
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is involved in the regulation of granulosa cell function in female animals, its role in tissues other than ovarian follicles remains poorly understood. It has also been suggested that cows with high circulating AMH concentrations have increased fertility; however, the mechanism has not been elucidated. This study was conducted to identify the presence of the AMH-signaling system and its target cells in the bovine corpus luteum formed from an ovulated follicle. Immunoblotting revealed that the proteolytically cleaved C-terminal region in AMH (AMHC), a biologically active peptide, was present in trace amounts in the early corpus luteum and significantly increased during the mid to regressed stages. AMHC and cleaved N-terminal region (AMHN) in AMH generate a noncovalent isoform that improves the activity of AMH signaling. An immunohistochemical analysis revealed that AMHC, AMHN, and type II AMH receptor (AMHR2) were localized to luteal cells during the entire estrous cycle. AMH in the corpus luteum seemed to be newly synthesized since AMH expression was detected. These findings suggest that AMH signaling is involved in the regulation of luteal cell function through an autocrine and post-translational processing mechanism. The level of AMHR2 and mRNA expression of AMHR2 and type I AMH receptors (activin-like kinase 2, 3, and 6) were highest in the mid stage. Thus, AMH signaling in the corpus luteum may also be regulated by changes in the receptor levels. Since the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily, to which AMH belongs, is a multifunctional polypeptide growth factor, further studies are needed to evaluate whether AMH signaling has a role in facilitating or inhibiting luteal cell functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Müllerian ducts are paired embryonic tubes that give rise to the female reproductive tract. In humans, the Müllerian ducts differentiate into the Fallopian tubes, uterus and upper portion of the vagina. In birds and reptiles, the Müllerian ducts develop into homologous structures, the oviducts. The genetic and hormonal regulation of duct development is a model for understanding sexual differentiation. In males, the ducts typically undergo regression during embryonic life, under the influence of testis-derived Anti-Müllerian Hormone, AMH. In females, a lack of AMH during embryogenesis allows the ducts to differentiate into the female reproductive tract. In the chicken embryo, a long-standing model for development and sexual differentiation, Müllerian duct development in females in asymmetric. Only the left duct forms an oviduct, coincident with ovary formation only on the left side of the body. The right duct, together with the right gonad, becomes vestigial. The mechanism of this avian asymmetry has never been fully resolved, but is thought to involve local interplay between AMH and sex steroid hormones. This mini-review re-visits the topic, highlighting questions in the field and proposing a testable model for asymmetric duct development. We argue that current molecular and imaging techniques will shed new light on this curious asymmetry. Information on asymmetric duct development in the chicken model will inform our understanding of sexual differentiation in vertebrates more broadly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of the DMRT family in male sex determination and differentiation is significant, but its regulatory role in spotted knifejaw with Y fusion chromosomes remains unclear. Through genome-wide scanning, transcriptome analysis, qPCR, FISH, and RNA interference (RNAi), we investigated the DMRT family and the dmrt1-based sex regulation network. Seven DMRTs were identified (DMRT1/2 (2a,2b)/6, DMRT4/5, DMRT3), and dmrt gene dispersion among chromosomes is possibly driven by three whole-genome duplications. Transcriptome analysis enriched genes were associated with sex regulation and constructed a network associated with dmrt1. qPCR and FISH results showed the expression dimorphism of sex-related genes in dmrt-related regulatory networks. RNAi experiments indicated a distinct sex regulation mode in spotted knifejaw. Dmrt1 knockdown upregulated male-related genes (sox9a, sox9b, dmrt1, amh, amhr2) and hsd11b2 expression, which is critical for androgen synthesis. Amhr2 is located on the heterozygous chromosome (Y) and is specifically localized in primary spermatocytes, and is extremely upregulated after dmrt1 knockdown which suggested besides the important role of dmrt1 in male differentiation, the amhr2 along with amhr2/amh system, also play important regulatory roles in maintaining high expression of the hsd11b2 and male differentiation. This study aims to further investigate sex regulatory mechanisms in species with fusion chromosomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons are key neuroendocrine cells in the brain as they control reproduction by regulating hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis function. In this context, anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), growth hormone (GH), and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) were shown to improve GnRH neuron migration and function in vitro. Whether AMH, GH, and IGF1 signaling pathways participate in the development and function of GnRH neurons in vivo is, however, currently still unknown. To assess the role of AMH, GH, and IGF1 systems in the development of GnRH neuron, we evaluated the expression of AMH receptors (AMHR2), GH (GHR), and IGF1 (IGF1R) on sections of ex vivo mice at different development stages. The expression of AMHR2, GHR, and IGF1R was assessed by immunofluorescence using established protocols and commercial antibodies. The head sections of mice were analyzed at E12.5, E14.5, and E18.5. In particular, at E12.5, we focused on the neurogenic epithelium of the vomeronasal organ (VNO), where GnRH neurons, migratory mass cells, and the pioneering vomeronasal axon give rise. At E14.5, we focused on the VNO and nasal forebrain junction (NFJ), the two regions where GnRH neurons originate and migrate to the hypothalamus, respectively. At E18.5, the median eminence, which is the hypothalamic area where GnRH is released, was analyzed. At E12.5, double staining for the neuronal marker ß-tubulin III and AMHR2, GHR, or IGF1R revealed a signal in the neurogenic niches of the olfactory and VNO during early embryo development. Furthermore, IGF1R and GHR were expressed by VNO-emerging GnRH neurons. At E14.5, a similar expression pattern was found for the neuronal marker ß-tubulin III, while the expression of IGF1R and GHR began to decline, as also observed at E18.5. Of note, hypothalamic GnRH neurons labeled for PLXND1 tested positive for AMHR2 expression. Ex vivo experiments on mouse sections revealed differential protein expression patterns for AMHR2, GHR, and IGF1R at any time point in development between neurogenic areas and hypothalamic compartments. These findings suggest a differential functional role of related systems in the development of GnRH neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer-associated mesothelial cells (CAMCs) in the tumor microenvironment are thought to promote growth and immune evasion. We find that, in mouse and human ovarian tumors, cancer cells express anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) while CAMCs express its receptor AMHR2, suggesting a paracrine axis. Factors secreted by cancer cells induce AMHR2 expression during their reprogramming into CAMCs in mouse and human in vitro models. Overexpression of AMHR2 in the Met5a mesothelial cell line is sufficient to induce expression of immunosuppressive cytokines and growth factors that stimulate ovarian cancer cell growth in an AMH-dependent way. Finally, syngeneic cancer cells implanted in transgenic mice with Amhr2-/- CAMCs grow significantly slower than in wild-type hosts. The cytokine profile of Amhr2-/- tumor-bearing mice is altered and their tumors express less immune checkpoint markers programmed-cell-death 1 (PD1) and cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA4). Taken together, these data suggest that the AMH/AMHR2 axis plays a critical role in regulating the pro-tumoral function of CAMCs in ovarian cancer.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 28-year-old man with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) was found to be heterozygous for the GNRH1 p.R31C mutation, reported in the literature as pathogenic and dominant. The same mutation was found in his son at birth, but the testing of the infant at 64 days confirmed the hormonal changes associated with minipuberty. This led to further genetic sequencing of the patient and his son, which found a second variant, AMHR2 p.G445_L453del, in the heterozygous form, reported as pathogenic in the patient but not in his son. This suggests a digenic cause of the patient\'s CHH. Together, these mutations are postulated to contribute to CHH by the lack of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) signalling, leading to the impaired migration of gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons, the lack of the AMH effect on GnRH secretion, and altered GnRH decapeptide with reduced binding to GnRH receptors. This led us to the conclusion that the observed GNRH1 mutation in the heterozygous state is not certain to be dominant or, at least, exhibits incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity. This report also emphasises the opportunity afforded by the time window of minipuberty in assessing the inherited genetic disorders of hypothalamic function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The anti-Müllerian hormone (Amh) is a protein belonging to the TGF-β superfamily, the function of which has been considered important for male sex differentiation in vertebrates. The Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) is a teleost fish that has an XX/XY sex determination system and temperature-dependent sex determination. In this species, amh expression is up-regulated in genetic males and in temperature-induced masculinization during the sex differentiation period. However, to the best of our knowledge, no reports on the Amh receptor (Amhr2) in flounder have been published, and the details of Amh signaling remain unclear. In this study, we produced amhr2-deficient mutants using the CRISPR/Cas9 system and analyzed the gonadal phenotypes and sex-related genes. The results revealed that the gonads of genetically male amhr2 mutants featured typical ovaries, and the sex differentiation-related genes showed a female expression pattern. Thus, the loss of Amhr2 function causes male-to-female sex reversal in Japanese flounder. Moreover, the treatment of genetically male amhr2 mutants with an aromatase inhibitor fadrozole, which inhibits estrogen synthesis, resulted in testicular formation. These results strongly suggest that Amh/Amhr2 signaling causes masculinization by inhibiting estrogen synthesis during gonadal sex differentiation in the flounder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis in mice results from an abrupt loss of ovarian sex steroids. Anti-Müllerian hormone knockout (AMHKO) mice show a gradual but accelerated ovarian aging, and therefore may better resemble osteoporosis following natural menopause. To study the impact of AMH signaling deficiency on bone, we compared trabecular and cortical bone parameters in 2-, 4-, 10- and 16-month-old male and female wild type (WT), AMHKO and AMH type II receptor knockout (MRKI) mice using microCT. Goldner\'s staining was performed to confirm the observed bone phenotype. Both male and female AMHKO and MRKI mice showed an age-dependent loss of trabecular bone (P < 0.001). However, reproductive-aged female AMHKO and MRKI mice had a higher BV/TV compared to WT (P < 0.001), coinciding with increased growing follicle numbers (P < 0.05), increased estrus inhibin B levels (AMHKO: P < 0.001; MRKI: P < 0.05), but normal inhibin A, estrogen and progesterone levels. In aged female AMHKO and MRKI mice BV/TV did not differ from WT mice due to greater trabecular bone loss between 10 and 16 months compared to WT mice. At these ages, AMHKO and MRKI mice had reduced growing follicle numbers (P < 0.05), and reduced Inhibin B levels (P < 0.001). At 10 months of age, female MRKI mice had increased cortical bone parameters compared to WT mice (P < 0.01). Bone parameters of male AMHKO and MRKI mice did not differ from male WT mice. In conclusion, AMH signaling deficiency results in a sex- and age-dependent effect on predominantly trabecular bone. Our results further suggest that reproductive hormones beyond estrogen may contribute to bone homeostasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphogenesis of the female reproductive tract is regulated by the mesenchyme. However, the identity of the mesenchymal lineage that directs the morphogenesis of the female reproductive tract has not been determined. Using in vivo genetic cell ablation, we identified Amhr2+ mesenchyme as an essential mesenchymal population in patterning the female reproductive tract. After partial ablation of Amhr2+ mesenchymal cells, the oviduct failed to develop its characteristic coiling due to decreased epithelial proliferation and tubule elongation during development. The uterus displayed a reduction in size and showed decreased cellular proliferation in both epithelial and mesenchymal compartments. More importantly, in the uterus, partial ablation of Amhr2+ mesenchyme caused abnormal lumen shape and altered the direction of its long axis from the dorsal-ventral axis to the left-right axis (i.e., perpendicular to the dorsal-ventral axis). Despite these morphological defects, epithelia underwent normal differentiation into secretory and ciliated cells in the oviduct and glandular epithelial cells in the uterus. These results demonstrated that Amhr2+ mesenchyme can direct female reproductive tract morphogenesis by regulating epithelial proliferation and lumen shape without affecting the differentiation of epithelial cell types.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leydig cells produce testosterone and insulin-like 3, two hormones essential for male sex differentiation and reproductive function. The orphan nuclear receptor, chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor type II (COUP-TFII), and the zinc finger factor GATA4 are two transcription factors involved in Leydig cell differentiation, gene expression, and function.
    Several Leydig cell gene promoters contain binding motifs for both GATA factors and nuclear receptors. The goal of the present study is to determine whether GATA4 and COUP-TFII cooperate to regulate gene expression in Leydig cells.
    The transcriptomes from GATA4- and COUP-TFII-depleted MA-10 Leydig cells were analyzed using bioinformatic tools. Functional cooperation between GATA4 and COUP-TFII, and other related family members, was assessed by transient transfections in Leydig (MA-10 and MLTC-1) and fibroblast (CV-1) cell lines on several gene promoters. Recruitment of GATA4 and COUP-TFII to gene promoters was investigated by chromatin immunoprecipitation. Co-immunoprecipitation was used to determine whether GATA4 and COUP-TFII interact in MA-10 Leydig cells.
    Transcriptomic analyses of GATA4- and COUP-TFII-depleted MA-10 Leydig cells revealed 44 commonly regulated genes including the anti-Müllerian hormone receptor type (Amhr2) gene. GATA4 and COUP-TFII independently activated the Amhr2 promoter, and their combination led to a stronger activation. A GC-rich element, located in the proximal Amhr2 promoter was found to be essential for GATA4- and COUP-TFII-dependent activation as well as for the COUP-TFII/GATA4 cooperation. COUP-TFII and GATA4 directly interacted in MA-10 Leydig cell extracts. Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed that GATA4 and COUP-TFII are recruited to the proximal Amhr2 promoter, which contains binding sites for both factors in addition to the GC-rich element. Cooperation between COUP-TFII and GATA6, but not GATA1 and GATA3, was also observed.
    Our results establish the importance of physical and functional cooperation between COUP-TFII/GATA4 in the regulation of gene expression in MA-10 Leydig cells, and more specifically the Amhr2 gene.





