Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present work delves into the enigmatic world of mitochondrial alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complexes discussing their metabolic significance, enzymatic operation, moonlighting activities, and pathological relevance with links to underlying structural features. This ubiquitous family of related but diverse multienzyme complexes is involved in carbohydrate metabolism (pyruvate dehydrogenase complex), the citric acid cycle (α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex), and amino acid catabolism (branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase complex, α-ketoadipate dehydrogenase complex); the complexes all function at strategic points and also participate in regulation in these metabolic pathways. These systems are among the largest multienzyme complexes with at times more than 100 protein chains and weights ranging up to ~10 million Daltons. Our chapter offers a wealth of up-to-date information on these multienzyme complexes for a comprehensive understanding of their significance in health and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is increasing evidence that several mitochondrial abnormalities are present in the brains of patients with Alzheimer\'s disease (AD). Decreased alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (αKGDHc) activity was identified in some patients with AD. The αKGDHc is a key enzyme in the Krebs cycle. This enzyme is very sensitive to the harmful effect of reactive oxygen species, which gives them a critical role in the Alzheimer and mitochondrial disease research area. Previously, several genetic risk factors were described in association with AD. Our aim was to analyze the associations of rare damaging variants in the genes encoding αKGDHc subunits and AD. The three genes (OGDH, DLST, DLD) encoding αKGDHc subunits were sequenced from different brain regions of 11 patients with histologically confirmed AD and the blood of further 35 AD patients. As a control group, we screened 134 persons with whole-exome sequencing. In all subunits, a one-one rare variant was identified with unknown significance based on American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) classification. Based on the literature research and our experience, R263H mutation in the DLD gene seems likely to be pathogenic. In the different cerebral areas, the αKGDHc mutational profile was the same, indicating the presence of germline variants. We hypothesize that the heterozygous missense R263H in the DLD gene may have a role in AD as a mild genetic risk factor.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondria and releasable endoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium modulate neuronal calcium signaling, and both change in Alzheimer\'s disease (AD). The releasable calcium stores in the ER are exaggerated in fibroblasts from AD patients and in multiple models of AD. The activity of the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (KGDHC), a key mitochondrial enzyme complex, is diminished in brains from AD patients, and can be plausibly linked to plaques and tangles. Our previous studies in cell lines and mouse neurons demonstrate that reductions in KGDHC increase the ER releasable calcium stores. The goal of these studies was to test whether the relationship was true in human iPSC-derived neurons. Inhibition of KGDHC for one or 24 hr increased the ER releasable calcium store in human neurons by 69% and 144%, respectively. The effect was mitochondrial enzyme specific because inhibiting the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, another key mitochondrial enzyme complex, diminished the ER releasable calcium stores. The link of KGDHC to ER releasable calcium stores was cell type specific as the interaction was not present in iPSC or neural stem cells. Thus, these studies in human neurons verify a link between KGDHC and releasable ER calcium stores, and support the use of human neurons to examine mechanisms and potential therapies for AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (LADH, E3) deficiency is a rare (autosomal, recessive) genetic disorder generally presenting with an onset in the neonatal age and early death; the highest carrier rate has been found among Ashkenazi Jews. Acute clinical episodes usually involve severe metabolic decompensation and lactate acidosis that result in neurological, cardiological, and/or hepatological manifestations. Clinical severity is due to the fact that LADH is a common E3 subunit to the alpha-ketoglutarate, pyruvate, alpha-ketoadipate, and branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complexes, and is also a constituent in the glycine cleavage system, thus a loss in LADH function adversely affects multiple key metabolic routes. However, the severe clinical pictures frequently still do not parallel the LADH activity loss, which implies the involvement of auxiliary biochemical mechanisms; enhanced reactive oxygen species generation as well as affinity loss for multienzyme complexes proved to be key auxiliary exacerbating pathomechanisms. This review provides an overview and an up-to-date molecular insight into the pathomechanisms of this disease in light of the structural conclusions drawn from the first crystal structure of a disease-causing hE3 variant determined recently in our laboratory.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report the crystal structures of the human (dihydro)lipoamide dehydrogenase (hLADH, hE3) and its disease-causing homodimer interface mutant D444V-hE3 at 2.27 and 1.84 Å resolution, respectively. The wild type structure is a unique uncomplexed, unliganded hE3 structure with the true canonical sequence. Based on the structural information a novel molecular pathomechanism is proposed for the impaired catalytic activity and enhanced capacity for reactive oxygen species generation of the pathogenic mutant. The mechanistic model involves a previously much ignored solvent accessible channel leading to the active site that might be perturbed also by other disease-causing homodimer interface substitutions of this enzyme.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review summarizes our present view on the molecular pathogenesis of human (h) E3-deficiency caused by a variety of genetic alterations with a special emphasis on the moonlighting biochemical phenomena related to the affected (dihydro)lipoamide dehydrogenase (LADH, E3, gene: dld), in particular the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). E3-deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder frequently presenting with a neonatal onset and premature death; the highest carrier rate of a single pathogenic dld mutation (1:94-1:110) was found among Ashkenazi Jews. Patients usually die during acute episodes that generally involve severe metabolic decompensation and lactic acidosis leading to neurological, cardiological, and/or hepatological manifestations. The disease owes its severity to the fact that LADH is the common E3 subunit of the alpha-ketoglutarate (KGDHc), pyruvate (PDHc), and branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase complexes and is also part of the glycine cleavage system, hence the malfunctioning of LADH simultaneously incapacitates several central metabolic pathways. Nevertheless, the clinical pictures are usually not unequivocally portrayed through the loss of LADH activities and imply auxiliary mechanisms that exacerbate the symptoms and outcomes of this disorder. Enhanced ROS generation by disease-causing hE3 variants as well as by the E1-E2 subcomplex of the hKGDHc likely contributes to selected pathogeneses of E3-deficiency, which could be targeted by specific drugs or antioxidants; lipoic acid was demonstrated to be a potent inhibitor of ROS generation by hE3 in vitro. Flavin supplementation might prove to be beneficial for those mutations triggering FAD loss in the hE3 component. Selected pathogenic hE3 variants lose their affinity for the E2 component of the hPDHc, a mechanism which warrants scrutiny also for other E3-haboring complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individual recombinant components of pyruvate and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase multienzyme complexes (PDHc, OGDHc) of human and Escherichia coli (E. coli) origin were expressed and purified from E. coli with optimized protocols. The four multienzyme complexes were each reconstituted under optimal conditions at different stoichiometric ratios. Binding stoichiometries for the highest catalytic efficiency were determined from the rate of NADH generation by the complexes at physiological pH. Since some of these complexes were shown to possess \'moonlighting\' activities under pathological conditions often accompanied by acidosis, activities were also determined at pH 6.3. As reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation by the E3 component of hOGDHc is a pathologically relevant feature, superoxide generation by the complexes with optimal stoichiometry was measured by the acetylated cytochrome c reduction method in both the forward and the reverse catalytic directions. Various known affectors of physiological activity and ROS production, including Ca(2+), ADP, lipoylation status or pH, were investigated. The human complexes were also reconstituted with the most prevalent human pathological mutant of the E3 component, G194C and characterized; isolated human E3 with the G194C substitution was previously reported to have an enhanced ROS generating capacity. It is demonstrated that: i. PDHc, similarly to OGDHc, is able to generate ROS and this feature is displayed by both the E. coli and human complexes, ii. Reconstituted hPDHc generates ROS at a significantly higher rate as compared to hOGDHc in both the forward and the reverse reactions when ROS generation is calculated for unit mass of their common E3 component, iii. The E1 component or E1-E2 subcomplex generates significant amount of ROS only in hOGDHc; iv. Incorporation of the G194C variant of hE3, the result of a disease-causing mutation, into reconstituted hOGDHc and hPDHc indeed leads to a decreased activity of both complexes and higher ROS generation by only hOGDHc and only in its reverse reaction.





