Acute-Phase Reaction

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Acute-phase reactions (APRs) are common among people treated for the first time with zoledronate (ZOL). The current view is that both the APRs caused by ZOL and its efficacy are related to the mevalonic acid pathway. However, the relationship between APRs and ZOL efficacy remains unclear.
    METHODS: This was a prospective observational cohort study involving postmenopausal women with osteoporosis in Shanghai, China, for 1 year. A total of 108 patients with an average age of 67.4 ± 5.8 years were treated with 5 mg intravenous ZOL for the first time. Data on demographic characteristics, APRs, blood counts, bone turnover markers, including C-telopeptide collagen crosslinks (CTX) and N-terminal propeptide of type 1 collagen (PINP), and bone mineral density (BMD) were collected.
    RESULTS: (1) The results did not reveal a relationship between APRs and changes in bone turnover markers and BMD but showed that changes in body temperature (T) within 3 days after administration were positively correlated with changes in the BMD of the LS at Month 12 (β = 0.279 P = 0.034). (2) This effect was mediated mainly by changes in serum CTX (b = 0.046, 95% CI [0.0010-0.0091]). (3) The ROC curve revealed that when T increased by 1.95 °C, the sensitivity and specificity of identifying clinically important changes in LS BMD after 1 year were optimized.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we tested the hypothesis that people with elevated body T after initial ZOL treatment had greater improvements in BMD and better outcomes.
    BACKGROUND: NCT, NCT03158246. Registered 18/05/2017.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The chicken\'s inflammatory response is an essential part of the bird\'s response to infection. A single dose of Escherichia coli (E. coli) lipopolysaccharide (LPS) endotoxin can activate the acute phase response (APR) and lead to the production of acute phase proteins (APPs). In this study, the responses of established chicken APPs, Serum amyloid A (SAA) and Alpha-1-acid-glycoprotein (AGP), were compared to two novel APPs, Hemopexin (Hpx) and Extracellular fatty acid binding protein (Ex-FABP), in 15-day old broilers over a time course of 48 h post E.coli LPS challenge. We aimed to investigate and validate their role as biomarkers of an APR. Novel plant extracts, Citrus (CTS) and cucumber (CMB), were used as dietary supplements to investigate their ability to reduce the inflammatory response initiated by the endotoxin.
    RESULTS: A significant increase of established (SAA, AGP) and novel (Ex-FABP, Hpx) APPs was detected post E.coli LPS challenge. Extracellular fatty acid binding protein (Ex-FABP) showed a similar early response to SAA post LPS challenge by increasing ~ 20-fold at 12 h post challenge (P < 0.001). Hemopexin (Hpx) showed a later response by increasing ∼5-fold at 24 h post challenge (P < 0.001) with a similar trend to AGP. No differences in APP responses were identified between diets (CTS and CMB) using any of the established or novel biomarkers.
    CONCLUSIONS: Hpx and Ex-FABP were confirmed as potential biomarkers of APR in broilers when using an E. coli LPS model along with SAA and AGP. However, no clear advantage for using either of dietary supplements to modulate the APR was identified at the dosage used.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resilience of mammals to anthropogenic climate and land-use changes is associated with the maintenance of adequate responses of several fitness-related traits such as those related to immune functions. Isolated and combined effects of decreased food availability and increased ambient temperature can lead to immunosuppression and greater susceptibility to disease. Our study tested the general hypothesis that decreased food availability, increased ambient temperature and the combined effect of both factors would affect selected physiological and behavioral components associated with the innate immune system of fruit-eating bats (Carollia perspicillata). Physiological (fever, leukocytosis and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio) and behavioral (food intake) components of the acute phase response, as well as bacterial killing ability of the plasma were assessed after immune challenge with lipopolysaccharide (LPS: 10 mg/kg) in experimental groups kept at different short-term conditions of food availability (ad libitum diet or 50% food-deprived) and ambient temperature (27 and 33°C). Our results indicate that magnitude of increase in body temperature was not affected by food availability, ambient temperature or the interaction of both factors, but the time to reach the highest increase took longer in LPS-injected bats that were kept under food restriction. The magnitude of increased neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio was affected by the interaction between food availability and ambient temperature, but food intake, total white blood cell count and bacterial killing ability were not affected by any factor or interaction. Overall, our results suggest that bacterial killing ability and most components of acute phase response examined are not affected by short-term changes in food availability and ambient temperature within the range evaluated in this study, and that the increase of the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio when bats are exposed to low food availability and high ambient temperature might represent an enhancement of cellular response to deal with infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hepatic acute-phase response is characterized by a massive upregulation of serum proteins, such as haptoglobin and serum amyloid A, at the expense of liver homeostatic functions. Although the transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (HNF4A) has a well-established role in safeguarding liver function and its cistrome spans around 50% of liver-specific genes, its role in the acute-phase response has received little attention so far. We demonstrate that HNF4A binds to and represses acute-phase genes under basal conditions. The reprogramming of hepatic transcription during inflammation necessitates loss of HNF4A function to allow expression of acute-phase genes while liver homeostatic genes are repressed. In a pre-clinical liver organoid model overexpression of HNF4A maintained liver functionality in spite of inflammation-induced cell damage. Conversely, HNF4A overexpression potently impaired the acute-phase response by retaining chromatin at regulatory regions of acute-phase genes inaccessible to transcription. Taken together, our data extend the understanding of dual HNF4A action as transcriptional activator and repressor, establishing HNF4A as gatekeeper for the hepatic acute-phase response.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using proteomics and complexome profiling, we evaluated in a year-long study longitudinal variations in the plasma proteome of kidney failure patients, prior to and after a kidney transplantation. The post-transplant period was complicated by bacterial infections, resulting in dramatic changes in the proteome, attributed to an acute phase response (APR). As positive acute phase proteins (APPs), being elevated upon inflammation, we observed the well-described C-reactive protein and Serum Amyloid A (SAA), but also Fibrinogen, Haptoglobin, Leucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein, Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, Alpha-1-antitrypsin, Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin, S100, and CD14. As negative APPs, being downregulated upon inflammation, we identified the well-documented Serotransferrin and Transthyretin, but added Kallistatin, Heparin cofactor 2, and interalpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H1 and H2 (ITIH1, ITIH2). For the patient with the most severe APR, we performed plasma complexome profiling by SEC-LC-MS on all longitudinal samples. We observed that several plasma proteins displaying alike concentration patterns coelute and form macromolecular complexes. By complexome profiling, we expose how SAA1 and SAA2 become incorporated into high-density lipid particles, replacing largely Apolipoprotein (APO)A1 and APOA4. Overall, our data highlight that the combination of in-depth longitudinal plasma proteome and complexome profiling can shed further light on correlated variations in the abundance of several plasma proteins upon inflammatory events.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Zoledronate, a bisphosphonate, is a potent first-line treatment for osteoporosis. It is also a preferred treatment for hypercalcemia especially when unresponsive to intravenous fluids. Bisphosphonates can cause acute phase reactions that mimic opioid withdrawal symptoms, which can confound provider decision-making. Our case highlights cognitive bias involving a patient with opioid use disorder who received zoledronate for hypercalcemia secondary to immobilization and significant bone infection.
    A 41-year-old male is admitted with a past medical history of active intravenous opioid use complicated by group A streptococcal bacteremia with L5-S1 discitis and osteomyelitis, L2-L3 osteomyelitis, and left ankle abscess/septic arthritis status post left ankle washout. His pain was well-controlled by acute pain service with ketamine infusion (discontinued earlier), opioids, acetaminophen, buprenorphine-naloxone, cyclobenzaprine, gabapentin, and naproxen. Intravenous opioids were discontinued, slightly decreasing the opioid regimen. A day later, the patient reported tachycardia, diaphoresis, myalgias, and chills, which the primary team reconsulted acute pain service for opioid withdrawal. However, the patient received a zoledronate infusion for hypercalcemia, on the same day intravenous opioids were discontinued. He had no other medications known to cause withdrawal-like symptoms per chart review. Therefore, it was suspected that an acute phase reaction occurred, commonly seen within a few days of bisphosphonate use.
    Zoledronate, well known for causing acute phase reactions, was likely the cause of withdrawal-like symptoms. Acute phase reactions with bisphosphonates mostly occur in the first infusion, and the incidence decreases with subsequent infusions. Symptoms typically occur 24-72 h post-infusion, and last at most for 72 h. Cognitive bias led the primary team to be concerned with opioid withdrawal rather than investigating other causes for the patient\'s presentation. Therefore, providers should thoroughly investigate potential etiologies and rule them out accordingly to provide the best care. Health care providers should also be aware of the implicit biases that potentially impact the quality of care they provide to patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite great scientific efforts, deep understanding of coronavirus-19 disease (COVID-19) immunopathology and clinical biomarkers remains a challenge. Pre-existing comorbidities increase the mortality rate and aggravate the exacerbated immune response against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, which can result in more severe symptoms as well as long-COVID and post-COVID complications. In this study, we applied proteomics analysis of plasma samples from 28 patients with SARS-CoV-2, with and without pre-existing comorbidities, as well as their corresponding controls to determine the systemic protein changes caused by the SARS-CoV-2 infection. As a result, the protein signature shared amongst COVID-19 patients with comorbidities was revealed to be characterized by alterations in the coagulation and complement pathways, acute-phase response proteins, tissue damage and remodeling, as well as cholesterol metabolism. These altered proteins may play a relevant role in COVID-19 pathophysiology. Moreover, several novel potential biomarkers for early diagnosis of the SARS-CoV-2 infection were detected, such as increased levels of keratin K22E, extracellular matrix protein-1 (ECM1), and acute-phase response protein α-2-antiplasmin (A2AP). Importantly, elevated A2AP may contribute to persistent clotting complications associated with the long-COVID syndrome in patients with comorbidities. This study provides new insights into COVID-19 pathogenesis and proposes novel potential biomarkers for early diagnosis that could be facilitated for clinical application by further validation studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) vary in physicochemical properties which makes risk assessment challenging. Mice were pulmonary exposed to 26 well-characterized CNTs using the same experimental design and followed for one day, 28 days or 3 months. This resulted in a unique dataset, which was used to identify physicochemical predictors of pulmonary inflammation and systemic acute phase response. MWCNT diameter and SWCNT specific surface area were predictive of lower and higher neutrophil influx, respectively. Manganese and iron were shown to be predictive of higher neutrophil influx at day 1 post-exposure, whereas nickel content interestingly was predictive of lower neutrophil influx at all three time points and of lowered acute phase response at day 1 and 3 months post-exposure. It was not possible to separate effects of properties such as specific surface area and length in the multiple regression analyses due to co-variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Senescence marker protein-30 (SMP30) is a senescence marker molecule that exhibits lactonase activity in the ascorbic acid (AsA) biosynthesis pathway, except in primate mammals, including humans. Although numerous studies have shown that hepatic AsA deficiency causes acute-phase responses, details of the relationship between SMP30 expression and acute-phase responses in AsA-deficient conditions remain to be elucidated. Here, we investigated the effects of AsA deficiency on the relationship between SMP30 and acute liver injury in osteogenic disorder Shionogi (ODS) rats, which have a hereditary defect in AsA biosynthesis. Male-ODS rats (4 wk old) were pair-fed an AsA-free diet with distilled or 0.1% AsA-dissolved water for 14 d. Under AsA-deficient conditions, hepatic SMP30 protein level was decreased and liver injury markers, the serum aspartate aminotransferase/alanine transaminase ratio and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-1 (CINC-1) concentration, were elevated. In contrast, SMP30 protein level in extracellular vesicles (EVs) was significantly increased in addition to the positive acute proteins haptoglobin and asialoglycoprotein receptor 1 (ASGPR1), hepatic-derived specific markers expression under AsA-deficient conditions. AsA deficiency also activated signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) which is linked to EVs release in the liver. These results suggest that the release of SMP30 in EVs by AsA deficiency is involved with acute-phase responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Several studies have indicated that the plasma concentration of risperidone increases 3-5-fold during the acute-phase reaction (APR) of inflammation or infection. Psychiatric symptoms are present or deteriorate when the dose is lowered; thus, the complex effects of inflammation on the pharmacokinetics of risperidone need to be examined.
    METHODS: We established a APR model in rabbits induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and studied the effect of APR on pharmacokinetics, distribution and disposition of risperidone in vivo and in vitro.
    RESULTS: Following intramuscular administration, the plasma exposures for risperidone and its active metabolite (9-hydroxyrisperidone) were increased approximately 6-fold on day 2 of inflammation. The exposure values did not change between day 2 and 5 of inflammation, nor did the metabolite-to-parent ratio before and during inflammation. Following oral administration, the increase of risperidone exposure was twice as high as that following intramuscular administration during APR. However, the concentration of risperidone and 9-hydroxyrisperidone in brain tissue was similar between the inflammatory and control groups. Moreover, the plasma protein binding (PPB) of risperidone and 9-hydroxyrisperidone associated with inflammation were all increased to >99 %. In addition, risperidone and 9-hydroxyrisperidone were not substrates of the key transporters, OATP1B3, OCT2, OAT3, MATE-1, or MATE-2 K. The expression of progesterone X receptor and P-glycoprotein was inhibited by LPS.
    CONCLUSIONS: During APR, reduced expression of P-glycoprotein and increased PPB were responsible for increased exposure in plasma, while maintaining stable concentrations in the brain, and risperidone does not need to be dose-adjusted so as to achieve psychopharmacological outcomes.





