Agricultural practices

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The phosphate solubilizing properties of Lysinibacillus macroides ST-30, Pseudomonas pelleroniana N-26, and Bacillus cereus ST-6 were tested for the chickpea crop of the Tarai region of Uttarakhand. These microbially inoculated plants have shown significant (p > 0.05) improvement in the plant health and crop health parameters, viz., root length, shoot length, fresh weight, dry weight, nodule number, nodule fresh weight, nodule dry weight, chlorophyll content, and nitrate reductase. The highest shoot length (46.10 cm) and chlorophyll content (0.57 mg g-1 fresh weight) were observed in ST-30 at 75 DAS with 20 kg P2O5/ha. Similarly, for plant P content, an increase of 90.12% over control was recorded in the same treatment. Treatments consisting of Lysinibacillus macroides ST-30 along with 20 kg/ha P2O5 were found to be most suitable as phosphatic fertilizer. Conclusively, sustainable agriculture practices in the Tarai as well as the field region may be developed based on a strategy of exploring microbial inoculants from the pristine region of the Western Himalayas. The presence and abundance of bacterial inoculants were confirmed through qRT-PCT. We conclude that the effective plant growth-promoting bacterium Lysinibacillus macroides ST-30 broadens the spectrum of phosphate solubilizers available for field applications and might be used together with 20 Kg/ha P2O5.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Satellite remote sensing is currently an established, effective, and constantly used tool and methodology for monitoring agriculture and fertilisation. At the same time, in recent years, the need for the detection of livestock manure and digestate spreading on the soil is emerging, and the development of spectral indices and classification processes based on satellite multispectral data acquisitions is growing. However, the application of such indicators is still underutilised and, given the polluting impact of livestock manure and digestate on soil, groundwater, and air, an in-depth study is needed to improve the monitoring of this practice. Additionally, this paper aims at exposing a new spectral index capable of detecting the land affected by livestock manure and digestate spreading. This indicator was created by studying the spectral response of bare soil and livestock manure and digestate, using Copernicus Sentinel-2 MSI satellite acquisitions and ancillary datasets (e.g., soil moisture, precipitation, regional thematic maps). In particular, time series of multispectral satellite acquisitions and ancillary data were analysed, covering a survey period of 13 months between February 2022 and February 2023. As no previous indications on fertilisation practices are available, the proposed approach consists of investigating a broad-spectrum area, without investigations of specific test sites. A large area of approximately 236,344 hectares covering three provinces of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy) was therefore examined. A series of ground truth points were also collected for assessing accuracy by filling in the confusion matrix. Based on the definition of the spectral index, a value of the latter greater than three provides the most conservative threshold for detecting livestock manure and digestate spreading with an accuracy of 62.53%. Such results are robust to variations in the spectral response of the soil. On the basis of these very encouraging results, it is considered plausible that the proposed index could improve the techniques for detecting the spreading of livestock manure and digestate on bare ground, classifying the areas themselves with a notable saving of energy compared to the current investigation methodologies directly on the ground.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Lucerne (Medicago sativa), is a cornerstone of China\'s livestock industry, however, due to the backward agronomic strategies and technology, lucerne in China faces cultivation challenges that result in lower productivity and quality than global standards. Therefore, we undertook a meta-analysis to evaluate the impact of five distinct fertilization types on lucerne yield and nutritional quality in various locations in China. The fertilizer practices included manure application, combined mineral fertilizer and manure application (FM), biological fertilizer application, unbalanced application of two or more mineral fertilizer types, and balanced mineral fertilizer application. Furthermore, we investigate influential factors of yield and quality of lucerne under fertilization, including climatic variables (mean annual precipitation, mean annual temperature), initial soil properties (soil organic carbon; total nitrogen, pH), and agronomic factors (seeding rate, harvest frequency, and lucerne stand age).
    UNASSIGNED: Our study analyzed 53 published papers to discern the most beneficial fertilizer for enhancing lucerne yield and nutritional quality.
    UNASSIGNED: The results showed that the fertilizer practices, on average, significantly improved yield by 31.72% and crude protein content by 11.29%, with FM emerging as the most effective, this is because mineral fertilizers provide available nutrients for lucerne, manure provides essential organic matter for microorganisms and improve soil properties. In addition, the fertilizer practices significantly reduced neutral and acid detergent fiber contents by 6.28% and 8.50%, respectively, while increasing ash content and relative feeding value. Furthermore, climatic variables, soil properties, and planting system factors such as sowing date and harvest frequency significantly affected yield and nutritional quality. The practical implications of our results emphasize the need for balanced and strategic fertilizer application to optimize lucerne production and highlight the potential to adjust cultivation practices according to environmental conditions. Balanced and strategic fertilizer application can simultaneously improve soil properties, enhance soil carbon sequestration, and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases from the soil, which is a vital measure for realizing sustainable agricultural development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Indigenous knowledge offers insights into preserving natural resources and further contributes towards improving rural livelihoods. Incorporating this knowledge into agriculture can therefore increase acceptance and innovation of sustainable technologies. In support of this argument, rural small-scale farmers have globally proven the significance of indigenous knowledge in the agricultural sector by incorporating their local strategies and practices for both commercial and subsistence agriculture. This article demonstrates the various indigenous farming practices employed by the Vhavenda Community and how these practices promote sustainable environmental management. It reflects the essential aspects crucial to indicating the value of indigenous agriculture. Using a mixed-methods approach, we administered face-to-face structured questionnaires to elderly villagers aged 50 years and above from the study area. Our results revealed various agricultural practices such as crop rotations, polyculture, intercropping, livestock farming, ploughing rituals, water harvesting, and seasonal agriculture. The Vhavenda community incorporates local knowledge, which is unique to these agricultural practices, and uses various strategies which contribute to a sustainable environment within their area. This has, in turn, allowed them to improve their livelihoods, reduce poverty, and provide life sustenance. The study\'s findings demonstrate the significance of indigenous knowledge in the agricultural sector and rural peoples\' efforts towards supportable environmental management. The article therefore suggests that local indigenous knowledge should be understood as a collaborative concept within the agricultural industry. Furthermore, it proposes that stakeholders who influence decision-making and progress in rural communities should consider this knowledge and work together with local inhabitants. Additionally, it advocates for acknowledging the understanding of local indigenous peoples in pursuing sustainable environmental management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two years of monthly sampling and hydrological monitoring were performed at the outlet of a Mediterranean watershed in northern Tunisia to determine the contents of 469 pesticide active ingredients and metabolites in water and evaluate their behavior. Wadi Guenniche is a tributary of the Bizerte coastal lagoon, with a watershed area of 86 km2, which exhibits pluvial cereal, legume, and orchid cultivation and irrigated market gardening. Twenty-nine pesticide active ingredients and 2 metabolites were detected in water. Twenty-four pesticide active ingredients were authorized for use in Tunisia. Among them, 14 had never been mentioned in previous farmer surveys. Five herbicides and their metabolites were the most frequently detected: aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) (100%), glyphosate (94%), simazine (94%), 2,4-D (70%), and deisopropylatrazine (DIA) (47%). The detection frequency and concentration range suggested that the phytosanitary pressure and resulting water contamination are close to those on the northern Mediterranean shore. These results, in addition to characterizing the pollution state, emphasized the need for additional studies on the use and fate of pesticides on the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, particularly in Tunisia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ensuring global food security is pressing among challenges like population growth, climate change, soil degradation, and diminishing resources. Meeting the rising food demand while reducing agriculture\'s environmental impact requires innovative solutions. Nanotechnology, with its potential to revolutionize agriculture, offers novel approaches to these challenges. However, potential risks and regulatory aspects of nanoparticle (NP) utilization in agriculture must be considered to maximize their benefits for human health and the environment. Understanding NP-plant cell interactions is crucial for assessing risks of NP exposure and developing strategies to control NP uptake by treated plants. Insights into NP uptake mechanisms, distribution patterns, subcellular accumulation, and induced alterations in cellular architecture can be effectively drawn using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). TEM allows direct visualization of NPs within plant tissues/cells and their influence on organelles and subcellular structures at high resolution. Moreover, integrating TEM with stereological principles, which has not been previously utilized in NP-plant cell interaction assessments, provides a novel and quantitative framework to assess these interactions. Design-based stereology enhances TEM capability by enabling precise and unbiased quantification of three-dimensional structures from two-dimensional images. This combined approach offers comprehensive data on NP distribution, accumulation, and effects on cellular morphology, providing deeper insights into NP impact on plant physiology and health. This report highlights the efficient use of TEM, enhanced by stereology, in investigating diverse NP-plant tissue/cell interactions. This methodology facilitates detailed visualization of NPs and offers robust quantitative analysis, advancing our understanding of NP behavior in plant systems and their potential implications for agricultural sustainability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The escalating use of plastics in agriculture, driven by global population growth and increasing food demand, has concurrently led to a rise in Agricultural Plastic Waste (APW) production. Effective waste management is imperative, prompting this study to address the initial step of management, that is the quantification and localization of waste generated from different production systems in diverse regions. Focused on four Southern European countries (Italy, Spain, Greece, and Portugal) at the regional level, the study uses Geographic Information System (GIS), land use maps, indices tailored to each specific agricultural application and each crop type for plastic waste mapping. Furthermore, after the data was employed, it was validated by relevant stakeholders of the mentioned countries. The study revealed Spain, particularly the Andalusia region, as the highest contributor to APW equal to 324,000 tons per year, while Portugal\'s Azores region had the lowest estimate equal to 428 tons per year. Significantly, this research stands out as one of the first to comprehensively consider various plastic applications and detailed crop cultivations within the production systems, representing a pioneering effort in addressing plastic waste management in Southern Europe. This can lead further on to the management of waste in this area and the transfer of the scientific proposition to other countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp., RKN) are among the most destructive endoparasitic nematodes worldwide, often leading to a reduction of crop growth and yield. Insights into the dynamics of host-RKN interactions, especially in varied biotic and abiotic environments, could be pivotal in devising novel RKN mitigation measures. Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) involves different plant growth-enhancing activities such as biofertilization, pathogen suppression, and induction of systemic resistance. We summarized the up-to-date knowledge on the role of PGPB and abiotic factors such as soil pH, texture, structure, moisture, etc. in modulating RKN-host interactions. RKN are directly or indirectly affected by different PGPB, abiotic factors interplay in the interactions, and host responses to RKN infection. We highlighted the tripartite (host-RKN-PGPB) phenomenon with respect to (i) PGPB direct and indirect effect on RKN-host interactions; (ii) host influence in the selection and enrichment of PGPB in the rhizosphere; (iii) how soil microbes enhance RKN parasitism; (iv) influence of host in RKN-PGPB interactions, and (v) the role of abiotic factors in modulating the tripartite interactions. Furthermore, we discussed how different agricultural practices alter the interactions. Finally, we emphasized the importance of incorporating the knowledge of tripartite interactions in the integrated RKN management strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The data set describes variables collected from a French (N 48.84°, E 1.95°) field trial, over a twelve-year period (2009-2020), in which four innovative cropping systems designed to reach multiple environmental and production goals were assessed. The four cropping systems were designed with new combinations of agricultural practices; they differed in terms of pesticide uses, nitrogen inputs, tillage practices, and crop sequences. Both biotic and abiotic variables were measured. In a previous data paper, we focused on nitrogen fluxes collected from two systems, over eight years (2009-2016). In the present one, we enlarge the scope of the variables, including more crop descriptions and environmental indicators, from all four systems, and over a longer period (2009-2020). The biotic data are: growth stages; aboveground plant nitrogen content and biomass collected at different growth stages, depending on the species; yield components of all the crops; and yield harvested with a combine machine. No weed, crop disease, and pest data are described. The abiotic data are physical and chemical properties of the soil (i.e. texture, calcium carbonate content, pH, organic carbon contents, and nitrogen contents) collected at different assessment periods. All agricultural practices, and climate were regularly recorded, and the treatment frequency indexes and the energy consumptions were computed. These data could be used for benchmarking, to design low-input systems, to improve models for parameterization and validation, and to increase the predictive accuracy of models of crop growth and development, specifically for orphan species such as linseed, faba bean or hemp, and for soil carbon and soil nitrogen fluxes in various conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global escalation in cereal production, essential to meet growing population demands, simultaneously augments the generation of cereal crop residues, estimated annually at approximately 3107 × 106 Mg/year. Among different crop residue management approaches, returning them to the soil can be essential for various ecological benefits, including nutrient recycling and soil carbon sequestration. However, the recalcitrant characteristics of cereal crop residues pose significant challenges in their management, particularly in the decomposition rate. Therefore, in this review, we aim to summarize the influence of different agricultural practices on enhancing soil microbial decomposer communities, thereby effectively managing cereal crop residues. Moreover, this manuscript provides indirect estimates of cereal crop residue production in Northern Europe and Lithuania, and highlights the diverse roles of lignocellulolytic microorganisms in the decomposition process, with a particular focus on enzymatic activities. This review bridges the knowledge gap and indicates future research directions concerning the influence of agricultural practices on cereal crop residue-associated microbial consortia.





