Acid-Base Imbalance

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kidney transplantation is the optimal therapeutic approach for individuals with end-stage kidney disease. The Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients has reported a continuous rise in the total number of kidney transplants performed in the United States, with 25,500 new kidney recipients in 2022 alone. Despite an improved glomerular filtration rate, the post-transplant period introduces a unique set of electrolyte abnormalities that differ from those encountered in chronic kidney disease. A variety of factors contribute to the high prevalence of hypomagnesemia, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, hypercalcemia, and hypophosphatemia seen after kidney transplantation. These include the degree of allograft function, immunosuppressive medications and their diverse mechanisms of action, and metabolic changes after transplant. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the key aspects surrounding the most commonly encountered electrolyte and acid-base abnormalities in the post-transplant setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article provides a comprehensive overview of electrolyte and water homeostasis in pediatric patients, focusing on some of the common serum electrolyte abnormalities encountered in clinical practice. Understanding pathophysiology, taking a detailed history, performing comprehensive physical examinations, and ordering basic laboratory investigations are essential for the timely proper management of these conditions. We will discuss the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic approaches, and treatment strategies for each electrolyte disorder. This article aims to enhance the clinical approach to pediatric patients with electrolyte imbalance-related emergencies, ultimately improving patient outcomes.Trial registration This manuscript does not include a clinical trial; instead, it provides an updated review of literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Alactic base excess (ABE) is a novel biomarker to evaluate the renal capability of handling acid-base disturbances, which has been found to be associated with adverse prognosis of sepsis and shock patients. This study aimed to evaluate the association between ABE and the risk of in-hospital mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
    METHODS: This retrospective cohort study collected AMI patients\' clinical data from the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC)-IV database. The outcome was in-hospital mortality after intensive care unit (ICU) admission. Univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazards models were performed to assess the association of ABE with in-hospital mortality in AMI patients, with hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). To further explore the association, subgroup analyses were performed based on age, AKI, eGFR, sepsis, and AMI subtypes.
    RESULTS: Of the total 2779 AMI patients, 502 died in hospital. Negative ABE (HR = 1.26, 95%CI: 1.02-1.56) (neutral ABE as reference) was associated with a higher risk of in-hospital mortality in AMI patients, but not in positive ABE (P = 0.378). Subgroup analyses showed that negative ABE was significantly associated with a higher risk of in-hospital mortality in AMI patients aged>65 years (HR = 1.46, 95%CI: 1.13-1.89), with eGFR<60 (HR = 1.35, 95%CI: 1.05-1.74), with AKI (HR = 1.32, 95%CI: 1.06-1.64), with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) subtype (HR = 1.79, 95%CI: 1.18-2.72), and without sepsis (HR = 1.29, 95%CI: 1.01-1.64).
    CONCLUSIONS: Negative ABE was significantly associated with in-hospital mortality in patients with AMI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CO2, HCO3, SID, and total weak acids have been defined as pH\'s independent variables. However, according to Gamble, HCO3 should be equal to the difference between the sum of cations and the sum of anions besides HCO3. Therefore, if this mathematical expression is substituted for HCO3 in the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, all independent variables of pH can be demonstrated. Our aim is to test this theory in this study. This prospective observational study was conducted between 2019 and 2020. All admitted patients to the intensive care unit who were >18 years old were included. Demographic data, blood gas parameters, albumin, magnesium, and inorganic phosphorus levels, and outcomes were recorded twice (at admission and at the 24th hour). The multivariate linear regression model was used to determine pH\'s independent variables. In the multivariate linear regression model, pH was significantly increased by each unit increase in Na, K, Ca, and Mg (mmol L-1). In contrast, pH was significantly decreased by each unit increase in CO2, Cl, lactate, albumin (g dL-1), inorganic phosphorus (mg dL-1), and the strong ion gap. Ten independent variables can accurately predict the changes in pH. For this reason, all ten independent variables should be separately evaluated when interpreting the acid-base status. With this understanding, all algorithms regarding acid-base evaluation may become unnecessary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Several methods exist to reduce the number of arterial blood gases (ABGs). One method, Roche v-TAC, has been evaluated in different patient groups. This paper aggregates data from these studies, in different patient categories using common analysis criteria.
    UNASSIGNED: We included studies evaluating v-TAC based on paired arterial and peripheral venous blood samples. Bland-Altman analysis compared measured and calculated arterial values of pH, PCO2, and PO2. Subgroup analyses were performed for normal, chronic hypercapnia and chronic base excess, acute hyper- and hypocapnia, and acute and chronic base deficits.
    UNASSIGNED: 811 samples from 12 studies were included. Bias and limits of agreement for measured and calculated values: pH 0.001 (-0.029 to 0.031), PCO2 -0.08 (-0.65 to 0.49) kPa, and PO2 0.04 (-1.71 to 1.78) kPa, with similar values for all sub-group analyses.
    UNASSIGNED: These data suggest that v-TAC analysis may have a role in replacing ABGs, avoiding arterial puncture. Substantial data exist in patients with chronic hypercapnia and chronic base excess, acute hyper- and hypocapnia, and in patients with relatively normal acid-base status, with similar bias and precision across groups and across study data. Limited data exist for patients with acute and chronic base deficits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Acid-base disorders in dairy herds can be diagnosed by determining urinary net base excretion (NBE). Modifications of this method are the differential NBE (dNBE) with determination of the urinary concentration-independent base-acid ratio (BAR) and the simplified NBE test with reduced urine volume (sNBE). The aim of this study was to compare these methods among themselves and as a pooled test, in their assessment of cow group acid base status as well as to derive recommendations for practical use.
    UNASSIGNED: The concentrations of NBE, dNBE, and sNBE were measured in urine samples derived from 855 German-Holstein cows in 127 cow groups at different stages of lactation. BAR was then calculated. dNBE and BAR were determined both individually per cow and as a pool of a group. Mixed linear models were used to examine the relationship between the mean of the individual animal values and the pool sample result of a group for these two parameters. In addition, all groups were evaluated with respect to acidotic or alkalotic load based on their single animal results of the respective methods, the mean values formed from them, and the measured pool result. By using the single animal BAR as reference, the sensitivity and specificity of the different methods were calculated.
    RESULTS: The calculated mean values of the individual measurements of dNBE and BAR differed from the measured value in the pool sample, especially in low and high measurement ranges. In the group assessment, NBE showed the best combined sensitivity and specificity for the detection of acid base disorders. The dNBE pool assay showed satisfactory specificity with respect to acidosis and alkalosis, while the sNBE on an individual animal basis and the BAR determination in the pool showed satisfactory sensitivity with respect to acidosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: It was shown that NBE determined in individual animal samples is well suited for the assessment of acid base status of cow groups and can therefore be recommended for practical use. The determination of dNBE as well as BAR as a pool test is not sufficient for the detection of alkalotic load in cow groups but may help to confirm an existing acidotic load.
    UNASSIGNED: Störungen des Säuren-Basen-Status (SBS) in Milchviehbeständen lassen sich durch die Bestimmung der Netto-Säuren-Basen-Ausscheidung (NSBA) im Harn diagnostizieren. Modifikationen dieser Methode sind die differenzierte NSBA (dNSBA) mit Bestimmung des harnkonzentrationsunabhängigen Basen-Säuren-Quotienten (BSQ) und der vereinfachte NSBA-Siebtest. Ziel dieser Studie war es, diese Methoden sowohl untereinander als auch als Pooluntersuchung in ihrer Beurteilung des SBS von Kuhgruppen zu vergleichen und daraus Empfehlungen für die Praxis abzuleiten.
    UNASSIGNED: Aus Harnproben von 855 Deutsch-Holstein-Kühen in 127 Kuhgruppen verschiedener Laktationsstadien wurden die Konzentrationen der NSBA, der dNSBA und der Siebtest-NSBA gemessen sowie der BSQ berechnet; dNSBA und BSQ wurden einzeln und als Pool einer Gruppe bestimmt. In gemischten linearen Modellen wurden für diese beiden Parameter die Beziehung zwischen dem Mittelwert der Einzeltierwerte und dem Ergebnis der Poolprobenuntersuchung einer Gruppe untersucht. Zudem wurden alle Gruppen anhand ihrer Einzeltierergebnisse der jeweiligen Methoden, den daraus gebildeten Mittelwerten und des Messwertes im Pool hinsichtlich azidotischer oder alkalotischer Belastung beurteilt und unter Nutzung des Einzeltier-BSQ als Referenz die Sensitivität und Spezifität der verschiedenen Methoden berechnet.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Mittelwerte der Einzelmessungen von dNSBA und BSQ unterschieden sich insbesondere in den Grenzbereichen vom Messwert in der Poolprobe. In der Gruppenbeurteilung zeigte die NSBA die beste kombinierte Sensitivität und Spezifität zur Erkennung von Störungen des SBS. Die dNSBA-Pooluntersuchung zeigte eine gute Spezifität hinsichtlich Azidose und Alkalose, während der NSBA-Siebtest auf Einzeltierbasis und die BSQ-Bestimmung im Pool eine gute Sensitivität hinsichtlich Azidose aufwiesen.
    UNASSIGNED: Es zeigte sich, dass die NSBA auf Einzeltierbasis gut zur Beurteilung des SBS von Kuhgruppen geeignet ist und daher für den Praxiseinsatz empfohlen werden kann. Die Bestimmung der dNSBA sowie des BSQ als Pooluntersuchung ist nicht ausreichend zur Erkennung alkalotisch belasteter Kuhgruppen, kann aber zur Bestätigung einer vorliegenden azidotischen Last beitragen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis is a simple and quick test that can provide multiple respiratory and metabolic parameters. The interpretation of ABG analysis and acid-base disorders represents one of the most complex chapters of clinical medicine. In this brief review, the authors propose a rational approach that sequentially analyzes the information offered by the ABG to allow a rapid classification of the respiratory, metabolic or mixed disorder. The patient\'s history and clinical-instrumental assessment are the framework in which to insert the information derived from the ABG analysis in order to characterize the critical heart patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The base excess value (BE, mmol/L), not standard base excess (SBE), correctly calculated including pH, pCO2 (mmHg), sO2 (%) and cHb (g/dl) is a diagnostic tool for several in vivo events, e.g., mortality after multiple trauma or shock, acidosis, bleeding, clotting, artificial ventilation. In everyday clinical practice a few microlitres of blood (arterial, mixed venous or venous) are sufficient for optimal diagnostics of any metabolic acidosis or alkalosis.The same applies to a therapeutic tool-then referred to as potential base excess (BEpot)-for several in vitro assessments, e.g., solutions for infusion, sodium bicarbonate, blood products, packed red blood cells, plasma. Thus, BE or BEpot has been a parameter with exceptional clinical significance since 2007.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Acid-base disturbances are common in short bowel (SB) patients due to increased intestinal bicarbonate loss. However, the resulting systemic acid load has not been quantified. Base excess is used to monitor metabolic acid-base disturbances but inadequately reflects the acid load. Our aim was to investigate the systemic acid/base load in SB-patients to obtain quantitative estimates to guide the composition of parenteral support.
    METHODS: We calculated total acid load in SB patients by summing 24-h urinary net acid excretion (NAE) and the provision of base equivalents in parenteral support. We then compared differences among anatomical SB-types: jejunostomy (SB-J), jejunocolostomy (SB-JC), and jejunoileostomy (SB-JIC). 47 urine samples from 34 SB patients were analyzed for bicarbonate (HCO3-), ammonium (NH4+), and titratable acid (TA) concentrations. NAE was calculated as (TA + NH4+) - HCO3-. Mixed-effects repeated-measures models were used to statistically examine differences between SB-types and associations with parenteral nutrition and NAE. A healthy cohort served as control.
    RESULTS: In comparison to SB-J, SB-JC patients had a 4.1 mmoL/l lower base excess (95% CI: -6.3 to -1.8) and an 84.5 mmol/day higher total acid load (CI: 41.3 to 127.7). There were no significant differences between SB-JIC and SB-J regarding base excess, NAE, or total acid load. Higher amounts of infused acetate, sodium, and chloride, but not the acetate/chloride ratio, were associated with lower NAE and higher base excess.
    CONCLUSIONS: Due to increased colonic bicarbonate loss, patients with SB-JC have a ∼4.4-fold higher acid load than healthy controls. The ion transport mechanisms mediating this bicarbonate loss from the remaining colon need further experimental investigation. NAE could be a useful tool to adjust base infusion in SB.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Metabolic acidosis is frequently encountered in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), with increasing prevalence as kidney function worsens. Treating electrolyte disturbances is the sine qua non of Nephrologists, and alkali therapy to normalize serum bicarbonate levels and slow progression of kidney disease has been embedded in clinical practice guidelines for decades on the basis of animal models and controversial clinical trials. This review will critically appraise the literature base for this recommendation and determine whether the available evidence supports this common practice, which is a timely endeavor considering the impending demotion of metabolic acidosis treatment from recommendation to practice point in forthcoming KDIGO guidelines.
    Earlier, open-label, studies supporting the utility of sodium bicarbonate therapy to slow progression of chronic kidney disease have been challenged by more recent, blinded, studies failing to show benefit on CKD progression. This was further demonstrated in the absence of concomitant sodium administration with the hydrochloric acid binder veverimer, which failed to demonstrate benefit on renal death, end stage kidney disease or 40% reduction in estimated glomerular filtration rate in a large multicenter trial.
    The current body of literature does not support the routine treatment of metabolic acidosis in patients with CKD and the authors agree with the forthcoming KDIGO guidelines to de-emphasize this common practice.





