Afghan Campaign 2001-

阿富汗运动 2001 -
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Problematic anger, characterized by excessive frequency, intensity, and duration of anger which causes substantial emotional distress and functional interference, poses a marked challenge in military populations. Despite its importance, research on this topic is limited. This study contributes to the literature by exploring problematic anger in a large sample of Norwegian military personnel who served in NATO missions in Afghanistan.
    METHODS: All Norwegian military personnel who deployed to Afghanistan between 2001 and 2020 were sent a link to a cross-sectional web-based survey by the Joint Medical Services of the Norwegian Armed Forces in 2020. A total of 6205 individuals (response rate: 67.7%) participated. The cross-sectional survey assessed problematic anger, mental and physical health, war zone stressor exposure, and quality of life.
    RESULTS: Overall, 8.4% of participants reported problematic anger. Mental health disorders, deployment-related shame and guilt, chronic pain, and challenges with the military-to-civilian transition were independently associated with problematic anger. Both staying in service and maintaining a part-time connection with the military as a reservist mitigated the risk of problematic anger after deployment, compared to complete separation from military service.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings demonstrate a sizeable prevalence of problematic anger among veterans of combat deployments. Given the associations between problematic anger and mental health disorders, chronic pain, and transition challenges, interventions designed to mitigate problematic anger need to be multi-faceted, including the possibility of maintaining an ongoing connection to military service. By reducing the risk of problematic anger, occupational, interpersonal and health outcomes may be improved for service members. Future research should examine the impact of problematic anger on adjustment over time, prevention strategies, and problematic anger in other high-risk occupations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sleep-related disorders are associated with pain, fatigue, and deficits in cognitive performance, which may interfere with successful rehabilitation. The study objectives were to (1) quantify outpatient prescriptions for insomnia medications during the first year following combat-related amputations, (2) examine longitudinal changes in prescriptions for insomnia medications, and (3) analyze patient characteristics associated with prescriptions for insomnia medications.
    METHODS: This was a retrospective study of DoD casualty records from the Expeditionary Medical Encounter Dataset and prescriptions for outpatient medications from the Pharmacy Data Transaction Service. Patients were a total of 1,651 U.S. service members who sustained major limb amputations in Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom from 2001 through 2017 and had outpatient prescriptions for any medication during the first year postinjury. Prescriptions for medications recommended for insomnia were low-dose antidepressants, anxiolytic sedatives, benzodiazepines, melatonin receptor agonist, and low-dose quetiapine. These prescription medications were analyzed by medication type, postinjury time, and patient characteristics during the first year postinjury.
    RESULTS: During the first year postinjury, 78% of patients (1,291 of 1,651) had outpatient prescriptions for insomnia medications, primarily anxiolytic sedative drugs (e.g., zolpidem), averaging a total of 86 prescription days (median = 66). The prevalence of these prescriptions declined substantially during the first year, from 57% of patients during the first quarter to 28% during the fourth quarter postinjury. In univariate analyses, multiple patient characteristics, including high Injury Severity Score, continued opioid and non-opioid analgesic prescriptions, and diagnoses of chronic pain, mood disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder, were significantly associated with higher prevalence and duration of outpatient prescriptions for insomnia medications.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present results indicate a high prevalence of outpatient prescriptions for insomnia medications following combat-related amputations, a prevalence that is substantially higher than previously reported among active duty personnel. These findings can inform DVA/DoD guidelines for amputation care and insomnia among military subpopulations. The results highlight the need for more research on the treatment of insomnia during early postinjury rehabilitation among patients who sustained serious combat injuries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Former UK military personnel who were previously deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in combat roles have exhibited elevated levels of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) compared to other groups. The present qualitative analyses used semi-structured interviews and a framework analysis to compare the experiences of symptomatic (N=10) and asymptomatic (N=7) former Army and Royal Marine personnel who were exposed to combat. Participants were drawn from a large UK military health and wellbeing cohort study and were sampled based upon probable PTSD status using scores from the PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version (PCL-C). All symptomatic participants attributed the development of post-traumatic stress to deployment events, with one additionally ascribing symptoms to childhood events. Among the participants, post-traumatic stress was temporarily buffered, and held at bay, by the holding function of various military structures, including the military collective; cultural and ethical frameworks that helped to organise traumatic experiences; an operational necessity for psychological compartmentalisation and even the distraction of deployment itself. Leaving the military appeared to elicit a global rupture of these supports. As a result, the military-to-civilian transition led to an intensification of post-traumatic stress, including deployment-related memories, among the symptomatic participants. In contrast, asymptomatic participants tended to report continuity of their holding structures across the lifespan, especially across the military-to-civilian transition. The onset and maintenance of post-traumatic stress may thus be explained by an interplay between the capacity of holding structures and the magnitude of lifetime rupture. Overall, findings might provide an explanation for the widening discrepancies between those with enduring post-traumatic stress and those without and further research is required to determine the fit of our findings for other groups and contexts. This approach further illustrates the need to situate individual experiences of post-traumatic stress in wider structural, ecological, cultural and ethical contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current war in Ukraine has drawn public attention to the treatment of war injuries. Follow-up treatment in Germany is portrayed the clover leaf of the TraumaNetzwerke DGU, is largely based on the demands of the Federal Ministries for Defence and Health and is intended to enhance resilience in war.The present article presents the special features of the care of severely injured patients during hostilities and should provide insights into the expected results of treatment and the actual procedures. We emphasise the unpredictability of the care of the severely injured during hostilities.On the basis of a search of the literature for the deployment of the German Army in Afghanistan and for the current war in Ukraine, we present the challenges and the typical patterns of injuries. We discuss the factors that can influence the procedures and the quality of the results during hostilities and how these may differ from civil polytrauma care in Germany - which is well established and standardised.Even during deployment of the Federal Army or (as planned) NATO, care of the severely injured is under standardised conditions, as based on the algorithmic ATLS care and which is concentrated on bleeding control. The corresponding equipment and personnel are well established, well prepared and well trained.However, there may be special local conditions or special deployments that make it inevitable that emergency medical care will be more delayed than in the civil system in Germany and can only take place after protracted transport. The objective is always that soldiers in combat should be able to receive medical care that is equivalent to that received by all accident victims in Germany, whatever the time and site of the accident.
    Durch den aktuellen Krieg in der Ukraine steht die Behandlung von Kriegsverletzungen in der öffentlichen Diskussion. Die hierzulande stattfindende Weiterversorgung von Verletzten aus der Ukraine nach Verteilung im Kleeblatt in die TraumaNetzwerke DGU steht nicht zuletzt durch die Forderung des Bundesverteidigungsministeriums und des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums, die Bundeswehr und das deutsche Gesundheitssystem gegenüber potenziellen Belastungen aus kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen resilienter (kriegstüchtig) zu machen, im Fokus.Um ein Verständnis für die erwartbaren Behandlungsergebnisse, die Vorgehensweisen im Einsatz, aber auch die Unwägbarkeiten der Schwerstverletztenversorgung unter Einsatzbedingungen zu etablieren, ist es das Ziel des vorliegenden Artikels, die Besonderheiten der Schwerstverletztenversorgung in kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen darzustellen.Durch eine Literaturrecherche werden die Herausforderungen und typischen Verletzungsmuster am Beispiel des Einsatzes der Bundeswehr in Afghanistan und des aktuellen Krieges in der Ukraine dargestellt. Es wird ein Überblick über die Faktoren gegeben, die abweichend von der gut etablierten und standardisierten, zivilen Polytraumaversorgung in Deutschland die Vorgehensweisen und die Ergebnisqualität unter Einsatzbedingungen beeinflussen können.Die Schwerstverletztenversorgung erfolgt auch im Einsatz der Bundeswehr oder wie aktuell konzipiert für den Einsatz der NATO unter standardisierten Bedingungen, die sich an der algorithmenbasierten Versorgung des ATLS mit Fokus auf Blutungskontrolle orientiert. Dies ist materiell und personell gut etabliert, vorbereitet und geschult.Einzelne Ländergegebenheiten bzw. Einsatzerfordernisse können aber dazu führen, dass die erste ärztliche notfallmedizinische Versorgung abweichend vom zivilen System in Deutschland erst zeitverzögert und nach längerem Transport erfolgen kann. Ziel ist es hierbei immer, für die eingesetzten Soldaten eine im Ergebnis gleichwertige Versorgung abzubilden, wie sie hier in Deutschland jedem Unfallopfer, unabhängig von Zeit und Ort des Unfalles, potenziell zur Verfügung steht.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Poor sleep quality has been associated with changes in brain volume among veterans, particularly those who have experienced mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This study sought to investigate (1) whether poor sleep quality is associated with decreased cortical thickness in Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, and (2) whether these associations differ topographically depending on the presence or absence of mTBI and PTSD.
    METHODS: A sample of 440 post-9/11 era U.S. veterans enrolled in the Translational Research Center for Traumatic Brain Injury and Stress Disorders study at VA Boston, MA from 2010 to 2022 was included in the study. We examined the relationship between sleep quality, as measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and cortical thickness in veterans with mTBI (n = 57), PTSD (n = 110), comorbid mTBI and PTSD (n = 129), and neither PTSD nor mTBI (n = 144). To determine the topographical relationship between subjective sleep quality and cortical thickness in each diagnostic group, we employed a General Linear Model (GLM) at each vertex on the cortical mantle. The extent of topographical overlap between the resulting statistical maps was assessed using Dice coefficients.
    RESULTS: There were no significant associations between PSQI and cortical thickness in the group without PTSD or mTBI (n = 144) or in the PTSD-only group (n = 110). In the mTBI-only group (n = 57), lower sleep quality was significantly associated with reduced thickness bilaterally in frontal, cingulate, and precuneus regions, as well as in the right parietal and temporal regions (β = -0.0137, P < 0.0005). In the comorbid mTBI and PTSD group (n = 129), significant associations were observed bilaterally in frontal, precentral, and precuneus regions, in the left cingulate and the right parietal regions (β = -0.0094, P < 0.0005). Interaction analysis revealed that there was a stronger relationship between poor sleep quality and decreased cortical thickness in individuals with mTBI (n = 186) compared to those without mTBI (n = 254) specifically in the frontal and cingulate regions (β = -0.0077, P < 0.0005).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates a significant relationship between poor sleep quality and lower cortical thickness primarily within frontal regions among individuals with both isolated mTBI or comorbid diagnoses of mTBI and PTSD. Thus, if directionality is established in longitudinal and interventional studies, it may be crucial to consider addressing sleep in the treatment of veterans who have sustained mTBI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the aftermath of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, over 100,000 individuals were evacuated to the United States, primarily arriving through Philadelphia International Airport and Dulles International Airport under Operation Allies Welcome. In Philadelphia, evacuees were greeted at the airport by a medical triage unit (MTU) that was rapidly assembled to provide on-site medical care. The MTU triaged emergent medical complaints, handled minor complaints on-site to reduce impact on local health care systems, distributed patients who did require a higher level of care among area hospitals, and ensured appropriate follow-up care for individuals with ongoing needs. Although there are regional and federal entities whose purview is the establishment and coordination of such responses, these entities were not mobilized to respond immediately when planes began to arrive carrying the first wave of evacuees as this event was not a designated disaster. The MTU was a grassroots effort initiated by local health care providers in coordination with the local Medical Reserve Corps and Department of Public Health. This article presents a framework for similar operations, anticipating an ongoing need for planning for sudden arrivals of large numbers of displaced persons, particularly via air travel, in a time of increasing mass displacement events, as well as a rationale for establishing more robust networks of local medical professionals willing to respond in the case of an emergency and involving them in the emergency planning processes to ensure preexisting protocols are practical.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The concept of resilience is embedded within military culture and professional identity. To date, temporal changes in individuals\' perceptions of their own resilience have not been systematically assessed in highstakes occupational contexts, like the military. The current study examined change in selfreported resilience over time by: (1) examining the longitudinal measurement invariance of the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS); (2) assessing the longitudinal pattern of resilience across a combat deployment cycle; and (3) examining predictors of postdeployment resilience and change in resilience scores across time. U.S. Army soldiers assigned to a combat brigade completed a survey at four time points over the course of a deployment cycle: (a) prior to deployment to Afghanistan; (b) during deployment; (c) immediately following return to home station; and (d) approximately 2-3 months thereafter. The longitudinal measurement invariance of the BRS was established. Growth curve modeling indicated that, on average, self-reported resilience decreased across the deployment cycle, but there was considerable individual variation in the rate of change. Of note, loneliness, as measured during deployment, predicted the rate of change in self-reported resilience over time. Results have implications for the longitudinal analysis of resilience and for the development of interventions with military personnel.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Military veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) commonly experience posttraumatic guilt. Guilt over commission or omission evolves when responsibility is assumed for an unfortunate outcome (e.g., the death of a fellow combatant). Survivor guilt is a state of intense emotional distress experienced by the weight of knowing that one survived while others did not.
    METHODS: This study of the Translational Research Center for TBI and Stress Disorders (TRACTS) analyzed structural and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging data from 132 male Iraq/Afghanistan veterans with PTSD. The Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-IV (CAPS-IV) was employed to classify guilt. Thirty (22.7 %) veterans experienced guilt over acts of commission or omission, 34 (25.8 %) experienced survivor guilt, and 68 (51.5 %) had no posttraumatic guilt. White matter microstructure (fractional anisotropy, FA), cortical thickness, and cortical volume were compared between veterans with guilt over acts of commission or omission, veterans with survivor guilt, and veterans without guilt.
    RESULTS: Veterans with survivor guilt had significantly lower white matter FA compared to veterans who did not experience guilt (p < .001), affecting several regions of major white matter fiber bundles. There were no significant differences in white matter FA, cortical thickness, or volumes between veterans with guilt over acts of commission or omission and veterans without guilt (p > .050).
    CONCLUSIONS: This cross-sectional study with exclusively male veterans precludes inferences of causality between the studied variables and generalizability to the larger veteran population that includes women.
    CONCLUSIONS: Survivor guilt may be a particularly impactful form of posttraumatic guilt that requires specific treatment efforts targeting brain health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aggregate statistics can provide intra-conflict and inter-conflict mortality comparisons and trends within and between U.S. combat operations. However, capturing individual-level data to evaluate medical and non-medical factors that influence combat casualty mortality has historically proven difficult. The Department of Defense (DoD) Trauma Registry, developed as an integral component of the Joint Trauma System during recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, has amassed individual-level data that have afforded greater opportunity for a variety of analyses and comparisons. Although aggregate statistics are easily calculated and commonly used across the DoD, other issues that require consideration include the impact of individual medical interventions, non-medical factors, non-battle-injured casualties, and incomplete or missing medical data, especially for prehospital care and forward surgical team care. Needed are novel methods to address these issues in order to provide a clearer interpretation of aggregate statistics and to highlight solutions that will ultimately increase survival and eliminate preventable death on the battlefield. Although many U.S. military combat fatalities sustain injuries deemed non-survivable, survival among these casualties might be improved using primary and secondary prevention strategies that prevent injury or reduce injury severity. The current commentary proposes adjustments to traditional aggregate combat casualty care statistics by integrating statistics from the DoD Military Trauma Mortality Review process as conducted by the Joint Trauma System and Armed Forces Medical Examiner System.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2015, the VIRTUS helmet was introduced to UK Armed Forces and will ultimately replace the Mark 7 combat helmet. The VIRTUS helmet has a reduced trimline compared to the Mark 7 helmet and can incorporate attachments such as a visor, mandible guard and nape protection. An anonymous questionnaire was provided to 200 UK Armed Forces personnel deployed to four locations on Operation TORAL in Afghanistan between September and October 2019. This is the first User feedback survey assessing the VIRTUS helmet in an operational environment. Users were measured to ascertain the fit of their helmet and asked to rate perceived helmet mass and comfort using a 5-point Likert scale. Users were also asked whether the VIRTUS helmet was better than previous helmets and about their use of the nape protection. The VIRTUS helmet was perceived to be an improvement over previously issued UK combat helmets in terms of both comfort and mass.





