Additive bayesian network

  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study
    BACKGROUND: Infectious keratitis is a common ophthalmic condition in canine patients. Sequelae can include keratomalacia and corneal perforation, a vision threatening outcome. Photoactivated chromophore for keratitis - corneal cross-linking (PACK-CXL) is a non-surgical, adjunctive treatment method for infectious keratitis. The goal of this retrospective, multicenter study was to determine risk factors for treatment failure following PACK-CXL in canine patients suffering from suspected infectious keratitis. Medical records from four veterinary ophthalmology services were reviewed, and information related to patient demographics, ophthalmic findings, the PACK-CXL protocol used, and epithelialization time was collected and analyzed. Due to the potential for intervariable relationships, an additive Bayesian network (ABN) analysis was performed to evaluate these complex relationships.
    RESULTS: Records for 671 eyes (668 dogs) were included in the analysis. Based on the ABN, in the population included here, patients who underwent an accelerated PACK-CXL protocol were less likely to experience treatment failure versus patients treated with a slow protocol. Mutual dependencies between exposure variables were identified by ABN, which would have been overlooked using classical regression. Corneal re-epithelialization time was shortened following PACK-CXL combined with topical medical therapy compared to PACK-CXL alone.
    CONCLUSIONS: No risk factors associated with treatment failure were identified in the population included in the present study. Canine patients may benefit from the use of accelerated PACK-CXL protocols, especially when combined with topical antibiotics and anti-collagenolytic therapy. The reasons for this apparent positive impact on treatment outcome remain unclear.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nursery farms that accept nursing and growing pre-weaned heifer calves from private dairy farms must work to prevent bovine respiratory disease (BRD). Knowledge of the BRD-associated risk factors related to calf management and calves\' condition will help to develop appropriate neonatal management practices at original farms and to identify calves at higher risk for BRD at nursery farms. In this study, the relationship between BRD and calf management practices (colostrum feeding, dam parity, serum total protein concentration at introduction (TP), body weight at introduction, introduction season, and daily average growth) was investigated using observational data from pre-weaned dairy calves introduced into a nursery farm in Hokkaido, Japan between 2014 and 2018 (n = 3185). Using additive Bayesian network (ABN) analysis, which is a multivariate statistical modelling approach, the direct and indirect associations between these factors were assessed.
    RESULTS: Colostrum feeding contributed to an increase in TP (correlation 1.02 [95 % CI, 0.94;1.10]), which was negatively associated with BRD directly (log odds ratio - 0.38 [- 0.46;-0.31]) and indirectly through increasing daily growth (correlation 0.12 [0.09;0.16]). Calves of multiparous dams had higher body weight at introduction (correlation 0.82 [0.74;0.89]), which indirectly reduced BRD risk through the increasing daily growth (correlation 0.17 [0.14;0.21]). Calves introduced during winter had the highest risk for BRD (log odds ratio 0.29 [0.15;0.44]), while those introduced in summer had the lowest risk (log odds ratio - 0.91 [- 1.06;-0.75]). The introduction season was also associated with BRD indirectly through dam parity, body weight at introduction, and daily growth.
    CONCLUSIONS: The following calf management practices are recommended for preventing BRD in pre-weaned calves at nursery farms: (1) encouraging colostrum feeding to neonatal calves at their original farms; and (2) identifying calves with higher BRD risk, i.e., those without feeding colostrum, born to primiparous cattle, with low body weight at introduction, and/or introduced in winter, and paying intensive attention to the calves for rapid detection of BRD. ABN analysis applied enabled us to understand the complex inter-relationships between BRD incidence and the risk factors, which will help to reduce BRD incidence and to rear healthy calves at nursery farms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized that the effect of blood lipid-related metabolites on primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) would differ according to specific lipoprotein particles and lipid sub-fractions. We investigated the associations of blood levels of lipoprotein particles and lipid sub-fractions with POAG.
    METHODS: Cross-sectional study.
    METHODS: Individuals recruited for the baseline visit of the population-based Singapore Epidemiology of Eye Disease study (n = 8503).
    METHODS: All participants underwent detailed standardized ocular and systemic examinations. A total of 130 blood lipid-related metabolites were quantified using a nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomics platform. The analyses were conducted in 2 stages. First, we investigated whether and which lipid-related metabolites were directly associated with POAG using regression analyses followed by Bayesian network modeling. Second, we investigated if any causal relationship exists between the identified lipid-related metabolites, if any, and POAG using 2-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis. We performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on high-density lipoprotein (HDL) 3 cholesterol (after inverse normal transformation) and used the top variants associated with HLD3 cholesterol as instrumental variables (IVs) in the MR analysis.
    METHODS: Primary open-angle glaucoma.
    RESULTS: Of the participants, 175 (2.1%) had POAG. First, a logistic regression model showed that total HDL3 cholesterol (negatively) and phospholipids in very large HDL (positively) were associated with POAG. Further analyses using a Bayesian network analysis showed that only total HDL3 cholesterol was directly associated with POAG (odds ratio [OR], 0.72 per 1 standard deviation increase in HDL3 cholesterol; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.61-0.84), independently of age, gender, intraocular pressure (IOP), body mass index (BMI), education level, systolic blood pressure, axial length, and statin medication. Using 5 IVs identified from the GWAS and with the inverse variance weighted MR method, we found that higher levels of HDL3 cholesterol were associated with a decreased odds of POAG (OR, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.84-0.99, P = 0.021). Other MR methods, including weighted median, mode-based estimator, and contamination mixture methods, derived consistent OR estimates. None of the routine lipids (blood total, HDL, or low-density lipoprotein [LDL] cholesterol) were associated with POAG.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, these results suggest that the relationship between HDL3 cholesterol and POAG might be causal and specific, and that dysregulation of cholesterol transport may play a role in the pathogenesis of POAG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is well known that self-perceived health (SPH), even if it is a subjective health indicator, is significantly associated with objective health and quality of life (QoL) in the general population. Whether it can be considered an indicator of cognitive functioning and quality of life in the elderly is still an open issue. This study used a data-driven approach to investigate the interrelationship among SPH, non-communicable diseases (NCDs), QoL, and cognitive functioning to answer this question. The study sample included information about 12,831 people living in Italy, Spain, and Greece, extracted from the Survey on Health, Aging, and Retirement in Europe, in the year 2015. The additive Bayesian networks methodology was used to identify the best directed acyclic graphs (DAG) for SPH, QoL, and NCDs. Results were given as posterior estimates of generalized linear models (GLM) coefficients, with 95% credibility intervals. Good SPH was associated with a decreasing number of chronic diseases in Italy (coeff = -0.52, 95%CI: [-0.59, -0.44]), Spain (coeff = -0.53, 95%CI: [-0.60, -0.46]) and Greece (coeff = -0.57, 95%CI: [-0.64, -0.50]). Age and Body Mass Index were determinants of NCDs in all countries. QoL of elderly was associated with SPH in Italy (coeff = 0.12, 95%CI: [0.10, 0.14]), Spain (coeff = 0.16, 95%CI: [0.15, 0.18]), and Greece (coeff = 0.18, 95%CI: [0.16, 0.20]). The number of NCDs was higher for people who were not employed in Spain (coeff = 0.45, 95%CI: [0.37, 0.53]) and was decreasing for a unitary increase in years of education in Greece (coeff = -0.12, 95%CI: [-0.14, -0.09]). As a general rule, the framework of the interrelationship among NCDs, SPH, and QoL was similar for Italy, Spain, and Greece. The connections found among indicators could be proposed to identify strategies for health promotion and healthy aging among people aged 50 and above, which are viable in general and at a country level. Reinforcing strategies targeted at some health indicators could have relevant effects on other related indicators.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After the ban of battery cages in 1988, a welfare control programme for laying hens was developed in Sweden. Its goal was to monitor and ensure that animal welfare was not negatively affected by the new housing systems. The present observational study provides an overview of the current welfare status of commercial layer flocks in Sweden and explores the complexity of welfare aspects by investigating and interpreting the inter-relationships between housing system, production type (i.e. organic or conventional), facilities, management and animal welfare indicators. For this purpose, a machine learning procedure referred to as structure discovery was applied to data collected through the welfare programme during 2010-2014 in 397 flocks housed in 193 different farms. Seventeen variables were fitted to an Additive Bayesian Network model. The optimal model was identified by an exhaustive search of the data iterated across incremental parent limits, accounting for prior knowledge about causality, potential over-dispersion and clustering. The resulting Directed Acyclic Graph shows the inter-relationships among the variables. The animal-based welfare indicators included in this study - flock mortality, feather condition and mite infestation - were indirectly associated with each other. Of these, severe mite infestations were rare (4% of inspected flocks) and mortality was below the acceptable threshold (< 0.6%). Feather condition scored unsatisfactory in 21% of the inspected flocks; however, it seemed to be only associated to the age of the flock, ruling out any direct connection with managerial and housing variables. The environment-based welfare indicators - lighting and air quality - were an issue in 5 and 8% of the flocks, respectively, and showed a complex inter-relationship with several managerial and housing variables leaving room for several options for intervention. Additive Bayesian Network modelling outlined graphically the underlying process that generated the observed data. In contrast to ordinary regression, it aimed at accounting for conditional independency among variables, facilitating causal interpretation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Many low-income countries have a human population with a high number of cattle owners depending on their livestock for food and income. Infectious diseases threaten the health and production of cattle, affecting both the farmers and their families as well as other actors in often informal value chains. Many infectious diseases can be prevented by good biosecurity. The objectives of this study were to describe herd management and biosecurity routines with potential impact on the prevalence of infectious diseases, and to estimate the burden of infectious diseases in Ugandan cattle herds, using the seroprevalence of three model infections.
    RESULTS: Farmer interviews (n = 144) showed that biosecurity measures are rarely practised. Visitors\' hand-wash was used by 14%, cleaning of boots or feet by 4 and 79% put new cattle directly into the herd. During the 12 months preceding the interviews, 51% of farmers had cattle that died and 31% had noticed abortions among their cows. Interestingly, 72% were satisfied with the health status of their cattle during the same time period. The prevalence (95% CI) of farms with at least one seropositive animal was 16.7% (11.0;23.8), 23.6% (16.9;31.4), and 53.4% (45.0;61.8) for brucella, salmonella and BVD, respectively. A poisson regression model suggested that having employees looking after the cattle, sharing pasture with other herds, and a higher number of dead cattle were associated with a herd being positive to an increasing number of the diseases. An additive bayesian network model with biosecurity variables and a variable for the number of diseases the herd was positive to resulted in three separate directed acyclic graphs which illustrate how herd characteristics can be grouped together. This model associated the smallest herd size with herds positive to a decreasing number of diseases and having fewer employees.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is potential for improvement of biosecurity practices in Ugandan cattle production. Salmonella, brucella and BVD were prevalent in cattle herds in the study area and these infections are, to some extent, associated with farm management practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study associations between potential risk factors and salmonella status in Swedish dairy herds were investigated. A case-control study design was used, including existing as well as new cases. Herds were assigned a salmonella status on the basis of antibody analysis of bulk milk samples. Information on potential risk factors was collected from registry data and from farmers via a questionnaire. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to investigate associations between salmonella status and potential risk factors. In addition, multivariate analysis with Additive Bayesian Network (ABN) modelling was performed to improve understanding of the complex relationship between all the variables. Because of the difficulty in identifying associations between potential risk factors and infections with low prevalence and a large regional variation, exposure of potential risk factors in the high-prevalence region (Öland) were compared to exposure in other regions in Sweden. In total 483 of 996 (48%) farmers responded to the questionnaire, 69 herds had test-positive bulk milk samples. The strongest association with salmonella status was \'presence of salmonella test-positive herds <5 km\' (OR 4.3, 95% CI 2.0-9.4). Associations with salmonella status were also seen between \'feeding calves residue milk only\' (OR 2.4, 95% CI 1.2-4.6), \'certified organic herds\' (OR 2.5, 95% CI 1.2-4.9) and \'frequently seeing signs of rodents\' (OR 0.4, 95% CI 0.13-0.97). The ABN model showed associations between Öland and four of the variables: salmonella status, presence of test-positive herds <5km, shared pastures and providing protective clothing for visitors. The latter is probably a reflection of increased disease awareness in Öland. The ABN model showed associations between herd size and housing as well as several management procedures. This provides an explanation why herd size frequently has been identified as a risk factor for salmonella by other studies. The study confirms the importance of local transmission routes for salmonella, but does not identify specific components in this local spread. Therefore, it supports the use of a broad biosecurity approach in the prevention of salmonella. In Öland, some potential risk factors are more common than in other parts of Sweden. Theoretically these could contribute to the spread of salmonella, but this was not confirmed in the present study. The study also highlights the difficulty in identifying associations between potential risk factors and infections with low prevalence and large regional variation.





