• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ceramides generated by the activity of the neutral sphingomyelinase 2 (nSMase2) play a pivotal role in stress responses in mammalian cells. Dysregulation of sphingolipid metabolism has been implicated in numerous inflammation-related pathologies. However, its influence on inflammatory cytokine-induced signaling is yet incompletely understood. Here, we used proximity labeling to explore the plasma membrane proximal protein network of nSMase2 and TNFα-induced changes thereof. We established Jurkat cells stably expressing nSMase2 C-terminally fused to the engineered ascorbate peroxidase 2 (APEX2). Removal of excess biotin phenol substantially improved streptavidin-based affinity purification of biotinylated proteins. Using our optimized protocol, we determined nSMase2-proximal biotinylated proteins and their changes within the first 5 min of TNFα stimulation by quantitative mass spectrometry. We observed significant dynamic changes in the nSMase2 microenvironment in response to TNFα stimulation consistent with rapid remodeling of protein networks. Our data confirmed known nSMase2 interactors and revealed that the recruitment of most proteins depended on nSMase2 enzymatic activity. We measured significant enrichment of proteins related to vesicle-mediated transport, including proteins of recycling endosomes, trans-Golgi network, and exocytic vesicles in the proximitome of enzymatically active nSMase2 within the first minutes of TNFα stimulation. Hence, the nSMase2 proximal network and its TNFα-induced changes provide a valuable resource for further investigations into the involvement of nSMase2 in the early signaling pathways triggered by TNFα.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cdk5 is a highly-conserved, noncanonical cell division kinase important to the terminal differentiation of mammalian cells in multiple organ systems. We previously identified Pef1, the Schizosaccharomyces pombe ortholog of cdk5, as regulator of chronological lifespan. To reveal the processes impacted by Pef1, we developed APEX2-biotin phenol-mediated proximity labeling in S. pombe. Efficient labeling required a short period of cell wall digestion and eliminating glucose and nitrogen sources from the medium. We identified 255 high-confidence Pef1 neighbors in growing cells and a novel Pef1-interacting partner, the DNA damage response protein Rad24. The Pef1-Rad24 interaction was validated by reciprocal proximity labeling and co-immunoprecipitation. Eliminating Pef1 partially rescued the DNA damage sensitivity of cells lacking Rad24. To monitor how Pef1 neighbors change under different conditions, cells induced for autophagy were labeled and 177 high-confidence Pef1 neighbors were identified. Gene ontology (GO) analysis of the Pef1 neighbors identified proteins participating in processes required for autophagosome expansion including regulation of actin dynamics and vesicle-mediated transport. Some of these proteins were identified in both exponentially growing and autophagic cells. Pef1-APEX2 proximity labeling therefore identified a new Pef1 function in modulating the DNA damage response and candidate processes that Pef1 and other cdk5 orthologs may regulate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Neurodegenerative tauopathies may progress based on seeding by pathological tau assemblies, whereby an aggregate is released from one cell, gains entry to an adjacent or connected cell, and serves as a specific template for its own replication in the cytoplasm. In vitro seeding reactions typically take days, yet seeding into the complex cytoplasmic milieu happens within hours, implicating a machinery with unknown players that controls this process in the acute phase.
    UNASSIGNED: We used proximity labeling to identify factors that control seed amplification within 5h of seed exposure. We fused split-APEX2 to the C-terminus of tau repeat domain (RD) to reconstitute peroxidase activity 5h after seeded intracellular tau aggregation. Valosin containing protein (VCP/p97) was the top hit. VCP harbors dominant mutations that underlie two neurodegenerative diseases, multisystem proteinopathy and vacuolar tauopathy, but its mechanistic role is unclear. We used immortalized cells and human neurons to study the effects of VCP on tau seeding. We exposed cells to fibrils or brain homogenates in cell culture media and measured effects on uptake and induction of intracellular tau aggregation following various genetic and chemical manipulations of VCP.
    UNASSIGNED: VCP knockdown reduced tau seeding. Chemical inhibitors had opposing effects on aggregation in HEK293T tau biosensor cells and human neurons alike: ML-240 increased seeding efficiency, whereas NMS-873 decreased it. The inhibitors were effective only when administered within 8h of seed exposure, indicating a role for VCP early in seed processing. We screened 30 VCP co-factors in HEK293T biosensor cells by genetic knockout or knockdown. Reduction of ATXN3, NSFL1C, UBE4B, NGLY1, and OTUB1 decreased tau seeding, as did NPLOC4, which also uniquely increased soluble tau levels. By contrast, reduction of FAF2 increased tau seeding.
    UNASSIGNED: Divergent effects on tau seeding of chemical inhibitors and cofactor reduction indicate that VCP regulates this process. This is consistent with a dedicated cytoplasmic processing complex based on VCP that directs seeds acutely towards degradation vs. amplification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interaction of Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cells (iRBCs) with the vascular endothelium plays a crucial role in malaria pathology and disease. KAHRP is an exported P. falciparum protein involved in iRBC remodelling, which is essential for the formation of protrusions or \"knobs\" on the iRBC surface. These knobs and the proteins that are concentrated within them allow the parasites to escape the immune response and host spleen clearance by mediating cytoadherence of the iRBC to the endothelial wall, but this also slows down blood circulation, leading in some cases to severe cerebral and placental complications. In this work, we have applied genetic and biochemical tools to identify proteins that interact with P. falciparum KAHRP using enhanced ascorbate peroxidase 2 (APEX2) proximity-dependent biotinylation and label-free shotgun proteomics. A total of 30 potential KAHRP-interacting candidates were identified, based on the assigned fragmented biotinylated ions. Several identified proteins have been previously reported to be part of the Maurer\'s clefts and knobs, where KAHRP resides. This study may contribute to a broader understanding of P. falciparum protein trafficking and knob architecture and shows for the first time the feasibility of using APEX2-proximity labelling in iRBCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The proliferation antigen Ki-67 has been widely used in clinical settings for cancer staging for many years, but investigations on its biological functions have lagged. Recently, Ki-67 has been shown to regulate both the composition of the chromosome periphery and chromosome behaviour in mitosis as well as to play a role in heterochromatin organisation and gene transcription. However, how the different roles for Ki-67 across the cell cycle are regulated and coordinated remain poorly understood. The progress towards understanding Ki-67 function have been limited by the tools available to deplete the protein, coupled to its abundance and fluctuation during the cell cycle.
    Here, we use a doxycycline-inducible E3 ligase together with an auxin-inducible degron tag to achieve a rapid, acute and homogeneous degradation of Ki-67 in HCT116 cells. This system, coupled with APEX2 proteomics and phospho-proteomics approaches, allows us to show that Ki-67 plays a role during DNA replication. In its absence, DNA replication is severely delayed, the replication machinery is unloaded, causing DNA damage that is not sensed by the canonical pathways and dependent on HUWE1 ligase. This leads to defects in replication and sister chromatids cohesion, but it also triggers an interferon response mediated by the cGAS/STING pathway in all the cell lines tested.
    We unveil a new function of Ki-67 in DNA replication and genome maintenance that is independent of its previously known role in mitosis and gene regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proximity-dependent biotinylation (PDB) techniques provide information about the molecular neighborhood of a protein of interest, yielding insights into its function and localization. Here, we assessed how different labeling enzymes and streptavidin resins influence PDB results. We compared the high-confidence interactors of the DNA/RNA-binding protein transactive response DNA-binding protein 43 kDa (TDP-43) identified using either miniTurbo (biotin ligase) or APEX2 (peroxidase) enzymes. We also evaluated two commercial affinity resins for purification of biotinylated proteins: conventional streptavidin sepharose versus a new trypsin-resistant streptavidin conjugated to magnetic resin, which significantly reduces the level of contamination by streptavidin peptides following on-bead trypsin digestion. Downstream analyses involved liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry in data-dependent acquisition mode, database searching, and statistical analysis of high-confidence interactors using SAINTexpress. The APEX2-TDP-43 experiment identified more interactors than miniTurbo-TDP-43, although miniTurbo provided greater overlap with previously documented TDP-43 interactors. Purifications on sepharose resin yielded more interactors than magnetic resin in small-scale experiments using a range of magnetic resin volumes. We suggest that resin-specific background protein binding profiles and different lysate-to-resin ratios cumulatively affect the distributions of prey protein abundance in experimental and control samples, which impact statistical confidence scores. Overall, we highlight key experimental variables to consider for the empirical optimization of PDB experiments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we investigate the intricate regulatory mechanisms underlying the circadian clock in Drosophila, focusing on the light-induced conformational changes in the cryptochrome (DmCry). Upon light exposure, DmCry undergoes conformational changes that prompt its binding to Timeless and Jetlag proteins, initiating a cascade crucial for the starting of a new circadian cycle. DmCry is subsequently degraded, contributing to the desensitization of the resetting mechanism. The transient and short-lived nature of DmCry protein-protein interactions (PPIs), leading to DmCry degradation within an hour of light exposure, presents a challenge for comprehensive exploration. To address this, we employed proximity-dependent biotinylation techniques, combining engineered BioID (TurboID) and APEX (APEX2) enzymes with mass spectrometry. This approach enabled the identification of the in vitro DmCry interactome in Drosophila S2 cells, uncovering several novel PPIs associated with DmCry. Validation of these interactions through a novel co-immunoprecipitation technique enhances the reliability of our findings. Importantly, our study suggests the potential of this method to reveal additional circadian clock- or magnetic field-dependent PPIs involving DmCry. This exploration of the DmCry interactome not only advances our understanding of circadian clock regulation but also establishes a versatile framework for future investigations into light- and time-dependent protein interactions in Drosophila.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unraveling interacting partners of protein tyrosine (Tyr) phosphatases is considered a key aspect in resolving the regulation of signaling cascades either in a pathological or in developmental context. Mass spectrometry (MS)-based protein identification has emerged as the major approach in this arena, complemented by the development of novel biochemical methodologies for sample preparation. In this chapter, we highlight two methods that, combined with mass spectrometry, may help the investigator create an interactome map for the phosphatase of interest within a specific biological context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cell wall of mycobacteria plays a key role in interactions with the environment. Its ability to act as a selective filter is crucial to bacterial survival. Proteins in the cell wall enable this function by mediating the import and export of diverse metabolites, from ions to lipids to proteins. Identifying cell wall proteins is an important step in assigning function, especially as many mycobacterial proteins lack functionally characterized homologues. Current methods for protein localization have inherent limitations that reduce accuracy. Here we showed that although chemical labeling of live cells did not exclusively label surface proteins, protein tagging by the engineered peroxidase APEX2 within live Mycobacterium tuberculosis accurately identified the cytosolic and cell wall proteomes. Our data indicate that substrates of the virulence-associated Type VII ESX secretion system are exposed to the periplasm, providing insight into the currently unknown mechanism by which these proteins cross the mycobacterial cell envelope.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proximity labeling methods enable the identification of proteins in the vicinity of a protein of interest in living cells. Among them, APEX2 proximity is a powerful method to spatiotemporally define in vivo \"proxisomes\" in dynamic bacterial protein systems. Here we describe a standardized APEX2 proximity labeling protocol and possible adaptations to capture protein partners in native conditions.





