Active particles

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A long-standing goal in colloidal active matter is to understand how gradients in fuel concentration influence the motion of phoretic Janus particles. Here, we present a theoretical description of the motion of a spherical phoretic Janus particle in the presence of a radial gradient of the chemical solute driving self-propulsion. Radial gradients are a geometry relevant to many scenarios in active matter systems and naturally arise due to the presence of a point source or sink of fuel. We derive an analytical solution for the Janus particle\'s velocity and quantify the influence of the radial concentration gradient on the particle\'s trajectory. Compared to a phoretic Janus particle in a linear gradient in fuel concentration, we uncover a much richer set of dynamic behaviors including circular orbits and trapped stationary states. We identify the ratio of the phoretic mobilities between the two domains of the Janus particle as a central quantity in tuning their dynamics. Our results provide a path for developing optimum protocols for tuning the dynamics of phoretic Janus particles and mixing fluid at the microscale. In addition, this work suggests a method for quantifying the surface properties of phoretic Janus particles, which have proven to be challenging to probe experimentally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last decade, the thermostatted kinetic theory has been proposed as a general paradigm for the modeling of complex systems of the active matter and, in particular, in biology. Homogeneous and inhomogeneous frameworks of the thermostatted kinetic theory have been employed for modeling phenomena that are the result of interactions among the elements, called active particles, composing the system. Functional subsystems contain heterogeneous active particles that are able to perform the same task, called activity. Active matter living systems usually operate out-of-equilibrium; accordingly, a mathematical thermostat is introduced in order to regulate the fluctuations of the activity of particles. The time evolution of the functional subsystems is obtained by introducing the conservative and the nonconservative interactions which represent activity-transition, natural birth/death, induced proliferation/destruction, and mutation of the active particles. This review paper is divided in two parts: In the first part the review deals with the mathematical frameworks of the thermostatted kinetic theory that can be found in the literature of the last decade and a unified approach is proposed; the second part of the review is devoted to the specific mathematical models derived within the thermostatted kinetic theory presented in the last decade for complex biological systems, such as wound healing diseases, the recognition process and the learning dynamics of the human immune system, the hiding-learning dynamics and the immunoediting process occurring during the cancer-immune system competition. Future research perspectives are discussed from the theoretical and application viewpoints, which suggest the important interplay among the different scholars of the applied sciences and the desire of a multidisciplinary approach or rather a theory for the modeling of every active matter system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A systematic investigation of the dynamic clustering behavior of active particles under confinement, including the effects of both particle density and active driving force, is presented based on a hybrid coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation. First, a series of scaling laws are derived with power relationships for the dynamic clustering time as a function of both particle density and active driving force. Notably, the average number of clusters N¯ assembled from active particles in the simulation system exhibits a scaling relationship with clustering time t described by N¯∝t-m. Simultaneously, the scaling behavior of the average cluster size S¯ is characterized by S¯∝tm. Our findings reveal the presence of up to four distinct dynamic regions concerning clustering over time, with transitions contingent upon the particle density within the system. Furthermore, as the active driving force increases, the aggregation behavior also accelerates, while an increase in density of active particles induces alterations in the dynamic procession of the system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The collective motion observed in living active matter, such as fish schools and bird flocks, is characterized by its dynamic and complex nature, involving various moving states and transitions. By tailoring physical interactions or incorporating information exchange capabilities, inanimate active particles can exhibit similar behavior. However, the lack of synchronous and arbitrary control over individual particles hinders their use as a test system for the study of more intricate collective motions in living species. Herein, a novel optical feedback control system that enables the mimicry of collective motion observed in living objects using active particles is proposed. This system allows for the experimental investigation of the velocity alignment, a seminal model of collective motion (known as the Vicsek model), in a microscale perturbed environment with controllable and realistic conditions. The spontaneous formation of different moving states and dynamic transitions between these states is observed. Additionally, the high robustness of the active-particle group at the critical density under the influence of different perturbations is quantitatively validated. These findings support the effectiveness of velocity alignment in real perturbed environments, thereby providing a versatile platform for fundamental studies on collective motion and the development of innovative swarm microrobotics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of large-scale structures in biological systems, and in particular the formation of lines of hierarchy, is observed at many scales, from collections of cells to groups of insects to herds of animals. Motivated by phenomena in chemotaxis and phototaxis, we present a new class of alignment models that exhibit alignment into lines. The spontaneous formation of such \'fingers\' can be interpreted as the emergence of leaders and followers in a system of identically interacting agents. Various numerical examples are provided, which demonstrate emergent behaviors similar to the \'fingering\' phenomenon observed in some phototaxis and chemotaxis experiments; this phenomenon is generally known to be a challenging pattern for existing models to capture. A novel protocol for pairwise interactions provides a fundamental alignment mechanism by which agents may form lines of hierarchy across a wide range of biological systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Self-propelling active particles are an exciting and interdisciplinary emerging area of research with projected biomedical and environmental applications. Due to their autonomous motion, control over these active particles that are free to travel along individual trajectories, is challenging. This work uses optically patterned electrodes on a photoconductive substrate using a digital micromirror device (DMD) to dynamically control the region of movement of self-propelling particles (i.e., metallo-dielectric Janus particles (JPs)). This extends previous studies where only a passive micromotor is optoelectronically manipulated with a translocating optical pattern that illuminates the particle. In contrast, the current system uses the optically patterned electrode merely to define the region within which the JPs moved autonomously. Interestingly, the JPs avoid crossing the optical region\'s edge, which enables constraint of the area of motion and to dynamically shape the JP trajectory. Using the DMD system to simultaneously manipulate several JPs enables to self-assemble the JPs into stable active structures (JPs ring) with precise control over the number of participating JPs and passive particles. Since the optoelectronic system is amenable to closed-loop operation using real-time image analysis, it enables exploitation of these active particles as active microrobots that can be operated in a programmable and parallelized manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Detection of biomolecules is essential for patient diagnosis, disease management, and numerous other applications. Recently, nano- and microparticle-based detection has been explored for improving traditional assays by reducing required sample volumes and assay times as well as enhancing tunability. Among these approaches, active particle-based assays that couple particle motion to biomolecule concentration expand assay accessibility through simplified signal outputs. However, most of these approaches require secondary labeling, which complicates workflows and introduces additional points of error. Here, we show a proof-of-concept for a label-free, motion-based biomolecule detection system using electrokinetic active particles. We prepare induced-charge electrophoretic microsensors (ICEMs) for the capture of two model biomolecules, streptavidin and ovalbumin, and show that the specific capture of the biomolecules leads to direct signal transduction through ICEM speed suppression at concentrations as low as 0.1 nM. This work lays the foundation for a new paradigm of rapid, simple, and label-free biomolecule detection using active particles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The active Brownian motion of single dust particles of various types in the 3D electrostatic DC discharge trap under the action of laser radiation is studied experimentally. Spherical dust particles with a homogeneous surface, as well as Janus particles, are used in the experiment. The properties of the active Brownian motion of all types of dust particles are studied. In particular, the 3D analysis of trajectories of microparticles is carried out, well as an analysis of their root mean square displacement. The mean kinetic energy of motion of the dust particle of various types in a 3D trap is determined for different laser powers. Differences in the character of active Brownian motion in electrostatic traps with different spatial dimensions are found.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper proposes a kinetic theory approach coupling together the modeling of crowd evacuation from a bounded domain with exit doors and infectious disease contagion. The spatial movement of individuals in the crowd is modeled by a proper description of the interactions with people in the crowd and the environment, including walls and exits. At the same time, interactions among healthy and infectious individuals may generate disease spreading if exposure time is long enough. Immunization of the population and individual awareness to contagion is considered as well. Interactions are modeled by tools of game theory, that let us propose the so-called tables of games that are introduced in the general kinetic equations. The proposed model is qualitatively studied and, through a series of case studies, we explore different scenarios related to crowding and gathering formation within indoor venues under the spread of a respiratory infectious disease, obtaining insights on specific policies to reduce contagion that may be implemented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review paper is devoted to study the conceptual difficulties that mathematics meets when attempting to describe the complexity of living matter focusing on the challenging perspective of developing a mathematical theory for living systems including mutations and selection. The quest starts with the identification of a number of common complexity features of living systems. Then, mathematical structures are derived to include these features, while mathematical models are derived by inserting in the structures models of individual based interactions. Three applications are examined by active particles methods, i.e., models of SARS2-CoV-2 pandemics, models of idiosyncratic learning in open markets and of the dynamics of prices accounting for human behaviors. A critical study, which pervades the whole paper, shows that also economics can be viewed as a behavioral science thus accounting for specific aspects typical of living systems.





