Agonistic peptide

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Single-cell droplet microfluidics is an important platform for high-throughput analyses and screening because it provides an independent and compartmentalized microenvironment for reaction or cultivation by coencapsulating individual cells with various molecules in monodisperse microdroplets. In combination with microbial biosensors, this technology becomes a potent tool for the screening of mutant strains. In this study, we demonstrated that a genetically engineered yeast strain that can fluorescently sense agonist ligands via the heterologous expression of a human G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) and concurrently secrete candidate peptides is highly compatible with single-cell droplet microfluidic technology for the high-throughput screening of new agonistically active peptides.
    RESULTS: The water-in-oil microdroplets were generated using a flow-focusing microfluidic chip to encapsulate engineered yeast cells coexpressing a human GPCR [i.e., angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AGTR1)] and a secretory agonistic peptide [i.e., angiotensin II (Ang II)]. The single yeast cells cultured in the droplets were then observed under a microscope and analyzed using image processing incorporating machine learning techniques. The AGTR1-mediated signal transduction elicited by the self-secreted Ang II peptide was successfully detected via the expression of a fluorescent reporter in single-cell yeast droplet cultures. The system could also distinguish Ang II analog peptides with different agonistic activities. Notably, we further demonstrated that the microenvironment of the single-cell droplet culture enabled the detection of rarely existing positive (Ang II-secreting) yeast cells in the model mixed cell library, whereas the conventional batch-culture environment using a shake flask failed to do so. Thus, our approach provided compartmentalized microculture environments, which can prevent the diffusion, dilution, and cross-contamination of peptides secreted from individual single yeast cells for the easy identification of GPCR agonists.
    CONCLUSIONS: We established a droplet-based microfluidic platform that integrated an engineered yeast biosensor strain that concurrently expressed GPCR and self-secreted the agonistic peptides. This offers individually isolated microenvironments that allow the culture of single yeast cells secreting these peptides and gaging their signaling activities, for the high-throughput screening of agonistic peptides. Our platform base on yeast GPCR biosensors and droplet microfluidics will be widely applicable to metabolic engineering, environmental engineering, and drug discovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tumors frequently express unmutated self-tumor-associated antigens (self-TAAs). However, trial results using self-TAAs as vaccine targets against cancer are mixed, often attributed to deletion of T cells with high-affinity receptors (TCRs) for self-TAAs during T cell development. Mutating these weak self-TAAs to produce higher affinity, effective vaccines is challenging, since the mutations may not benefit all members of the broad self-TAA-specific T cell repertoire. We previously identified a common weak murine self-TAA that we converted to a highly effective antitumor vaccine by a single amino acid substitution. In this case the modified and natural self-TAAs still raised very similar sets of CD8 T cells. Our structural studies herein show that the modification of the self-TAA resulted in a subtle change in the major histocompatibility complex I-TAA structure. This amino acid substitution allowed a dramatic conformational change in the peptide during subsequent TCR engagement, creating a large increase in TCR affinity and accounting for the efficacy of the modified self-TAA as a vaccine. These results show that carefully selected, well-characterized modifications to a poorly immunogenic self-TAA can rescue the immune response of the large repertoire of weakly responding natural self-TAA-specific CD8 T cells, driving them to proliferate and differentiate into functional effectors. Subsequently, the unmodified self-TAA on the tumor cells, while unable to drive this response, is nevertheless a sufficient target for the CD8 cytotoxic effectors. Our results suggest a pathway for more efficiently identifying variants of common self-TAAs, which could be useful in vaccine development, complementing other current nonantigen-specific immunotherapies.





