ATPase activity

ATP 酶活性
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cohesin is key to eukaryotic genome organization and acts throughout the cell cycle in an ATP-dependent manner. The mechanisms underlying cohesin ATPase activity are poorly understood. Here, we characterize distinct steps of the human cohesin ATPase cycle and show that the SMC1A and SMC3 ATPase domains undergo specific but concerted structural rearrangements along this cycle. Specifically, whereas the proximal coiled coil of the SMC1A ATPase domain remains conformationally stable, that of the SMC3 displays an intrinsic flexibility. The ATP-dependent formation of the heterodimeric SMC1A/SMC3 ATPase module (engaged state) favors this flexibility, which is counteracted by NIPBL and DNA binding (clamped state). Opening of the SMC3/RAD21 interface (open-engaged state) stiffens the SMC3 proximal coiled coil, thus constricting together with that of SMC1A the ATPase module DNA-binding chamber. The plasticity of the ATP-dependent interface between the SMC1A and SMC3 ATPase domains enables these structural rearrangements while keeping the ATP gate shut. VIDEO ABSTRACT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    2C is a highly conserved picornaviral non-structural protein with ATPase activity and plays a multifunctional role in the viral life cycle as a promising target for anti-picornavirus drug development. While the structure-function of enteroviral 2Cs have been well studied, cardioviral 2Cs remain largely uncharacterized. Here, an endogenous ATP molecule was identified in the crystal structure of 2C from encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV, Cardiovirus A). The ATP is bound into the ATPase active site with a unique compact conformation. Notably, the γ-phosphate of ATP directly interacts with Arg311 (conserved in cardioviral 2Cs), and its mutation significantly inhibits the ATPase activity. Unexpectedly, this mutation remarkably promotes 2C self-oligomerization and viral replication efficiency. Molecular dynamic simulations showed that the Arg311 side chain is highly dynamic, indicating it may function as a switch between the activation state and the inhibition state of ATPase activity. A hexameric ring model of EMCV 2C full length indicated that the C-terminal helix may get close to the N-terminal amphipathic helices to form a continuous positive region for RNA binding. The RNA-binding studies of EMCV 2C revealed that the RNA length is closely associated with the RNA-binding affinities and indicated that the substrate may wrap around the outer surface of the hexamer. Our studies provide a biochemical framework to guide the characterization of EMCV 2C and the essential role of arginine in cardioviral 2C functions.
    OBJECTIVE: Encephalomyocarditis virus (Cardiovirus A) is the causative agent of the homonymous disease, which may induce myocarditis, encephalitis, and reproductive disorders in various mammals. 2C protein is functionally indispensable and a promising target for drug development involving broad-spectrum picornaviral inhibitors. Here, an endogenous ATP molecule with a unique conformation was discovered by a combination of protein crystallography and high-performance liquid chromatography in the encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) 2C structure. Biochemical and structural characterization analysis of EMCV 2C revealed the critical role of conserved Arg311 in ATPase activity and self-oligomerization of EMCV 2C. The viral replication kinetics and infectivity study suggested that the residue negatively regulated the infectivity titer and virus encapsulation efficiency of EMCV and is, therefore, crucial for 2C protein to promote viral replication. Our systemic structure-function analysis provides unique insights into the function and regulation mechanism of cardioviral 2C protein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters human ABCB1 and zebrafish (Danio rerio) Abcb4 are functionally homologous multixenobiotic/multidrug (MXR/MDR) efflux transporters that confer the efflux of a broad range of diverse chemical compounds from the cell. As ATPases, the transporters utilize the energy released by ATP cleavage for protein conformation changes and concomitant active transport of substrate compounds. The temperatures, at which human ABCB1 and zebrafish Abcb4 need to function, can substantially differ: Whereas the ambient temperature of human ABCB1, which is that of the human body, is constant, zebrafish Abcb4 has to be active in a wider temperature range as the body temperature of zebrafish can considerably vary, depending on the ambient water temperature (18°C-40°C). Here, we examined the effect of temperature on the ATPase activities of recombinant human ABCB1 and zebrafish Abcb4 generated with the baculovirus expression system. Incubation temperatures for enzyme reactions were set to 37°C and 27°C, corresponding to the human body temperature and the cultivation temperature of zebrafish in our lab, respectively. For stimulation and inhibition of zebrafish Abcb4 and human ABCB1 ATPase activities verapamil and cyclosporin A were added at different concentrations and 50% effect concentrations (EC50) were determined. The different temperatures had a stronger effect on the human ABCB1 than on the zebrafish Abcb4 ATPase: Differences between EC50 values for verapamil at 37°C and 27°C, respectively, were 1.8-fold for human ABCB1 but only 1.2-fold for zebrafish Abcb4. Activation energies (Ea) of basal and verapamil-stimulated ATPases, calculated based on the Arrhenius equation, were 2-fold (basal) and 1.5-fold (verapamil-stimulated) higher for human ABCB1 than for zebrafish Abcb4. The differences between zebrafish Abcb4 and human ABCB1 ATPases in temperature sensitivity and activation energy could be important for the comparison of the functional properties of the two transporter proteins in the context of pharmaco-/toxicokinetics. Related to this, our finding that at equal reaction conditions the zebrafish Abcb4 ATPase activity tended to be generally higher than that of human ABCB1 may also be important, as this may point to a higher substrate compound transport rate of Abcb4.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ABCA4 is an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter that prevents the buildup of toxic retinoid compounds by facilitating the transport of N-retinylidene-phosphatidylethanolamine across membranes of rod and cone photoreceptor cells. Over 1500 missense mutations in ABCA4, many in the nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs), have been genetically linked to Stargardt disease. Here, we show by cryo-EM that ABCA4 is converted from an open outward conformation to a closed conformation upon the binding of adenylyl-imidodiphosphate. Structural information and biochemical studies were used to further define the role of the NBDs in the functional properties of ABCA4 and the mechanisms by which mutations lead to the loss in activity. We show that ATPase activity in both NBDs is required for the functional activity of ABCA4. Mutations in Walker A asparagine residues cause a severe reduction in substrate-activated ATPase activity due to the loss in polar interactions with residues within the D-loops of the opposing NBD. The structural basis for how disease mutations in other NBD residues, including the R1108C, R2077W, R2107H, and L2027F, affect the structure and function of ABCA4 is described. Collectively, our studies provide insight into the structure and function of ABCA4 and mechanisms underlying Stargardt disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Prion diseases are deadly neurodegenerative disorders in both animals and humans, causing the destruction of neural tissue and inducing behavioral manifestations. Heat shock proteins (Hsps), act as molecular chaperones by supporting the appropriate folding of proteins and eliminating the misfolded proteins as well as playing a vital role in cell signaling transduction, cell cycle, and apoptosis control. SW02 is a potent activator of Hsp 70 kDa (Hsp70).
    UNASSIGNED: In the current study, the protective effects of SW02 against prion protein 106-126 (PrP106-126)-induced neurotoxicity in human neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y) were investigated. In addition, the therapeutic effects of SW02 in ME7 scrapie-infected mice were evaluated.
    UNASSIGNED: The results showed that SW02 treatment significantly increased Hsp70 mRNA expression levels and Hsp70 ATPase activity (p < 0.01). SW02 also significantly inhibited cytotoxicity and apoptosis induced by PrP106-126 (p < 0.01) and promoted neurite extension. In vivo, intraperitoneal administration of SW02 did not show a statistically significant difference in survival time (p = 0.16); however, the SW02-treated group exhibited a longer survival time of 223.6 ± 6.0 days compared with the untreated control group survival time of 217.6 ± 5.4 days. In addition, SW02 reduced the PrPSc accumulation in ME7 scrapie-infected mice at 5 months post-injection (p < 0.05). A significant difference was not observed in GFAP expression, an astrocyte marker, between the treated and untreated groups.
    UNASSIGNED: In conclusion, the potential therapeutic role of the Hsp70 activator SW02 was determined in the present study and may be a novel and effective drug to mitigate the pathologies of prion diseases and other neurodegenerative diseases. Further studies using a combination of two pharmacological activators of Hsp70 are required to maximize the effectiveness of each intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Type VII secretion (T7S) systems, also referred to as ESAT-6 secretion (ESX) systems, are molecular machines that have gained great attention due to their implications in cell homeostasis and in host-pathogen interactions in mycobacteria. The latter include important human pathogens such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the etiological cause of human tuberculosis, which constitutes a pandemic accounting for more than one million deaths every year. The ESX-5 system is exclusively found in slow-growing pathogenic mycobacteria, where it mediates the secretion of a large family of virulence factors: the PE and PPE proteins. The secretion driving force is provided by EccC5, a multidomain ATPase that operates using four globular cytosolic domains: an N-terminal domain of unknown function (EccC5DUF) and three FtsK/SpoIIIE ATPase domains. Recent structural and functional studies of ESX-3 and ESX-5 systems have revealed EccCDUF to be an ATPase-like fold domain with potential ATPase activity, the functionality of which is essential for secretion. Here, the crystal structure of the MtbEccC5DUF domain is reported at 2.05 Å resolution, which reveals a nucleotide-free structure with degenerated cis-acting and trans-acting elements involved in ATP binding and hydrolysis. This crystallographic study, together with a biophysical assessment of the interaction of MtbEccC5DUF with ATP/Mg2+, supports the absence of ATPase activity proposed for this domain. It is shown that this degeneration is also present in DUF domains from other ESX and ESX-like systems, which are likely to exhibit poor or null ATPase activity. Moreover, based on an in silico model of the N-terminal region of MtbEccC5DUF, it is hypothesized that MtbEccC5DUF is a degenerated ATPase domain that may have retained the ability to hexamerize. These observations draw attention to DUF domains as structural elements with potential implications in the opening and closure of the membrane pore during the secretion process via their involvement in inter-protomer interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The SOS response is a condition that occurs in bacterial cells after DNA damage. In this state, the bacterium is able to reсover the integrity of its genome. Due to the increased level of mutagenesis in cells during the repair of DNA double-strand breaks, the SOS response is also an important mechanism for bacterial adaptation to the antibiotics. One of the key proteins of the SOS response is the SMC-like protein RecN, which helps the RecA recombinase to find a homologous DNA template for repair. In this work, the localization of the recombinant RecN protein in living Escherichia coli cells was revealed using fluorescence microscopy. It has been shown that the RecN, outside the SOS response, is predominantly localized at the poles of the cell, and in dividing cells, also localized at the center. Using in vitro methods including fluorescence microscopy and optical tweezers, we show that RecN predominantly binds single-stranded DNA in an ATP-dependent manner. RecN has both intrinsic and single-stranded DNA-stimulated ATPase activity. The results of this work may be useful for better understanding of the SOS response mechanism and homologous recombination process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PCV2 belongs to the genus Circovirus in the family Circoviridae, whose genome is replicated by rolling circle replication (RCR). PCV2 Rep is a multifunctional enzyme that performs essential functions at multiple stages of viral replication. Rep is responsible for nicking and ligating single-stranded DNA and unwinding double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). However, the structure and function of the Rep are still poorly understood, which significantly impedes viral replication research. This study successfully resolved the structure of the PCV2 Rep ATPase domain (PRAD) using X-ray crystallography. Homologous structure search revealed that Rep belonged to the superfamily 3 (SF3) helicase, and multiple conserved residues were identified during sequence alignment with SF3 family members. Simultaneously, a hexameric PRAD model was generated for analysing characteristic structures and sites. Mutation of the conserved site and measurement of its activity showed that the hallmark motifs of the SF3 family influenced helicase activity by affecting ATPase activity and β-hairpin just caused the loss of helicase activity. The structural and functional analyses of the PRAD provide valuable insights for future research on PCV2 replication and antiviral strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters use the hydrolysis of ATP to power the active transport of molecules, but paradoxically the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR, ABCC7) forms an ion channel. We previously showed that ATP-binding cassette subfamily C member 4 (ABCC4) is the closest mammalian paralog to CFTR, compared to other ABC transporters. In addition, Lamprey CFTR (Lp-CFTR) is the oldest known CFTR ortholog and has unique structural and functional features compared to human CFTR (hCFTR). The availability of these evolutionarily distant orthologs gives us the opportunity to study the changes in ATPase activity that may be related to their disparate functions. Methods: We utilized the baculovirus expression system with Sf9 insect cells and made use of the highly sensitive antimony-phosphomolybdate assay for testing the ATPase activity of human ABCC4 (hABCC4), Lp-CFTR, and hCFTR under similar experimental conditions. This assay measures the production of inorganic phosphate (Pi) in the nanomolar range. Results: Crude plasma membranes were purified, and protein concentration, determined semi-quantitatively, of hABCC4, Lp-CFTR, and hCFTR ranged from 0.01 to 0.36 μg/μL. No significant difference in expression level was found although hABCC4 trended toward the highest level. hABCC4 was activated by ATP with the equilibrium constant (Kd) 0.55 ± 0.28 mM (n = 8). Estimated maximum ATPase rate (Vmax) for hABCC4 was about 0.2 nmol/μg/min when the protein was activated with 1 mM ATP at 37°C (n = 7). Estimated maximum ATPase rate for PKA-phosphorylated Lp-CFTR reached about half of hCFTR levels in the same conditions. Vmax for both Lp-CFTR and hCFTR were significantly increased in high PKA conditions compared to low PKA conditions. Maximum intrinsic ATPase rate of hABCC4 in the absence of substrate was twice that of hCFTR when activated in 1 mM ATP. Conclusion: The findings here suggest that while both ABCC4 and hCFTR bear one consensus and one degenerate ATPase site, the hCFTR exhibited a reduced intrinsic ATPase activity. In addition, ATPase activity in the CFTR lineage increased from Lp-CFTR to hCFTR. Finally, the studies pave the way to purify hABCC4, Lp-CFTR, and hCFTR from Sf9 cells for their structural investigation, including by cryo-EM, and for studies of evolution in the ABC transporter superfamily.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: DDX3 is a protein with RNA helicase activity that is involved in a variety of biological processes, and it is an important protein target for the development of broad-spectrum antiviral drugs, multiple cancers and chronic inflammation.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to establish a simple and efficient method to express and purify DDX3 protein in E. coli, and the recombinant DDX3 should maintain helicase activity for further tailor-made screening and biochemical function validation.
    METHODS: DDX3 cDNA was simultaneously cloned into pET28a-TEV and pNIC28-Bsa4 vectors and transfected into E. coli BL21 (DE3) to compare one suitable prokaryotic expression system. The 6×His-tag was fused to the C-terminus of DDX3 to form a His-tagging DDX3 fusion protein for subsequent purification. Protein dissolution buffer and purification washing conditions were optimized. The His-tagged DDX3 protein would bind with the Ni-NTA agarose by chelation and collected by affinity purification. The 6×His-tag fused with N-terminal DDX3 was eliminated from DDX3 by TEV digestion. A fine purification of DDX3 was performed by gel filtration chromatography.
    RESULTS: The recombinant plasmid pNIC28-DDX3, which contained a 6×His-tag and one TEV cleavage site at the N terminal of DDX3 sequence, was constructed for DDX3 prokaryotic expression and affinity purification based on considering the good solubility of the recombinant His-tagging DDX3, especially under 0.5 mM IPTG incubation at 18°C for 18 h to obtain more soluble DDX3 protein. Finally, the exogenous recombinant DDX3 protein was obtained with more than 95% purity by affinity purification on the Ni-NTA column and removal of miscellaneous through gel filtration chromatography. The finely-purified DDX3 still retained its ATPase activity.
    CONCLUSIONS: A prokaryotic expression pNIC28-DDX3 system is constructed for efficient expression and affinity purification of bioactive DDX3 protein in E. coli BL21(DE3), which provides an important high-throughput screening and validation of drugs targeting DDX3.





