Administrative Law

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is now commonplace for courts to remark that standing to seek judicial review is \'context-sensitive\'. The questions of how the courts adapt standing to context, and whether they do so appropriately, have, however, received remarkably little scholarly and judicial attention. This is perhaps because, until recently, there has been relatively little in the case law to spark scholarly interest. Standing, however, is in the midst of a resurgence. This article makes use of a distinction between three types of judicial review case-challenges to (i) favourable targeted, (ii) unfavourable targeted and (iii) non-targeted decisions-as a mode through which to explore the growing body of standing case law. In doing so, it both seeks to further understanding of how courts determine what constitutes a \'sufficient interest\' and to highlight areas of the law in need of clarification or reconsideration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Industry-funded religious liberty legal groups have sought to undermine healthcare policy and law while simultaneously attacking the rights of sexual and gender minorities. Whereas past scholarship has tracked religiously-affiliated healthcare providers\' growing political power and attendant transformations to legal doctrine, our account emphasizes the political donors and visionaries who have leveraged religious providers and the U.S. healthcare system\'s delegated structure to transform social policy and bureaucratic agencies more generally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article investigates the application of the civil law severability doctrine in administrative law through an in-depth analysis of the French and Egyptian legal systems. Recognising the increasing complexity of administrative contracts and disputes, this study explores how administrative judges integrate the severability doctrine of civil law into their judgements. Specifically, it investigates whether and how this integration occurs and the balance that judges maintain between adhering to administrative law\'s independence and applying civil law principles. This article particularly notes the consistent application of this doctrine in the examined jurisdictions of France and Egypt. Despite minor variations, the fundamental approach to the severability doctrine remains largely uniform across these two legal systems. By presenting detailed case studies from France and Egypt, this study fills a notable gap in the current literature by offering valuable insights for countries where administrative law is still evolving, by showing how civil law doctrines can be incorporated. This approach not only bridges a knowledge gap but also sheds light on the interaction between civil and administrative laws, paving the way for similar interdisciplinary legal studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural resource governance in the face of climate change represents one of the seminal challenges of the Anthropocene. A number of innovative approaches have been developed in, among others, the fields of ecology, governance, and sustainability sciences for managing uncertainty and scarcity through a coordinated approach to natural resource governance. However, the absence of an enabling legal and regulatory framework has been identified in the literature as one of the primary barriers constraining the formal operationalization of these governance approaches. In this paper, we show how these approaches provide tools for analyzing procedural mandates across governmental levels and sectors in the natural resource governance space. We also find that there has been inadequate consideration of the potential in existing laws and regulations for cross-sectoral and multi-level coordination of natural resource governance. On this basis, we develop and apply a protocol that draws on the traditional legal method of doctrinal analysis to demonstrate how to identify existing, untapped legal capacity to promote coordinated governance of natural resources through an in-depth case study of water resources in South Africa. We then show how these untapped capacities within existing legal structures may be operationalized to improve natural resource governance. Further, this protocol is portable to other countries, provinces (states), and localities around the world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regulation is sometimes designed to be future-proof, so that it can adapt to changing economic and technological realities. The EU (and UK) Regulatory Framework for electronic communications was expressly crafted to be able to adjust to the evolution of the industry. This article considers how well the regime has stood the test of time and, based on this analysis, what lessons can be drawn for regulation more generally. It appears that, by and large, the Framework has effectively accompanied the transformation of telecommunications in Europe. On the other hand, the EU legislature\'s commitment to future-proof intervention has waned over time. Every new review of the regime has represented a move away from the philosophy and mechanisms conceived to ensure that regulation would adapt seamlessly to industry shifts. This experience suggests that the failure or success of future-proof intervention primarily hinges on the intertemporal consistency of legislatures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The sociocultural changes associated with globalization and development have weakened the traditional values and family support systems for senior citizens (age 60 years and above). There is an increase in the prevalence of elder abuse and difficulties in getting appropriate care and support. This has mandated legal measures to protect the rights of the senior citizens and provide them care and support by the family and other stakeholders. Consequent to being the signatory for the \"Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, 2002,\" several countries, including India, have introduced legislation for the social protection of senior citizens. \"The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens(MWP) Act, 2007\" is an important legislation in India to safeguard the elderly from exploitation and abuse.
    UNASSIGNED: This article critically evaluates the implementation of the MWP Act, 2007, and the related challenges in protecting senior citizens from abuse. The article will also highlight the proposed amendments in the Act to strengthen the effective implementation of legal protection for senior citizens and ensure their well-being and dignity.
    UNASSIGNED: The MWP act is an important legal measure to ensure mainatinence and welfare of senior citizens and protect them from abuse and neglect. There is an immediate need to incorporate the necessary amendments so that the act gets more pragmatic value and becomes and important tool for elderly care and protection and reduce vulnerabilities and ensure holistic care with support in various bio-psycho-social domains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination campaign in Italy has started with a huge perplexity about vaccine efficacy, vaccine-borne adverse effects and vaccine clinical trial studies. In this commentary I tried to elucidate these issues, which represent a fundamental topic to be thoroughly addressed in COVID-19 pandemic.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In India, the government launched a US$22.6 billion financial support package for the poor and marginalized as a result of Covid-19. Approximately US$ 4.2 billion (INR 310 billion) came from a vast pile of unspent social special-purpose funds. How and why did such a large volume of funds accumulate in the first place, and why did it take a public health emergency to release them? What might be the consequences of their use under such emergency conditions - especially for our understanding of governance and accountability in social welfare provision? This paper presents a brief analysis of two preliminary case studies of specific social special-purpose funds in India. We rely on a handful of unstructured interviews and informal discussions with subnational government officials, civil society actors, trade union representatives, and local community leaders that began in January 2020, and which were pursued virtually following the lockdown. This is bolstered by analysis of primary documents, including Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) reports, relevant laws, and contemporary press coverage. We argue that non-disbursement should be understood as a institutional matter, and not only as technical or implementation failure. Moreover, as such funds are likely to mushroom following Covid-19, our findings suggest that policymakers should focus on the institutional design, decision-making and accountability structures for the flow and distribution of Covid funds, rather than merely emphasising their collection.







  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    In R (on the application of British Homeopathic Association) v National Health Service Commissioning Board [2018] EWHC 1359 (Admin) Supperstone J of the High Court of England and Wales delivered an internationally significant judgment on the processes required to be engaged in when guidance is given to medical practitioners about their involvement in homeopathic prescribing. This column explores the bases upon which the challenge by the British Homeopathic Association was lost and the repercussions of the judgment for the practice of non-evidence-based modalities, such as homeopathy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome editing for crop improvement lies at the leading edge of disruptive bioengineering technologies that will challenge existing regulatory paradigms for products of biotechnology and which will elicit widespread public interest. Regulation of products of biotechnology through the US Coordinated Framework for Biotechnology is predicated on requiring burden of proof that regulation is warranted. Although driven by considerations of newly emerging processes for product development, regulation has, for the most part, focused on characteristics of the biotechnology product itself and not the process used for its development per se. This standard of evidence and product focus has been maintained to date in regulatory considerations of genome edited crops. Those genome edited crops lacking recombinant DNA (rDNA) in the product intended for environmental release, lacking plant pest or pesticidal activity, or showing no food safety attributes different from those of traditionally bred crops are not deemed subject to regulatory evaluation. Regardless, societal uncertainties regarding genome editing are leading regulators to seek ways whereby these uncertainties may be addressed through redefinition of those products of biotechnology that may be subject to regulatory assessments. Within US law prior statutory history, language and regulatory action have significant influence on decision making; therefore, the administrative law and jurisprudence underlying the current Coordinated Framework strongly inform policy and governance when considering new plant breeding technologies such as genome editing.






