
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transcription factor EHF is highly expressed in the lactating mammary gland, but its role in mammary development and tumorigenesis is not fully understood. Utilizing a mouse model of Ehf deletion, herein, we demonstrate that loss of Ehf impairs mammary lobuloalveolar differentiation at late pregnancy, indicated by significantly reduced levels of milk genes and milk lipids, fewer differentiated alveolar cells, and an accumulation of alveolar progenitor cells. Further, deletion of Ehf increased proliferative capacity and attenuated prolactin-induced alveolar differentiation in mammary organoids. Ehf deletion also increased tumor incidence in the MMTV-PyMT mammary tumor model and increased the proliferative capacity of mammary tumor organoids, while low EHF expression was associated with higher tumor grade and poorer outcome in luminal A and basal human breast cancers. Collectively, these findings establish EHF as a non-redundant regulator of mammary alveolar differentiation and a putative suppressor of mammary tumorigenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alveologenesis, the final stage in lung development, substantially remodels the distal lung, expanding the alveolar surface area for efficient gas exchange. Secondary crest myofibroblasts (SCMF) exist transiently in the neonatal distal lung and are crucial for alveologenesis. However, the pathways that regulate SCMF function, proliferation and temporal identity remain poorly understood. To address this, we purified SCMFs from reporter mice, performed bulk RNA-seq and found dynamic changes in Hippo-signaling components during alveologenesis. We deleted the Hippo effectors Yap/Taz from Acta2-expressing cells at the onset of alveologenesis, causing a significant arrest in alveolar development. Using single cell RNA-seq, we identified a distinct cluster of cells in mutant lungs with altered expression of marker genes associated with proximal mesenchymal cell types, airway smooth muscle and alveolar duct myofibroblasts. In vitro studies confirmed that Yap/Taz regulates myofibroblast-associated gene signature and contractility. Together, our findings show that Yap/Taz is essential for maintaining functional myofibroblast identity during postnatal alveologenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alveologenesis is the final stage of lung development in which the internal surface area of the lung is increased to facilitate efficient gas exchange in the mature organism. The first phase of alveologenesis involves the formation of septal ridges (secondary septae) and the second phase involves thinning of the alveolar septa. Within secondary septa, mesenchymal cells include a transient population of alveolar myofibroblasts (MyoFBs) and a stable but poorly described population of lipid-rich cells that have been referred to as lipofibroblasts or matrix fibroblasts (MatFBs). Using a unique Fgf18CreER lineage trace mouse line, cell sorting, single-cell RNA sequencing and primary cell culture, we have identified multiple subtypes of mesenchymal cells in the neonatal lung, including an immature progenitor cell that gives rise to mature MyoFB. We also show that the endogenous and targeted ROSA26 locus serves as a sensitive reporter for MyoFB maturation. These studies identify a MyoFB differentiation program that is distinct from other mesenchymal cell types and increases the known repertoire of mesenchymal cell types in the neonatal lung.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Alveologenesis is the final stage of lung development in which the internal surface area of the lung is increased to facilitate efficient gas exchange in the mature organism. The first phase of alveologenesis involves the formation of septal ridges (secondary septae) and the second phase involves thinning of the alveolar septa. Within secondary septa, mesenchymal cells include a transient population of alveolar myofibroblasts (MyoFB) and a stable but poorly described population of lipid rich cells that have been referred to as lipofibroblasts or matrix fibroblasts (MatFB). Using a unique Fgf18CreER lineage trace mouse line, cell sorting, single cell RNA sequencing, and primary cell culture, we have identified multiple subtypes of mesenchymal cells in the neonatal lung, including an immature progenitor cell that gives rise to mature MyoFB. We also show that the endogenous and targeted ROSA26 locus serves as a sensitive reporter for MyoFB maturation. These studies identify a myofibroblast differentiation program that is distinct form other mesenchymal cells types and increases the known repertoire of mesenchymal cell types in the neonatal lung.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite advances in treatment options, such as corticosteroid administration and less invasive respiratory support, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) remains an important prognostic factor in preterm infants. We previously reported that furin regulates changes in lung smooth muscle cell phenotypes, suggesting that it plays a critical role in BPD pathogenesis. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to evaluate whether it regulates the alveolarization of immature lungs through activating alveolarization-driving proteins. We first examined furin expression levels, and its functions, using an established hyperoxia-induced BPD mouse model. Thereafter, we treated mice pups, as well as primary myofibroblast cell cultures, with furin inhibitors. Finally, we administered the hyperoxia-exposed mice pups with recombinant furin. Immunofluorescence revealed the co-expression of furin with alpha-smooth muscle actin. Hyperoxia exposure for 10 d decreased alveolar formation, as well as the expression of furin and its target, IGF-1R. Hexa-D-arginine administration also significantly inhibited alveolar formation. Another furin inhibitor, decanoyl-RVKR-chloromethylketone, accumulated pro-IGF-1R, and decreased IGF-1R phosphorylation in myofibroblast primary cultures. Finally, recombinant furin treatment significantly improved alveolarization in hyperoxia-exposed mice pups. Furin regulates alveolarization in immature lungs. Therefore, this study provides novel insights regarding the involvement of furin in BPD pathogenesis, and highlights a potential treatment target for ameliorating the impact of BPD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alveolar development and repair require tight spatiotemporal regulation of numerous signalling pathways that are influenced by chemical and mechanical stimuli. Mesenchymal cells play key roles in numerous developmental processes. Transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) is essential for alveologenesis and lung repair, and the G protein α subunits Gαq and Gα11 (Gαq/11) transmit mechanical and chemical signals to activate TGFβ in epithelial cells. To understand the role of mesenchymal Gαq/11 in lung development, we generated constitutive (Pdgfrb-Cre+/-;Gnaqfl/fl;Gna11-/-) and inducible (Pdgfrb-Cre/ERT2+/-;Gnaqfl/fl;Gna11-/-) mesenchymal Gαq/11 deleted mice. Mice with constitutive Gαq/11 gene deletion exhibited abnormal alveolar development, with suppressed myofibroblast differentiation, altered mesenchymal cell synthetic function, and reduced lung TGFβ2 deposition, as well as kidney abnormalities. Tamoxifen-induced mesenchymal Gαq/11 gene deletion in adult mice resulted in emphysema associated with reduced TGFβ2 and elastin deposition. Cyclical mechanical stretch-induced TGFβ activation required Gαq/11 signalling and serine protease activity, but was independent of integrins, suggesting an isoform-specific role for TGFβ2 in this model. These data highlight a previously undescribed mechanism of cyclical stretch-induced Gαq/11-dependent TGFβ2 signalling in mesenchymal cells, which is imperative for normal alveologenesis and maintenance of lung homeostasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lung development is precisely controlled by underlying gene regulatory networks (GRN). Disruption of genes in the network can interrupt normal development and cause diseases such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) - a chronic lung disease in preterm infants with morbid and sometimes lethal consequences characterized by lung immaturity and reduced alveolarization. Here, we generated a transgenic mouse exhibiting a moderate severity BPD phenotype by blocking IGF1 signaling in secondary crest myofibroblasts (SCMF) at the onset of alveologenesis. Using approaches mirroring the construction of the model GRN in sea urchin\'s development, we constructed the IGF1 signaling network underlying alveologenesis using this mouse model that phenocopies BPD. The constructed GRN, consisting of 43 genes, provides a bird\'s eye view of how the genes downstream of IGF1 are regulatorily connected. The GRN also reveals a mechanistic interpretation of how the effects of IGF1 signaling are transduced within SCMF from its specification genes to its effector genes and then from SCMF to its neighboring alveolar epithelial cells with WNT5A and FGF10 signaling as the bridge. Consistently, blocking WNT5A signaling in mice phenocopies BPD as inferred by the network. A comparative study on human samples suggests that a GRN of similar components and wiring underlies human BPD. Our network view of alveologenesis is transforming our perspective to understand and treat BPD. This new perspective calls for the construction of the full signaling GRN underlying alveologenesis, upon which targeted therapies for this neonatal chronic lung disease can be viably developed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fascin expression has commonly been observed in certain subtypes of breast cancer, where its expression is associated with poor clinical outcome. However, its role in normal mammary gland development has not been elucidated. Here, we used a fascin knockout mouse model to assess its role in normal mammary gland morphogenesis and lactation. Fascin knockout was not embryonically lethal, and its effect on the litter size or condition at birth was minimal. However, litter survival until the weaning stage significantly depended on fascin expression solely in the nursing dams. Accordingly, pups that nursed from fascin-/- dams had smaller milk spots in their abdomen, suggesting a lactation defect in the nursing dams. Mammary gland whole-mounts of pregnant and lactating fascin-/- mice showed significantly reduced side branching and alveologenesis. Despite a typical composition of basal, luminal, and stromal subsets of mammary cells and normal ductal architecture of myoepithelial and luminal layers, the percentage of alveolar progenitors (ALDH+) in fascin-/- epithelial fraction was significantly reduced. Further in-depth analyses of fascin-/- mammary glands showed a significant reduction in the expression of Elf5, the master regulator of alveologenesis, and a decrease in the activity of its downstream target p-STAT5. In agreement, there was a significant reduction in the expression of the milk proteins, whey acidic protein (WAP), and β-casein in fascin-/- mammary glands. Collectively, our data demonstrate, for the first time, the physiological role of fascin in normal mammary gland lactogenesis, an addition that could reveal its contribution to breast cancer initiation and progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a neonatal lung disease developing in premature babies characterized by arrested alveologenesis and associated with decreased Fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) expression. One-week hyperoxia (HYX) exposure of newborn mice leads to a permanent arrest in alveologenesis. To test the role of Fgf10 signaling to promote de novo alveologenesis following hyperoxia, we used transgenic mice allowing inducible expression of Fgf10 and recombinant FGF10 (rFGF10) protein delivered intraperitoneally. We carried out morphometry analysis, and IF on day 45. Alveolospheres assays were performed co-culturing AT2s from normoxia (NOX) with FACS-isolated Sca1Pos resident mesenchymal cells (rMC) from animals exposed to NOX, HYX-PBS, or HYX-FGF10. scRNAseq between rMC-Sca1Pos isolated from NOX and HYX-PBS was also carried out. Transgenic overexpression of Fgf10 and rFGF10 administration rescued the alveologenesis defects following HYX. Alveolosphere assays indicate that the activity of rMC-Sca1Pos is negatively impacted by HYX and partially rescued by rFGF10 treatment. Analysis by IF demonstrates a significant impact of rFGF10 on the activity of resident mesenchymal cells. scRNAseq results identified clusters expressing Fgf10, Fgf7, Pdgfra, and Axin2, which could represent the rMC niche cells for the AT2 stem cells. In conclusion, we demonstrate that rFGF10 administration is able to induce de novo alveologenesis in a BPD mouse model and identified subpopulations of rMC-Sca1Pos niche cells potentially representing its cellular target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The lung alveolus is lined with alveolar type 1 (AT1) and type 2 (AT2) epithelial cells. During alveologenesis, increasing demand associated with expanding alveolar numbers is met by proliferating progenitor AT2s (pAT2). Little information exists regarding the identity of this population and their niche microenvironment. We show that during alveologenesis, Hedgehog-responsive PDGFRa(+) progenitors (also known as SCMFs) are a source of secreted trophic molecules that maintain a unique pAT2 population. SCMFs are in turn maintained by TGFβ signaling. Compound inactivation of Alk5 TβR2 in SCMFs reduced their numbers and depleted the pAT2 pool without impacting differentiation of daughter cells. In lungs of preterm infants who died with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, PDGFRa is reduced and the number of proliferative AT2s is diminished, indicating that an evolutionarily conserved mechanism governs pAT2 behavior during alveologenesis. SCMFs are a transient cell population, active only during alveologenesis, making them a unique stage-specific niche mesodermal cell type in mammalian organs.





