
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have consistently reported a decrease in hospital admissions for respiratory diseases during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. However, the impact of the pandemic on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) admissions remains unknown.
    METHODS: This study used data from the Korean National Health Insurance Service database. IPF was defined based on the International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision (ICD-10) and rare intractable disease (RID) codes. The rate of IPF admissions was calculated by dividing the number of IPF admissions by the prevalence of IPF. The rate of IPF admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021) was compared with the mean rate of admissions during the prepandemic period (2017-2019) and presented as the rate ratio (RR). A sensitivity analysis was conducted on patients treated with systemic corticosteroids during IPF admission.
    RESULTS: In patients with IPF defined based on the ICD-10 (analysis 1), the RRs significantly decreased from March in 2020 to December 2021, except for June and September in 2020. Similarly, in patients with IPF defined based on the ICD-10 and RID (analysis 2), the RRs significantly decreased from March 2020 to December 2021, except for June and September 2020. In the sensitivity analysis of analysis 1, the RR significantly decreased in 2020 (0.93; 95%CI: 0.88-0.99; P = 0.029), whereas the RR in 2021 was not significantly different. The RRs in the sensitivity analysis of analysis 2 significantly decreased to 0.85 (0.79-0.92; P < 0.001) in 2020 and 0.82 (0.76-0.88; P < 0.001) in 2021. In the subgroup analysis, the rates of IPF admissions significantly decreased in 2020 and 2021 across both sexes, patients aged ≥ 60 years, and all household income groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: The rate of IPF admissions significantly decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. This result indicates that preventive measures against COVID-19 may effectively mitigate IPF exacerbation. Therefore, it is assumed that there is a close relationship between respiratory viral infections and IPF exacerbations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The influence of planned mass gathering events on surrounding residents is not understood sufficiently.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate how events at an event hall affect a neighboring emergency hospital throughout the year.
    METHODS: This was a single-center, retrospective, observational study conducted on all patients who presented to the emergency department from January 1 to December 31, 2019. The event hall is located 200 meters from the hospital, and various events such as music concerts and professional baseball games are held at the hall throughout the year. We collected patient information from the electronic medical records. The factors associated with hospitalization were assessed using a multivariable logistic regression analysis.
    RESULTS: This study comprised 18,907 patients who visited our emergency department. The number of patients on event days was 9,981 and that on no-event days was 8,922. The mean (SD) number of patients visiting on event days was 56.4 (14.9), and that on no-event days was 47.5 (14.1) (p<0.05). The multivariable logistics regression analysis showed age (adjusted odds ratio (AOR): 1.03; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.03-1.04), male gender (AOR: 1.21; 95% CI: 1.13-1.31), transportation by emergency medical services (AOR: 2.56; 95% CI: 2.37-2.75), rain days (AOR: 1.14; 95% CI: 1.04-1.23), and event day (AOR: 1.11; 95% CI: 1.02-1.20) to be independent risk factors of hospitalization.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we found that event day was one of the independent risk factors of admission to the hospital from the emergency department.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Headaches are a common condition seen in the Emergency Department (ED), with numerous trials focused on improving care for these patients. However, there is limited recent large-scale, robust data available on the incidence, admission rates, evaluation, and treatment in the ED setting.
    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of ED presentations for headache from 1/1/2016 to 12/31/2023 using the Epic Cosmos national database. All ED visits with headache-relevant ICD-10 coding were included. Outcomes included percentage of total ED visits, admission rates, computed tomography (CT) brain imaging, lumbar puncture (LP) performance, and medication administration. Medications were analyzed by class (NSAIDs, acetaminophen, dopamine antagonists, diphenhydramine, opioids, intravenous fluids, caffeine, and magnesium sulfate). Subgroup analyses were performed by specific types of dopamine antagonists.
    RESULTS: Of 188,482,644 ED encounters, 6,007,090 (3.2%) were due to headache. Of these, 246,082 (4.1%) were admitted. Nearly half (46.6%) of patients received at least one CT. Rates of CT head without contrast increased from 38.2% to 47.9% over time, while rates of CT angiography rose from 2.8% to 10.2%. 1.4% of all patients received an LP, with rates decreasing from 1.8% to 1.1% over time. The most common medication was NSAIDs (45.3%), followed by dopamine antagonists (44.8%), diphenhydramine (38.1%), acetaminophen (24.8%), opioids (16.3%), magnesium sulfate (0.2%), and caffeine (0.1%). 50.8% of patients received intravenous fluids. Rates of opioids declined over time, while dopamine antagonists, acetaminophen, and intravenous fluid administration increased.
    CONCLUSIONS: Headaches represent a common reason for ED presentation, with approximately 4% of patients being admitted. Imaging is frequently performed, with rises in CT without contrast and CT angiography rates over time, while LP rates have been declining. NSAIDs remain the most common medication given, with opioids declining over time while non-opioid agents such as dopamine antagonists have increased. These findings can help inform health policy initiatives, such as those focused on radiologic imaging and evidence-based medication administration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Situational Judgement Tests (SJT) are a cost-efficient method for the assessment of personal characteristics (e.g., empathy, professionalism, ethical thinking) in medical school admission. Recently, complex open-ended response format SJTs have become more feasible to conduct. However, research on their applicability to a German context is missing. This pilot study tests the acceptability, reliability, subgroup differences, and validity of an online SJT with open-ended response format developed in Canada (\"Casper\").
    UNASSIGNED: German medical school applicants and students from Hamburg were invited to take Casper in 2020 and 2021. The test consisted of 12 video- and text-based scenarios, each followed by three open-ended questions. Participants subsequently evaluated their test experience in an online survey. Data on sociodemographic characteristics, other admission criteria (Abitur, TMS, HAM-Nat, HAM-SJT) and study success (OSCE) was available in a central research database (stav).
    UNASSIGNED: The full sample consisted of 582 participants. Test-takers\' global perception of Casper was positive. Internal consistency was satisfactory in both years (α=0.73; 0.82) while interrater agreement was moderate (ICC(1,2)=0.54). Participants who were female (d=0.37) or did not have a migration background (d=0.40) received higher scores. Casper scores correlated with HAM-SJT (r=.18) but not with OSCE communication stations performance. The test was also related to Abitur grades (r=-.15), the TMS (r=.18), and HAM-Nat logical reasoning scores (r=.23).
    UNASSIGNED: This study provides positive evidence for the acceptability, internal consistency, and convergent validity of Casper. The selection and training of raters as well as the scenario content require further observation and adjustments to a German context to improve interrater reliability and predictive validity.
    UNASSIGNED: Situational Judgement Tests (SJTs) sind eine kosteneffiziente Methode zur Beurteilung von persönlichen Eigenschaften (z.B. Empathie, Professionalität, ethisches Denken) bei der Zulassung zum Medizinstudium. Die Durchführung komplexer SJTs mit offenem Antwortformat ist in jüngster Zeit einfacher geworden. Es fehlen jedoch Untersuchungen zu ihrer Anwendbarkeit im deutschen Kontext. Diese Pilotstudie testet die Akzeptanz, Reliabilität, Subgruppenunterschiede und Validität eines in Kanada entwickelten Online-SJTs mit offenem Antwortformat („Casper“).
    UNASSIGNED: Studienbewerber*innen aus Deutschland und Medizinstudierende aus Hamburg wurden eingeladen, Casper in den Jahren 2020 und 2021 zu absolvieren. Der Test bestand aus 12 video- und textbasierten Szenarien, auf die jeweils drei offene Fragen folgten. Die Teilnehmenden bewerteten anschließend ihre Testerfahrung in einer Online-Umfrage. Daten zu soziodemografischen Merkmalen, weiteren Zulassungskriterien (Abitur, TMS, HAM-Nat, HAM-SJT) und zum Studienerfolg (OSCE) waren in einer zentralen Forschungsdatenbank (stav) verfügbar.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Gesamtstichprobe bestand aus 582 Teilnehmenden. Die allgemeine Wahrnehmung von Casper durch die Testteilnehmenden war positiv. Die interne Konsistenz war in beiden Jahren zufriedenstellend (α=0,73; 0,82), während die Interrater-Übereinstimmung mäßig war (ICC(1,2)=0,54). Weibliche Teilnehmerinnen (d=0,37) oder Teilnehmende ohne Migrationshintergrund (d=0,40) erzielten höhere Testwerte. Die Casper Testwerte korrelierten mit dem HAM-SJT (r=.18), aber nicht mit der Leistung in OSCE-Kommunikationsstationen. Der Test zeigte auch Zusammenhänge mit der Abiturnote (r=-.15), dem TMS (r=.18) und dem HAM-Nat-Subtest für logisches Denken (r=.23).
    UNASSIGNED: Die Studie liefert positive Belege für die Akzeptanz, interne Konsistenz und konvergente Validität von Casper. Die Auswahl und Schulung der Beurteiler*innen sowie die Inhalte der Szenarien bedürfen weiterer Untersuchungen und Anpassungen an den deutschen Kontext, um die Interrater-Reliabilität und prädiktive Validität zu verbessern.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Applicant perceptions of selection impact motivation and performance during selection, and student diversity. However, in-depth insight into which values underly these perceptions is lacking, creating challenges for aligning selection procedures with applicant perceptions. This qualitative interview study aimed to identify values applicants believe should underlie selection, and how, according to applicants, these values should be used to make specific improvements to selection procedures in undergraduate health professions education (HPE).
    METHODS: Thirty-one applicants to five undergraduate HPE programs in the Netherlands participated in semi-structured interviews using Appreciative Inquiry, an approach that focuses on what goes well to create vision for improvement, to guide the interviews. Transcriptions were analyzed using thematic analysis, adopting a constructivist approach.
    RESULTS: Applicants\' values related to the aims of selection, the content of selection, and the treatment of applicants. Applicants believed that selection procedures should aim to identify students who best fit the training and profession, and generate diverse student populations to fulfill societal needs. According to applicants, the content of selection should be relevant for the curriculum and profession, assess a comprehensive set of attributes, be of high quality, allow applicants to show who they are, and be adapted to applicants\' current developmental state. Regarding treatment, applicants believed that selection should be a two-way process that fosters reflection on study choice, be transparent about what applicants can expect, safeguard applicants\' well-being, treat all applicants equally, and employ an equitable approach by taking personal circumstances into account. Applicants mentioned specific improvements regarding each value.
    CONCLUSIONS: Applicants\' values offer novel insights into what they consider important preconditions for the design of selection procedures. Their suggested improvements can support selection committees in better meeting applicants\' needs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors were initially conceived as glucose-lowering agents. However, striking renal and cardiovascular benefits were observed in type 2 diabetes trials. This led to evaluate it in dedicated studies in chronic heart failure (HF) and chronic kidney disease, which also showed remarkable clinical results. Given this findings, and taking into account the multiple mechanisms of action, the use of SGLT2 inhibitors in acute heart failure seemed promising. Sotagliflozin was the first SGLT2 inhibitor to reduce heart failure hospitalizations within the acute setting in the SOLOIST-WHF trial. Only type 2 diabetes patients were included, with a preserved and reduced ejection fraction. In slightly less than half of the cohort, this medication was started when the diuretic therapy was transitioned from intravenous to oral, during the hospital admission. In the rest of the patients, sotagliflozin was started early after discharge. Empagliflozin proved to be safe, well-tolerated, increased diuresis, and reduced a combined clinical endpoint (worsening HF, rehospitalization for HF, or death at 60 days) when administered within the first 24 hours of an acute heart failure hospitalization in the EMPA-RESPONSE-AHF trial. More recently, empagliflozin showed a reduction in a composite primary endpoint of death, heart failure events, and quality of life compared to placebo in the EMPULSE trial. Empagliflozin was started after the initial stabilization phase, but while patients were still admitted and receiving intravenous loop diuretics. Less than half of the patients were diabetic and two-thirds had a left ventricular ejection fraction below 40%. Dapagliflozin is currently being tested in the DAPA ACT HF-TIMI 68 trial, which plans to enroll 2400 patients admitted with acute heart failure and reduced ejection fraction. We envision SGLT2 inhibitors as a useful tool in acute heart failure syndrome given the additive diuretic effect, and minimal impact on blood pressure, kidney function, and electrolytes. Its dosage schedule is simple and can help initiation and tolerance of other medical therapy. However, there is an increased risk of genital infections and euglycaemic ketoacidosis. Notwithstanding, once critically ill and fasting patients are excluded, early administration of SGLT2 inhibitors is safe. This review summarizes the development of SGLT2 inhibitors and the available evidence supporting their use during an acute heart failure admission. We also propose a practical guideline for in-hospital initiation and monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insufficient reports are available on what clinical and pathological conditions are observed in rescued free-living wild birds. This study investigated recent diagnoses of admitted wild birds based on admission causes in a southwestern area of South Korea over the past 2 years. A retrospective study was conducted on 1464 birds rescued from 2019 to February 2021. Overall, 12 admission subcategories were classified, and the diagnoses identified for each cause were analyzed. The three most frequently observed categories, general, integumentary, and musculoskeletal, each accounted for 20% of the total diagnoses. Trauma accounted for 71.4% of all diagnoses, and 81.5% featured inflammatory conditions, primarily due to trauma or infection. The proportion of birds that presented inflammatory conditions was much greater than the proportion of birds that were admitted due to trauma-related causes. This was because inflammatory diseases were identified at a high frequency, even from nontraumatic admission causes, and inflammatory conditions were not easily revealed. Suspecting an inflammatory condition in most rescued birds is advisable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Medication-related hospital admission (MRHA) is hospitalization due to drug-related problems. MRHAs have been reported to be on the rise in recent decades.
    UNASSIGNED: This study was aimed at determining the prevalence, patterns, and predictors of MRHA among patients visiting the emergency ward of the University of Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital, Ethiopia.
    UNASSIGNED: A cross-sectional study was conducted from June 1, 2022, to August 30, 2022 G.C. in the emergency ward at the University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialized Hospital. The AT-HARM 10 tool was used to collect data from participants who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Data was entered into EpiData Manager and was exported to Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 for analysis. Descriptive statistics were presented using frequency and percentage. Binary logistic regression was applied to identify factors associated with MRHAs with a 95% confidence level, and significance was declared at a p-value <0.05.
    UNASSIGNED: The prevalence of MRHAs was 30.5% (95% CI = 27.7-36.4%). More than half (64.52%) of MRHAs were definitely preventable. The majority of MRHAs (48.39%) were severe. Non-compliance (41.12%), followed by untreated indication (26.61%) and adverse drug reaction (12.09%) were the most frequent causes of MRHAs. Renal impairment (AOR = 2.703, 95% CI: 1.29 to 5.663), chronic disease (AOR = 10.95, 95% CI: 4.691 to 25.559), history of traditional medication use (AOR = 2.089, 95% CI: 1.162 to 3.755), and history of hospitalization (AOR = 4.001, 95% CI: 1.98 to 8.089) were significantly associated with MRHAs.
    UNASSIGNED: MRHAs were substantially prevalent. Most of the MRHAs were definitely preventable. Renal impairment, chronic disease, history of traditional medication use, and history of hospitalization were predictors of MRHAs. At the university hospital, health care providers should strive to prevent and manage MRHAs appropriately.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: During the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, patients with altered mental status (AMS: dementia, delirium and delirium superimposed on dementia) were profoundly affected by an abrupt transformation in healthcare systems. Here, we evaluated quality-care outcomes, including length of stay (LOS), in-hospital mortality, early readmission and mortality after hospital discharge, in older adults admitted for AMS during the pandemic and compared them to patients admitted prior to the pandemic.
    METHODS: Chi-squared and Fisher\'s exact tests were used to examine changes to admissions for AMS before and during the pandemic, and their outcomes. Logistic regression analyses, with reference to pre-pandemic data, were conducted to examine the impact of the pandemic on outcomes.
    METHODS: Prospective data of 21,192 non-COVID admissions to an acute general medical department in a Surrey (UK) hospital were collected from patients admitted before (1st April 2019 to 29th February 2020) and during the pandemic (1st March 2020 to 31st March 2021).
    RESULTS: There were 10,173 (47.7% men) from the pre-pandemic and 11,019 (47.5% men) from the pandemic periods; overall mean age  =  68.3yr. During the pandemic AMS patients had significantly higher admission rates (1.1% vs 0.6%, P < 0.001). However, median LOS in hospital was shorter (9.0 days [IQR = 5.3-16.2] vs 15.5 days [IQR  =  6.2-25.7], P < 0.001) and thus were less likely to stay in hospital >3 weeks: adjusted OR  =  0.26 (95%CI  =  0.12-0.57). In-hospital mortality and readmission within 28 days of discharge did not change during the pandemic, but were less likely to die within 30 days of discharge: adjusted OR = 0.32 (95%CI = 0.11-0.96).
    CONCLUSIONS: This combination of higher admission rate, shorter LOS, and an unchanging early readmission suggests a higher admission-discharge turnover of different patients with AMS and provides important insights into the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare delivery to individuals with AMS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Through preferential treatment by education officials or through bribery, some adolescents can obtain admission to a junior high school. However, it is unclear whether it affects the mental health of adolescents. This study used Propensity Score Matching to examine the effects of corruption on adolescent mental health. A total of 17,254 junior high school students sample (11-18 years old; 48.7% girls and 53.1% boys) were used from the China Education Panel Survey. 14.1% of adolescents attended a junior high school by corrupt means, corruption had a significantly negative effect on the mental health of these adolescents (ATT = -0.388, p < 0.01), the reasons grounded in the fact that they received more criticisms from teachers and wanted to leave their current school. In general, corruption in the admissions process can have detrimental effects on the mental health of adolescents. This study extends the previous articles on how to improve adolescent mental health and complements the application of cognitive dissonance theory. Findings from this study revealed that anti-corruption in the education sector is necessary, and the institutional design to ensure fair enrolment in basic education will contribute to the mental health of adolescents.





