickets have dorsoventrally depressed bodies and are moderately to densely covered with bristles. The males may bear tegminal, metanotal, or tergal glands. In this contribution, we discuss the taxonomic status and the morphological features of Odontogryllini and the other two tribes of Landrevinae: Landrevini and Prolandrevini. The presence of dorsal spines between the outer spurs of the hind tibia distinguishes Odontogryllini from Prolandrevini, and the straight or slightly arcuate but never S-shaped stridulum from Landrevini. We also propose the enlarged and plate-like rami as a diagnostic characteristic to distinguish Odontogryllini from Landrevini. Additionally, we describe a new species of the genus Xulavuna de Mello & Campos from the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest, named Xulavuna krenakore sp. nov..






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aberrations involving the metasoma in Hymenoptera are well-documented, with one notable teratological case being the fusion of metasomal terga, named symphysomery. This aberration, characterized by the fusion of the second and third terga, has been observed in various species groups of Hedychridium, spanning from Southern Africa to Central Asia. Similar aberrations were noted in Prochridium Linsenmaier from Mongolia and Anachrysis Krombein from Southern Africa. The monotypic genus Oligogaster Soliman & Kimsey is distinguished by two visible metasomal terga. However, the sole specimen of Oligogaster kimseyae Soliman, the type species of the genus, is here considered an aberrant specimen affected by symphysomery, exhibiting the fusion of the second and third metasomal terga. Consequently, Oligogaster Soliman & Kimsey is here synonymized with Hedychridium Abeille de Perrin.





