Abdominal compartment syndrome

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: An infrequent yet known complication of ECMO is abdominal compartment syndrome requiring emergency laparotomy. Also, the need for prolonged enteral nutrition while on ECMO may require endoscopic gastrostomy to maintain adequate nutritional status. Here we describe our experience with emergency laparotomy and endoscopic gastrostomy in patients on ECMO support.
    METHODS: We retrieved patient histories from our clinical archives and performed a retrospective description of all patients taken to an emergency laparotomy or endoscopic gastrostomy while on ECMO support at our cardiovascular referral center from July 2019 through June 2024.
    RESULTS: During the research period of 5 years a total of 401 patients were placed on ECMO support for either cardiogenic shock or respiratory failure. A total of 27 (7%) patients required an abdominal intervention while on ECMO. 14 (3.5%) patients required emergency laparotomy and 13 (3.2%) of patients required endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement. Overall 30-day mortality of all patients requiring a general surgery procedure while on ECMO support was 33%.
    CONCLUSIONS: ECMO support can result in many complications despite its many benefits. Patients who require emergency laparotomy while on ECMO have lower survival-to-discharge and higher mortality at 30 days. Endoscopic gastrostomy however, can be safely performed on ECMO with little to no bleeding complications despite anticoagulation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer leads to peritoneal metastasis in 8-15 % of cases and necessitates treatments, such as hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). However, HIPEC may result in perioperative complications, some often overlooked, such as abdominal compartment syndrome.
    METHODS: A 52-year-old female with colorectal cancer and peritoneal metastasis underwent debulking surgery followed by HIPEC. During HIPEC, a sudden increase in airway pressure and severe hypotension were noted. Pneumothorax with abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) was suspected and HIPEC was terminated. Despite intravenous fluids and vasopressors, she experienced circulatory and respiratory collapse. Laparotomy sutures were promptly removed, which effectively alleviated the intra-abdominal hypertension and immediately restored the vital signs. An inadequately repaired diaphragm defect was identified and repaired. A chest tube was inserted for pleural effusion.
    CONCLUSIONS: ACS is characterized by an increase in abdominal cavity pressure above 20 mmHg, leading to end-organ damage. It can mimic physiological effects of HIPEC and result in adverse outcomes. Early detection of ACS is essential, especially when complicated by pneumothorax from diaphragmatic tumor dissection. The closed technique for HIPEC, while efficient, can increase the risk of ACS and requires careful management.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case underscores the complexity of HIPEC and the importance of promptly identifying and managing ACS during the procedure. Monitoring intra-abdominal pressure during HIPEC is essential. Thoroughly check for iatrogenic injuries, including the diaphragm, is crucial before starting before HIPEC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Monitoring Intraabdominal Pressure (IAP) is essential in critical care, as elevated IAP can lead to severe complications, including Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (ACS). Advances in technology, such as digital capsules, have opened new avenues for measuring IAP non-invasively. This study assesses the feasibility and effectiveness of using a capsular device for IAP measurement in an animal model.
    METHODS: In our controlled experiment, we anesthetized pigs and simulated elevated IAP conditions by infusing CO2 into the peritoneal cavity. We compared IAP measurements obtained from three different methods: an intravesical catheter (IAPivp), a capsular device (IAPdot), and a direct peritoneal catheter (IAPdir). The data from these methods were analyzed to evaluate agreement and accuracy.
    RESULTS: The capsular sensor (IAPdot) provided continuous and accurate detection of IAP over 144 h, with a total of 53,065,487 measurement triplets recorded. The correlation coefficient (R²) between IAPdot and IAPdir was excellent at 0.9241, demonstrating high agreement. Similarly, IAPivp and IAPdir showed strong correlation with an R² of 0.9168.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of capsular sensors for continuous and accurate assessment of IAP marks a significant advancement in the field of critical care monitoring. The high correlation between measurements from different locations and methods underscores the potential of capsular devices to transform clinical practices by providing reliable, non-invasive IAP monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Traditional surgical treatment of widespread purulent peritonitis has some disadvantages that emphasizes the need for new approaches to postoperative care. The authors present successful treatment of diffuse purulent peritonitis using a combination of \'open abdomen\' technology and VAC therapy. This approach reduces abdominal inflammation and intra-abdominal pressure. Combination of \'open abdomen\' technology and VAC therapy provides effective control of inflammation and stabilization of patients with purulent peritonitis.
    Широко используемый традиционный метод хирургического лечения пациентов с распространенным гнойным перитонитом имеет ряд значительных недостатков, что подчеркивает необходимость внедрения новых подходов к послеоперационному уходу. В статье представлено описание клинического случая, наглядно демонстрирующего успешное лечение разлитого гнойного перитонита с помощью комплексного метода, объединяющего технологию «открытый живот» и VAC-терапию. Этот подход способствует устойчивому снижению воспалительных процессов в брюшной полости и улучшению показателей внутрибрюшного давления. Комбинация метода «открытый живот» и VAC-терапии обеспечивает эффективное управление воспалением и стабилизацию пациентов с гнойным перитонитом.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The decision and timing of surgical exploration of intestinal obstruction depend on the clinical findings and probable etiology of the symptoms. Patients with intestinal obstruction often have intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH), which is associated with a poor prognosis.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the surgical outcomes in patients with intestinal obstruction in relation to intra-abdominal pressure (IAP).
    METHODS: The study was conducted on 50 patients with intestinal obstruction undergoing surgery. Preoperatively, IAP was measured in all the patients and was allocated into two groups based on the presence or absence of IAP. Patients were assessed for the postoperative length of hospital or ICU stay, surgical site infection, wound dehiscence, and recovery following surgery.
    RESULTS: The patients with preoperative IAH had significantly longer postoperative stays, with a median stay of eight days in these patients compared to four days in patients without IAH (p=0.009). A significantly higher number of patients (24%) had gangrenous changes on the bowel wall (p=0.042) and fascial dehiscence (p=0.018) in the group associated with raised IAP. A total of 75% of patients who required ventilator support belonged to the raised IAP group. The mean IAP in patients admitted to the ICU was significantly higher than in patients not admitted to the ICU (p=0.027).
    CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative IAH in intestinal obstruction is a significant factor in predicting the possibility of bowel ischemia with gangrene, perforation, intra-abdominal sepsis, surgical site infections, and prolonged hospital stay. Early surgical exploration and abdominal decompression must be considered in such cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We suggest that during severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) with intra-abdominal hypertension, practitioners should consider decompressive laparotomy, even with intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) below 25 mmHg. Indeed, in this setting, non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI) may occur even with IAP below this cutoff and lead to transmural necrosis if abdominal perfusion pressure is not promptly restored. We report our experience of 18 critically ill patients with SAP having undergone decompressive laparotomy of which one third had NOMI while IAP was mostly below 25 mmHg.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Open abdomen therapy (OAT) is commonly used to prevent or treat abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) in patients with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (rAAAs). This study aimed to evaluate the incidence, treatment, and outcomes of OAT after rAAA from 2006 to 2021. Investigating data on resuscitation fluid, weight gain, and cumulative fluid balance could provide a more systematic approach to determining the timing of safe abdominal closure.
    METHODS: This was a single centre observational cohort study. The study included all patients treated for rAAA followed by OAT from October 2006 to December 2021.
    RESULTS: Seventy-two of the 244 patients who underwent surgery for rAAA received OAT. The mean age was 72 ± 7.85 years, and most were male (n = 61, 85%). The most frequent comorbidities were cardiac disease (n = 31, 43%) and hypertension (n = 31, 43%). Fifty-two patients (72%) received prophylactic OAT, and 20 received OAT for ACS (28%). There was a 25% mortality rate in the prophylactic OAT group compared with the 50% mortality in those who received OAT for ACS (p = .042). The 58 (81%) patients who survived until closure had a median of 12 (interquartile range [IQR] 9, 16.5) days of OAT and 5 (IQR 4, 7) dressing changes. There was one case of colocutaneous fistula and two cases of graft infection. All 58 patients underwent successful abdominal closure, with 55 (95%) undergoing delayed primary closure. In hospital survival was 85%. Treatment trends over time showed the increased use of prophylactic OAT (p ≤ .001) and fewer ACS cases (p = .03) assessed by Fisher\'s exact test. In multivariable regression analysis fluid overload and weight reduction predicted 26% of variability in time to closure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Prophylactic OAT after rAAA can be performed safely, with a high rate of delayed primary closure even after long term treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) is typically attributed to critically unwell patients with trauma, burns, post surgery, and massive ascites. A rare but fatal cause of ACS is bulimia nervosa (BN), which is an eating disorder characterized by bingeing, followed by methods to avoid weight gain, including purging.
    METHODS: We present a case of a 20-year-old woman who presented with abdominal pain and distension after consuming a large quantity of food the previous night and was unable to purge. She was initially managed conservatively and discharged home, but returned subsequently on the same day with clinical features of ACS secondary to acute gastric distension. Decompression resulted in life-threatening reperfusion injury with critical electrolyte abnormalities and fatal cardiac arrest in the operating theatre. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: A systematic review of the literature found only 11 case reports of ACS secondary to BN, of which only 6 patients survived due to early diagnosis and decompression. Inability to purge and lower limb ischemia appeared to be associated with increased mortality. As BN is a common emergency presentation, the case and systematic review highlights the need to consider ACS as a potentially life-threatening complication of binge eating, particularly when there is unsuccessful purging.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) is defined as a sustained intra-abdominal pressure ≥ 20 mm Hg, associated with new organ dysfunction. Postoperative ACS can occur following repair of hernias with loss-of-domain. Such loss-of-domain hernias are well described involving incisional hernias, less described involving Bochdalek congenital diaphragmatic hernias (CDHs), but not yet described involving paraesophageal hernias (PEHs) or Morgagni CDHs. We describe a case of postoperative ACS following laparoscopic repair of a PEH and Morgagni CDH. This case demonstrates that prophylactic omentectomy should be considered in select patients undergoing repair of large PEHs or CDHs, as ACS is a rare but potential complication.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study is to analyze incidence and risk factors for intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) in major burn patients. Aprospective cohort study was conducted at a Burns Treatment Center, including all patients with a burned body surface area ≥20% admitted from August 2015 to January 2018. Intra-abdominal pressure was measured periodically during the first week of ICU stay. Sixty-four patients were analyzed, with median age of 39 years (interquartile range ITQ: 28-53) and 66% were male. Median burned body surface area was 30% (ITQ: 20-46). Twenty-eight (56%) patients presented criteria for IAH and seven (14%) developed clinical signs compatible with ACS. Burn severity was greater in the group that developed IAH, represented by the ABSI score. This group also presented higher values of creatinine and positive fluid balance. The group of patients with ACS showed a higher frequency of alterations in renal and respiratory functions. The organ systems most frequently affected in groups with diagnostic criteria for IAH and ACS were renal, cardiovascular and respiratory. Mortality rate at hospital outcome was 56%. In conclusion, the incidence of IAH during the study period was high in patients with extensive burns. The occurrence of ACS was associated with organic dysfunctions of the respiratory, cardiovascular and renal systems. The factors associated with intra-abdominal hypertension were age, extension of burned body surface, inhalation injury, and need for mechanical ventilation.
    Cette étude a pour objectifs d’analyser l’incidence de l’hyperpression abdominale (HPA) et du syndrome du compartiment abdominal (SCA) chez les brûlés graves. Il s’agit d’une étude monocentrique prospective conduite auprès des 64 patients admis avec une brûlure >20% SCT entre août 2015 et janvier 2018. La préssion intraabdominale (PIA) était régulièrement mesurée pendant la première semaine. L’âge médian des patients était de 39 ans (IQR 28-53) et les 2/3 d’entre eux étaient des hommes. La SCT médiane était de 30% (IQR 20-46). Vingt huit (56%) patients avaient des critères d’HPA et 7 (14%) ont présenté des signes de SCA. Le score ABSI et la créatininémie étaient plus élevés chez les patients avec HPA, qui avaient aussi un bilan entrées-sorties positif. Les patients avec un SCA avaient plus de défaillances rénale et respiratoire. Les défaillances les plus fréquemment observées chez les patients avec HPA/SCA étaient rénales, cardio-vasculaires et respiratoires. La mortalité était de 56%. En conclusion, l’incidence de HPA est élevée chez les patients gravement brûlés. La survenue de SCA est une cause de défaillances rénale, cardio-vasculaire et respiratoire. Les facteurs prédicitifs de HPA étaient l’âge, la surface brûlée, l’inhalation de fumées et le recours à la ventilation mécanique.





