Allaitement maternel

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Breast reduction surgery often concern women of childbearing age. However, it can interfere with the ability to breastfeed, whereas the benefits of breastfeeding are well known. Current data in the literature do not provide precise information on the possibilities of breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess long-term breastfeeding ability of women after breast reduction performed in our centre.
    METHODS: This is a retrospective comparative study including patients treated with breast reduction at Saint-Louis Hospital between 2010 and 2017 and who have had children before or after surgery. Operative details were retrieved from medical records and ability to breastfeed was assessed during a phone interview. Breastfeeding before surgery was compared to breastfeeding after surgery.
    RESULTS: We analysed 21 births before and 35 births after breast reduction. Breastfeeding initiation was similar in the two groups (90% vs. 83%, P=0.7), but the median duration was significantly shorter after breast reduction compared with before (3 weeks vs. 10 weeks; P<0.01), the rate of breastfed child at 3 months was lower after surgery (11% vs. 43%; P<0.01), the use of infant formula was higher after surgery (100% vs. 74%, P<0.01), and we found a higher rate of discontinuation caused by hypogalactia (69% vs. 11%; P<0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Breastfeeding is possible but more difficult to sustain over time after breast reduction. Patients need to be made aware of that before surgery, and patients who still want to breastfeed should be encouraged at the maternity.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The objective of this qualitative study was to highlight the facilitating measures and difficulties encountered in continuing breastfeeding when returning to work at the Brest Regional University Hospital. The eleven mothers interviewed were able to take advantage of the solidarity in the care services to carry out their project, but simple institutional measures are still possible to facilitate this conciliation.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to assess the knowledge of parturients about breastfeeding and to analyze the factors influencing this level of knowledge.
    METHODS: It was a prospective, descriptive and analytical, cross-sectional study carried out over a period of six months including 500 parturients who gave birth at the maternity unit of the National Center for Maternity and Neonatalogy of Tunis during the period from July to December 2020. Sociodemographic, obstetrical and breastfeeding related data were collected through individual interviews carried out before leaving the postpartum service using a questionnaire written in Tunisian dialectal Arabic.
    RESULTS: The average age of the mothers was 31.5 years. Housewives accounted for 73.3% of cases. Forty-four percent of the women surveyed were first-time mothers. The main source of information was relatives (74.8%). The prevalence of breastfeeding was 93.8%. Knowledge about breasfeeding was insufficient in 76.4% of cases. The level of knowledge was insufficient in particular regarding signs of effective breastfeeding, signs of awakening of the newborn, lactogenesis, and diet of breastfeeding women. Unemployment of the parturient age over 30 and primiparity negatively influenced the knowledge of parturients.
    CONCLUSIONS: The level of knowledge of parturients was heterogeneous but generally insufficient. Health education programs on MA targeting subjects most at risk of insufficient knowledge should be put in place in order to improve the knowledge base and hopefully improve the breastfeeding rates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In various studies, the introduction of infant formulas during the stay in the maternity ward has been shown to increase the risk of breastfeeding failure and the development of cow\'s milk protein allergy. How can they be avoided when the infant loses weight in an \"abnormal\" way? A team from the Polyclinique Majorelle, in Nancy, studied the impact of the mode of delivery on the weight of the newborn in order to improve its accompaniment while respecting the real needs and rhythms of each child.






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    To provide up-to-date evidence-based guidelines for the management of smoking cessation during pregnancy.
    Systematic review of the international literature. We identified papers published between January 2003 and April 2019 in Cochrane PubMed, and Embase databases with predefined keywords. All reports published in French and English relevant to the areas of focus were included and classified according the level of evidence ranging from 1 (highest) to 4 (lowest). The strength of the recommendations was classified according to the Haute Autorité de santé, France (ranging from A, highest to C, lowest).
    \"Counseling\", involving globally all kind of non-pharmacological interventions, has a modest benefit on smoking cessation, birth weight and prematurity. Moderate physical activity did not show a significant effect on smoking cessation. The systematic use of feedback by measuring the expired air carbon monoxide concentration do not influence smoking abstinence but it may be used in establishing a therapeutic alliance. The use of self-help interventions and health education are recommended in helping pregnant smokers quit. The prescription of nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) may be offered to any pregnant woman who has failed stopping smoking without medication This prescription can be initiated by the health care professional taking care of the pregnant woman in early pregnancy. There is no scientific evidence to propose the electronic cigarette for smoking cessation to pregnant smokers; it is recommended to provide the same advice and to use methods that have already been evaluated. The use of waterpipe (shisha/narghile) during pregnancy is associated with decreased fetal growth. It is recommended not to use waterpipe during pregnancy. Breastfeeding is possible in smokers, but less often initiated by them. Although its benefit for the child\'s development is not demonstrated to date, breastfeeding allows the mother to reduce or stop smoking. The risk of postpartum relapse is high (up to 82% at 1 year). The main factors associated with postpartum abstinence are breastfeeding, not having a smoker at home, and having no symptoms of postpartum depression.
    Smoking during pregnancy concerns more than hundred thousand women and their children per year in France. It is a major public health burden. Health care professionals should be mobilized for reducing or even eradicating it.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This narrative review, which is based on a systematic literature search following the PRISMA guidelines, provides a general overview of Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and associated diseases: Adult T-cell Leukaemia-Lymphoma (ATLL) and HTLV-1-Associated Myelopathy/Tropical Spastic Paraparesis (HAM/TSP) in Latin America, focusing on epidemiology and prevention. Using the published information on HTLV-1, ATLL and HAM/TSP prevalence, we present comprehensive and accurate maps and tables, and developed an algorithm to assist in the prevention of HTLV-1 transmission through breastfeeding while considering socio-economic status. Latin America is an interesting scenario to study HTLV-1 because of the diverse origin of its population. Apart from the expected high prevalence in inhabitants of African ancestry, the presence of endemic foci affecting indigenous populations is particularly striking. ATLL prevention is the biggest challenge in this field. Most ATLL cases are transmitted through breastfeeding; thus, prevention methods to avoid ATLL in endemic countries have to be focused on this. In view of the high inequality in most Latin American countries, reduction in breastfeeding duration, freezing/thawing and pasteurisation of breastmilk can be suitable interventions in poor settings, considering that avoiding the risk of malnutrition and infant mortality must be the priority.
    Cette revue narrative, qui repose sur une recherche bibliographique systématique conforme aux recommandations de PRISMA, fournit un aperçu général sur le virus lymphotropique des lymphocytes T humaines de type 1 (HTLV-1) et les maladies associées: Le lymphome leucémique des cellules T d\'adulte (ATLL)) et la myélopathie/paraparésie spastique tropicale (HAM/TSP) associée à HTLV-1 en Amérique latine, en se focalisant sur l’épidémiologie et la prévention. En utilisant les informations publiées sur la prévalence de HTLV-1, ATLL et HAM/TSP, nous présentons des cartes et des tableaux complets et précis et avons développé un algorithme pour aider à la prévention de la transmission du HTLV-1 par l\'allaitement tout en tenant compte du statut socioéconomique. L\'Amérique latine est un scénario intéressant pour l’étude de HTLV-1 en raison de la diversité des origines de sa population. Outre la forte prévalence escomptée chez les habitants de descendance africaine, la présence de foyers endémiques affectant les populations autochtones est particulièrement frappante. La prévention de l’ATLL est le plus gros défi dans ce domaine. La plupart des cas d’ATLL sont transmis par l\'allaitement. Ainsi, les méthodes de prévention pour éviter l’ATLL dans les pays d\'endémie doivent être concentrées sur cela. Compte tenu de la forte inégalité qui règne dans la plupart des pays d\'Amérique latine, la réduction de la durée de l\'allaitement, la congélation/décongélation et la pasteurisation du lait maternel peuvent constituer des interventions appropriées dans les milieux pauvres, tout en considérant que la priorité est d’éviter les risques de malnutrition et de mortalité infantile.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The arrival of a newborn in the delivery room is a precious and unique moment which caregivers support by seeing to the comfort and wellbeing of the baby and his or her parents. Developmental care is introduced early, skin-to-skin contact is favoured and invasive treatment is only performed if strictly necessary. At the same time, the teams are ready to intervene in the event of a complication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Infants born to HIV-infected women receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART) can be breastfed through at least 6 months with very low risk of HIV acquisition. We aimed to identify demographic and cultural factors that may influence mothers\' willingness to breastfeed for the recommended duration.
    METHODS: We evaluated factors associated with early cessation of breastfeeding (i.e. before 5 months post-partum) in a randomized clinical trial evaluating different ART regimens used for prevention of mother-to-child transmission during breastfeeding in Botswana. Univariate and multivariable Cox regressions were used to describe predictors of early exclusive BF cessation.
    RESULTS: Among 677 women who started breastfeeding, the median time to breastfeeding cessation was 178 days (IQR 150-181) and 25.1% weaned early. In multivariable analysis, urban location (aHR = 1.86 95%CI 1.27-2.73; P = 0.002), salaried employment or being a student (aHR = 2.78 95% CI 1.63-4.75; P < 0.001) and infant hospitalisation before weaning (aHR = 2.04 95% CI 1.21-3.45; P = 0.008) were independently and significantly associated with early BF cessation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Improved support for breastfeeding among employed mothers, especially in urban settings, may allow HIV-infected women who are receiving ART prophylaxis to breastfeed longer.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: The objectives were to on assess the frequency and the duration of breastfeeding in France. On the other hand, the objectives were to identify its benefits and drawbacks, and to study the factors influencing its initiation and its extension.
    METHODS: Bibliographic research in Medline, Google Scholar and in the Cochrane Library.
    RESULTS: Breastfeeding concerns in France about 70% of children at birth (EL2). Its median duration is about 15 weeks and 3 weeks ½ for exclusive breastfeeding. At three months, only one third of children breastfed at birth are still being breastfed (EL2). Whether this is due to the composition of breast milk or the behavior of mothers with their children or their socio-cultural level, or even by all these components at once, breastfeeding is associated with better cognitive development children (EL2). This effect is even more reinforced that mothers breastfeed exclusively and prolonged (EL2). As part of the prevention of many diseases (ear infections, gastrointestinal infections, atopic diseases, obesity and cardiovascular diseases…), exclusive and prolonged breastfeeding (grade B) between 4 to 6 months is recommended (professional consensus). Breastfeeding is not a means of preventing postpartum depression (professional consensus). To reduce the incidence of breast cancer, prolonged breastfeeding is recommended (grade B). In order to increase the rate of initiation of breastfeeding as well as its duration, it is recommended that health professionals work closely with mothers in their project (grade A), the breastfeeding promotion messages include message to husbands (grade B), and to promote breastfeeding on demand without fixed interval between feedings (grade B). However, there is not enough data to recommend the use of a specific position during breastfeeding, or the use of one or two breast or to early start breastfeeding or not (professional consensus).
    CONCLUSIONS: Exclusive and extended breastfeeding is recommended (grade B) between 4 to 6 months (professional consensus).






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: Provide guidelines for management of breastfeeding complications.
    METHODS: Systematically review of the literature between 1972 and May 2015 from the database Medline, Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, and the international recommendations about inhibition of lactation with establishment of levels of evidence (EL) and grades of recommendation.
    RESULTS: Nipple stimulation preparation techniques or antenatal correction an anatomical variation of the nipple are not recommended to decrease nipple complications or improve the success of breastfeeding (grade B). The use of lanolin and application of breast milk may have an interest in diseases of the nipple (EL4). The current published data are insufficient to conclude on the effectiveness of nipple shield, (professional consensus). Manual breast expression or using a breast pump may have an interest in preventing breast engorgement (professional agreement). A bacteriological sample of milk for mastitis is necessary to decide an antibiotic and interrupt breastfeeding with breast infected while continuing its drainage with a breast pump (professional consensus). Incision and drainage of breast abscess are recommended (professional consensus) and iterative puncture is an alternative to surgical drainage in the moderate forms (professional consensus). Breastfeeding is not contraindicated for women with a past history of esthetic breast surgery or breast cancer (professional consensus). There is no scientific justification to recommend the use of breast pumps to improve breastfeeding (grade B). Because of the potential side effects, the use of domperidone and metoclopramide are not recommended in the stimulation of lactation (grade C).
    CONCLUSIONS: Breastfeeding exposes women to specific complications, which may impede the continuation of breastfeeding. Prevention of mastitis is essential.





