
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increasing evidence shows that larger fish are more vulnerable to acute warming than smaller individuals of the same species. This size-dependency of thermal tolerance has been ascribed to differences in aerobic performance, largely due to a decline in oxygen supply relative to demand. To shed light on these ideas, we examined metabolic allometry in 130 rainbow trout ranging from 12 to 358 g under control conditions (17°C) and in response to acute heating (to 25°C), with and without supplemental oxygen (100% versus 150% air saturation). Under normoxia, high temperature caused an average 17% reduction in aerobic scope compared with 17°C. Aerobic performance disproportionally deteriorated in bigger fish as the scaling exponent (b) for aerobic scope declined from b=0.87 at 17°C to b=0.74 at 25°C. Hyperoxia increased maximum metabolic rate and aerobic scope at both temperatures and disproportionally benefited larger fish at 25°C as the scaling exponent for aerobic scope was reestablished to the same level as at 17°C (b=0.86). This suggests that hyperoxia may provide metabolic refuge for larger individuals, allowing them to sustain aerobic activities when facing acute warming. Notably, the elevated aerobic capacity afforded by hyperoxia did not appear to improve thermal resilience, as mortality in 25°C hyperoxia (13.8%, n=4) was similar to that in normoxia (12.1%, n=4), although we caution that this topic warrants more targeted research. We highlight the need for mechanistic investigations of the oxygen transport system to determine the consequences of differential metabolic scaling across temperature in a climate warming context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Living at high altitudes impose physiological and ecological challenges to which species may respond altering their body size, body proportions, and the shape of their body parts. Despite the importance of this topic for understanding the origin of species diversity, little attention has been invested in this phenomenon at the populational level. This paper study the relationship between altitude and body size, body proportions, and forewing shape venation of two populations of the parasitoid wasp Cotesia flavipes. Wasps were collected from Diatraea spp. larvae from sugarcane crops in two Colombian mountain ranges that cover between 600 m and 2143 m of altitude. Linear measurements of different body regions and geometric morphometrics of the forewing were subject to multivariate comparisons and allometric analyses to assess variation and to compare trends between ranges. Central (600 m to 1704 m) and Eastern Cordillera (877 m to 2143 m) populations showed different trends between body size and altitude. Allometric trends were not uniform within or between populations nor between structures. The allometric slopes of five body measurements from a single altitude differed from these from its own mountain range suggesting that body size trends along the cordilleras are a consequence of altitude and not of intrinsic body resource allocation processes. Wing shape between populations differed; however, these changes were poorly related to altitude. In agreement with recent studies in other groups, the observed allometric and wing shape differences between the two C. flavipes populations could be a plasticity response to altitude with interesting implications for posterior genetic differentiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Each branch internode, and the organs growing on it, can be seen as a single morphological phytomer subunit, made of structurally and functionally interrelated components. However, allometric relationships between anatomy and morphology of these subunits remain unclear, particularly in the axial context. This study aims to address this knowledge gap, by measuring morpho-anatomical parameters and their allometric relationships along grapevine shoots.
    METHODS: To facilitate comparison, shoot length was normalized and a relative position index was calculated for each internode, ranging from 0 at the base to 1 at the apex. Scaling relationships between morpho-anatomical parameters along the axis were developed and validated by statistical modeling.
    RESULTS: Most morpho-anatomical parameters displayed an axial behaviour of increasing then decreasing in size from base to apex, with the exception of shoot diameter and shoot vessel density. Relative position index of 0.2 acted as the data turning point for most variables analysed. During the first phase (relative position index below 0.2), the phytomer organs traits are uncoupled and show weak allometric correlation, and during the second phase the traits are strongly allometrically related.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that allometric relationships along grapevine shoots are not constant- they exhibit a bimodal pattern, possibly influenced by seasonal temperatures. This work could aid managing productivity shifts in agricultural and natural systems under global climate change and add to basic knowledge of differentiation and development of growth units in plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractEnergy flow through consumer-resource interactions is largely determined by body size. Allometric relationships govern the dynamics of populations by impacting rates of reproduction as well as alternative sources of mortality, which have differential impacts on smaller to larger organisms. Here we derive and investigate the timescales associated with four alternative sources of mortality for terrestrial mammals: mortality from starvation, mortality associated with aging, mortality from consumption by predators, and mortality introduced by anthropogenic subsidized harvest. The incorporation of these allometric relationships into a minimal consumer-resource model illuminates central constraints that may contribute to the structure of mammalian communities. Our framework reveals that while starvation largely impacts smaller-bodied species, the allometry of senescence is expected to be more difficult to observe. In contrast, external predation and subsidized harvest have greater impacts on the populations of larger-bodied species. Moreover, the inclusion of predation mortality reveals mass thresholds for mammalian herbivores, where dynamic instabilities may limit the feasibility of megafaunal populations. We show how these thresholds vary with alternative predator-prey mass relationships, which are not well understood within terrestrial systems. Finally, we use our framework to predict the harvest pressure required to induce mass-specific extinctions, which closely align with previous estimates of anthropogenic megafaunal exploitation in both paleontological and historical contexts. Together our results underscore the tenuous nature of megafaunal populations and how different sources of mortality may contribute to their ephemeral nature over evolutionary time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Didelphid marsupials are considered a morphologically unspecialized group with a generalist diet that includes vertebrates, invertebrates, and plant matter. While cranium and scapula variation has already been examined within Didelphidae, variation in mandible shape, usually associated with diet or phylogeny in other mammalian groups, has not yet been properly assessed in the family. We evaluated the variation in mandible shape and size of didelphids (2470 specimens belonging to 94 species) using 2D geometric morphometrics. We classified the diet of the didelphids into four broad categories to assess whether morphospace ordination relates to dietary habits. We also provided the most comprehensive phylogeny for the family (123 out of the 126 living species) using 10 nuclear and mitochondrial genes. We then mapped mandible size and shape onto that phylogeny for 93 selected taxa and ancestral size and shapes were reconstructed by parsimony. We found phylogenetically structured variation in mandible morphology between didelphid groups, and our results indicate that they have a significant phylogenetic signal. The main axis of shape variation is poorly related to size, but the second is strongly allometric, indicating that allometry is not the main factor in shaping morphological diversity on their mandibles. Our results indicate that the shape and size of the ancestral mandible of didelphids would be similar to that of the current species of the genus Marmosa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scapula shape is highly variable across humans and appears to be sexually dimorphic-differing significantly between biological males and females. However, previous investigations of sexual dimorphism in scapula shape have not considered the effects of allometry (the relationship between size and shape). Disentangling allometry from sexual dimorphism is necessary because apparent sex-based differences in shape could be due to inherent differences in body size. This study aimed to investigate sexual dimorphism in scapula shape and examine the role of allometry in sex-based variation. We used three-dimensional geometric morphometrics with Procrustes ANOVA to quantify scapula shape variation associated with sex and size in 125 scapulae. Scapula shape significantly differed between males and females, and males tended to have larger scapulae than females for the same body height. We found that males and females exhibited distinct allometric relationships, and sexually dimorphic shape changes did not align with male- or female-specific allometry. A secondary test revealed that sexual dimorphism in scapula shape persisted between males and females of similar body heights. Overall, our findings indicate that there are sex-based differences in scapula shape that cannot be attributed to size-shape relationships. Our results shed light on the potential role of sexual selection in human shoulder evolution, present new hypotheses for biomechanical differences in shoulder function between sexes, and identify relevant traits for improving sex classification accuracy in forensic analyses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A select group of hemipterans within the suborder Auchenorrhyncha are the only animals that feed exclusively on xylem sap - a nutritionally poor liquid that exists under negative pressure within a plant\'s xylem vessels. To consume it, xylem-feeding bugs have evolved enlarged cibarial pumps capable of generating enormous negative pressures. A previous study examining the allometry of this feeding model suggested that small xylem feeders pay relatively higher energetic costs while feeding, favouring the evolution of larger-bodied species. However, this interspecific analysis only considered adult xylem-feeding insects and neglected the considerable intraspecific change in size that occurs across the insect\'s development. Here, we examine the changes in cibarial pump morphology and function that occur during the development of Philaenus spumarius, the common meadow spittlebug. We show that the cibarial pump scales largely as expected from isometry and that the maximum negative pressure is mass independent, indicating that size has no effect on the xylem-feeding capacity of juvenile spittlebugs. We conclude that a first instar nymph with a body mass 2% of the adult can still feed at the >1 MPa tension present in a plant\'s xylem vessels without a substantial energetic disadvantage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glucose is a central metabolic compound used as an energy source across all animal taxa. There is high interspecific variation in glucose concentration between taxa, the origin and the consequence of which remain largely unknown. Nutrition may affect glucose concentrations because carbohydrate content of different food sources may determine the importance of metabolic pathways in the organism. Birds sustain high glucose concentrations that may entail the risks of oxidative damage. We collected glucose concentration and life-history data from 202 bird species from 171 scientific publications, classified them into seven trophic guilds and analysed the data with a phylogenetically controlled model. We show that glucose concentration is negatively associated with body weight and is significantly associated with trophic guilds with a moderate phylogenetic signal. After controlling for allometry, glucose concentrations were highest in carnivorous birds, which rely on high rates of gluconeogenesis to maintain their glycaemia, and lowest in frugivorous/nectarivorous species, which take in carbohydrates directly. However, trophic guilds with different glucose concentrations did not differ in lifespan. These results link nutritional ecology to physiology and suggest that at the macroevolutionary scale, species requiring constantly elevated glucose concentrations may have additional adaptations to avoid the risks associated with high glycaemia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While brain size in primates and their relatives within Euarchontoglires is well-studied, less research has examined brain shape, or the allometric trajectories that underlie the relationship between size and shape. Defining these patterns is key to understanding evolutionary trends. 3D geometric morphometric analyses of endocranial shape were performed on 140 species of extant euarchontoglirans using digital cranial endocasts. Principal component analyses on Procrustes shape variables show a clear phylogenetic pattern in endocranial shape, supported by an ANOVA which identified significant differences in shape among several groups (e.g., Platyrrhini, Strepsirrhini, Scandentia, Rodentia, and Lagomorpha). ANOVAs of shape and size also indicate that allometry has a small but significant impact on endocranial shape across Euarchontoglires, with homogeneity of slopes tests finding significant differences in the scaling relationship between shape and size among these same groups. While most of these clades possess a distinct endocranial morphotype, the highly derived platyrrhines display the strongest relationship between size and shape. Rodents show the most diversity in endocranial shape, potentially attributed to their comparatively weak relationship between shape and size. These results suggest fundamental differences in how shape and size covary among Euarchontoglires, which may have facilitated the adaptive radiations that characterize members of this group.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scientific progress within the last few decades has revealed the functional morphology of an insect\'s sticky footpads-a compliant pad that secretes thin liquid films. However, the physico-chemical mechanisms underlying their adhesion remain elusive. Here, we explore these underlying mechanisms by simultaneously measuring adhesive force and contact geometry of the adhesive footpads of live, tethered Indian stick insects, Carausius morosus, spanning more than two orders of magnitude in body mass. We find that the adhesive force we measure is similar to the previous measurements that use a centrifuge. Our measurements afford us the opportunity to directly probe the adhesive stress in vivo and use existing theory on capillary adhesion to predict the surface tension of the secreted liquid and compare it to previous assumptions. From our predictions, we find that the surface tension required to generate the adhesive stresses we observed ranges between 0.68 and 12 mN m - 1 ${\\rm m}^{-1}$ . The low surface tension of the liquid would enhance the wetting of the stick insect\'s footpads and promote their ability to conform to various substrates. Our insights may inform the biomimetic design of capillary-based, reversible adhesives and motivate future studies on the physico-chemical properties of the secreted liquid.





