
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Halomethoxybenzenes (HMBs) and related halomethoxyphenols are produced naturally in the marine and terrestrial environment and some also have anthropogenic origins. They are relatively volatile and water soluble and undergo atmospheric exchange with water bodies and soil. Here we report air-surface exchange of HMB compounds brominated anisoles and chlorinated dimethoxybenzenes in a Subarctic lake and catchment in Sweden during September 2022. HMBs were isolated from water on solid-phase extraction cartridges and from ground litter/soil by solvent extraction and determined by capillary gas chromatography - quadrupole mass spectrometry. Identified compounds in lake and stream water in the 10-100 pg L-1 range were 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro-3,6-dimethoxybenzene (DAME) > 2,4-dibromoanisole (DiBA) ≥ 2,4,6-tribromoanisole (TriBA) > 1,2,3,4-tetrachloro-5,6-dimethoxybenzene (tetrachloroveratrole, TeCV). DAME and the related compound 2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-4-methoxyphenol (DA) are reported in Subarctic litter/soil in the range 0.005-1.1 mg kg-1 dry weight (dw), whereas DiBA and TriBA were not detected in any litter/soil sample and TeCV in only one. Exchanges were assessed from concentrations in water and soil, air concentrations from a monitoring station at Pallas, Finland, and the physicochemical properties of the HMBs. Fluxes to and from the lake were estimated using the two-film gas exchange model. Net loadings (deposition minus volatilization) for the month of September were - 23, -15 and - 68 g for DiBA, TriBA and DAME, respectively, which amounted to about 4-7 % of the estimated lake inventory. An exchange assessment for DAME from litter/soil showed significant net volatilization at five sites, net deposition at one site and near-equilibrium at one site. The Torneträsk catchment appeared close to steady state with respect to HMB exchange during September 2022. The situation could be different during the warmer and colder seasons, and extending the study to cover these periods is a suggested next step.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human introductions have resulted in earthworms establishing in the Arctic, species known to cause cascading ecosystem change. However, few quantitative outdoor experiments have been performed that describe how these soil modifying earthworms are reshaping structures in tundra soils. In this study, we used three-dimensional (3-D) X-ray images of soil cores (approximately 10 cm diameter, 20 cm height, N = 48) to assess how earthworms (Aporrectodea sp. and Lumbricus sp.) affect soil structure and macropore networks in an outdoor mesocosm experiment that lasted four summers. Effects were assessed in both shrub-dominated (heath) and herb-dominated (meadow) tundra. Earthworms almost doubled the macroporosity in meadow soils and tripled macroporosity in heath. Interestingly, the fractal dimension of macropores decreased in response to earthworm burrowing in both systems, indicating that the presence of earthworms reduced the geometric complexity in comparison to other pore-generating processes active in the tundra. Observed effects on soil structure occurred along with a dramatically reduced soil moisture content, which was observed the first winter after earthworm introduction in the meadow. Our findings suggest that predictions of future changes in vegetation and soil carbon pools in the Arctic should include major impacts on soil properties that earthworms induce.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In permafrost peatlands, up to 20% of total organic carbon (OC) is bound to reactive iron (Fe) minerals in the active layer overlying intact permafrost, potentially protecting OC from microbial degradation and transformation into greenhouse gases (GHG) such as CO2 and CH4. During the summer, shifts in runoff and soil moisture influence redox conditions and therefore the balance of Fe oxidation and reduction. Whether reactive iron minerals could act as a stable sink for carbon or whether they are continuously dissolved and reprecipitated during redox shifts remains unknown. We deployed bags of synthetic ferrihydrite (FH)-coated sand in the active layer along a permafrost thaw gradient in Stordalen mire (Abisko, Sweden) over the summer (June to September) to capture changes in redox conditions and quantify the formation and dissolution of reactive Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides. We found that the bags accumulated Fe(III) under constant oxic conditions in areas overlying intact permafrost over the full summer season. In contrast, in fully thawed areas, conditions were continuously anoxic, and by late summer, 50.4 ± 12.8% of the original Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides were lost via dissolution. Periodic redox shifts (from 0 to +300 mV) were observed over the summer season in the partially thawed areas. This resulted in the dissolution and loss of 47.2 ± 20.3% of initial Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides when conditions are wetter and more reduced, and new formation of Fe(III) minerals (33.7 ± 8.6% gain in comparison to initial Fe) in the late summer under more dry and oxic conditions, which also led to the sequestration of Fe-bound organic carbon. Our data suggest that there is seasonal turnover of iron minerals in partially thawed permafrost peatlands, but that a fraction of the Fe pool remains stable even under continuously anoxic conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change is expected to force many species in arctic regions to migrate and track their climatic niche. This requires recruitment from seed, which currently shows very low rates in arctic regions, where long-lived and vegetatively reproducing plants dominate. Therefore, we pose the question whether recruitment (germination and seedling establishment) in arctic regions will significantly improve in a warmer world, and thus allow species to follow their climatic niche. We used a full factorial experiment to examine if realistic warmer temperatures (+3 °C; infrared radiation) and increased nitrogen availability (+1.4 g N m-2 year-1) affected germination, seedling survival and above- and below-ground seedling biomass in five species common in subarctic regions (Anthoxanthum odoratum, Betula nana, Pinus sylvestris, Solidago virgaurea, Vaccinium myrtillus). We found that warming increased seedling emergence in all species, but that subsequent mortality also increased, resulting in no net warming effect on seedling establishment. Warming slightly increased above-ground seedling biomass. Fertilization, on the other hand, did not influence seedling biomass, but it increased seedling establishment in B. nana while it reduced establishment in V. myrtillus. This may help B. nana dominate over V. myrtillus in warmer tundra. Surprisingly, no interactive effects between warming and fertilization were found. The lack of a general positive response of seedling establishment to warmer and more nutrient-rich conditions suggests that (sub)arctic species may experience difficulties in tracking their climatic niche. Predictions of future species distributions in arctic regions solely based on abiotic factors may therefore overestimate species\' ranges due to their poor establishment. Also, the opposite response to fertilization of two key (sub)arctic dwarf shrubs, i.e. B. nana and V. myrtillus, could have important implications for the future development of arctic plant communities and argues for more research into the role of fertilization for plant establishment.





