
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autoimmune atrophic gastritis is an immune-mediated disease resulting in autoimmune destruction of the specialized acid-producing gastric parietal cells. As a consequence, in autoimmune atrophic gastritis, gastric acid secretion is irreversibly impaired, and the resulting hypochlorhydria leads to the main clinical manifestations and is linked, directly or indirectly, to the long-term neoplastic complications of this disease. In the last few years, autoimmune atrophic gastritis has gained growing interest leading to the acquisition of new knowledge on different aspects of this disorder. Although reliable serological biomarkers are available and gastrointestinal endoscopy techniques have substantially evolved, the diagnosis of autoimmune atrophic gastritis is still affected by a considerable delay and relies on histopathological assessment of gastric biopsies. One of the reasons for the diagnostic delay is that the clinical presentations of autoimmune atrophic gastritis giving rise to clinical suspicion are very different, ranging from hematological to neurological-psychiatric up to gastrointestinal and less commonly to gynecological-obstetric symptoms or signs. Therefore, patients with autoimmune atrophic gastritis often seek advice from physicians of other medical specialties than gastroenterologists, thus underlining the need for increased awareness of this disease in a broad medical and scientific community.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to investigate the impact of three cooking ways (sous vide (SV), frying (FR) and roasting (RO)) on pork protein digestion characteristics under conditions simulating healthy adult (control, C) and elderly individuals with achlorhydria (EA). Changes in degree of hydrolysis (DH), SDS-PAGE profiles, zeta potential, particle size and secondary structure during digestion were evaluated. Our results revealed the EA condition markedly affected the protein digestion process of pork with different cooking ways. The DH values of SV (25.62%), FR (21.38%) and RO (19.40%) under the EA condition were significantly lower than those of under the control condition (38.32%, 33.00% and 30.86%, respectively). Moreover, differences were also observed among three cooking ways under the EA condition. For a given cooking way, the differences between control and EA conditions gradually diminished from the gastric to the intestinal phase. Under a certain digestion condition, SV maintained the highest degree of digestion throughout the process, particularly under the EA condition. Therefore, we conclude that pork cooked by sous vide is more recommendable for the elderly considering protein digestibility.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 47-year-old woman presented with multiple gastric tumors, each up to 10 mm in diameter, in the gastric body and fundus without mucosal atrophy. White spots and numerous transparent, light-brownish, small, and rounded spots were observed in the background gastric mucosa. Biopsy specimens obtained from the tumors revealed gastric neuroendocrine tumors. The patient exhibited hypergastrinemia and achlorhydria and tested negative for serum parietal cell antibody, intrinsic factor antibody, and Helicobacter pylori infection. Moreover, no additional lesions were detected on imaging. These findings were inconsistent with Rindi\'s classification. The tumor was resected via endoscopic submucosal resection. Histopathological examination revealed gastric neuroendocrine tumors G2 infiltrating the submucosa with no atrophy of the gastric mucosa, dilated fundic glands, parietal cell protrusions, and hyperplasia of enterochromaffin-like cells. Immunohistochemically, the parietal cells were negative for both α- and β-subunits of H+/K+ ATPase, suggesting parietal cell dysfunction. A genomic variant was identified in adenosine triphosphatase H+/K+ transporting subunit alpha. After 7 years of treatment, there was no evidence of residual or metastatic lesions. Modification of adenosine triphosphatase H+/K+ transporting subunit alpha may be a significant factor in the pathogenesis of multiple gastric neuroendocrine tumors in the context of gastric parietal cell dysfunction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autoimmune gastritis (AIG) is characterized by the destruction of gastric parietal cells, resulting in hypochlorhydria and eventual achlorhydria, as oxyntic glands in the corpus are destroyed and become atrophic. The permanent loss of gastric acid has many impacts-both theoretical and documented. The most concerning of these are hypergastrinemia and increased N-nitroso compounds, both of which increase the risk of gastric cancers. While known deficiencies of B12 and iron are often replaced in AIG, acid is not. Moreover, patients with AIG are often prescribed acid suppression for a stomach that is decidedly no longer acidic, worsening the sequelae of gastric atrophy. Betaine hydrochloride (BHCL) is a short-acting acidifying agent, available over the counter in capsule form. Mealtime acid supplementation has an historic basis and could ameliorate many AIG-related gastrointestinal symptoms. Theoretically, acidification could also reduce the potential for hypergastrinemia and the production of N-nitroso compounds, consequently reducing the risk of gastric cancers. Supplemental vitamin C may also help in preventing gastric N-nitroso formation, regardless of the gastric pH. This narrative review describes the functions of gastric acid in gastrointestinal and immune health, documents the effects of hypochlorhydria in AIG, and proposes potential options for safely re-establishing the acid milieu of the stomach for patients with AIG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The discrepancy between bone mineral density (BMD), the gold standard for bone assessment, and bone strength is a constraint in diagnosing bone function and determining treatment strategies for several bone diseases. Gastric hypochlorhydria induced by clinically used proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy indicates a discordance between changes in BMD and bone strength. Here, we used Cckbr-deficient mice with gastric hypochlorhydria to examine the effect of gastric hypochlorhydria on bone mass, BMD, and preferential orientation of the apatite crystallites, which is a strong indicator of bone strength.
    METHODS: Cckbr-deficient mice were created, and their femurs were analyzed for BMD and preferential orientation of the apatite c-axis along the femoral long axis.
    RESULTS: Cckbr-deficient mouse femurs displayed a slight osteoporotic bone loss at 18 weeks of age; however, BMD was comparable to that of wild-type mice. In contrast, apatite orientation in the femur mid-shaft significantly decreased from 9 to 18 weeks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating the deterioration of apatite orientation in the bones of Cckbr-deficient mice.
    CONCLUSIONS: Lesions in Cckbr-deficient mice occurred earlier in apatite orientation than in bone mass. Hence, bone apatite orientation may be a promising method for detecting hypochlorhydria-induced osteoporosis caused by PPI treatment and warrants urgent clinical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the occurrence and development of gastric mucosal atrophic lesions and their histopathological characteristics.
    Histopathological diagnosis and immunohistochemical staining using the EnVision two-step method were conducted on 1969 gastric mucosal atrophic lesions obtained from gastroscopic biopsy specimens. A total of 48-month three-stage endoscopic biopsy follow-ups were performed.
    When the gastric mucosal epithelium was affected by infection, chemical irritation, or immune or genetic factors, the gastric mucosal epithelium glands atrophied, the mucosa became thinner, the number of glands decreased, the intestinal epithelium progressed to metaplasia and smooth muscle fibre became hyperplasia. Such changes may lead to the proliferation and dysplasia of epithelial cells of the gastric mucosa and neoplastic hyperplasia in nature; this is referred to as gastric mucosal atrophic lesions in this study. According to this definition, the present study divided gastric mucosal atrophy into four types: (1) glandular atrophy of the lamina propria; (2) compensatory proliferative atrophy; (3) intestinal metaplasia atrophy; and (4) smooth muscle proliferative atrophy. The incidence rates of the above were 40.1% (789/1969), 14.3% (281/1969), 27.8% (547/1969) and 17.9% (352/1969), respectively. One- to 4-year follow-ups found that the changes were not significant and that the percentages of patients with disease exacerbation were 85.7% (1688/1969) and 9.8% (192/1969). The percentages of patients who developed low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia and high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia were 2.8% (55/1969) and 1.1% (21/1969), respectively; 0.7% (13/1969) of patients developed intramucosal cancer.
    Gastric mucosal atrophic lesions and histopathological staging are based on the morphological characteristics of gastric mucosal atrophy and the hypothesis of malignant transformation of cells during the occurrence and development of mucosal atrophy. Mastering pathological staging is beneficial to clinicians for enacting precise treatment and is important for reducing the incidence of gastric cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abnormal gastric acidity, including achlorhydria, can act as a significant source of variability in orally administered drugs especially with pH-sensitive solubility profiles, such as weak bases, potentially resulting in an undesirable therapeutic response. This study aimed to evaluate the utility of physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling in the prediction of gastric pH-mediated drug exposure by using itraconazole, a weak base, as a case. An itraconazole PBPK model was developed on the mechanistic basis of its absorption kinetics in a middle-out manner from a stepwise in vitro-in vivo extrapolation to in vivo refinement. Afterward, an independent prospective clinical study evaluating gastric pH and itraconazole pharmacokinetics (PKs) under normal gastric acidity and esomeprazole-induced gastric hypoacidity was conducted for model validation. Validation was performed by comparing the predicted data with the clinical observations, and the valid model was subsequently applied to predict PK changes under achlorhydria. The developed itraconazole PBPK model showed reasonable reproducibility for gastric pH-mediated exposure observed in the clinical investigation. Based on the model-based simulations, itraconazole exposure was expected to be decreased up to 65% under achlorhydria, and furthermore, gastric pH-mediated exposure could be mechanistically interpreted according to sequential variation in total solubility, dissolution, and absorption. This study suggested the utility of PBPK modeling in the prediction of gastric pH-mediated exposure, especially for drugs whose absorption is susceptible to gastric pH. Our findings will serve as a leading model for further mechanistic assessment of exposure depending on gastric pH for various drugs, ultimately contributing to personalized pharmacotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We aimed to study the prevalence of achlorhydria (AC) in a large Asian population.
    Medical records of patients who underwent oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) with Congo red staining method at the Vichaiyut Hospital from January 2010 to December 2019 were retrospectively reviewed.
    A total of 3597 patients was recruited; 223 were excluded due to concurrent use of proton pump inhibitors. Eighteen from 3374 patients (0.53%) had AC. Seven patients were presented with permanent AC (5F, 2M) (median age=69 years; range 58-92). Among 11 patients with temporary AC (5M, 6F: mean age 73.4 years; SD 13.2 years), all had gastrointestinal Helicobacter pylori bacterial infection and were over 45 years old. After successful treatment for H. pylori, AC was absent among patients with temporary AC. If counting only patients over 45 years of age, the prevalence of AC was 0.68% (18/2614). No adverse events arising from Congo red occurred.
    AC is relatively rare. Permanent and temporary AC were found only when they were over 55 and 45 years old, respectively. Staining Congo red on gastric mucosa can be safely and routinely incorporated into the OGD procedure for early detection of AC. We recommended a low-cost screening test such as serum vitamin B levels for screening only in patients aged 50 and over.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We applied in vitro models of gastrointestinal (GI) digestion simulating the conditions of the GI tract of healthy adults and elderly individuals with achlorhydria (EA) to investigate differences in the digestibility of meat (chicken, beef and pork) and soy proteins. Digestibility was significantly affected by EA alterations. Peptidomics analyses revealed significant differences in peptide profiles between control and EA conditions, including number, length distribution, clustering, and differentially abundant peptides (DAPs). Our results revealed that the differences in meat peptide profiles diminished going from the gastric to intestinal phase. For soy protein, the marked differences between control and EA conditions were maintained in the gastric and intestinal phases. Higher numbers of potentially bioactive peptides were generated under the control condition compared to the EA condition. The present study provides insight into the distinct peptide profiles generated by in vitro digestion of meat and soy proteins under adult and EA GI conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, the role of gastric and duodenal microbiota has acquired increasing importance in the homeostasis of the host, although, to date, most evidence concern the faecal microbiota. Indeed, the gastric, and duodenal microbiota are challenging to study, due to gastric acid, bile, digestive enzymes, and rapid transit time. Specifically, the gastric acid environment may influence their bacterial composition since the acid barrier protects against orally ingested microorganisms and leads to their inactivation before reaching the intestine. The aim of this study was to assess a correlation between intragastric pH and gastric as well as intestinal microbiota of patients with histologic gastric alterations. pH was measured in the gastric juice and the bacterial composition in gastric and duodenal biopsies and faecal samples, was investigated via 16s rRNA gene sequencing. The main result is the direct correlation of duodenal microbiota biodiversity, via alpha diversity measures, with intragastric pH values. In particular, patients with hypochlorhydria showed increased duodenal microbiota biodiversity, higher intragastric pH values being prevalent in patients with chronic atrophic gastritis. Lastly, the latter was also strongly associated to the presence of oral bacteria, like Rothia mucilaginosa, Streptococcus salivarius and Granulicatella adiacens, in the duodenal microbiota. In conclusions, our results suggest a low-acid gastric environment as a contributive factor for duodenal dysbiosis, potentially leading to the development of pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract.





