Alternative splicing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) is increasingly being used as a complementary tool to DNA sequencing in diagnostics where DNA analysis has been uninformative. RNA-seq enables the identification of aberrant splicing and aberrant gene expression, improving the interpretation of variants of unknown significance (VUSs), and provides the opportunity to scan the transcriptome for aberrant splicing and expression in relevant genes that may be the cause of a patient\'s phenotype. This work aims to investigate the feasibility of generating new diagnostic candidates in patients without a previously reported VUS using an RNA-seq-centric approach.
    METHODS: We systematically assessed the transcriptomic profiles of 86 patients with suspected Mendelian disorders, 38 of whom had no candidate sequence variant, using RNA from blood samples. Each VUS was visually inspected to search for splicing abnormalities. Once aberrant splicing was identified in cases with VUS, multiple open-source alternative splicing tools were used to investigate if they would identify what was observed in IGV. Expression outliers were detected using OUTRIDER. Diagnoses in cases without a VUS were explored using two separate strategies.
    RESULTS: RNA-seq allowed us to assess 71% of VUSs, detecting aberrant splicing in 14/48 patients with a VUS. We identified four new diagnoses by detecting novel aberrant splicing events in patients with no candidate sequence variants from prior DNA testing (n = 32) or where the candidate VUS did not affect splicing (n = 23). An additional diagnosis was made through the detection of skewed X-inactivation.
    CONCLUSIONS: This work demonstrates the utility of an RNA-centric approach in identifying novel diagnoses in patients without candidate VUSs. It underscores the utility of blood-based RNA analysis in improving diagnostic yields and highlights optimal approaches for such analyses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gustavus, a positive regulator in arthropod reproduction, features a conserved SPRY and a C-terminal SOCS box domain and belongs to the SPSB protein family. The SPSB family, encompassing SPSB1 to SPSB4, plays pivotal roles in higher animals, including immune response, apoptosis, growth, and stress responses. In Neocaridina denticulata sinensis, alternative splicing yielded two NdGustavus isoforms, NdGusX1 and NdGusX2, with distinct expression patterns-high in ovaries and muscles, respectively, and across all ovarian germ cells. These isoforms showed similar expression dynamics during embryogenesis and significant upregulation post-copper ion exposure (P < 0.05). The in situ hybridization result elucidated that NdGusX1 and NdGusX2 were expressed across the germ cell spectrum in the ovary, with NdGusX1 showing enhanced expression in oogonia and primary oocytes. In addition, RNA interference revealed functional complementation in ovaries and potential functional differentiation in muscles. Knockdown of NdGusX1 and NdGusX2 potentially disrupted endogenous vitellogenin synthesis, regulating vitellogenesis and reducing mature oocyte volume, affecting follicular cavity occupation. This study provides a theoretical framework for understanding the biological functions of the SPSB family in crustacean ovarian maturation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The CLK1 kinase phosphorylates SR proteins to modulate their splicing regulatory activity. Skipping of alternative exon 4 on the CLK1 pre-mRNA produces a CLK1 variant lacking the catalytic site. Here, we aimed to understand how various SR proteins integrate into the regulatory program that controls CLK1 exon 4 splicing. Previously, we observed that the depletion of SRSF10 promoted the inclusion of CLK1 exon 4. Using expression of tagged proteins and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockouts in HCT116 cells, we now identify TRA2b, TRA2a, SRSF4, SRSF5, SRSF7, SRSF8 and SRSF9 as activators of exon 4 inclusion. In contrast, SRSF3, SRSF10 and SRSF12 elicit exon 4 skipping. Using CRISPR/dCas13Rx and RNA immunoprecipitation assays, we map an enhancer in exon 4 interacting with TRA2b. Notably, CLK1 kinase inhibitors antagonized the repressor activity of HA-SRSF10, HA-SRSF12 and HA-SRSF3. Our results suggest that CLK1 exon 4 inclusion is determined primarily by a balance between the activities of TRA2 proteins and CLK-phosphorylated SRSF3. CLK-phosphorylated SRSF10 and SRSF12 would interact with TRA2 proteins to prevent their enhancer activity, allowing SRSF3 to enforce exon 4 skipping more efficiently. Our study provides insight into the complex regulatory network controlling the alternative splicing of CLK1, which uses CLK1-mediated phosphorylation of SR proteins to regulate the inclusion of catalytic exon 4 in CLK1 transcripts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SRSF2 plays a dual role, functioning both as a transcriptional regulator and a key player in alternative splicing. The absence of Srsf2 in MyoD + progenitors resulted in perinatal mortality in mice, accompanied by severe skeletal muscle defects. SRSF2 deficiency disrupts the directional migration of MyoD progenitors, causing them to disperse into both muscle and non-muscle regions. Single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis revealed significant alterations in Srsf2-deficient myoblasts, including a reduction in extracellular matrix components, diminished expression of genes involved in ameboid-type cell migration and cytoskeleton organization, mitosis irregularities, and premature differentiation. Notably, one of the targets regulated by Srsf2 is the serine/threonine kinase Aurka. Knockdown of Aurka led to reduced cell proliferation, disrupted cytoskeleton, and impaired differentiation, reflecting the effects seen with Srsf2 knockdown. Crucially, the introduction of exogenous Aurka in Srsf2-knockdown cells markedly alleviated the differentiation defects caused by Srsf2 knockdown. Furthermore, our research unveiled the role of Srsf2 in controlling alternative splicing within genes associated with human skeletal muscle diseases, such as BIN1, DMPK, FHL1, and LDB3. Specifically, the precise knockdown of the Bin1 exon17-containing variant, which is excluded following Srsf2 depletion, profoundly disrupted C2C12 cell differentiation. In summary, our study offers valuable insights into the role of SRSF2 in governing MyoD progenitors to specific muscle regions, thereby controlling their differentiation through the regulation of targeted genes and alternative splicing during skeletal muscle development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dysregulation of alternative splicing (AS) is increasingly recognized as a pivotal player in the pathogenesis, progression, and treatment resistance of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL). Despite its significance, the clinical implications of AS events in B-ALL remain largely unexplored. This study developed a prognostic model based on 18 AS events (18-AS), derived from a meticulous integration of bioinformatics methodologies and advanced machine learning algorithms. The 18-AS signature observed in B-ALL distinctly categorized patients into different groups with significant differences in immune infiltration, V(D)J rearrangement, drug sensitivity, and immunotherapy outcomes. Patients classified within the high 18-AS group exhibited lower immune infiltration scores, poorer chemo- and immune-therapy responses, and worse overall survival, underscoring the model\'s potential in refining therapeutic strategies. To validate the clinical applicability of the 18-AS, we established an SF-AS regulatory network and identified candidate drugs. More importantly, we conducted in vitro cell proliferation assays to confirm our analysis, demonstrating that the High-18AS cell line (SUP-B15) exhibited significantly enhanced sensitivity to Dasatinib, Dovitinib, and Midostaurin compared to the Low-18AS cell line (REH). These findings reveal AS events as novel prognostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets, advancing personalized treatment strategies in B-ALL management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Alternative splicing of pre-mRNA is a fundamental regulatory process in multicellular eukaryotes, significantly contributing to the diversification of the human proteome. RNA-binding fox-1 homologue 2 (RBFOX2), a member of the evolutionarily conserved RBFOX family, has emerged as a critical splicing regulator, playing a pivotal role in the alternative splicing of pre-mRNA. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of RBFOX2, elucidating its splicing activity through direct and indirect binding mechanisms. RBFOX2 exerts substantial influence over the alternative splicing of numerous transcripts, thereby shaping essential cellular processes such as differentiation and development.
    UNASSIGNED: Dysregulation of RBFOX2-mediated alternative splicing has been closely linked to a spectrum of cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumours, underscoring its potential as a therapeutic target. Despite significant progress, current research faces notable challenges. The complete structural characterisation of RBFOX2 remains elusive, limiting in-depth exploration beyond its RNA-recognition motif. Furthermore, the scarcity of studies focusing on RBFOX2-targeting drugs poses a hindrance to translating research findings into clinical applications.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review critically assesses the existing body of knowledge on RBFOX2, highlighting research gaps and limitations. By delineating these areas, this analysis not only serves as a foundational reference for future studies but also provides strategic insights for bridging these gaps. Addressing these challenges will be instrumental in unlocking the full therapeutic potential of RBFOX2, paving the way for innovative and effective treatments in various diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Caspase-2 (Casp-2) is an enzyme that regulates the development of apoptosis upon alternative splicing of its mRNA. The long form of Casp-2 (Casp-2L) promotes apoptosis while the short form (Casp-2S) has decreased enzymatic activity and inhibits the development of apoptotic processes. However, very little is known about the mechanism of Casp-2 alternative splicing. Several endonucleases are known to participate in this process. The aim of this study was to determine the role of EndoG in regulation of Casp-2 alternative splicing. Strong correlation between expression levels of EndoG and Casp-2 splice-variants was found in CD4⁺ and CD8⁺ human T lymphocytes. Such correlation increased after incubation of these cells with etoposide. Increased expression of Casp-2S was determined during EndoG over-expression in CD4⁺ T-cells, after EndoG treatment of cell cytoplasm and nuclei and after nuclei incubation with EndoG digested cell RNA. Casp-2 alternative splicing was induced by a 60-mer RNA oligonucleotide in naked nuclei and in cells after transfection. The identified long non-coding RNA of 1016 nucleotides is the precursor of the 60-mer RNA oligonucleotide. Based on the results the following mechanism has been proposed. Casp-2 pre-mRNA is transcribed from the coding DNA strand while long non-coding RNA is transcribed from the template strand of the Casp-2 gene. EndoG digests long non-coding RNA and produces the 60-mer RNA oligonucleotide complementary to the Casp-2 pre-mRNA exon 9 and intron 9 junction place. Interaction of the 60-mer RNA oligonucleotide and Casp-2 pre-mRNA causes alternative splicing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Gene expression and alternative splicing are strictly regulated processes that shape brain development and determine the cellular identity of differentiated neural cell populations. Despite the availability of multiple valuable datasets, many functional implications, especially those related to alternative splicing, remain poorly understood. Moreover, neuroscientists working primarily experimentally often lack the bioinformatics expertise required to process alternative splicing data and produce meaningful and interpretable results. Notably, re-analyzing publicly available datasets and integrating them with in-house data can provide substantial novel insights. However, such analyses necessitate developing harmonized data handling and processing pipelines which in turn require considerable computational resources and in-depth bioinformatics expertise.
    RESULTS: Here, we present Cortexa-a comprehensive web portal that incorporates RNA-sequencing datasets from the mouse cerebral cortex (longitudinal or cell-specific) and the hippocampus. Cortexa facilitates understandable visualization of the expression and alternative splicing patterns of individual genes. Our platform provides SplicePCA-a tool that allows users to integrate their alternative splicing dataset and compare it to cell-specific or developmental neocortical splicing patterns. All standardized gene expression and alternative splicing datasets can be downloaded for further in-depth downstream analysis without the need for extensive preprocessing.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cortexa provides a robust and readily available resource for unraveling the complexity of gene expression and alternative splicing regulatory processes in the mouse brain. The data portal is available at






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The polyploid genome of cotton has significantly increased the transcript complexity. Recent advances in full-length transcript sequencing are now widely used to characterize the complete landscape of transcriptional events. Such studies in cotton can help us to explore the genetic mechanisms of the cotton seedling growth. Through long-read single-molecule RNA sequencing, this study compared the transcriptomes of three yield contrasting genotypes of upland cotton. Our analysis identified different numbers of spliced isoforms from 31,166, 28,716, and 28,713 genes in SJ48, Z98, and DT8 cotton genotypes, respectively, most of which were novel compared to previous cotton reference transcriptomes, and showed significant differences in the number of exon structures and coding sequence length due to intron retention. Quantification of isoform expression revealed significant differences in expression in the root and leaf of each genotype. An array of key isoform target genes showed protein kinase or phosphorylation functions, and their protein interaction network contained most of the circadian oscillator proteins. Spliced isoforms from the GIGANTEA (GI) protien were differentially regulated in each genotype and might be expected to regulate translational activities, including the sequence and function of target proteins. In addition, these spliced isoforms generate diurnal expression profiles in cotton leaves, which may alter the transcriptional regulatory network of seedling growth. Silencing of the novel spliced GI isoform Gh_A02G0645_N17 significantly affected biomass traits, contributed to variable growth, and increased transcription of the early flowering pathway gene ELF in cotton. Our high-throughput hybrid sequencing results will be useful to dissect functional differences among spliced isoforms in the polyploid cotton genome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fokienia hodginsii (F. hodginsii), belonging to the genus Fokienia of the Cupressaceae. F. hodginsii has significant application value due to its wood properties and great research value in evolutionary studies as a gymnosperm. However, the genome of F. hodginsii remains unknown due to the large size of gymnosperms genome. Pacific Bioscience sequencing, Hi-C mapping, whole-genome Bisulfite Sequencing (BS-Seq), long-read isoform sequencing (Iso-Seq), direct RNA sequencing (DRS), quantitative proteomics, and metabonomics analysis are employed to facilitate genome assembly, gene annotation, and investigation into epigenetic mechanisms. In this study, the 10G F. hodginsii genome is assembled into 11 chromosomes. Furthermore, 50 521 protein-coding genes are annotated and determined that 65% of F. hodginsii genome comprises repetitive sequences. It is discovered that transposable element (TE)-including introns is associated with higher expression. The DNA methylome of F. hodginsii reveals that xylem has a higher DNA methylation level compared to callus. Moreover, DRS reveals the significant alterations in RNA full-length ratio, which potentially associated with poly(A) length (PAL) and alternative polyadenylation (APA). Finally, the morphology measurement and metabonomics analysis revealed the difference of 14 cultivars. In summary, the genomes and epigenetics datasets provide a molecular basis for callus formation in the gymnosperm family.





