Adverse Child Outcomes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Oral retinoids are used to treat various dermatological conditions, and their use is increasing in women of childbearing age. However, there is limited knowledge on the incidence of adverse outcomes after retinoid exposure during pregnancy. We aimed to evaluate the risk of adverse outcomes associated with oral retinoid exposure during pregnancy.
    METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study using the NHIS mother-child linked healthcare database in South Korea. We included all women who gave live birth from April 1, 2009 to December 31, 2020 and their children. The exposure was defined as having ≥ 1 prescription of isotretinoin, alitretinoin, and acitretin from one month before pregnancy to the delivery. The outcomes of interest were adverse child outcomes including major congenital malformations, low birth weight, and neurodevelopmental disorders (autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disorder), and adverse pregnancy outcomes including gestational diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia, and postpartum hemorrhage. Propensity score-based matching weights were used to control for various potential confounders. For congenital malformation, low birth weight, and adverse pregnancy outcomes, we calculated relative risk (RR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) using a generalized linear model and for neurodevelopmental disorders, we estimated hazard ratio (HR) with 95% CI using the Cox proportional hazard model.
    RESULTS: Of 3,894,184 pregnancies, we identified 720 pregnancies (0.02%) as the oral retinoid-exposed group. The incidence of major congenital malformation was 400.6 per 10,000 births for oral retinoid-exposed group and 357.9 per 10,000 births for unexposed group and the weighted RR was 1.10 (95% CI, 0.65-1.85) in oral retinoid-exposed group compared with unexposed group. The neurodevelopmental disorder showed a potential increased risk, with the weighted HR of 1.63 (95% CI, 0.60-4.41) for autism spectrum disorder and 1.71 (95% CI, 0.60-4.93) for the intellectual disorder, although it did not reach statistical significance. For low birth weight and adverse pregnancy outcomes, no association was observed with oral retinoid exposure during pregnancy.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study found no significantly increased risk of congenital malformations, autism spectrum disorders, and intellectual disability associated with oral retinoid exposure during pregnancy; however, given the limitations such as including only the live births and increased point estimate, potential risk cannot be fully excluded.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Is large for gestational age (LGA) observed in babies born after frozen embryo transfer (FET) associated with either the freezing technique or the endometrial preparation protocol?
    CONCLUSIONS: Artificial cycles are associated with a higher risk of LGA, with no difference in rate between the two freezing techniques (vitrification versus slow freezing) or embryo stage (cleaved embryo versus blastocyst).
    BACKGROUND: Several studies have compared neonatal outcomes after fresh embryo transfer (ET) and FET and shown that FET is associated with improved neonatal outcomes, including reduced risks of preterm birth, low birthweight, and small for gestational age (SGA), when compared with fresh ET. However, these studies also revealed an increased risk of LGA after FET. The underlying pathophysiology of this increased risk remains unclear; parental infertility, laboratory procedures (including embryo culture conditions and freezing-thawing processes), and endometrial preparation treatments might be involved.
    METHODS: A multicentre epidemiological data study was performed through a retrospective analysis of the standardized individual clinical records of the French national register of IVF from 2014 to 2018, including single deliveries resulting from fresh ET or FET that were prospectively collected in fertility centres. Complementary data were collected from the participating fertility centres and included the vitrification media and devices, and the endometrial preparation protocols.
    METHODS: Data were collected from 35 French ART centres, leading to the inclusion of a total of 72 789 fresh ET, 10 602 slow-freezing FET, and 39 062 vitrification FET. Main clinical outcomes were presented according to origin of the transferred embryos (fresh, slow frozen, or vitrified embryos) and endometrial preparations for FET (ovulatory or artificial cycles), comparing five different groups (fresh, slow freezing-ovulatory cycle, slow freezing-artificial cycle, vitrification-ovulatory cycle, and vitrification-artificial cycle). Foetal growth disorders were defined in live-born singletons according to gestational age and sex-specific weight percentile distribution: SGA and LGA if <10th and ≥90th percentiles, respectively. Analyses were performed using linear mixed models with the ART centres as random effect.
    RESULTS: Transfers led to, respectively, 19 006, 1798, and 9195 deliveries corresponding to delivery rates per transfer of 26.1%, 17.0%, and 23.5% after fresh ET, slow-freezing FET, and vitrification FET, respectively. FET cycles were performed in either ovulatory cycles (n = 21 704) or artificial cycles (n = 34 237), leading to 5910 and 10 322 pregnancies, respectively, and corresponding to pregnancy rates per transfer of 31.6% and 33.3%. A significantly higher rate of spontaneous miscarriage was observed in artificial cycles when compared with ovulatory cycles (33.3% versus 21.4%, P < 0.001, in slow freezing groups and 31.6% versus 21.8%, P < 0.001 in vitrification groups). Consequently, a lower delivery rate per transfer was observed in artificial cycles compared with ovulatory cycles both in slow freezing and vitrification groups (15.5% versus 18.9%, P < 0.001 and 22.8% versus 24.9%, P < 0.001, respectively). Among a total of 26 585 live-born singletons, 16 413 babies were born from fresh ET, 1644 from slow-freezing FET, and 8528 from vitrification FET. Birthweight was significantly higher in the FET groups than in the fresh ET group, with no difference between the two freezing techniques. Likewise, LGA rates were higher and SGA rates were lower in the FET groups compared with the fresh ET group whatever the method used for embryo freezing. In a multivariable analysis, the risk of LGA following FET was significantly increased in artificial compared with ovulatory cycles. In contrast, the risk of LGA was not associated with either the freezing procedure (vitrification versus slow freezing) or the embryo stage (cleaved embryo versus blastocyst) at freezing. Regarding the vitrification method, the risk of LGA was not associated with either the vitrification medium used or the embryo stage.
    CONCLUSIONS: No data were available on maternal context, such as parity, BMI, infertility cause, or maternal comorbidities, in the French national database. In particular, we cannot exclude that the increased risk of LGA observed following FET with artificial cycles may, at least partially, be associated with a confounding effect of some maternal factors. No information about embryo culture and incubation conditions was available. Most of the vitrification techniques were performed using the same device and with two main vitrification media, limiting the validity of a comparison of risk for LGA according to the device or vitrification media used.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results seem reassuring, since no potential foetal growth disorders following embryo vitrification in comparison with slow freezing were observed. Even if other factors are involved, the endometrial preparation treatment seems to have the greatest impact on LGA risk following FET. FET during ovulatory cycles could minimize the risk for foetal growth disorders.
    BACKGROUND: This work has received funding from the French Biomedicine Agency (Grant number: 19AMP002). None of the authors has any conflict of interest to declare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    What part do maternal context and medically assisted reproduction (MAR) techniques play in the risk of fetal growth disorders?
    This retrospective nationwide cohort study uses data available in the French National Health System database and focuses on the period from 2013 to 2017. Fetal growth disorders were divided into four groups according to the origin of pregnancy: fresh embryo transfer (n = 45,201), frozen embryo transfer (FET, n = 18,845), intrauterine insemination (IUI, n = 20,179) and natural conceptions (n = 3,412,868). Fetal growth disorders were defined from the percentiles of the weight distribution according to gestational age and sex: small and large for gestational age (SGA and LGA) if <10th and >90th percentiles, respectively. Analyses were performed using univariate and multivariate logistic models.
    Compared with births following natural conception, multivariate analysis showed that the risk of SGA was higher for births following fresh embryo transfer and IUI (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 1.26 [1.22-1.29] and 1.08 [1.03-1.12], respectively) and significantly lower following FET (aOR 0.79 [0.75-0.83]). The risk of LGA was higher for births following FET (aOR 1.32 [1.27-1.38]), especially in artificial cycles when compared with ovulatory cycles (aOR 1.25 [1.15-1.36]). In the subgroup of births without any obstetrical or neonatal morbidity, the same increased risk of SGA and LGA were observed following fresh embryo transfer or IUI and FET (aOR 1.23 [1.19-1.27] or 1.06 [1.01-1.11] and aOR 1.36 [1.30-1.43], respectively).
    An effect of MAR techniques on the risks for SGA and LGA is suggested independently from maternal context and obstetrical or neonatal morbidities. Pathophysiological mechanisms remain poorly understood and should be further evaluated, as well as the influence of embryonic stage and freezing techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Worldwide, more than 7 million children have now been born after ART: these delivery rates are steadily rising and now comprise 2-6% of births in the European countries. To achieve higher pregnancy rates, the transfer of two or more embryos was previously the gold standard in ART. However, recently the practise has moved towards a single embryo transfer policy to avoid multiple births. The positive consequences of the declining multiple birth rates after ART are decreasing perinatal risks and overall improved health for the ART progeny. In this review we summarize the risks for short- and long-term health in ART singletons and discuss if the increased health risks are associated with intrinsic maternal or paternal factors related to subfertility or to the ART treatments per se. Although the risks are modest, singletons born after ART are more likely to have adverse perinatal outcomes compared to spontaneously conceived (SC) singletons dependent on the ART method. Fresh embryo transfer is associated with a higher risk of small for gestational age babies (SGA), low birthweight and preterm birth (PTB), while frozen embryo transfer is associated with large-for-gestational age babies and pre-eclampsia. ICSI may be associated with a higher risk of birth defects and transferral of the poor semen quality to male progeny, while oocyte donation is associated with increased risk of SGA and pre-eclampsia. Concerning long-term health risks, the current evidence is limited but suggests an increased risk of altered blood pressure and cardiovascular function in ART children. The data that are available for malignancies seem reassuring, while results on neurodevelopmental health are more equivocal with a possible association between ART and cerebral palsy. The laboratory techniques used in ART may also play a role, as different embryo culture media give rise to different birthweights and growth patterns in children, while culture to blastocyst stage is associated with PTB. In addition, children born after ART have altered epigenetic profiles, and these alterations may be one of the key areas to explore to improve our understanding of adverse child outcomes after ART. A major challenge for research into adverse perinatal outcomes is the difficulty in separating the contribution of infertility per se from the ART treatment (i.e. \'the chicken or the egg\'?). Choosing and having access to the appropriate control groups for the ART children in order to eliminate the influence of subfertility per se (thereby exploring the pure association between ART and child outcomes) is in itself challenging. However, studies including children of subfertile couples or of couples treated with milder fertility treatments, such as IUI, as controls show that perinatal risks in these cohorts are lower than for ART children but still higher than for SC indicating that both subfertility and ART influence the future outcome. Sibling studies, where a mother gave birth to both an ART and a SC child, support this theory as ART singletons had slightly poorer outcomes. The conclusion we can reach from the well designed studies aimed at disentangling the influence on child health of parental and ART factors is that both the chicken and the egg matter.





