  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hox proteins interact with DNA and many other proteins, co-factors, transcriptional factors, chromatin remodeling components, non-coding RNAs and even the extracellular matrix that assembles the Hox complexes. The number of interacting partners continues to grow with diverse components and more transcriptional factors than initially thought. Hox complexes present many activities, but their molecular mechanisms to modulate their target genes remain unsolved.
    RESULTS: In this paper we showed the protein-protein interaction of Antp with Ubx through the homeodomain using BiFC in Drosophila. Analysis of Antp-deletional mutants showed that AntpHD helixes 1 and 2 are required for the interaction with Ubx. Also, we found a novel interaction of Ubx with TBP, in which the PolyQ domain of TBP is required for the interaction. Moreover, we also detected the formation of two new trimeric complexes of Antp with Ubx, TBP and Exd using BiFC-FRET; these proteins, however, do not form a trimeric interaction with BIP2 or TFIIEβ. The novel trimeric complexes reduced Antp transcriptional activity, indicating that they could confer specificity for repression.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results increase the number of transcriptional factors in the Antp and Ubx interactomes that form two novel trimeric complexes with TBP and Exd. We also report a new Ubx interaction with TBP. These novel interactions provide important clues of the dynamics of Hox-interacting complexes involved in transcriptional regulation, contributing to better understand Hox function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evolution of major taxa is often associated with the emergence of new gene families. In all multicellular animals except sponges and comb jellies, the genomes contain Hox genes, which are crucial regulators of development. The canonical function of Hox genes involves colinear patterning of body parts in bilateral animals. This general function is implemented through complex, precisely coordinated mechanisms, not all of which are evolutionarily conserved and fully understood. We suggest that the emergence of this regulatory complexity was preceded by a stage of cooperation between more ancient morphogenetic programs or their individual elements. Footprints of these programs may be present in modern animals to execute non-canonical Hox functions. Non-canonical functions of Hox genes are involved in maintaining terminal nerve cell specificity, autophagy, oogenesis, pre-gastrulation embryogenesis, vertical signaling, and a number of general biological processes. These functions are realized by the basic properties of homeodomain protein and could have triggered the evolution of ParaHoxozoa and Nephrozoa subsequently. Some of these non-canonical Hox functions are discussed in our review.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The homeotic gene Antennapedia (Antp) has been identified as playing a pivotal role in the morphogenesis of the thorax and wings across various insect species. Leveraging insights from previous studies, the functional characterization of Antp in S. frugiperda was undertaken using RT-qPCR and the CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing system. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that Antp shares a high degree of sequence homology among Lepidoptera species. The expression profile of SfAntp was detected by RT-qPCR. The results showed that SfAntp was expressed in the whole growth cycle of S. frugiperda, the expression level was the highest in the egg stage, and the expression level was higher from 12 h to 48 h. Tissue-specific expression profiling demonstrated that SfAntp was most abundantly expressed in the thoracic segments and legs. To functionally disrupt SfAntp, two sgRNA sites were designed at the first exon of SfAntp and the gene was knocked out by CRISPR/Cas9 via microinjection. The results showed that the deletion of SfAntp produced a mutant phenotype of thoracic fusion, thoracic leg defect, leg-like protrusions between the head and thoracic segments and pupation deformity. In addition, deletion of SfAntp resulted in high embryo mortality. Through DNA sequencing, it was found that the target site of the SfAntp mutant had different degrees of frameshift mutations, indicating that the mutant phenotype was indeed caused by the knockout of SfAntp.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hox proteins finely coordinate antero-posterior axis during embryonic development and through their action specific target genes are expressed at the right time and space to determine the embryo body plan. As master transcriptional regulators, Hox proteins recognize DNA through the homeodomain (HD) and interact with a multitude of proteins, including general transcription factors and other cofactors. HD binding specificity increases by protein-protein interactions with a diversity of cofactors that outline the Hox interactome and determine the transcriptional landscape of the selected target genes. All these interactions clearly demonstrate Hox-driven transcriptional regulation, but its precise mechanism remains to be elucidated.
    RESULTS: Here we report Antennapedia (Antp) Hox protein-protein interaction with the TATA-binding protein (TBP) and the formation of novel trimeric complexes with TFIIEβ and Extradenticle (Exd), as well as its participation in transcriptional regulation. Using Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation (BiFC), we detected the interaction of Antp-TBP and, in combination with Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (BiFC-FRET), the formation of the trimeric complex with TFIIEβ and Exd in living cells. Mutational analysis showed that Antp interacts with TBP through their N-terminal polyglutamine-stretches. The trimeric complexes of Antp-TBP with TFIIEβ and Exd were validated using different Antp mutations to disrupt the trimeric complexes. Interestingly, the trimeric complex Antp-TBP-TFIIEβ significantly increased the transcriptional activity of Antp, whereas Exd diminished its transactivation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide important insights into the Antp interactome with the direct interaction of Antp with TBP and the two new trimeric complexes with TFIIEβ and Exd. These novel interactions open the possibility to analyze promoter function and gene expression to measure transcription factor binding dynamics at target sites throughout the genome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The molecular mechanisms of insect resistance to Cry toxins generated from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) urgently need to be elucidated to enable the improvement and sustainability of Bt-based products. Although downregulation of the expression of midgut receptor genes is a pivotal mechanism of insect resistance to Bt Cry toxins, the underlying transcriptional regulation of these genes remains elusive. Herein, we unraveled the regulatory mechanism of the downregulation of the ABC transporter gene PxABCG1 (also called Pxwhite), a functional midgut receptor of the Bt Cry1Ac toxin in Plutella xylostella. The PxABCG1 promoters of Cry1Ac-susceptible and Cry1Ac-resistant strains were cloned and analyzed, and they showed clear differences in activity. Subsequently, a dual-luciferase reporter assay, a yeast one-hybrid (Y1H) assay, and RNA interference (RNAi) experiments demonstrated that a cis-mutation in a binding site of the Hox transcription factor Antennapedia (Antp) decreased the promoter activity of the resistant strain and eliminated the binding and regulation of Antp, thereby enhancing the resistance of P. xylostella to the Cry1Ac toxin. These results advance our knowledge of the roles of cis- and trans-regulatory variations in the regulation of midgut Cry receptor genes and the evolution of Bt resistance, contributing to a more complete understanding of the Bt resistance mechanism.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The silk gland of the silkworm Bombyx mori is a long tubular organ that is divided into several subparts along its anteroposterior (AP) axis. As a trait of terminal differentiation of the silk gland, several silk protein genes are expressed with unique regional specificities. Most of the Hox and some of the homeobox genes are also expressed in the differentiated silk gland with regional specificities. The expression patterns of Hox genes in the silk gland roughly correspond to those in embryogenesis showing \"colinearity\". The central Hox class protein Antennapedia (Antp) directly regulates the expression of several middle silk gland-specific silk genes, whereas the Lin-1/Isl-1/Mec3 (LIM)-homeodomain transcriptional factor Arrowhead (Awh) regulates the expression of posterior silk gland-specific genes for silk fiber proteins. We summarize our results and discuss the usefulness of the silk gland of Bombyx mori for analyzing the function of Hox genes. Further analyses of the regulatory mechanisms underlying the region-specific expression of silk genes will provide novel insights into the molecular bases for target-gene selection and regulation by Hox and homeodomain proteins.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell-penetrating peptides (CPP) or membrane-translocating peptides such as penetratin from Antennapedia homeodomain or TAT from human immunodeficiency virus are useful vectors for the delivery of protein antigens or their cytotoxic (Tc) or helper (Th) T cell epitopes to antigen-presenting cells. Mice immunized with CPP containing immunogens elicit antigen-specific Tc and/or Th responses and could be protected from tumor challenges. In the present paper, we investigate the mechanism of class I and class II antigen presentation of ovalbumin covalently linked to penetratin (AntpOVA) by bone marrow-derived dendritic cells with the use of biochemical inhibitors of various pathways of antigen processing and presentation. Results from our study suggested that uptake of AntpOVA is via a combination of energy-independent (membrane fusion) and energy-dependent pathways (endocytosis). Once internalized by either mechanism, multiple tap-dependent or independent antigen presentation pathways are accessed while not completely dependent on proteasomal processing but involving proteolytic trimming in the ER and Golgi compartments. Our study provides an understanding on the mechanism of antigen presentation mediated by CPP and leads to greater insights into future development of vaccine formulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The central brain of Drosophila consists of the supraesophageal ganglion (SPG) and the subesophageal ganglion (SEG), both of which are generated by neural stem cell-like neuroblasts during embryonic and postembryonic development. Considerable information has been obtained on postembryonic development of the neuroblasts and their lineages in the SPG. In contrast, very little is known about neuroblasts, neural lineages, or any other aspect of the postembryonic development in the SEG. Here we characterize the neuroanatomy of the larval SEG in terms of tracts, commissures, and other landmark features as compared to a thoracic ganglion. We then use clonal MARCM labeling to identify all adult-specific neuroblast lineages in the late larval SEG and find a surprisingly small number of neuroblast lineages, 13 paired and one unpaired. The Hox genes Dfd, Scr, and Antp are expressed in a lineage-specific manner in these lineages during postembryonic development. Hox gene loss-of-function causes lineage-specific defects in axonal targeting and reduction in neural cell numbers. Moreover, it results in the formation of novel ectopic neuroblast lineages. Apoptosis block also results in ectopic lineages suggesting that Hox genes are required for lineage-specific termination of proliferation through programmed cell death. Taken together, our findings show that postembryonic development in the SEG is mediated by a surprisingly small set of identified lineages and requires lineage-specific Hox gene action to ensure the correct formation of adult-specific neurons in the Drosophila brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hox genes are well-known master regulators in developmental morphogenesis along the anteroposterior axis of animals. However, the molecular mechanisms by which Hox proteins regulate their target genes and determine cell fates are not fully understood. The silk gland of Bombyx mori is a tubular tissue divided into several subparts along the anteroposterior axis, and the silk genes are expressed with specific patterns. The sericin-1 gene (ser1) is expressed in the middle silk gland (MSG) with sublocal specificity. Here we show that the Hox protein Antp is a component of the middle silk gland-specific complex, MIC (MSG-intermolt-specific complex), binds to the essential promoter element of ser1, and activates its expression. Ectopic expression of Antp in transgenic silkworms induced the expression of ser1 in the posterior silk gland (PSG), but not in the anterior part of MSG (MSG-A). Correspondingly, a MIC-like complex was formed by the addition of recombinant Antp in extracts from PSG with its cofactors Exd and Hth, but not in extracts from MSG-A. Splicing patterns of ser1 mRNA induced by the ectopic expression of Antp in PSG were almost the same as those in MSG at the fifth instar and altered depending on the induction timing of Antp. Other Hox genes were expressed with sublocal specificity in the silk gland. The Bombyx silk gland might provide a useful system for understanding how Hox proteins select and regulate their target genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glioblastoma are the most frequent and aggressive tumour of the nervous system despite surgical resection associated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Recently, we showed that the NFL-TBS.40-63 peptide corresponding to the sequence of a tubulin-binding site of neurofilaments, enters selectively in glioblastoma cells where it blocks microtubule polymerization, inhibits their proliferation, and reduces tumour development in rats bearing glioblastoma (Bocquet et al., 2009; Berges et al., 2012a). Here, we characterized the molecular mechanism responsible for the uptake of NFL-TBS.40-63 peptide by glioblastoma cells. Unlike other cell penetrating peptides (CPPs), which use a balance between endocytosis and direct translocation, the NFL-TBS.40-63 peptide is unable to translocate directly through the membrane when incubated with giant plasma membrane vesicles. Then, using a panel of markers and inhibitors, flow cytometry and confocal microscopy investigations showed that the uptake occurs mainly through endocytosis. Moreover, glycosaminoglycans and αVβ3 integrins are not involved in the NFL-TBS.40-63 peptide recognition and internalization by glioblastoma cells. Finally, the signalling of tyrosine kinase receptors is involved in the peptide uptake, especially via EGFR overexpressed in tumour cells, indicating that the uptake of NFL-TBS.40-63 peptide by glioblastoma cells is related to their abnormally high proliferative activity.





