Análisis bibliométrico

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Bibliometric analysis allow the quantitative evaluation of the characteristics of a scientific publication.
    OBJECTIVE: To perform a bibliometric analysis of original articles in the journal Enfermería Intensiva from 2001 to 2020.
    RESULTS: The journal Enfermería Intensiva has published, between 2001 and 2020, 438 works, of which 259 are original articles (59.1%). These original articles are mostly quantitative studies (76.1%), with an average of 30.5 bibliographic references (SD 13.9), 4.9 citations (SD 1.7) in the Web of Science and Scopus repertoires, and 15,489.5 visits/downloads (median 9090 and interquartile range 4567-15,260) according to information on the magazine\'s website. These originals have been signed by 1345 authors, which represents a collaboration index of 5.2. 78.0% of the authors are sporadic, having published only one work. Most of the articles come from authors who work in institutionally located in hospitals and university centers, and geographically in the Communities of Madrid, Cataluña, Navarra and Andalucía.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is little international, regional and institutional collaboration, producing the highest level of collaboration between authors from the same center. The journal has established itself in the panorama of scientific nursing research in Spain and shows bibliometric indicators similar or even superior to other publications in its environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Analyze the thematic lines of the articles and reviews published between 2015 and 2019 in the journals indexed in the \"Primary Health Care\" category of the Journal Citation Reports.
    METHODS: Observational bibliometric study. The bibliographic records of the Web of Science were identified and the frequencies of appearance of the thematic descriptors and their co-occurrence in the documents included in the study were analyzed. In addition to the global analysis, the reviews, the most cited documents, those published in 2015, and those published in 2019 were analyzed separately. Descriptors were classified by thematic clusters using the Current Canadian Index scale and clinical publications were analyzed using the second edition of the International Classification of Primary Care.
    RESULTS: A total of 16,444 descriptors were identified in the 7,453 documents analyzed. The most frequent descriptors focus on: diagnosis, prevalence, management, risks, care practice and the figure of the health professional. In the most cited documents, terms with specific themes were used: depression, intervention, satisfaction, quality, therapy, research-based practice. In 2019, there were a greater number of publications focused on epidemiology, clinic, research and provision of services. From a clinical point of view, studies on psychological and mental health problems, nervous system, social problems, palliative care and cancer increased in 2019.
    CONCLUSIONS: The analysis carried out identifies the relevant thematic lines in primary care journals, highlighting the diagnosis and prevalence of diseases, the management of pathologies and their associated risks, as well as clinical practice and the figure of the health professional.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the increasing prevalence of hypospadias has been reported in many countries, there is a lack of bibliometric studies that make a holistic assessment of the publications about this issue. This study aims to make a holistic evaluation, latest developments, and trend topics about hypospadias publications between 1980 and 2018 through bibliometric analysis.
    All the publications about hypospadias published in the Web of Science index between 1980 and 2018 were downloaded and analyzed using bibliometric methods. The Spearman\'s correlation coefficient was utilized to analyze the correlations between economic productivity and performance of the countries on hypospadias. Linear regression analysis was performed to estimate the number of publications for the following years.
    Bibliometric analyses were performed with 1940 articles. With 527 (27.2%) publications, the USA was the country that made the most contribution to the literature. The top active 3 journals were the Journal of Urology, Journal of Pediatric Urology, and Urology. A high correlation was detected between hypospadias publication productivity and GDP (r=0.791, p<0.001). The regression analysis results showed that the expected number of articles to be produced was 95 (75-116) for 2019 and 106 (47-164) for 2024.
    This study provides a holistic evaluation of the articles about hypospadias, which is an anomaly that should be repaired and treated with surgery due to its potential problems for the children at kindergarten and school age. Increasing the collaboration between especially developing countries and research in different countries with samples from different communities through multidisciplinary studies are recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gender inequality exists in scientific publications. The aim of this study was to determine changing patterns in gender differences and factors associated with the positioning of authors\' names in original articles published in Archivos de Bronconeumología (AB).
    We performed a bibliometric study of articles published in AB between 2001 and 2018. Author gender was analysed in four scenarios: first author, last author, middle authors, and mentee authors. Comparisons were made by authors\' specialties, funding received, multicentre studies, specialist areas, and others. Multivariate models adjusted for the percentage of registered physicians in the Spanish health system were created to predict the female gender of the first, middle, and last author.
    A total of 828 publications were analysed in which women appeared as first authors in 286 (34.5%) and last authors in 169 (20.4%). A gradual increase in women as first authors was observed (P = .0001), but not as last authors (P = .570). Overall, the average number of female authors increased over time (from 1.6 ± 1.4 in 2001-2005 to 3.3 ± 2.3 in 2016-2018, P = .0001), with no differences in male averages. The adjusted multivariate models reflected a positive bi-directional relationship between the first author and the middle authors, and a negative association between the first author being Spanish and the last author being female (OR 0.57; 95% CI 0.36-0.88, P = .012).
    Gender differences were found in various aspects of authorship in AB, summarized by a greater participation of women as first and intermediate authors, but not as last authors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Argentine science has played an important role in the study of blood pressure. However, this scientific production has not been classified. We set out (1) to analyse the contribution of scientific publications indexed in MEDLINE of authors with Argentinean academic affiliation in the field of blood pressure and hypertension in the last 50 years and, (2) determine the characteristics of the scientific journals in which they were published.
    METHODS: The 831 indexed MEDLINE publications by authors from Argentina were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively (period 1966-2017).
    RESULTS: The number of publications has increased 5.4 times in the last 20 years. Eighty percent of the publications were original manuscripts and 15% reviews. Sixty-five percent of the publications addressed clinical research, 33% basic research. The average authors per paper was 6 (89% as first author), 74% belonged to public institutions. The research was published in journals published in the United States (36%), the United Kingdom (27%), the Netherlands (12%), Spain (6%) and Argentina (4%). Eighteen percent of the publications were in journals with impact factor >3.88 (first quartile). Only 5% accessed journals with a factor ≥10. The average SJR index was 1.66.
    CONCLUSIONS: Argentine scientific production in MEDLINE in the field of blood pressure and hypertension showed constant growth. The vast majority is original research, directed by researchers with affiliation to public institutions. Foreign journals are accessed in the main, with acceptable quality indexes.





