ATP-sensitive potassium channel

ATP 敏感性钾通道
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The absent in melanoma 2 (AIM2) inflammasome contributes to ischemic brain injury by inducing cell pyroptosis and inflammatory responses. Our research group has previously demonstrated that ATP-sensitive potassium channels (KATP channels) openers can modulate neuronal synaptic plasticity post-ischemic stroke for neuroprotection. However, the specific mechanisms of KATP channels in the inflammatory response following ischemic stroke remain unclear. Here, we assessed cellular damage by observing changes in BV-2 morphology and viability. 2,3,5-Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining, mNSS scoring, Nissl staining, and TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining were used to evaluate behavioral deficits, brain injury severity, and neuronal damage in mice subjected to middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), Western blotting, immunofluorescence, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were used to measure cell pyroptosis and nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB) activation in vivo and in vitro. We observed that AIM2 protein expression was upregulated and localized within the cytoplasm of BV-2 cells. Notably, low-dose Nicorandil treatment reduced inflammatory cytokine secretion and pyroptosis-related protein expression, including AIM2, cleaved cysteinyl aspartate-specific protease-1 (cleaved caspase-1), and Gasdermin D N-terminal (GSDMD-NT). Further investigations revealed that the KATP channel inhibitor 5-HD upregulated p-NF-κB p65, NF-κB p65, and p-IκBα expression, reversing Nicorandil\'s neuroprotective effect in vivo. In summary, our results suggest that Nicorandil may serve as a potential therapeutic option for ischemic stroke. Targeting AIM2 and NF-κB represents effective strategies for inhibiting neuroinflammation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels function as metabolic sensors that link cell membrane excitability to the cellular energy status by controlling potassium ion (K+) flow across the cell membrane according to intracellular ATP and ADP concentrations. As such, KATP channels influence a broad spectrum of physiological processes, including insulin secretion and cardiovascular functions. KATP channels are hetero-octamers, consisting of four inward rectifier potassium channel subunits, Kir6.1 or Kir6.2, and four sulfonylurea receptors (SURs), SUR1, SUR2A, or SUR2B. Different Kir6 and SUR isoforms assemble into KATP channel subtypes with distinct tissue distributions and physiological functions. Mutations in the genes encoding KATP channel subunits underlie various human diseases. Targeted treatment for these diseases requires subtype-specific KATP channel modulators. Rubidium ions (Rb+) also pass through KATP channels, and Rb+ efflux assays can be used to assess KATP channel function and activity. Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (Flame-AAS) combined with microsampling can measure Rb+ in small volume, which provides an efficient tool to screen for compounds that alter KATP channel activity in Rb+ efflux assays. In this chapter, we describe a detailed protocol for Rb+ efflux assays designed to identify new KATP channel modulators with potential therapeutic utilities.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a rare disorder of glucose metabolism and is the most common cause of severe and persistent hypoglycemia (hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia, HH) in the neonatal period and childhood. Most cases are caused by mutations in the ABCC8 and KCNJ11 genes that encode the ATP-sensitive potassium channel (KATP). We present the correlation between genetic heterogeneity and the variable phenotype in patients with early-onset HH caused by ABCC8 gene mutations. In the first patient, who presented persistent severe hypoglycemia since the first day of life, molecular genetic testing revealed the presence of a homozygous mutation in the ABCC8 gene [deletion in the ABCC8 gene c.(2390+1_2391-1)_(3329+1_3330-1)del] that correlated with a diffuse form of hyperinsulinism (the parents being healthy heterozygous carriers). In the second patient, the onset was on the third day of life with severe hypoglycemia, and genetic testing identified a heterozygous mutation in the ABCC8 gene c.1792C>T (p.Arg598*) inherited on the paternal line, which led to the diagnosis of the focal form of hyperinsulinism. To locate the focal lesions, (18)F-DOPA (3,4-dihydroxy-6-[18F]fluoro-L-phenylalanine) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) was recommended (an investigation that cannot be carried out in the country), but the parents refused to carry out the investigation abroad. In this case, early surgical treatment could have been curative. In addition, the second child also presented secondary adrenal insufficiency requiring replacement therapy. At the same time, she developed early recurrent seizures that required antiepileptic treatment. We emphasize the importance of molecular genetic testing for diagnosis, management and genetic counseling in patients with HH.






  • 文章类型: Review
    KATP channels are ligand-gated potassium channels that couple cellular energetics with membrane potential to regulate cell activity. Each channel is an eight subunit complex comprising four central pore-forming Kir6 inward rectifier potassium channel subunits surrounded by four regulatory subunits known as the sulfonylurea receptor, SUR, which confer homeostatic metabolic control of KATP gating. SUR is an ATP binding cassette (ABC) protein family homolog that lacks membrane transport activity but is essential for KATP expression and function. For more than four decades, understanding the structure-function relationship of Kir6 and SUR has remained a central objective of clinical significance. Here, we review progress in correlating the wealth of functional data in the literature with recent KATP cryoEM structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder worldwide. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) has been found to have anti-seizure effects. However, its mechanism remains to be explored. In the present study, we showed that a novel H2S donor attenuated neuroinflammation by up-regulating ATP-sensitive potassium channel (KATP) expression to reduce seizures. The novel H2S donor significantly reduced the expression of TNF-α and increased the expression of IL-10 in LPS-treated BV2 cells and the hippocampus of pilocarpine-induced epileptic mice. The modulatory effects of the H2S donor on inflammatory cytokines were prevented by glibenclamide, a common KATP channels blocker. The H2S donor promoted the expression of KATP channel subunits SUR2 and Kir6.1 in LPS-treated BV2 cells and the hippocampus of pilocarpine-induced epileptic mice. In addition, the H2S donor reduced the electroencephalography amplitude of hippocampal epileptic waves and reduced seizures in pilocarpine-induced epileptic mice, which were also attenuated by glibenclamide. These results indicated that the novel H2S donor reduced seizures and regulated microglial inflammatory cytokines by activating KATP channels, which may provide a prospective therapeutic strategy for the anti-seizure effects of H2S donor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Migraine is a highly disabling pain disorder with huge socioeconomic and personal costs. It is genetically heterogenous leading to variability in response to current treatments and frequent lack of response. Thus, new treatment strategies are needed. A combination of preclinical and clinical data indicate that ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel inhibitors could be novel and highly effective drugs in the treatment of migraine. The subtype Kir6.1/SUR2B is of particular interest and inhibitors specific for this cranio-vascular KATP channel subtype may qualify as future migraine drugs. Historically, different technologies and methods have been undertaken to characterize KATP channel modulators and, therefore, a head-to-head comparison of potency and selectivity between the different KATP subtypes is difficult to assess. Here, we characterize available KATP channel activators and inhibitors in fluorescence-based thallium-flux assays using HEK293 cells stably expressing human Kir6.1/SUR2B, Kir6.2/SUR1, and Kir6.2/SUR2A KATP channels. Among the openers tested, levcromakalim, Y-26763, pinacidil, P-1075, ZM226600, ZD0947, and A-278637 showed preference for the KATP channel subtype Kir6.1/SUR2B, whereas BMS-191095, NN414, and VU0071306 demonstrated preferred activation of the Kir6.2/SUR1 subtype. In the group of KATP channel blockers, only Rosiglitazone and PNU-37783A showed selective inhibition of the Kir6.1/SUR2B subtype. PNU-37783A was stopped in clinical development and Rosiglitazone has a low potency for the vascular KATP channel subtype. Therefore, development of novel selective KATP channel blockers, having a benign side effect profile, are needed to clinically prove inhibition of Kir6.1/SUR2B as an effective migraine treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channels (mitoKATP) have been recently characterized structurally, and possess a protein through which K+ enters mitochondria (MitoKIR), and a regulatory subunit (mitoSUR). The mitoSUR regulatory subunit is an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) protein isoform 8 (ABCB8). Opening these channels is known to be cardioprotective, but the molecular and physiological mechanisms that activate them are not fully known. Here, to better understand the molecular and physiological mechanisms of activators (GTP) and inhibitors (ATP) on the activity of mitoKATP, we exposed isolated mitochondria to both nucleotides. We also used molecular docking directed to the nucleotide-binding domain of human ABCB8/mitoSUR to test a comparative model of ATP and GTP effects. As expected, we find that ATP dose-dependently inhibits mitoKATP activity (IC50 = 21.24 ± 1.4 μM). However, simultaneous exposure of mitochondria to GTP dose-dependently (EC50 = 13.19 ± 1.33 μM) reversed ATP inhibition. Pharmacological and computational studies suggest that GTP reverses ATP activity competitively. Docking directed to the site of crystallized ADP reveals that both nucleotides bind to mitoSUR with high affinity, with their phosphates directed to the Mg2+ ion and the walker A motif of the protein (SGGGKTT). These effects, when combined, result in GTP binding, ATP displacement, mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ transport, and lower formation of reactive oxygen species. Overall, our findings demonstrate the basis for ATP and GTP binding in mitoSUR using a combination of biochemical, pharmacological, and computational experiments. Future studies may reveal the extent to which the balance between ATP and GTP actions contributes toward cardioprotection against ischemic events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: To evaluate the pharmacokinetic profiles of the ocular hypotensive agent QLS-101, a novel ATP-sensitive potassium channel opening prodrug, and its active moiety levcromakalim, following topical ophthalmic and intravenous dosing of normotensive rabbits and dogs. Methods: Dutch belted rabbits (n = 85) and beagle dogs (n = 32) were dosed with QLS-101 (0.16-3.2 mg/eye/dose) or formulation buffer for 28 days. Pharmacokinetic profiles of QLS-101 and levcromakalim were evaluated in ocular tissues and blood by LC-MS/MS. Tolerability was assessed by clinical and ophthalmic examinations. Maximum systemic tolerated dose was evaluated in beagle dogs (n = 2) following intravenous bolus administrations of QLS-101 (0.05 to 5 mg/kg). Results: Plasma analysis following topical dosing of QLS-101 (0.8-3.2 mg/eye/dose) for 28 days indicated an elimination half-life (T1/2) of 5.50-8.82 h and a corresponding time (Tmax) range of 2-12 h in rabbits, and a T1/2 of 3.32-6.18 h with a Tmax range of 1-2 h in dogs. Maximum tissue concentration (Cmax) values ranged from 54.8-540 (day 1) to 50.5-777 ng/mL (day 28) in rabbits, and 36.5-166 (day 1) to 47.0-147 ng/mL (day 28) in dogs. Levcromakalim plasma T1/2 and Tmax were similar to QLS-101, while Cmax was consistently lower. Topical ophthalmic delivery of QLS-101 was well tolerated in both species, with sporadic mild ocular hyperemia noted in the group treated with the highest concentration (3.2 mg/eye/dose). Following topical ophthalmic dosing, QLS-101 and levcromakalim were found primarily in the cornea, sclera, and conjunctiva. Maximum tolerated dose was determined to be 3 mg/kg. Conclusions: QLS-101 was converted to its active moiety levcromakalim and showed characteristic absorption, distribution, and safety profiles of a well-tolerated prodrug.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is the most common cause of persistent hypoglycemia in infancy/childhood and is a serious condition associated with severe recurrent attacks of hypoglycemia due to dysregulated insulin secretion. Timely diagnosis and effective treatment are crucial to prevent severe hypoglycemia that may lead to life-long neurological complications. In pancreatic β-cells, adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels are a central regulator of insulin secretion vital for glucose homeostasis. Genetic defects that lead to loss of expression or function of KATP channels are the most common cause of HI (KATP-HI). Much progress has been made in our understanding of the molecular genetics and pathophysiology of KATP-HI in the past decades; however, treatment remains challenging, in particular for patients with diffuse disease who do not respond to the KATP channel activator diazoxide. In this review, we discuss current approaches and limitations on the diagnosis and treatment of KATP-HI, and offer perspectives on alternative therapeutic strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cantú syndrome (CS) is caused by the gain of function mutations in the ABCC9 and KCNJ8 genes encoding, respectively, for the sulfonylureas receptor type 2 (SUR2) and the inwardly rectifier potassium channel 6.1 (Kir6.1) of the ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels. CS is a multi-organ condition with a cardiovascular phenotype, neuromuscular symptoms, and skeletal malformations. Glibenclamide has been proposed for use in CS, but even in animals, the drug is incompletely effective against severe mutations, including the Kir6.1wt/V65M. Patch-clamp experiments showed that zoledronic acid (ZOL) fully reduced the whole-cell KATP currents in bone calvaria cells from wild type (WT/WT) and heterozygous Kir6.1wt/V65MCS mice, with IC50 for ZOL block < 1 nM in each case. ZOL fully reduced KATP current in excised patches in skeletal muscle fibers in WT/WT and CS mice, with IC50 of 100 nM in each case. Interestingly, KATP currents in the bone of heterozygous SUR2wt/A478V mice were less sensitive to ZOL inhibition, showing an IC50 of ~500 nM and a slope of ~0.3. In homozygous SUR2A478V/A478V cells, ZOL failed to fully inhibit the KATP currents, causing only ~35% inhibition at 100 μM, but was responsive to glibenclamide. ZOL reduced the KATP currents in Kir6.1wt/VMCS mice in both skeletal muscle and bone cells but was not effective in the SUR2[A478V] mice fibers. These data indicate a subunit specificity of ZOL action that is important for appropriate CS therapies.





