
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Penetrating neck injuries pose a unique challenge due to the limited space for controlling bleeding and performing repairs. This often leads to high mortality rates when major blood vessels are severed, and can also result in neurological damage.
    METHODS: We present a case of a penetrating injury to the internal jugular vein caused by a dislodged angle grinder disc, a rare mechanism of injury with potentially fatal consequences. The patient underwent emergency surgery to explore the wound and ligate the injured veins. After the operation, the patient fully recovered with no neurological deficits and did not require further treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Angle grinders are well-known for causing severe penetrating neck injuries due to their high-speed operation. Venous vascular wounds can be controlled with ligation and have a good prognosis. Nerve injuries are common. Protective measures should be taken in these patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case highlights the significant risk of injury associated with disc grinders, and the importance of seeking prompt specialized medical attention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anticipatory brain activity makes it possible to predict the occurrence of expected situations. However, events such as traffic accidents are statistically unpredictable and can generate catastrophic consequences. This study investigates the brain activity and effective connectivity associated with anticipating and processing such unexpected, unavoidable accidents. We asked 161 participants to ride a motorcycle simulator while recording their electroencephalographic activity. Of these, 90 participants experienced at least one accident while driving. We conducted both within-subjects and between-subjects comparisons. During the pre-accident period, the right inferior parietal lobe (IPL), left anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and right insula showed higher activity in the accident condition. In the post-accident period, the bilateral orbitofrontal cortex, right IPL, bilateral ACC, and middle and superior frontal gyrus also showed increased activity in the accident condition. We observed greater effective connectivity within the nodes of the limbic network (LN) and between the nodes of the attentional networks in the pre-accident period. In the post-accident period, we also observed greater effective connectivity between networks, from the ventral attention network (VAN) to the somatomotor network and from nodes in the visual network, VAN, and default mode network to nodes in the frontoparietal network, LN, and attentional networks. This suggests that activating salience-related processes and emotional processing allows the anticipation of accidents. Once an accident has occurred, integration and valuation of the new information takes place, and control processes are initiated to adapt behavior to the new demands of the environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A fire in one of the Windscale nuclear reactors at Sellafield (Cumbria, England) in October 1957 released 1,800 TBq of 131I (half-life, 8 days) to atmosphere. Measurements of 131I activity in thyroids of exposed children showed typical thyroid doses of tens of milligray, but with some exceeding 100 mGy. Radiation exposure in childhood is known to increase the risk of thyroid cancer. Consequently, an investigation was conducted into whether raised numbers of thyroid cancer cases occurred in those exposed to 131I as young children in Cumbria. A database of Cumbrian births from 1950 onwards allowed cohorts of 56,086 births during 1950-1958 and 137,444 births during 1959-1980 to be constructed, periods including children potentially exposed and unexposed, respectively, to 131I. Three areas of Cumbria with different 131I contamination levels were identified from monitoring data, and births assigned to these three areas for the two periods of birth. Members of these six sub-cohorts were linked to incident thyroid cancer cases in Great Britain during 1981-2020 using national cancer registration databases, providing thyroid cancer incidence rates. Incidence rate ratios (IRRs), with the lowest contamination area as a reference, were computed. No IRR differed discernibly from unity. For births during 1950-1958, the IRR for the combined highest and intermediate 131I contamination areas was 0.68 (95% confidence interval: 0.24, 1.56), and no case of thyroid cancer was found in the small cohort born in the highest contamination area. In conclusion, no increased risk of thyroid cancer in those exposed to 131I as young children in Cumbria in 1957 was detected. This study adds to the evidence on the long-term risk of thyroid cancer following childhood exposure to low and moderate levels of 131I, such as occurred following the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contact burns in children are not uncommon and are often due to accidental contact. Medico-legal assessment is of paramount importance in these contexts to identify cases of abuse. In three cases of burns caused by contact with radiators or a portable heater -two accidental and one deliberate- thorough medico-legal assessment, combined with on-site event reconstruction, enabled accurate diagnoses. Accidental burns displayed a \'pattern\' compatible with the incandescent instrument but were more irregular, with different depths and in different parts of the body. In contrast, intentional burns were uniform in depth, distribution and localisation, inconsistent with accidental events. In this context, the on-site inspection and direct evaluation of the objects involved were crucial in the medico-legal assessment. These are indispensable elements for a thorough analysis and abuse recognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: High altitude regions are characterized by harsh conditions (environmental, rough terrain, natural hazards, and limited hygiene and health care), which all may contribute to the risk of accidents/emergencies when trekking or climbing. Exposure to hypoxia, cold, wind, and solar radiation are typical features of the high altitude environment. Emergencies in these remote areas place high demands on the diagnostic and treatment skills of doctors and first-aiders. The aim of this review is to give insights on providing the best possible care for victims of emergencies at high altitude. Methods: Authors provide clinical recommendations based on their real-world experience, complemented by appropriate recent studies and internationally reputable guidelines. Results and Discussion: This review covers most of the emergencies/health issues that can occur when trekking or during high altitude climbing, that is, high altitude illnesses and hypothermia, freezing cold injuries, accidents, for example, with severe injuries due to falling, cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses, abdominal, musculoskeletal, eye, dental, and skin issues. We give a summary of current recommendations for emergency care and pain relief in case of these various incidents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Ghanaian construction industry faces challenges in managing safety, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that need more resources. This research addressed the critical need for a positive safety culture framework specifically designed for SMEs in Ghana. The study adopts the Delphi research approach, which involves a series of questionnaire \'rounds\' to gather and refine information and develop a collaborative safety culture framework with SME stakeholders. The study employed a mixed-methods strategy, harnessing quantitative and qualitative data to meet the research goals. The critical components of the developed framework included safety commitment, adaptability, information, awareness, culture, and performance. The research offered evidence-based recommendations for effective positive safety practices across Ghana\'s SMEs by analysing the relationship between these interventions and safety outcomes. Applying the framework should reduce workplace accidents and foster a positive safety culture that aligns with international best practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Drones are able to deliver automated external defibrillators in cases of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) but can be deployed for other purposes. Our aim was to evaluate the feasibility of sending live photos to dispatch centres before arrival of other units during time-critical incidents.
    METHODS: In this retrospective observational study, the regional dispatch centre implemented a new service using five existing AED-drone systems covering an estimated 200000 inhabitants in Sweden. Drones were deployed automatically over a 4-month study period (December 2022-April 2023) in emergency calls involving suspected OHCAs, traffic accidents and fires in buildings. Upon arrival at the scene, an overhead photo was taken and transmitted to the dispatch centre. Feasibility of providing photos in real time, and time delays intervals were examined.
    RESULTS: Overall, drones were deployed in 59/440 (13%) of all emergency calls: 26/59 (44%) of suspected OHCAs, 20/59 (34%) of traffic accidents, and 13/59 (22%) of fires in buildings. The main reasons for non-deployment were closed airspace and unfavourable weather conditions (68%). Drones arrived safely at the exact location in 58/59 cases (98%). Their overall median response time was 3:49 min, (IQR 3:18-4:26) vs. emergency medical services (EMS), 05:51 (IQR: 04:29-08:04) p-value for time difference between drone and EMS = 0,05. Drones arrived first on scene in 47/52 cases (90%) and the largest median time difference was found in suspected OHCAs 4:10 min, (IQR: 02:57-05:28). The time difference in the 5/52 (10%) cases when EMS arrived first the time difference was 5:18 min (IQR 2:19-7:38), p = NA. Photos were transmitted correctly in all 59 alerts. No adverse events occurred.
    CONCLUSIONS: In a newly implemented drone dispatch service, drones were dispatched to 13% of relevant EMS calls. When drones were dispatched, they arrived at scene earlier than EMS services in 90% of cases. Drones were able to relay photos to the dispatch centre in all cases. Although severely affected by closed airspace and weather conditions, this novel method may facilitate additional decision-making information during time-critical incidents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Kitchen workers face a disproportionately high risk of injuries and illnesses. Yet, despite the ubiquity of kitchen-related injuries, there has been a relative lack of comprehensive research on this topic, particularly in developing countries. Ain Shams University, as a prestigious educational institution with its diverse kitchen staff, provides an ideal setting for studying the challenges faced in professional kitchens. This study aims to measure the prevalence of work-related injuries and illnesses among kitchen workers of two major students\' hostels at Ain Shams University in Cairo and to explore their risk factors.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional analytical study involving kitchen staff from two hostels that house students at the university was carried out in 2021. The study involved all kitchen staff in the dorms for students (n = 128). Data was collected using a structured interview questionnaire.
    RESULTS: The findings showed a significant prevalence of work-related illnesses (81.3%) and injuries (77.3%) among restaurant employees. Age, education, and job type all had a statistically significant relationship with the frequency of work-related injuries over the previous year. Additionally, there was a statistically significant relationship between age, job type, and the frequency of diseases among kitchen workers (p ≤ 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Cooks and other food service employees are more susceptible to occupational diseases and injuries in the workplace. Restaurants and the university hostel authorities should implement preventative measures and policies to lower the risk of harm among these employees by offering occupational health and safety services such as training and education programs, personal protective equipment, and regular health examinations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The one of the leading causes of adolescent morbidity and mortality worldwide is motor vehicle accidents (MVA). The use of seat belts significantly lowers MVA fatalities and injuries. The aim of this study is to investigate adolescent seat belt usage patterns and relation with risky behaviors. The study conducted at two medical institutions with non-immigrant and literate adolescents aged 12-18. Demographics, seat belt use, and risk-taking behavior were collected through questionnaires. 726 teenagers (422 girls and 304 boys) with an average age of 176.7 ± 23.37 months participated in the study. Parents\' educational levels and front-seat belt use have been found to be correlated. Comparatively to non-users, seat belt users demonstrated lower risk scores (total, traffic, substance, and social). The use of seat belts was significantly predicted by traffic risk, according to logistic regression. The frequency of seatbelt use was higher among participants from cities with higher socioeconomic status. As a result, it was found that adolescents who exhibited more risky behaviors had a lower frequency of seat belt use and seat belt use was associated with socioeconomic level and parental education level. It is thought that population-based studies to be conducted on this subject are important.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To collect medication error (ME) data during the perianesthetic period from small animal clinics.
    METHODS: 6 small animal general practice veterinary clinics.
    METHODS: Small animal general practice veterinary clinics were recruited in this prospective observational study, with staff given a presentation on medical errors and instructed on how to submit medication error reports to an online reporting system. Errors were classified according to type and timing.
    RESULTS: A total of 2,728 general anesthesia or sedation procedures were performed, with 49 ME reports submitted. One duplicated report of the same error was excluded, resulting in a ME rate of 1.8%. Most reports (69% [33/48]) were near misses. The remaining 31% were MEs that reached the patient but did not cause harm. Wrong dose errors were the most common type (63% [30/48]), of which 80% (24/30) were calculation errors. Premedication/sedation and maintenance were the most reported stages, at 47% (20/43) and 23% (10/43), respectively. None of the MEs reported resulted in an adverse event, with an approximately 2:1 ratio of near-miss to no-harm MEs. The observed patterns of MEs reported, including type and timing, represent a target for further education.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results quantify the ME rate in general practice veterinary clinics, providing an initial benchmark for MEs during the perianesthetic period.





