• 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Standard-of-care for glioblastoma remains surgical debulking followed by temozolomide and radiation. However, many tumors become radio-resistant while radiation damages surrounding brain tissue. Novel therapies are needed to increase the effectiveness of radiation and reduce the required radiation dose. Drug candidate CBL0137 is efficacious against glioblastoma by inhibiting histone chaperone FACT, known to be involved in DNA damage repair. We investigated the combination of CBL0137 and radiation on glioblastoma.
    METHODS: In vitro, we combined CBL0137 with radiation on U87MG and A1207 glioblastoma cells using the clonogenic assay to evaluate the response to several treatment regimens, and the Fast Halo Assay to examine DNA repair. In vivo, we used the optimum combination treatment regimen to evaluate the response of orthotopic tumors in nude mice.
    RESULTS: In vitro, the combination of CBL0137 and radiation is superior to either alone and administering CBL0137 two hours prior to radiation, having the drug present during and for a prolonged period post-radiation, is an optimal schedule. CBL0137 inhibits DNA damage repair following radiation and affects the subcellular distribution of histone chaperone ATRX, a molecule involved in DNA repair. In vivo, one dose of CBL0137 is efficacious and the combination of CBL0137 with radiation increases median survival over either monotherapy.
    CONCLUSIONS: CBL0137 is most effective with radiation for glioblastoma when present at the time of radiation, immediately after and for a prolonged period post-radiation, by inhibiting DNA repair caused by radiation. The combination leads to increased survival making it attractive as a dual therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Classification of gliomas based on tumor histology remains the gold standard in the diagnosis and prognosis of gliomas. However, the recent World Health Organization (WHO) classification has included molecular studies for diagnosis and prognostication. Immunohistochemical markers such as isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) and alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked (ATRX) can be used for the diagnosis and prognosis of the majority of gliomas.
    OBJECTIVE: We aim to study the frequencies of IDH1 and ATRX mutations in diffuse gliomas using surrogate immunohistochemical markers and correlate histopathological findings of gliomas with immunohistochemical findings.
    METHODS: This was a retrospective study of one-year duration from January 2022 to December 2022, conducted in the department of pathology. Relevant data was retrieved from medical records. Histopathology blocks were collected and sent for immunohistochemical studies using tissue microarray for IDH1 and ATRX.
    METHODS: Qualitative data were expressed in percentages and proportions. The difference in proportion was calculated using the chi-square test, and a p-value of <0.005 was taken as significant.
    RESULTS: A total of 51 cases of diffuse gliomas were included in the study. The frequency of IDH1-positive diffuse astrocytomas was 33 (64.7%), and loss of ATRX was seen in 12 (23.5%) cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Immunohistochemistry serves as a surrogate marker to detect molecular alterations in diffuse gliomas.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Somatic alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked (ATRX) pathogenic variants have been shown to predict a malignant phenotype in neuroendocrine tumors. They were recently identified in aggressive pituitary tumors and carcinomas, mainly of corticotrophic origin. To our knowledge, these tumors are rare in a general cohort of pituitary tumors, with no cases described in null cell tumors. These variants can lead to loss of protein expression as revealed by immunohistochemistry. We describe a case of an aggressive null cell pituitary tumor with loss of ATRX expression. The patient underwent two transsphenoidal surgeries and radiotherapy and exhibited tumor growth despite conventional therapy. Analysis of the tumor samples revealed loss of ATRX expression in both surgical specimens, suggesting that ATRX may be a useful biomarker for the early identification of aggressive pituitary tumors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human cortical neurons (hCNs) exhibit high dendritic complexity and synaptic density, and the maturation process is greatly protracted. However, the molecular mechanism governing these specific features remains unclear. Here, we report that the hominoid-specific gene TBC1D3 promotes dendritic arborization and protracts the pace of synaptogenesis. Ablation of TBC1D3 in induced hCNs causes reduction of dendritic growth and precocious synaptic maturation. Forced expression of TBC1D3 in the mouse cortex protracts synaptic maturation while increasing dendritic growth. Mechanistically, TBC1D3 functions via interaction with MICAL1, a monooxygenase that mediates oxidation of actin filament. At the early stage of differentiation, the TBC1D3/MICAL1 interaction in the cytosol promotes dendritic growth via F-actin oxidation and enhanced actin dynamics. At late stages, TBC1D3 escorts MICAL1 into the nucleus and downregulates the expression of genes related with synaptic maturation through interaction with the chromatin remodeling factor ATRX. Thus, this study delineates the molecular mechanisms underlying human neuron development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) pathway represents a non-canonical mechanism of telomere maintenance that operates independently of the conventional telomerase activity. The three biologically significant proteins, designated as SMARCAL1 (SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily A-like protein 1), DAXX (Death domain-associated protein 6) and ATRX (alpha-thalassemia/mental retardation, X-linked) are associated with ALT in certain cancer types. The purpose of this study was to identify the most high-risk nsSNPs (non-synonymous Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) within these three genes and assess their impacts on the structure and function of the proteins they encode.
    UNASSIGNED: The reported genetic polymorphisms of SMARCAL1, DAXX and ATRX genes were retrieved from the Ensembl database. Later, various computational tools like PROVEAN, PolyPhen2, SNPs and GO, SNAP2, Predict-SNP, Panther and PMut were used to predict the most deleterious nsSNPs. MutPred was used to understand the underlying molecular reasons of those nsSNPs being deleterious, followed by prediction of Post Translational Modification Sites (PTMs) using ModPred. I-Mutant and MUpro were used to predict the effect of SNP on energy stability. Later, 3D clustering analysis was done using Mutation 3D server. Moreover, ConSurf was utilized to identify the conservation scores of wild-type amino acids. Additionally, the NCBI conserved domain search tool was employed to pinpoint conserved domains within these three proteins. Project-Hope helped for biophysical validation, followed by prediction of these genes\' interaction and function by using GeneMANIA.
    UNASSIGNED: Analysis on SMARCAL1 protein revealed that among 665 nsSNPs, four were identified as the most deleterious: L578S, T581S, P582A, and P582S. Similarly, within the DAXX protein, among a pool of 480 nsSNPs, P284S, R230C, and R230S were found out to be the most deleterious variants. In case of ATRX protein, V178D, R246C, and V277G, from the total of 1009 nsSNPs, were predicted to be the most deleterious. All these nsSNPs were found to occur at residue positions that are 100 % conserved within protein domains and were predicted to be most damaging from both structural and functional perspectives and highly destabilizing to their corresponding proteins.
    UNASSIGNED: Computational investigation on the 3 proteins-SMARCAL1, DAXX and ATRX through different bioinformatics analysis tools concludes that the identified high risk nsSNPs of these proteins are pathogenic SNPs. These variants potentially exert functional and structural influences, thus making them valuable candidates for future genetic studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PanNETs) comprise a heterogeneous group of neoplasms in terms of biological behavior. This study aims to develop a practical algorithm based on emerging biomarkers, including chromatin-remodeling molecules DAXX/ATRX/H3K36me3, in conjunction with established prognostic factors, such as WHO grade and size. In immunohistochemical analyses, 18 of the 111 (16.2%) primary PanNETs showed DAXX or ATRX loss in a mutually exclusive manner. DAXX/ATRX loss was significantly correlated with higher recurrence risk and better predicted postoperative recurrence than WHO grade. We proposed a novel algorithm for stratifying patients with resectable PanNET into three groups according to recurrence risk: (A) WHO Grade 1 and ≤2 cm (very low-risk); for the others, (B) retained DAXX/ATRX (low-risk) and (C) DAXX/ATRX complete/heterogeneous loss (high-risk). Furthermore, we elucidated the intratumoral heterogeneities of PanNETs. Among cases with DAXX or ATRX loss, nine cases demonstrated heterogeneous loss of expression of DAXX/ATRX/H3K36me3. The majority of cases with DAXX/ATRX loss, either homogeneous or heterogeneous loss, showed uniform α-cell-like phenotype (ARX1+/PDX1-). In cases of metastatic or recurrent tumors, the expression pattern was identical to that observed in at least part of the primary tumor. In some instances, the expression pattern differed among different metastatic or recurrent tumors of the same patient. In summary, we propose a clinically useful and practical algorithm for postoperative recurrence risk stratification in PanNETs, by combining DAXX/ATRX status with WHO grade and size. Moreover, our findings highlighted the frequent spatiotemporal heterogeneity of chromatin-remodeling molecule expression in PanNETs with an α-cell phenotype, offering insights into tumorigenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma are highly malignant type of primary brain tumors. Treatment for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) generally involves surgery combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, the development of tumoral chemo- and radioresistance induces complexities in clinical practice. Multiple signaling pathways are known to be involved in radiation-induced cell survival. However, the role of alpha-thalassemia X-linked mutant retardation syndrome (ATRX), a chromatin remodeling protein, in GBM radioresistance remains unclear.
    METHODS: In the present study, the ATRX mutation rate in patients with glioma was obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas, while its expression analyzed using bioinformatics. Datasets were also obtained from the Gene Expression Omnibus, and ATRX expression levels following irradiation of GBM were determined. The effects of ATRX on radiosensitivity were investigated using a knockdown assays.
    RESULTS: The present study demonstrated that the ATRX mutation rate in patients with GBM was significantly lower than that in patients with low-grade glioma, and that patients harboring an ATRX mutation exhibited a prolonged survival, compared with to those harboring the wild-type gene. Single-cell RNA sequencing demonstrated that ATRX counts increased 2 days after irradiation, with ATRX expression levels also increasing in U-251MG radioresistant cells. Moreover, the results of in vitro irradiation assays revealed that ATRX expression was increased in U-251MG cells, while ATRX knockdown was associated with increased levels of radiosensitivity.
    CONCLUSIONS: High ATRX expression levels in primary GBM may contribute to high levels of radioresistance. Thus ATRX is a potential target for overcoming the radioresistance in GBM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Context  Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a malignant and aggressive primary brain tumor with a poor prognosis. This adverse prognosis is due to the tumor\'s tendency for advancement and recurrence caused by highly intrusive nature of the persisting GBM cells that actively escape from the main tumor mass into the surrounding normal brain tissue. On the basis of biomarker illustration, it can be classified into molecular subgroups. Aims  (1) To determine the expression of IDH1, ATRX, p53, and Ki67 by immunohistochemistry, in a cohort of GBMs. (2) To determine whether altered protein expression of any of these growth-control genes in GBM will show association with patient survival. (3) To establish prognostically distinct molecular subgroups of GBM, irrespective of histopathological diagnosis. Results  In this prospective observational study, 35 histologically diagnosed cases of glioblastoma were enrolled. The mean age at the time of presentation was 43.46 ± 17.25 years with a male:female ratio of 1.3:1. Of the 35 cases, microvascular proliferation was seen in 23 cases. Large foci of necrosis (>50%) were seen in 10 cases and 27 cases had mitotic count ≥ 5/high power field (HPF). Of 35 cases, 5 (14.3%) cases showed IDH1 immunopositivity and 30 (85.7%) cases were negative for IDH1. ATRX was retained in 24 (68.6%) cases, while it was lost in 11 (31.4%) cases. The p53 immunoexpression was seen in 31 (88.6%) cases, whereas p53 was negative in 4 (11.4%) cases. The overall median survival (OS) was 6 months. In two protein pairs, the three compositions were IDH1-/p53+ (74.3%), ATRX +/IDH1- (62.9%), and ATRX +/p53+ (57.1%). Combined three-protein immunohistochemical analysis revealed five different molecular variants. Also, 8.6% (3/35) of the samples had aberrant protein expression of all three proteins, i.e., ATRX-/p53 +/IDH1 + , while 11.4% (4/35) were wild-type protein expression group, i.e., ATRX +/p53-/IDH1-. Conclusion  In patients with single protein expression, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed statistically better OS in IDH1 mutant glioblastomas. In cases with double protein pairs, IDH1/p53 revealed statistically significant association with better median OS. The survival analysis of patients with IDH1/ATRX/p53 protein combinations also denoted a better OS. Hence, GBM can be grouped into prognostically relevant subgroups using these protein expression signatures individually, as well as the combined protein expression signatures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma and astrocytoma, grade 4, are the most common and aggressive brain tumors. Several biomarkers, such as the isocitrate dehydrogenase mutation (IDH-1), alpha-thalassemia/mental retardation, and the X-linked mutation (ATRX), enable more accurate glioma classification and facilitate patient management. This study aimed to determine the prognostic value of clinical and molecular factors (IDH, TP53, and ATRX mutations). We also studied the relationship between these molecular markers and the overall survival (OS) of 126 patients with grade 4 glioblastoma/astrocytoma.
    METHODS: The immunohistochemical study was conducted using antibodies namely, IDH1, R132H, p53, and ATRX. Statistical tests were used to investigate factors that might influence overall survival using IBM SPSS Statistics, version 25.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY).
    RESULTS: The median age at diagnosis was 51.5 years. Patients with a Karnofsky performance score (KPS) <70 presented less favorable survival outcomes compared to those with a KPS ≥70. The median OS for patients was found to be 11.17 months. Expression of IDH1 R132H was found in 13.5% of patients, p53 overexpression was identified in 55.6% of cases, and loss of ATRX expression was detected in 11.9%. The group of patients with IDH mutant/ATRX mutant/p53 wild-type had the best prognosis (OS = 27.393 months; p = 0.015). Our results were in line with previous studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: The clinical value of IDH and ATRX mutations in prognostic assessment was confirmed (p ≤0.05). The overexpression of p53 had no significant impact on OS (p = 0.726). Therefore, p53 alone cannot predict survival in glioblastoma patients. Based on the results, these biomarkers may be a potential therapeutic target to prolong patient survival, hence the need for further investigations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Bloom syndrome (BLM) helicase is critical for alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT), a homology-directed repair (HDR)-mediated telomere maintenance mechanism that is prevalent in cancers of mesenchymal origin. The DNA substrates that BLM engages to direct telomere recombination during ALT remain unknown. Here, we determine that BLM helicase acts on lagging strand telomere intermediates that occur specifically in ALT-positive cells to assemble a replication-associated DNA damage response. Loss of ATRX was permissive for BLM localization to ALT telomeres in S and G2, commensurate with the appearance of telomere C-strand-specific single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). DNA2 nuclease deficiency increased 5\'-flap formation in a BLM-dependent manner, while telomere C-strand, but not G-strand, nicks promoted ALT. These findings define the seminal events in the ALT DNA damage response, linking aberrant telomeric lagging strand DNA replication with a BLM-directed HDR mechanism that sustains telomere length in a subset of human cancers.





