
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of interactions between copepods of the genus Acartia and toxic dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium has been an important topic during the last four decades. Feeding behavior and physiological responses of copepods have been studied in laboratory and field experiments, sometimes with contradictory results. More recently, an evolutionary adaptive mechanism leading to enhanced tolerance of Alexandrium toxins in a population of Acartia experiencing chronic exposure to these dinoflagellates has been reported. In the present work, we collected data from the existing studies on the effects of Alexandrium on feeding, reproduction and mortality of Acartia. With these data, we performed a systematic review consisting of a secondary analysis employing general or generalized linear models, weighting data from different studies by the reciprocal of their standard deviation. Our first aim was to overcome shortcomings of individual studies: limited ranges of the variables and overlooked variables (experiment length, population adaptation). These shortcomings could have led to inconsistent conclusions by missing heterogeneous patterns in copepod responses and in the interactions between variables. Our second aim was to test the enhanced physiological performance of chronically exposed relative to naïve copepod populations over a wide geographic range. We found that the feeding rate is enhanced by increased food biomass, irrespective of the food type. Toxins do not have a clear effect on egg production and have a bi-phasic effect on egg hatching success, which was negative above a specific threshold. Toxins also increased mortality. Experiment length had a positive effect on egg production and negative on egg hatching. Naïve copepod populations showed consistently lower ingestion of Alexandrium and egg hatching rates, thereby supporting the spread of the aforementioned mechanism across populations over a wide geographic range.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Seasonal changes in environmental conditions require substantial physiological responses for population persistence. Phenotypic plasticity is a common mechanism to tolerate these changes, but for organisms with short generation times rapid adaptation may also be a contributing factor. Here, we aimed to disentangle the impacts of adaptation from phenotypic plasticity on thermal tolerance of the calanoid copepod Acartia hudsonica collected throughout spring and summer of a single year. We used a common garden (11 °C and 18 °C) design to determine the relative impacts of plasticity versus adaptation. Acartia hudsonica were collected from five time points across the season and thermal tolerance was determined using critical thermal maximum (CTmax) followed by additional measurements after one generation of common garden. As sea surface temperature increased through the season, field collected individuals showed corresponding increases in thermal tolerance but decreases in body size. Despite different thermal tolerances of wild collections, common garden animals did not differ in CTmax within thermal treatments. Instead, there was evidence of phenotypic plasticity where higher temperatures were tolerated by the 18 °C versus the 11 °C treatment animals across all collections. Acclimation also had significant effects on body size, with higher temperatures resulting in smaller individuals, consistent with the temperature size rule. Therefore, the differences in thermal tolerance and body size observed in field collected A. hudsonica were likely driven by plasticity rather than adaptation. However, the observed decrease in body size suggests that nutrient availability and ecosystem functioning could be impacted if temperatures consistently increase with no change in copepod abundance. This is the first record of A. hudsonica in the Baltic Sea known to the authors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seismic surveys are conducted worldwide to explore for oil and gas deposits and to map subsea formations. The airguns used in these surveys emit low-frequency sound waves. Studies on zooplankton responses to airguns report a range of effects, from none to substantial mortality. A field experiment was conducted to assess mortality and naupliar body length of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa when exposed to the discharge of two 40-inch airguns. Nauplii were placed in plastic bags and attached to a line at a depth of 6 m. For each treatment, three bags of nauplii were exposed to one of three treatments for 2.5 h: Airgun array discharge, a boat control, or a silent control. After exposure, nauplii were kept in filtered seawater in the laboratory without food. Immediate mortality in the nauplii was approximately 14% compared to less than 4% in the silent and boat control. Similarly, there was higher mortality in the airgun exposed nauplii up to six days after exposure compared to the control treatments. Nearly all of the airgun exposed nauplii were dead after four days, while >50% of the nauplii in the control treatments were alive at six days post-exposure. There was an interaction between treatment and time on naupliar body length, indicating lower growth in the nauplii exposed to the airgun discharge (growth rates after 4 days: 1.7, 5.4, and 6.1 μm d-1 in the airgun exposed, silent control, and boat control, respectively). These experiments indicate that the output of two small airguns affected mortality and growth of the naupliar stages of Acartia tonsa in close vicinity to the array.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Copepods make up the largest zooplankton biomass in coastal areas and estuaries and are pivotal for the normal development of fish larva of countless species. During spring in neritic boreal waters, the copepod pelagic biomass increases rapidly from near absence during winter. In the calanoid species Acartia tonsa, a small fraction of eggs are dormant regardless of external conditions and this has been hypothesized to be crucial for sediment egg banks and for the rapid biomass increase during spring. Other eggs can enter a state of induced arrest called quiescence when external conditions are unfavourable. While temperature is known to be a pivotal factor in the transition from developing to resting eggs and back, the role of pH and free Oxygen in embryo development has not been systematically investigated.
    Here, we show in a laboratory setting that hypoxic conditions are necessary for resting eggs to maintain a near-intact rate of survival after several months of induced resting. We further investigate the influence of pH that is realistic for natural sediments on the viability of resting eggs and document the effect that eggs have on the pH of the surrounding environment. We find that resting eggs acidify their immediate surroundings and are able to survive in a wide range of pH.
    This is the first study to demonstrate the importance of hypoxia on the survival capabilities of A. tonsa resting eggs in a controlled laboratory setting, and the first to show that the large majority of quiescent eggs are able to tolerate prolonged resting. These findings have large implications for the understanding of the recruitment of copepods from sediment egg banks, which are considered the primary contributor of nauplii seeded to pelagic populations in nearshore habitats in late spring.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate interactions between the nematocyst-bearing mixotrophic dinoflagellate Paragymnodinium shiwhaense and different heterotrophic protist and copepod species, feeding by common heterotrophic dinoflagellates (Oxyrrhis marina and Gyrodinium dominans), naked ciliates (Strobilidium sp. approximately 35μm in cell length and Strombidinopsis sp. approximately 100μm in cell length), and calanoid copepods Acartia spp. (A. hongi and A. omorii) on P. shiwhaense was explored. In addition, the feeding activities of P. shiwhaense on these heterotrophic protists were investigated. Furthermore, the growth and ingestion rates of O. marina, G. dominans, Strobilidium sp., Strombidinopsis sp., and Acartia spp. as a function of P. shiwhaense concentration were measured. O. marina, G. dominans, and Strombidinopsis sp. were able to feed on P. shiwhaense, but Strobilidium sp. was not. However, the growth rates of O. marina, G. dominans, Strobilidium sp., and Strombidinopsis sp. feeding on P. shiwhaense were very low or negative at almost all concentrations of P. shiwhaense. P. shiwhaense frequently fed on O. marina and Strobilidium sp., but did not feed on Strombidinopsis sp. and G. dominans. G. dominans cells swelled and became dead when incubated with filtrate from the experimental bottles (G. dominans+P. shiwhaense) that had been incubated for one day. The ingestion rates of O. marina, G. dominans, and Strobilidium sp. on P. shiwhaense were almost zero at all P. shiwhaense concentrations, while those of Strombidinopsis sp. increased with prey concentration. The maximum ingestion rate of Strombidinopsis sp. on P. shiwhaense was 5.3ngC predator-1d-1 (41 cells predator-1d-1), which was much lower than ingestion rates reported in the literature for other mixotrophic dinoflagellate prey species. With increasing prey concentrations, the ingestion rates of Acartia spp. on P. shiwhaense increased up to 930ngCml-1 (7180cellsml-1) at the highest prey concentration. The highest ingestion rate of Acartia spp. on P. shiwhaense was 4240ngC predator-1d-1 (32,610 cells predator-1d-1), which is comparable to ingestion rates from previous studies on other dinoflagellate prey species calculated at similar prey concentrations. Thus, P. shiwhaense might play diverse ecological roles in marine planktonic communities by having an advantage over competing phytoplankton in anti-predation against potential protistan grazers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many coastal marine systems have extensive areas with anoxic sediments and it is not well known how these conditions affect the benthic-pelagic coupling. Zooplankton lay their eggs in the pelagic zone, and some sink and lie dormant in the sediment, before hatched zooplankton return to the water column. In this study, we investigated how oxygenation of long-term anoxic sediments affects the hatching frequency of dormant zooplankton eggs. Anoxic sediments from the brackish Baltic Sea were sampled and incubated for 26 days with constant aeration whereby, the sediment surface and the overlying water were turned oxic. Newly hatched rotifers and copepod nauplii (juveniles) were observed after 5 and 8 days, respectively. Approximately 1.5 × 10(5) nauplii m(-2) emerged from sediment turned oxic compared with 0.02 × 10(5) m(-2) from controls maintained anoxic. This study demonstrated that re-oxygenation of anoxic sediments activated a large pool of buried zooplankton eggs, strengthening the benthic-pelagic coupling of the system. Modelling of the studied anoxic zone suggested that a substantial part of the pelagic copepod population can derive from hatching of dormant eggs. We suggest that this process should be included in future studies to understand population dynamics and carbon flows in marine pelagic systems.





