ATP testing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: An algorithm has been improved to mitigate variability in cleanliness measurements of various surfaces using rapid Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) testing. A cleaning intervention step (CIS) verifies the cleanability of those surfaces.
    METHODS: ATP testing was performed on surfaces which were pre-approved as \"clean\" and ready for re-use. Adjacent (duplicate) ATP sampling was undertaken on 421 environmental surfaces, medical devices and other implements. The CIS was conducted on 270 surfaces using an aseptic technique and disposable cleaning wipes.
    RESULTS: The two initial ATP results were plotted against each other with a 100 RLU threshold grading the results as clean (2x < 100RLU), dirty (2x > 100RLU) or equivocal (1x < 100RLU and 1x > 100RLU). Of the surfaces sampled, 68.5 % were clean (288/421), 13.5 % were dirty (57/421) and 18 % were equivocal (76/421). The duplicate testing demonstrated a false negative rate of 10 % (44/421) where the first swab was <100 RLU and the second swab >100 RLU. For the equivocal group, the gap between the two swabs was >100 RLU for 7.5 % of surfaces (33/421). The CIS was conducted on 270 of the surfaces tested and showed that cleaning could be improved (P=<0.001) on 88.5 % of surfaces (239/270).
    CONCLUSIONS: The simplified ATP testing algorithm provides real-time discrimination between surface cleanliness levels and improved certainty over surface hygiene. The duplicate swab sampling approach mitigates uncontrolled variability in the results and the CIS provides a nuanced understanding of the measurable cleanliness of any surface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Electrophysiology procedures pose infection risk and require surgical room sterility. Currently, there is no universally approved protocol for disinfecting lead garments in the electrophysiology laboratory. This study explores the feasibility of using ATP testing to assess the microbial burden of lead aprons and evaluates the impact of a sanitary intervention.
    METHODS: Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) testing is a well-established hospital standard to quantify biological matter on a surface and, by proxy, the microbial burden. It is measured in RLU (relative light units). Pre-intervention ATP testing was performed on 34 lead garments after use for electrophysiology procedures. The thyroid collar, mid-chest vest, and left axillary areas of the garments were swabbed using a Hygiena SystemSure II luminometer with ATP swabs (Hygiena, Camarillo, CA). These sites were then disinfected with disinfectant wipes (PDI Super Sani-cloth Germicidal Disposable Wipe) and ATP testing was repeated.
    RESULTS: The mean duration of garment wear was 213 min. The thyroid collars had the highest mean RLU before intervention, followed by the mid-chest vest and the left axillary areas. The intervention was found to significantly decrease ATP readings for all three sites (p = 0.0002, p = 0.0001, p = 0.0002 respectively). Linear regression modeling to assess the impact of intervention showed a significant correlation with pre-intervention ATP values for all three sites but no correlation with fluoroscopy time, fluoroscopy dose, or total time spent within the procedure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Lead garments harbor microbial contamination after use according to ATP testing. A sanitary intervention can decontaminate lead garments and potentially reduce rates of hospital infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Australia has established guidelines on cleaning for reusable ultrasound probes and accompanying equipment. This is a preliminary study investigating cleanliness standards of patient-ready ultrasound equipment in 5 separate health care facilities within a major city.
    The cleanliness was assessed using rapid adenosine triphosphate (ATP) testing used with a sampling algorithm which mitigates variability normally associated with ATP testing. Each surface was initially sampled in duplicate for relative light units (RLUs) and checked for compliance with literature recommended levels of cleanliness (<100 RLUs). Triplicate sampling was undertaken where necessary. A cleaning intervention step (CIS) followed using a disposable detergent wipe, and the surface was retested for ATP.
    There were 253 surfaces tested from the 5 health care facilities with 26% (66/253) demonstrating either equivocal or apparent lack of cleanliness. The CIS was conducted on 148 surfaces and demonstrated that for >91% (135/148) of surfaces, the cleaning standards could be improved significantly (P > .001). For 6% (9/148) of devices and surfaces, the CIS needed to be repeated at least once to achieve the intended level of cleanliness (<25 RLUs).
    This study indicates that ATP testing is an effective, real-time, quality assurance tool for cleanliness monitoring of ultrasound probes and associated equipment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental cleaning is a vital component of infection control. We describe the use of an integrated infection control protocol in an intensive care unit and its influence on multidrug-resistant organism infection rates. Sustained reductions in multidrug-resistant organism infections can be achieved if individual processes and weaknesses in intensive care unit environments are identified and addressed in a systematic and comprehensive manner.





