
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For professional practice to be responsible, any diagnostic tests used must be reliable. Therefore, the reliability of any diagnostic test needs to have been measured. The classical statistic for quantifying reliability is Kappa. Although Kappa can be promptly determined using a programmed calculator, using an algorithm to derive Kappa provides greater insight into what it is actually measuring and why. Kappa scores can be graded, with verbal descriptor applied to different grades. However, those descriptors do not necessarily reflect the degree of skill required to achieve different grades of Kappa. High levels of skill attract high Kappa scores, but Kappa scores described as fair or moderate are not necessarily flattering because they can be achieved with questionable levels of skill. Various corrections can be applied to the calculation of Kappa scores in order to raise their value, and to improve the verbal descriptors of their grade, but these may not be legitimate or necessary. Low Kappa scores do not condemn tests but they serve to raise questions about their reliability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ultrasound imaging is extensively used by both practitioners and researchers in assessing muscle thickness (MT); however, its use in the field is constrained by the transportability of stationary devices. New portable ultrasound probes pose as a cost-effective and transportable alternative for field-based assessments. This study evaluated the concurrent validity of a portable probe (Lumify) against a laboratory-based device (Vivid S5) in measuring MT. Eighteen participants (nine males and nine females) visited the laboratory and their MT measurements were collected using each device at five different sites (anterior and posterior arm, anterior and posterior thigh, and posterior lower leg). Bland-Altman plots (systematic and proportional bias, random error, and 95% limits of agreement), Pearson\'s product-moment correlation coefficient (r), and paired samples t-tests with Cohen\'s d effect sizes (ES) were used to assess the concurrent validity of the Lumify device. Systematic bias was low at all sites ( ≤ 0.11 cm) while proportional bias was detected only at the posterior lower leg (r2 = 0.217 [r = 0.466]). The difference in MT between devices was significant only at the anterior thigh (p < 0.05); however, ES for all sites were considered trivial (ES ≤ 0.131). Linear associations were found between the devices at each site of measurement (r ≥ 0.95). These results highlight that the Lumify probe can be used interchangeably with the Vivid S5 for MT measurements, providing practitioners and researchers with a more cost-effective and portable alternative for field-based assessments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Quality of life (QOL) is an important clinical endpoint in paediatric chronic conditions. How parent-proxy reports differ from child self-reported QOL in patients with anorectal malformation (ARM) and Hirschsprung\'s disease (HD) has not been well examined to date. This study evaluates agreement between parent-proxy and child-reported QOL scores in ARM and HD patients compared to healthy controls.
    METHODS: We recruited ARM and HD patients aged 5-17 years and their parents at four tertiary referral centres between December 2020 to February 2023 who had corrective surgery done >12 months prior. Healthy controls were age-matched and gender-matched. They completed the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ (PedsQL™) Generic Core Scales and General Well-Being (GWB) Scale. The questionnaires were administered in parallel parent-proxy-report and child self-report formats. Appropriate statistical analysis was performed with p < 0.05 significance. Data are reported as median (interquartile range). Ethical approval was obtained.
    RESULTS: There were 65 ARM, 54 HD and 83 controls. There were no significant differences between parent-reported scores and child-reported scores overall in the Total, Psychosocial Health and Physical Health components of Core Scales for ARM, HD and controls. However, parent-reported scores were significantly higher than child-reported scores overall in ARM, HD and controls in the GWB Scale.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that parent-rated and child-rated overall QOL was similar in Core Scales for ARM, HD, and controls. However, parents overestimated child\'s overall GWB for ARM, HD and controls. This highlights the importance of capturing the perspectives of both parents and children to inform strategies to improve patient care.
    METHODS: Level III.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Smartphones, with embedded accelerometers, may be a viable method to monitor gait variability in the free-living environment. However, measurements estimated using smartphones must first be compared to known quantities to ensure validity. This study assessed the validity and reliability of smartphone-derived gait measures compared to a gold-standard footswitch system during overground walking. Seventeen adults completed three 8-minute overground walking trials during 3 separate visits. The stride time series was calculated as the time difference between consecutive right heel contact events within the footswitch and smartphone-accelerometry signals. Linear (average stride time, stride time standard deviation, and stride time coefficient of variation) and nonlinear (fractal scaling index, approximate entropy, and sample entropy) measures were calculated for each stride time series. Bland-Altman plots with 95% limits of agreement assessed agreement between systems. Intraclass correlation coefficients assessed reliability across visits. Bland-Altman plots revealed acceptable limits of agreement for all measures. Intraclass correlation coefficients revealed good-to-excellent reliability for both systems, except for fractal scaling index, which was moderate. The smartphone system is a valid method and performs similarly to gold-standard research equipment. These findings suggest the development and implementation of an inexpensive, easy-to-use, and ubiquitous telehealth instrument that may replace traditional laboratory equipment for use in the free-living environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The authors make the case for using a written instead of a spoken supervision agreement at supervision\'s outset in order to provide clarity and education about supervision, supply an accessible document that supervisees can readily reference, sidestep memory issues that negatively affect the supervision process, and enable dyadic collaboration that sets an immediate positive tone for supervision. The invitational, clarifying, educational, empowering, and transparent (ICEE-T) supervision agreement approach is described, with emphasis on the essential elements to put in place at the outset of supervision. A written agreement, which is valuable at any supervisee developmental stage, can be invaluable when working with novice supervisees (e.g., because of the anxieties and self-doubt of first-time supervisees) and is explored with that group foremost in mind.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several pain scoring systems have been validated to measure pain in dogs. However, pain may not be adequately assessed since these tools are associated with high-level inter-observer variation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the agreement of pain assessment using the CMPS-SF between veterinary students, veterinary nurses, veterinary surgeons, and European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (ECVAA) diplomates. Forty-five client-owned dogs presented to a teaching hospital were enrolled in this prospective, observational study. All dogs were pain-scored in vivo, while a video of the assessment was recorded and subsequently evaluated by twenty assessors, with five per group. Mean scores between groups were compared, and agreement within groups and agreement of the average scores between groups were assessed by calculating the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The intervention point at which dogs were deemed to require additional analgesia was also evaluated. Overall agreement of pain assessment was poor (ICC = 0.494). Nurses had the best inter-observer agreement (ICC = 0.656), followed by ECVAA diplomates (ICC = 0.540), veterinary surgeons (ICC = 0.478), and veterinary students (ICC = 0.432). The best inter-group agreement was between veterinary surgeons and nurses (ICC = 0.951) and between ECVAA diplomates and nurses (ICC = 0.951). Students were more likely to determine that additional analgesia was required compared to other groups. Pain assessment is key for animal welfare, and training in this area should be reinforced to improve consistency.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study tests two hypotheses about spine pain patients\' expectations for consultations and their negative evaluations. High expectations may be impractical or unachievable and can set patients up for disappointment. Unmet expectations are the absolute difference between expectations before the visit and perceptions of expectations actually enacted.
    METHODS: We conducted a single-site prospective study using pre- and post-consultation surveys. Patients (N = 200) were English-speaking individuals aged 18-75 presenting for an initial consultation for musculoskeletal pain. Analyses were conducted in SPSS v. 28.0 using mixed modeling to account for interdependence among cases.
    RESULTS: Contrary to initial predictions, higher pre-consultation expectations for shared decision-making were positively linked to post-consultation satisfaction, trust, and agreement. Exceeding expectations in shared decision-making, history-taking, examination, and interpersonal skills significantly enhanced post-consultation outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Results support the unmet expectations hypothesis over the high expectations hypothesis. Increased expectations and exceeding these expectations in key areas of patient-physician interaction were positively associated with improved consultation outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings highlight the importance of exceeding multifaceted patient expectations in physician evaluations. Yet, physicians must first understand the nature and source of each patient\'s expectations pre-consultation, which vary across individuals in aspirational and realistic dimensions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of low birth weight (LBW) is an important indicator of child health and wellbeing. However, in many countries, decisions regarding care and treatment are often based on mothers\' perceptions of their children\'s birth size due to a lack of objective birth weight data. Additionally, birth weight data that is self-reported or recorded often encounters the issue of heaping. This study assesses the concordance between the perceived birth size and the reported or recorded birth weight. We also investigate how the presence of heaped birth weight data affects this concordance, as well as the relationship between concordance and various sociodemographic factors.
    METHODS: We examined 4,641 birth records reported in the 2019 Bangladesh Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey. The sensitivity-specificity analysis was performed to assess perceived birth size\'s ability to predict LBW, while Cohen\'s Kappa statistic assessed reliability. We used the kernel smoothing technique to correct heaping of birth weight data, as well as a multivariable multinomial logistic model to assess factors associated with concordance.
    RESULTS: Maternally-perceived birth size exhibited a low sensitivity (63.5%) and positive predictive value (52.6%) for predicting LBW, but a high specificity (90.1%) and negative predictive value (93.4%). There was 86.1% agreement between birth size and birth weight-based classifications (Kappa = 0.49, indicating moderate agreement). Smoothed birth weight data did not improve agreement (83.4%, Kappa = 0.45). Of the sociodemographic factors, early marriage was positively associated with discordance (i.e., overestimation).
    CONCLUSIONS: An important consideration when calculating the LBW prevalence is that maternally perceived birth size is not an optimal proxy for birth weight. Focus should be placed on encouraging institutional births and educating community health workers and young mothers about the significance of measuring and recording birth weight.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The gait variable minimum toe clearance (MTC) has been investigated concerning trip-related fall research in older adults. However, comparing studies is difficult due to the different methods used to measure MTC and shoe conditions, which may affect agreement. Measurement methods can include using a single virtual point (SVP), multiple virtual points (MVPS), or metatarsal head markers (marker-based). The shoe types used in MTC studies include standard shoes (SS), personal shoes (PS), and barefoot (BF) conditions.
    OBJECTIVE: What is the agreement, inter and intra-rater reliability, and repeatability for the 3 commonly used methods of measuring MTC (SVP, MVPS, marker-based) under the 3 shoe conditions for optical motion capture systems (SS, PS, BF)?
    METHODS: Twelve healthy young adults (mean [SD] 23.8 [1.9] years,7 males) participated in this observational study. In a randomized order, participants completed 25 walking trials at self-selected normal and slow speeds in SS, PS, and BF conditions while infrared cameras recorded the maker trajectories. Each participant performed a familiarization trial for at least 1 minute before collecting data on each shoe condition. Statistical analyses included Bland-Altman 95 % limits of agreement (LOA) analyses, interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) analyses for inter- and intra-rater reliability, and the repeatability coefficient (RC).
    RESULTS: The SVP and MVPS had a tighter 95 % LOA than the marker-based method, particularly under SS and BF conditions. The inter-rater reliability was good to excellent under these shoe conditions. Intra-reliability for all methods under all shoe conditions was excellent (ICC >.90). The RC was very similar for each method, with none exceeding 1.02 cm.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study provides estimates of the agreement between MTC methods and suggests that only SVP or MVPS produced similar results in SS/BF conditions. Additionally, a \"true\" change in MTC requires a difference greater than 1.02 cm.





