• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Long-term cardiovascular complications are common among pediatric cancer survivors, and anthracycline-induced hypertension has become an essential reason for concern. Compared to non-cancer controls, survivors have a higher prevalence of hypertension, and as they age, their incidence rises, offering significant dangers to cardiovascular health.
    METHODS: Research demonstrates that exposure to anthracyclines is a major factor in the development of hypertension in children who have survived cancer. Research emphasizes the frequency and risk factors of anthracycline-induced hypertension, highlighting the significance of routine measurement and management of blood pressure. Furthermore, cardiovascular toxicities, such as hypertension, after anthracycline-based therapy are a crucial be concerned, especially for young adults and adolescents. Childhood cancer survivors deal with a variety of cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary artery disease and cardiomyopathy, which are made worse by high blood pressure. In order to prevent long-term complications, it is essential to screen for and monitor for anthracycline-induced hypertension. Echocardiography and cardiac biomarkers serve as essential tools for early detection and treatment. In order to lower cardiovascular risks in pediatric cancer survivors, comprehensive management strategies must include lifestyle and medication interventions in addition to survivor-centered care programs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Proactive screening, monitoring, and management measures are necessary for juvenile cancer survivors due to the substantial issue of anthracycline-induced hypertension in their long-term care. To properly include these strategies into survivor-ship programs, oncologists, cardiologists, and primary care physicians need to collaborate together. The quality of life for pediatric cancer survivors can be enhanced by reducing the cardiovascular risks linked to anthracycline therapy and promoting survivor-centered care and research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We consider the newly developed multinomial mixed-link models for a high-risk intestinal metaplasia (IM) study with DNA methylation data. Different from the traditional multinomial logistic models commonly used for categorical responses, the mixed-link models allow us to select the most appropriate link function for each category. We show that the selected multinomial mixed-link model (Model 1) using the total number of stem cell divisions (TNSC) based on DNA methylation data outperforms the traditional logistic models in terms of cross-entropy loss from ten-fold cross-validations with significant p-values 8.12×10-4 and 6.94×10-5. Based on our selected model, the significance of TNSC\'s effect in predicting the risk of IM is justified with a p-value less than 10-6. We also select the most appropriate mixed-link models (Models 2 and 3) when an additional covariate, the status of gastric atrophy, is available. When the status is negative, mild, or moderate, we recommend Model 2; otherwise, we prefer Model 3. Both Models 2 and 3 can predict the risk of IM significantly better than Model 1, which justifies that the status of gastric atrophy is informative in predicting the risk of IM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Data-driven mathematical modelling can enrich our understanding of infectious disease spread enormously. Individual-level models of infectious disease transmission allow the incorporation of different individual-level covariates, such as spatial location, vaccination status, etc. This study aims to explore and develop methods for fitting such models when we have many potential covariates to include in the model. The aim is to enhance the performance and interpretability of models and ease the computational burden of fitting these models to data. We have applied and compared multiple variable selection methods in the context of spatial epidemic data. These include a Bayesian two-stage least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (Lasso), forward and backward stepwise selection based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC), spike-and-slab priors, and random variable selection (boosting) methods. We discuss and compare the performance of these methods via simulated datasets and UK 2001 foot-and-mouth disease data. While comparing the variable selection methods all performed consistently well except the two-stage Lasso. We conclude that the spike-and-slab prior method is to be recommended, consistently resulting in high accuracy and short computational time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Freshwater darters belonging to the orangethroat darter species complex, or Ceasia, are widely distributed in the Central and Southern United States, with ranges that span both glaciated and unglaciated regions. Up to 15 species have been recognized in the complex, with one, Etheostoma spectabile, having a widespread northern distribution and another, Etheostoma pulchellum, having a sizeable southern distribution. The other species in the complex have much more restricted distributions in unglaciated regions of the Central Highlands. We sampled 384 darters from 52 sites covering much of the range of Ceasia and evaluated patterns of genetic diversity, genetic structure, and pre- and post-glacial patterns of range contraction and expansion. We anticipated finding much stronger signals of genetic differentiation and diversification in unglaciated regions, given the higher species diversity and levels of endemism reported there. Surprisingly, microsatellite genotyping revealed two well-differentiated genetic clusters of E. spectabile in samples from glaciated regions, one confined to the Illinois River basin and another found in the Wabash drainage and Great Lakes tributaries. This suggests that there was expansion from two isolated glacial refugia, with little subsequent post-glacial gene flow. Fish collected from throughout the unglaciated region were less genetically differentiated. Fish assigned to Etheostoma burri and Etheostoma uniporum based on collection sites and morphological characters were not genetically differentiated from E. spectabile samples from the region. Hybridization and introgression occurring in the Central Highlands may confound genetic delineation of species in this region of high endemism and diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a powerful technique for studying the human brain function. However, accurately estimating the number of sources that contribute to the MEG recordings remains a challenging problem due to the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the presence of correlated sources, inaccuracies in head modeling, and variations in individual anatomy.
    UNASSIGNED: To address these issues, our study introduces a robust method for accurately estimating the number of active sources in the brain based on the F-ratio statistical approach, which allows for a comparison between a full model with a higher number of sources and a reduced model with fewer sources. Using this approach, we developed a formal statistical procedure that sequentially increases the number of sources in the multiple dipole localization problem until all sources are found.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results revealed that the selection of thresholds plays a critical role in determining the method\'s overall performance, and appropriate thresholds needed to be adjusted for the number of sources and SNR levels, while they remained largely invariant to different inter-source correlations, translational modeling inaccuracies, and different cortical anatomies. By identifying optimal thresholds and validating our F-ratio-based method in simulated, real phantom, and human MEG data, we demonstrated the superiority of our F-ratio-based method over existing state-of-the-art statistical approaches, such as the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Minimum Description Length (MDL).
    UNASSIGNED: Overall, when tuned for optimal selection of thresholds, our method offers researchers a precise tool to estimate the true number of active brain sources and accurately model brain function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The length of hospital stay (LOHS) caused by COVID-19 has imposed a financial burden, and cost on the healthcare service system and a high psychological burden on patients and health workers. The purpose of this study is to adopt the Bayesian model averaging (BMA) based on linear regression models and to determine the predictors of the LOHS of COVID-19.
    In this historical cohort study, from 5100 COVID-19 patients who had registered in the hospital database, 4996 patients were eligible to enter the study. The data included demographic, clinical, biomarkers, and LOHS. Factors affecting the LOHS were fitted in six models, including the stepwise method, AIC, BIC in classical linear regression models, two BMA using Occam\'s Window and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, and GBDT algorithm, a new method of machine learning.
    The average length of hospitalization was 6.7 ± 5.7 days. In fitting classical linear models, both stepwise and AIC methods (R 2 = 0.168 and adjusted R 2 = 0.165) performed better than BIC (R 2 = 0.160 and adjusted = 0.158). In fitting the BMA, Occam\'s Window model has performed better than MCMC with R 2 = 0.174. The GBDT method with the value of R 2 = 0.64, has performed worse than the BMA in the testing dataset but not in the training dataset. Based on the six fitted models, hospitalized in ICU, respiratory distress, age, diabetes, CRP, PO2, WBC, AST, BUN, and NLR were associated significantly with predicting LOHS of COVID-19.
    The BMA with Occam\'s Window method has a better fit and better performance in predicting affecting factors on the LOHS in the testing dataset than other models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aviation industry faces a formidable challenge to cap its climate impact in the face of continued growth in passengers and freight. Liquid hydrogen (LH2) is one of the alternative jet fuels under consideration as it does not produce carbon dioxide upon combustion. We conducted a well-to-wake life cycle assessment of CO2 emissions and non-CO2 climate change impacts per passenger-distance for 17 different hydrogen production routes, as well as conventional jet fuel and biofuels. Six other environmental and health impact categories were also considered. The Boeing 787-800 was used as the reference aircraft, and a range of flight distances were explored. Contrail cirrus contributes around 81 ± 31% of the combustion climate impacts for LH2, compared to 32 ± 7% for conventional jet fuel, showing that research is needed to reduce uncertainty in the case of LH2. The life cycle impacts of the two dominant commercial LH2 pathways are on average 8 and 121% larger than conventional jet fuel. Some novel LH2 pathways do show considerable potential for life cycle climate impact reductions versus conventional fuel (up to -205 ± 78%). LH2 from renewable energy is not climate neutral, though, at best -67 ± 10% compared to conventional over the life cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The number of deaths due to road accident is increasing day by day and has become an alarming global problem over the decades. India, with her rising motorization is no stranger to this global catastrophe. In this paper two relatively simple yet powerful and versatile techniques for forecasting time series data, autoregressive integrated moving average method (ARIMA) and exponential smoothing method are used to forecast the number of deaths due to road accidents in India from the year 2022-2031. The results based on the two methods are compared and it is found that they are in sync with each other and pre-existing literature. Furthermore, this is a unique attempt to use two time series analysis techniques on the same data and carry out a comparative analysis. The data was collected from the annual report of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, India (2020) and Accidental Deaths & Suicides in India (ADSI) Report of National Crime Record Bureau (2021). After examining all the probable models, it is observed that ARIMA (2, 2, 2) model and exponential smoothing (M, A, N) model are suitable for the given data. Amongst the two, ARIMA (2, 2, 2) model has a lower AIC and BIC value. Thus, this comes out to be the best model as per our model selection criterion. Further, the study also reveals an upward trend of number of road accidental deaths for the upcoming 10 years in India.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One important question in earthquake prediction is whether a moderate or large earthquake will be followed by an even bigger one. Through temporal b-value evolution analysis, the traffic light system can be used to estimate if an earthquake is a foreshock. However, the traffic light system does not take into account the uncertainty of b-values when they constitute a criterion. In this study, we propose an optimization of the traffic light system with the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and bootstrap. The traffic light signals are controlled by the significance level of the difference in b-value between the sample and the background rather than an arbitrary constant. We applied the optimized traffic light system to the 2021 Yangbi earthquake sequence, which could be explicitly recognized as foreshock-mainshock-aftershock using the temporal and spatial variations in b-values. In addition, we used a new statistical parameter related to the distance between earthquakes to track earthquake nucleation features. We also confirmed that the optimized traffic light system works on a high-resolution catalog that includes small-magnitude earthquakes. The comprehensive consideration of b-value, significance probability, and seismic clustering might improve the reliability of earthquake risk judgment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A novel variable selection method for low-dimensional generalized linear models is introduced. The new approach called AIC OPTimization via STABility Selection (OPT-STABS) repeatedly subsamples the data, minimizes Akaike\'s Information Criterion (AIC) over a sequence of nested models for each subsample, and includes in the final model those predictors selected in the minimum AIC model in a large fraction of the subsamples. New methods are also introduced to establish an optimal variable selection cutoff over repeated subsamples. An extensive simulation study examining a variety of proposec variable selection methods shows that, although no single method uniformly outperforms the others in all the scenarios considered, OPT-STABS is consistently among the best-performing methods in most settings while it performs competitively for the rest. This is in contrast to other candidate methods which either have poor performance across the board or exhibit good performance in some settings, but very poor in others. In addition, the asymptotic properties of the OPT-STABS estimator are derived, and its root-n consistency and asymptotic normality are proved. The methods are applied to two datasets involving logistic and Poisson regressions.





