Aerosol exposure

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nanocluster aerosol (NCA: particles in the size range of 1-3 nm) are a critically important, yet understudied, class of atmospheric aerosol particles. NCA efficiently deposit in the human respiratory system and can translocate to vital organs. Due to their high surface area-to-mass ratios, NCA are associated with a heightened propensity for bioactivity and toxicity. Despite the human health relevance of NCA, little is known regarding the prevalence of NCA in indoor environments where people spend the majority of their time. In this study, we quantify the formation and transformation of indoor atmospheric NCA down to 1 nm via high-resolution online nanoparticle measurements during propane gas cooking in a residential building. We observed a substantial pool of sub-1.5 nm NCA in the indoor atmosphere during cooking periods, with aerosol number concentrations often dominated by the newly formed NCA. Indoor atmospheric NCA emission factors can reach up to ∼1016 NCA/kg-fuel during propane gas cooking and can exceed those for vehicles with gasoline and diesel engines. Such high emissions of combustion-derived indoor NCA can result in substantial NCA respiratory exposures and dose rates for children and adults, significantly exceeding that for outdoor traffic-associated NCA. Combustion-derived indoor NCA undergo unique size-dependent physical transformations, strongly influenced by particle coagulation and condensation of low-volatility cooking vapors. We show that indoor atmospheric NCA need to be measured directly and cannot be predicted using conventional indoor air pollution markers such as PM2.5 mass concentrations and NO x (NO + NO2) mixing ratios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) outbreaks occur sporadically. Additionally, VEEV has a history of development as a biothreat agent. Yet, no FDA-approved vaccine or therapeutic exists for VEEV disease. The sporadic outbreaks present a challenge for testing medical countermeasures (MCMs) in humans; therefore, well-defined animal models are needed for FDA Animal Rule licensure. The cynomolgus macaque (CM) model has been studied extensively at high challenge doses of the VEEV Trinidad donkey strain (>1.0 × 108 plaque-forming units [PFU]), doses that are too high to be a representative human dose. Based on viremia of two subtypes of VEEV, IC, and IAB, we found the CM infectious dose fifty (ID50) to be low, 12 PFU, and 6.7 PFU, respectively. Additionally, we characterized the pattern of three clinical parameters (viremia, temperature, and lymphopenia) across a range of doses to identify a challenge dose producing consistent signs of infection. Based on these studies, we propose a shift to using a lower challenge dose of 1.0 × 103 PFU in the aerosol CM model of VEEV disease. At this dose, NHPs had the highest viremia, demonstrated a fever response, and had a measurable reduction in complete lymphocyte counts-biomarkers that can demonstrate MCM efficacy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This investigation was undertaken to characterize health effects associated with a major bloom of blue-green algae due to the proliferation Microcystis aeruginosa that occurred in Florida in 2018. Cyanobacteria produce multiple toxins, including the potent hepatotoxic microcystins (MCs), that have been reported to cause illness in exposed persons worldwide. Widespread exposure to toxins released by blue-green algae during the 2018 bloom was shown by the presence of MCs in the nasal passages of 95 percent of the individuals studied previously in south Florida (Schaefer et al., 2020). The current analyses were conducted to determine whether self-reported symptoms were associated with activity patterns, direct contact with water, residential, recreational, and occupational exposure. The 125 persons who participated in the initial study reported an average of 4.94 (± 4.87) symptoms. Those reported most commonly included rhinorrhea, sneezing, headache, sore throat and dry cough. Respiratory symptoms were reported by 74%, ocular symptoms by 62%, and gastrointestinal symptoms by 35% of respondents. Residential and recreational exposures were associated with increased risks of respiratory, gastrointestinal, or ocular symptoms in univariate and adjusted multivariable analyses. Residential exposure was significantly associated with increased reporting of dry cough (p = 0.03), dyspnea (p < 0.01) and wheezy respirations (p = 0.04). Among persons reporting gastrointestinal symptoms, nausea (p = 0.02) and abdominal pain (p < 0.01) were significantly associated with residential exposure. Recreational exposure was significantly associated with sore throat and eye irritation. The findings add to the evidence that exposure to cyanobacteria at concentrations encountered during an algal bloom is associated with a diverse array of symptoms and that inhalation of aerosols constitutes an important exposure pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CeO2 and CuO nanoparticles (NPs) are used as additives in petrodiesel to enhance engine performance leading to reduced diesel combustion emissions. Despite their benefits, the additive application poses human health concerns by releasing inhalable NPs into the ambient air. In this study, a bioinspired lung cell exposure system, Dosimetric Aerosol in Vitro Inhalation Device (DAVID), was employed for evaluating the toxicity of aerosolized CeO2 and CuO NPs with a short duration of exposure (≤10 min vs. hours in other systems) and without exerting toxicity from non-NP factors. Human epithelial A549 lung cells were cultured and maintained within DAVID at the air-liquid interface (ALI), onto which aerosolized NPs were deposited, and experiments in submerged cells were used for comparison. Exposure of the cells to the CeO2 NPs did not result in detectable IL-8 release, nor did it produce a significant reduction in cell viability based on lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay, with a marginal decrease (10%) at the dose of 388 μg/cm2 (273 cm2/cm2). In contrast, exposure to CuO NPs resulted in a concentration dependent reduction in LDH release based on LDH leakage, with 38% reduction in viability at the highest dose of 52 μg/cm2 (28.3 cm2/cm2). Cells exposed to CuO NPs resulted in a dose dependent cellular membrane toxicity and expressed IL-8 secretion at a global dose five times lower than cells exposed under submerged conditions. However, when comparing the ALI results at the local cellular dose of CuO NPs to the submerged results, the IL-8 secretion was similar. In this study, we demonstrated DAVID as a new exposure tool that helps evaluate aerosol toxicity in simulated lung environment. Our results also highlight the necessity in choosing the right assay endpoints for the given exposure scenario, e.g., LDH for ALI and Deep Blue for submerged conditions for cell viability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abundance of fine particulate-bound 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was investigated to ascertain its sources and potential carcinogenic health risks in Varanasi, India. The city represents a typical urban settlement of South Asia having particulate exposure manyfold higher than standard with reports of pollution induced mortalities and morbidities. Fine particulates (PM2.5) were monitored from October 2019 to May 2020, with 32% of monitoring days accounting ≥100 μgm-3 of PM2.5 concentration, frequently from November to January (99% of monitoring days). The concentration of 16 priority PAHs varied from 24.1 to 44.6 ngm-3 (mean: 33.1 ± 3.2 ngm-3) without much seasonal deviations. Both low (LMW, 56%) and high molecular weight (HMW, 44%) PAHs were abundant, with Fluoranthene (3.9 ± 0.4ngm-3) and Fluorene (3.5 ± 0.3ngm-3) emerged as most dominating PAHs. Concentration of Benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P, 0.5 ± 0.1ngm-3) was lower than the national standard as it contributed 13% of total PAHs mass. Diagnostic ratios of PAH isomers indicate predominance of pyrogenic sources including emissions from biomass burning, and both from diesel and petrol-driven vehicles. Source apportionment using receptor model revealed similar observation of major PAHs contribution from biomass burning and fuel combustion (54% of source contribution) followed by coal combustion for residential heating and cooking purposes (44%). Potential toxicity of B[a]P equivalence ranged from 0.003 to 1.365 with cumulative toxicity of 2.13ngm-3. Among the PAH species, dibenzo[h]anthracene contributed maximum toxicity followed by B[a]P, together accounting 86% of PAH induced carcinogenicity. Incremental risk of developing cancer through lifetime exposure (ILCR) of PAHs was higher in children (3.3 × 10-4) with 56% contribution from LMW PAHs, primarily through ingestion and dermal contact. Adults in contrast, were more exposed to inhale airborne PAHs with cumulative ILCR of 2.2 × 10-4. However, ILCR to PM2.5 exposure is probably underestimated considering unaccounted metal abundance thus, require source-specific control measures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Close contact routes, including short-range airborne and large-droplet routes, play an important role in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in indoor environments. However, the exposure risk of such routes is difficult to quantify due to the lack of data on the close contact behavior of individuals. In this study, a digital wearable device, based on semi-supervised learning, was developed to automatically record human close contact behavior. We collected 337,056 s of indoor close contact of school and university students from 194.5 h of depth video recordings in 10 types of indoor environments. The correlation between aerosol exposure and close contact behaviors was then evaluated. Individuals in restaurants had the highest close contact ratio (64%), as well as the highest probability of face-to-face pattern (78%) during close contact. Accordingly, university students showed greater exposure potential in dormitories than school students in homes, however, a lower exposure was observed in classrooms and postgraduate student offices in comparison with school students in classrooms. In addition, restaurants had the highest aerosol exposure volume for both short-range inhalation and direct deposition on the facial mucosa. Thus, the classroom was established as the primary indoor environment where school students are exposed to aerosols.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Swine disease elimination programs for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae are commonly applied in the North American swine industry and may include the aerosolization of medium containing lung tissue to achieve population exposure prior to start. Field data has indicated M. hyopneumoniae PCR detection in pigs beyond 240 days post-herd closure (dphc; planned end of an elimination program) and is thought to contribute to disease elimination programs\' failure. Here, the duration of M. hyopneumoniae detection in sows and replacement gilts following aerosolized lung homogenate exposure, as part of a dual disease elimination program, was determined. A subset of sows and gilts from a commercial sow herd and off-site gilt development unit were longitudinally sampled to collect deep tracheal catheter secretions at various times post-exposure. Samples were tested for M. hyopneumoniae using a species-specific real-time PCR. A proportion of 58, 51, 52, 19, and 2% females were detected positive at 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 dphc, respectively. Noteworthy, a greater proportion of gilts exposed at the off-site GDU were detected PCR positive for M. hyopneumoniae at each sampling event, compared to sows. In this study, assaying for genetic material in live female pigs showed extended detection of M. hyopneumoniae until at least 240 dphc. This data suggests persistence of M. hyopneumoniae longer than previously reported and highlights the importance of performing diagnostic testing to confirm negativity to the bacterium, prior to opening sow herds, especially late in the herd closure timeline.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The majority of in vitro studies focusing upon particle-lung cell interactions use static models at an air-liquid interface (ALI). Advancing the physiological characteristics of such systems allows for closer resemblance of the human lung, in turn promoting 3R strategies. PATROLS (EU Horizon 2020 No. 760813) aimed to use a well-characterised in vitro model of the human alveolar epithelial barrier to determine how fluid-flow dynamics would impact the outputs of the model following particle exposure. Using the QuasiVivoTM (Kirkstall Ltd., York, UK) system, fluid-flow conditions were applied to an A549 + dTHP-1 cell co-culture model cultured at the ALI. DQ12 and TiO2 (JRCNM01005a) were used as model particles to assess the in vitro systems\' sensitivity. Using a quasi- and aerosol (VitroCell Cloud12, VitroCell Systems, Waldkirch, Germany) exposure approach, cell cultures were exposed over 24 h at IVIVE concentrations of 1 and 10 (DQ12) and 1.4 and 10.4 (TiO2) µg/cm2, respectively. We compared static and fluid flow conditions after both these exposure methods. The co-culture was subsequently assessed for its viability, membrane integrity and (pro-)inflammatory response (IL-8 and IL-6 production). The results suggested that the addition of fluid flow to this alveolar co-culture model can influence the viability, membrane integrity and inflammatory responses dependent on the particle type and exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spray-formulated engine/brake cleaners and lubricating agents are widely used to maintain machines. The occupational exposure to their aerosols is evident. To assess the carcinogenic potential of these products, we identified such products available in the European Union (EU). We built a database with CAS numbers of 1) mono-constituent substances, and 2) multi-constituent-substances, and unknown-or-variable-composition,-complex-reaction-products-and-biological-materials (multi-constituent/UVCBs). The compositions of multi-constituent/UVCBs were unravelled with European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) registration dossiers. To identify carcinogenic potentials, we searched for 1) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classification; 2) Harmonised classifications in Annex VI to the EU classification, labelling and packaging (CLP) Regulation; and 3) whether they had a Danish Environmental Protection Agency advisory CLP self-classification based on quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) for genotoxicity and carcinogenicity in the Danish (Q)SAR Database. In 82 products, we identified 332 mono-constituent substances and 44 multi-constituent/UVCBs. Six substances were either IARC 1 or 2B classified. Twelve mono-constituent substances and 22 multi-constituent/UVCBs had harmonised classifications as Carcinogenic Category 1A, 1B or 2, while nine substances fulfilled the QSAR-based advisory self-classification algorithms for mutagenicity or carcinogenicity. At the product level, 39 products contained substances of carcinogenic concern by either IARC, harmonised classification or QSAR. We conclude that in the investigated EU marketed spray-formulated engine/brake cleaners and lubricants, 24 of 332 mono-constituent substances and 28 of 44 multi-constituent/UVCBs had a carcinogenic potential. At the product level, 39 of 82 contained substances with an identified carcinogenic potential. Regulators and manufacturers can use this determination of carcinogenic potential to decrease occupational risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite a recent increase in e-cigarette use, the adverse human health effects of exposure to e-cigarette aerosol, especially on the central nervous system (CNS), remain unclear. Multiple neurotoxic metals have been identified in e-cigarette aerosol. However, it is unknown whether those metals accumulate in the CNS at biologically meaningful levels. To answer this question, two groups of mice were whole-body exposed twice a day, 5 days a week, for two months, to either a dose of e-cigarette aerosol equivalent to human secondhand exposure, or a 5-fold higher dose. After the last exposure, the olfactory bulb, anterior and posterior frontal cortex, striatum, ventral midbrain, cerebellum, brainstem, remaining brain tissue and spinal cord were collected for metal quantification by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and compared to tissues from unexposed control mice. The two-month exposure caused significant accumulation of several neurotoxic metals in various brain areas - for some metals even at the low exposure dose. The most striking increases were measured in the striatum. For several metals, including Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Pb, similar accumulations are known to be neurotoxic in mice. Decreases in some essential metals were observed across the CNS. Our findings suggest that chronic exposure to e-cigarette aerosol could lead to CNS neurotoxic metal deposition and endogenous metal dyshomeostasis, including potential neurotoxicity. We conclude that e-cigarette-mediated metal neurotoxicity may pose long-term neurotoxic and neurodegenerative risks for e-cigarette users and bystanders.






