Agresión sexual

  • 文章类型: Editorial
    Background: The term military sexual trauma [MST] is increasingly used to describe instances of sexual harassment/assault that occur between serving personnel during military service. However, in the absence of a clear universal definition, MST is an increasingly contested term, with confusion about its scope, application to differing jurisdictions and implications for responses and treatment.Objective: This editorial provides a universal definition of MST, decoupled from any national system or framework.Method: Drawing on existing international evidence about the nature and impact of MST.Results and Conclusion: We argue that MST terminology provides a unique framing which recognises the institutional nature of MST victimisation and situates the context, behaviours, and impact on a continuum of violence.
    MST terminology provides understanding and acknowledgement of the nuances of sexual harassment/assault in the military institution.MST terminology should encompass a continuum of sexual violence.Drawing on existing military health research, the authors contend that MST should be considered as a distinctive traumatic stressor.






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases has been on the rise in our setting for decades. These infections represent not only an individual problem, but also a problem of public health. Therefore, the management of STDs involves reducing community incidence, which means that common issues in the clinical practice such as failure to attend may become a more complex problem, which adds to the difficult and delicate task of locating sexual contacts that would benefit from screening and the appropriate treatment. On the other hand, STDs have direct legal implications in cases of underage patients, or suspected sexual assault. Therefore, the correct handling of these scenarios requires knowledge of the legal framework that regulates them. Dermatologists are clinically trained and prepared to deal with these conditions. Nonetheless, the legal issues involved are often difficult to solve. This document stands as a simple reference guide to help solve the main legal issues we may encounter in a consultation when dealing with STDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Experiencing sexual assault is associated with a significant increase in risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorder and related concerns (e.g. alcohol misuse). Cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence suggests that social support may be both broadly protective against and eroded by posttraumatic stress symptoms. However, little is known about how different aspects of social support and posttraumatic stress symptoms influence each other in the weeks and months immediately following sexual assault, when posttraumatic stress (PTS) symptoms first emerge.Objective: The present study assessed the day-to-day relationship between social support and PTS in a sample of distressed, alcohol-using, recently-assaulted female survivors participating in a clinical trial of an app-based intervention (N = 41).Method: Participants completed 3 weeks of daily diaries starting within 10 weeks of sexual assault. Mixed-effects models were used to examine prior-day and same-day relationships between PTS and four social support constructs (social contact, emotional support, pleasantness of social interactions, and talking about sexual assault).Results: Results indicate that higher quantity and pleasantness of social interactions over the full sampling period was associated with lower PTS symptoms on any given day. Experiencing better-than-typical social interactions on one day was associated with lower than typical PTS symptoms on that day and the next day. On days when participants discussed their sexual assault with others, they tended to be having higher than usual PTS symptoms.Conclusions: Findings suggest that increasing the quantity and pleasantness of social interactions soon after sexual assault might protect against worsening posttraumatic stress symptoms.Trial registration: identifier: NCT03703258.
    In N = 41 distressed and alcohol-using female survivors of recent sexual assault, having a higher quantity of social interactions and more pleasant social interactions within 10 weeks of assault was associated with lower posttraumatic stress symptoms.When survivors’ social interactions were more pleasant than average on one day, their posttraumatic stress symptoms tended to be lower than average the next day, and recent survivors were more likely to talk about sexual assault on days when their posttraumatic stress symptoms were higher than usual.Interventionists should take note that increasing the quantity and pleasantness of social interactions soon after sexual assault might protect against worsening posttraumatic stress symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Young adult sexual minority women (SMW) are at elevated risk for sexual assault (SA), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and inadequate social support. While SA and PTSD can lead to reductions in social support from close significant others, the impact of SA and PTSD on SMWs\' social support has not previously been assessed.Objective: This study examined the associations of past year SA and PTSD with SMW\'s social support from intimate partners, family, and friends. It was hypothesized that SA and PTSD would be negatively associated with support from partners, family and friends, and that PTSD would moderate the effect of SA on support in early adulthood.Method: Young adult SMW in the United States (N = 235) who were M = 23.93 (SD = 2.15) years old, primarily lesbian or bisexual (n = 186, 79.1%) and White (n = 176, 74.9%) completed measures on past year exposure to SA and non-SA trauma, PTSD, and social support from intimate partners, family and friends.Results: PTSD was associated with less social support from partners, (b = -0.06, SE = 0.02, p = .010, R2change = .02), family, (b = -0.06, SE = 0.03, p = .025, R2change = .02), and friends, (b = -0.07, SE = 0.02, p = .008, R2change = .02). There was a significant interaction between PTSD and SA on social support from partners (b = -0.01, SE = 0.01, p = .047, R2change = .01). Neither non-SA nor SA trauma was associated with support from family or friends.Conclusions: Results underscore the potential impact of recent SA on intimate partnerships for young adult SMW with more severe PTSD. Future work should explore how addressing PTSD and improving social support quality may help SMW recover from traumatic experiences and ameliorate the effects of SA on intimate partnerships.
    We examined the associations of past-year sexual and non-sexual assault trauma and PTSD with sexual minority women’s social support from close significant others.Higher PTSD was associated with lower social support from partners, family and friends.In intimate partnerships, sexual assault was only associated with less social support when PTSD symptoms were more severe.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Sexual violence is a very underdetected public health problem, with important short and long-term consequences on physical, mental, social, sexual and reproductive health, which must be taken into account by health services. Health systems are part of the set of resources necessary for a comprehensive approach from the ecological model: prevention and promotion of healthy sexuality with equality, adequate and coordinated care in the event of sexual assault and subsequent support to prevent sequelae. All sexual violence has health consequences, even those that may seem less serious such as sexual harassment or sexual cyberviolence. We must know the needs of the victim and their possible emotional reactions. A risk assessment will be carried out, the victim will be referred to a hospital if necessary and comprehensive and integrated care will be provided. Care and follow-up must focus on the survivor and with professionals trained in trauma to understand the consequences of sexual violence, offer a safe and trusting environment and know how to reinforce their qualities and support.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other sexual orientation and gender diverse (SOGD) communities are at disproportionately higher risk for sexual violence compared to cisgender heterosexual people. Despite this elevated risk, relatively few sexual violence prevention efforts effectively reduce these victimization disparities based on sexual orientation or gender identity.Objective: This narrative review provides an overview of the prevalence of sexual violence in the SOGD communities, delineates risk factors for sexual victimization among SOGD community members, and reviews and evaluates existing prevention efforts for the SOGD communities. We outline specific recommendations for ensuring that prevention efforts meet the needs of the SOGD communities.Method: Drawing on ecological systems theory and public health approaches to sexual violence prevention, we outline current approaches and opportunities for preventionists and scholars to push the field forward.Results: There have been promising prevention programmes designed to be implemented within SOGD communities specifically; however, it is important that general primary prevention programmes endeavour to specifically address sexual violence perpetrated against SOGD people. While many packaged programmes that endeavour to prevent sexual violence across all gender identities and sexual orientations are inclusive of SOGD participants, more programming is needed that integrates anti-oppression training to target social norms that perpetuate SOGD-specific rape myths and normalize sexual violence against SOGD community members.Conclusion: Ecological prevention strategies in line with a public health approach for primary prevention may be particularly valuable for reducing victimization disparities based on SOGD status and identity. Comprehensive sexual education and anti-discrimination policies should be considered front-line prevention programming. To assess if these strategies are effective, the implementation of large-scale surveillance surveys that use comprehensive assessments of sexual orientation, gender identity, and sexual violence are needed. Using theoretically grounded implementation strategies for prevention programmes can ensure effective programme delivery.
    Despite their increased vulnerability, relatively few prevention strategies that specifically aim to reduce sexual violence among sexual and gender diverse (SOGD) communities and existing packaged programmes are less effective for preventing victimization among SOGD than for cisgender, heterosexual groups.Packaged prevention programmes should continue adapting with the specific aims to reduce these SOGD-based disparities.Broader changes at the outer layer of the social-ecological model (e.g. anti-discrimination, anti-bullying, inclusive sex-education) are critical primary prevention approaches to reduce SOGD-based sexual violence disparities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Sexual victimization is a serious public health problem, with a range of negative impacts on mental and physical health. Responses that individuals get to disclosure of sexual victimization play an important role in recovery. With the increased use of social media, more survivors are talking about their experiences of sexual victimization online. Research is needed to document the correlates of online disclosure of sexual victimization.Objective: The current study examined the role of demographic characteristics, assault severity, coping strategies, and social isolation as putative correlates of disclosing sexual victimization online via the hashtag #MeToo.Methods: A sample of 637 adults recruited via social media who reported a history of sexual victimization since the age of 14 completed self-report surveys using online survey software to assess disclosure of sexual victimization, assault severity, coping strategies, and social isolation.Results: Multivariate analyses suggest that levels of emotion-focused coping were positively associated with the disclosure of sexual victimization online via #MeToo. Further, individuals who had experienced completed rape by verbal coercion were less likely to disclose via #MeToo, compared to individuals who experienced other forms of assault.Conclusion: Coping strategies and assault severity play an important role in determining whether survivors disclose sexual victimization online via #MeToo. Findings suggest that individuals may disclose via #MeToo to seek support or express their emotions. Further, individuals whose sexual victimization experiences do not conform to \'typical\' sexual victimization experiences are less likely to disclose via #MeToo.
    HIGHLIGHTSGreater reported use of emotion-focused coping is associated with an increased likelihood of disclosing via #MeToo.Individuals who experienced completed rape by verbal coercion were less likely to disclose via #MeToo, compared to individuals who experienced other forms of assault.Findings highlight the need to further investigate correlates of disclosure via #MeToo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background/Objective: Using two different high-risk samples, the present study compared and contrasted two different strategies/questionnaire types for assessing a history of sexual violence: a general trauma screening vs. specialised behaviourally-specific questionnaires.Methods: Sample 1 included 91 men and women seeking detoxification treatment services in a publicly funded, urban clinic who completed a trauma and substance use questionnaire battery during treatment. Sample 2 included 310 women at a rural college who completed a trauma and religious coping questionnaire battery for course credit. All participants completed both types of questionnaires: One general trauma screening questionnaire (i.e. the Life Events Checklist [LEC]) and two behaviourally-specific specialised questionnaires (i.e. the 2007 Sexual Experiences Survey [SES] and the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire [CTQ]).Results: There were large differences in the cases identified by the behaviourally-specific questionnaires (SES and CTQ) compared to the general trauma screening questionnaire (the LEC) in both samples but few differences in the prevalence rates of sexual violence detected by each questionnaire type. In the detoxification sample, the differences were especially notable for men. Follow-up analyses indicated that degree of traumatisation impacted results likely by increasing participant\'s willingness to endorse face-valid items on the LEC.Conclusions: For men, the behaviourally-specific questionnaires (SES/CTQ) were necessary to identify cases. For those with more severe trauma histories, the LEC was equivalent to the SES/CTQ in identifying a similar number of sexual violence cases. Thus, clinicians and researchers should consider the population when selecting assessments to identify sexual violence history.
    For men and rural college women, general trauma questionnaires are not as accurate as specialised sexual violence measures in detecting cases.While prevalence rates were often similar, which cases were detected by general trauma and specialised questionnaires were different.Individuals with greater trauma exposure were more likely to endorse face-valid sexual violence items on the general trauma questionnaires.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) has been identified as a risk factor for later sexual aggression perpetration and vulnerability factor for sexual victimization. However, the use of cross-sectional designs, the focus on female victimization and male perpetration, and the lack of evidence from outside North America limit the existing knowledge base.
    The study was designed to examine pathways from CSA to sexual revictimization and sexual aggression perpetration after the age of consent.
    A total of 588 university students in Germany (308 female) took part in a three-wave longitudinal study covering 23 months. At each wave (T1-T3), all participants completed measures of sexual aggression victimization and perpetration. Experiences of CSA were measured at T1.
    The rate of CSA was significantly higher for women (20.8%) than for men (12.4%). Rates of sexual victimization for women were 60.9% at Time 1 (since age 14), 22.3% at Time 2 (since T1), and 17.4% at Time 3 (since T2). For men, the rates were 39.2% at Time 1, 15.9% at Time 2, and 14.1% at Time 3. Rates of sexual aggression perpetration for women were 10.6% at Time 1 (since age 14), 3.5% at Time 2 (since T1), and 3.6% at Time 3 (since T2). For men, the rates were 18.0% at Time 1, 6.2% at Time 2, and 3.8% at Time 3. The gender differences in victimization and perpetration were significant only at T1. CSA predicted higher odds of sexual aggression victimization and perpetration cross-sectionally at T1 and indirectly at T2 and T3 via T1. Gender did not moderate the associations.
    The results confirm previous findings of elevated rates of sexual aggression victimization and perpetration in adolescence and young adulthood in victims of CSA. The implications for understanding and preventing adverse sexuality-related outcomes of CSA are discussed.
    Childhood sexual abuse has been linked to an increased vulnerability to sexual revictimization and risk of later sexual aggression perpetration.This longitudinal study based on a large sample of university students in Germany with three data waves covering 23 months shows that sexual abuse in childhood increases the odds of experiencing and engaging in sexual aggression in adolescence and young adulthood.The associations with later sexual aggression victimization and perpetration held for both female and male victims of childhood sexual abuse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual assault (SA) can induce a negative impact on victims\' mental health. Specialised SA services generally offer medical care and a forensic examination to SA victims. However, there is a large variation in how these services provide mental health support.
    This study aims to assess mental health problems of SA victims attending the Belgian Sexual Assault Care Centres (SACCs) and identify predictors for victims\' use of support from in-house psychologists.
    Health records of victims ≥ 16 years who presented within one week post-SA to one of the three Belgian SACCs between 25 October 2017 and 31 October 2019 were reviewed. An AIC-based stepwise backward binary logistic regression was used to analyse the association between victim, assault, service use and mental health characteristics and follow-up by a SACC-psychologist.
    Of the 555 victims, more than half had a history of mental health problems. Of those assessed, over 70% showed symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and/or anxiety disorder. One in two victims consulted a SACC-psychologist. Victims with a mental health history (OR 1.46, p = .04), victims accompanied by a support person during acute care (OR 1.51, p = .04), and victims who were assaulted by an acquaintance in comparison to those assaulted by a stranger (OR 1.60, p = .039) were more likely to attend their appointment with the SACC-psychologist.
    The study reaffirms the high mental health burden among victims attending specialised SA services, stressing the need to provide effective mental health interventions at these services and improve their longer-term use by victims. Prescheduling of appointments with an in-house psychologist in combination with phone reminders may improve the uptake of such services. Health care providers must be vigilant about potential barriers faced by victims without a mental health history or social support in attending appointments with mental health professionals.
    The mental health burden is high among victims attending Belgian Sexual Assault Care Centres.Half of the victims use the support of an in-house psychologist. Victims with a history of mental health problems, those accompanied by a support person during acute care, and those assaulted by an acquaintance in comparison to those assaulted by a stranger, are more likely to use this support.Effective mental health support should be recognised as an integral and essential part of care for SA victims. Uptake and longer-term engagement with this mental health support should be improved for those victims diagnosed with PTSD.





