• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sleep is a vital physiological process for human health, and accurately detecting various sleep states is crucial for diagnosing sleep disorders. This study presents a novel algorithm for identifying sleep stages using EEG signals, which is more efficient and accurate than the state-of-the-art methods. The key innovation lies in employing a piecewise linear data reduction technique called the Halfwave method in the time domain. This method simplifies EEG signals into a piecewise linear form with reduced complexity while preserving sleep stage characteristics. Then, a features vector with six statistical features is built using parameters obtained from the reduced piecewise linear function. We used the MIT-BIH Polysomnographic Database to test our proposed method, which includes more than 80 h of long data from different biomedical signals with six main sleep classes. We used different classifiers and found that the K-Nearest Neighbor classifier performs better in our proposed method. According to experimental findings, the average sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the proposed algorithm on the Polysomnographic Database considering eight records is estimated as 94.82%, 96.65%, and 95.73%, respectively. Furthermore, the algorithm shows promise in its computational efficiency, making it suitable for real-time applications such as sleep monitoring devices. Its robust performance across various sleep classes suggests its potential for widespread clinical adoption, making significant advances in the knowledge, detection, and management of sleep problems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In contemporary society, depression has emerged as a prominent mental disorder that exhibits exponential growth and exerts a substantial influence on premature mortality. Although numerous research applied machine learning methods to forecast signs of depression. Nevertheless, only a limited number of research have taken into account the severity level as a multiclass variable. Besides, maintaining the equality of data distribution among all the classes rarely happens in practical communities. So, the inevitable class imbalance for multiple variables is considered a substantial challenge in this domain. Furthermore, this research emphasizes the significance of addressing class imbalance issues in the context of multiple classes. We introduced a new approach Feature group partitioning (FGP) in the data preprocessing phase which effectively reduces the dimensionality of features to a minimum. This study utilized synthetic oversampling techniques, specifically Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) and Adaptive Synthetic (ADASYN), for class balancing. The dataset used in this research was collected from university students by administering the Burn Depression Checklist (BDC). For methodological modifications, we implemented heterogeneous ensemble learning stacking, homogeneous ensemble bagging, and five distinct supervised machine learning algorithms. The issue of overfitting was mitigated by evaluating the accuracy of the training, validation, and testing datasets. To justify the effectiveness of the prediction models, balanced accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and f1-score indices are used. Overall, comprehensive analysis demonstrates the discrimination between the Conventional Depression Screening (CDS) and FGP approach. In summary, the results show that the stacking classifier for FGP with SMOTE approach yields the highest balanced accuracy, with a rate of 92.81%. The empirical evidence has demonstrated that the FGP approach, when combined with the SMOTE, able to produce better performance in predicting the severity of depression. Most importantly the optimization of the training time of the FGP approach for all of the classifiers is a significant achievement of this research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The early diagnosis of brain tumors is critical in the area of healthcare, owing to the potentially life-threatening repercussions unstable growths within the brain can pose to individuals. The accurate and early diagnosis of brain tumors enables prompt medical intervention. In this context, we have established a new model called MTAP to enable a highly accurate diagnosis of brain tumors. The MTAP model addresses dataset class imbalance by utilizing the ADASYN method, employs a network pruning technique to reduce unnecessary weights and nodes in the neural network, and incorporates Avg-TopK pooling method for enhanced feature extraction. The primary goal of our research is to enhance the accuracy of brain tumor type detection, a critical aspect of medical imaging and diagnostics. The MTAP model introduces a novel classification strategy for brain tumors, leveraging the strength of deep learning methods and novel model refinement techniques. Following comprehensive experimental studies and meticulous design, the MTAP model has achieved a state-of-the-art accuracy of 99.69%. Our findings indicate that the use of deep learning and innovative model refinement techniques shows promise in facilitating the early detection of brain tumors. Analysis of the model\'s heat map revealed a notable focus on regions encompassing the parietal and temporal lobes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease is an incurable neurological disorder that leads to a gradual decline in cognitive abilities, but early detection can significantly mitigate symptoms. The automatic diagnosis of Alzheimer\'s disease is more important due to the shortage of expert medical staff, because it reduces the burden on medical staff and enhances the results of diagnosis. A detailed analysis of specific brain disorder tissues is required to accurately diagnose the disease via segmented magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Several studies have used the traditional machine-learning approaches to diagnose the disease from MRI, but manual extracted features are more complex, time-consuming, and require a huge amount of involvement from expert medical staff. The traditional approach does not provide an accurate diagnosis. Deep learning has automatic extraction features and optimizes the training process. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Alzheimer\'s disease dataset consists of four classes: mild demented (896 images), moderate demented (64 images), non-demented (3200 images), and very mild demented (2240 images). The dataset is highly imbalanced. Therefore, we used the adaptive synthetic oversampling technique to address this issue. After applying this technique, the dataset was balanced. The ensemble of VGG16 and EfficientNet was used to detect Alzheimer\'s disease on both imbalanced and balanced datasets to validate the performance of the models. The proposed method combined the predictions of multiple models to make an ensemble model that learned complex and nuanced patterns from the data. The input and output of both models were concatenated to make an ensemble model and then added to other layers to make a more robust model. In this study, we proposed an ensemble of EfficientNet-B2 and VGG-16 to diagnose the disease at an early stage with the highest accuracy. Experiments were performed on two publicly available datasets. The experimental results showed that the proposed method achieved 97.35% accuracy and 99.64% AUC for multiclass datasets and 97.09% accuracy and 99.59% AUC for binary-class datasets. We evaluated that the proposed method was extremely efficient and provided superior performance on both datasets as compared to previous methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: When correcting for the \"class imbalance\" problem in medical data, the effects of resampling applied on classifier algorithms remain unclear. We examined the effect on performance over several combinations of classifiers and resampling ratios.
    UNASSIGNED: Multiple classification algorithms were trained on 7 resampled datasets: no correction, random undersampling, 4 ratios of Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE), and random oversampling with the Adaptive Synthetic algorithm (ADASYN). Performance was evaluated in Area Under the Curve (AUC), precision, recall, Brier score, and calibration metrics. A case study on prediction modeling for 30-day unplanned readmissions in previously admitted Urology patients was presented.
    UNASSIGNED: For most algorithms, using resampled data showed a significant increase in AUC and precision, ranging from 0.74 (CI: 0.69-0.79) to 0.93 (CI: 0.92-0.94), and 0.35 (CI: 0.12-0.58) to 0.86 (CI: 0.81-0.92) respectively. All classification algorithms showed significant increases in recall, and significant decreases in Brier score with distorted calibration overestimating positives.
    UNASSIGNED: Imbalance correction resulted in an overall improved performance, yet poorly calibrated models. There can still be clinical utility due to a strong discriminating performance, specifically when predicting only low and high risk cases is clinically more relevant.
    UNASSIGNED: Resampling data resulted in increased performances in classification algorithms, yet produced an overestimation of positive predictions. Based on the findings from our case study, a thoughtful predefinition of the clinical prediction task may guide the use of resampling techniques in future studies aiming to improve clinical decision support tools.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s Disease (AD) is a neurological brain disorder that causes dementia and neurological dysfunction, affecting memory, behavior, and cognition. Deep Learning (DL), a kind of Artificial Intelligence (AI), has paved the way for new AD detection and automation methods. The DL model\'s prediction accuracy depends on the dataset\'s size. The DL models lose their accuracy when the dataset has an imbalanced class problem. This study aims to use the deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to develop a reliable and efficient method for identifying Alzheimer\'s disease using MRI. In this study, we offer a new CNN architecture for diagnosing Alzheimer\'s disease with a modest number of parameters, making it perfect for training a smaller dataset. This proposed model correctly separates the early stages of Alzheimer\'s disease and displays class activation patterns on the brain as a heat map. The proposed Detection of Alzheimer\'s Disease Network (DAD-Net) is developed from scratch to correctly classify the phases of Alzheimer\'s disease while reducing parameters and computation costs. The Kaggle MRI image dataset has a severe problem with class imbalance. Therefore, we used a synthetic oversampling technique to distribute the image throughout the classes and avoid the problem. Precision, recall, F1-score, Area Under the Curve (AUC), and loss are all used to compare the proposed DAD-Net against DEMENET and CNN Model. For accuracy, AUC, F1-score, precision, and recall, the DAD-Net achieved the following values for evaluation metrics: 99.22%, 99.91%, 99.19%, 99.30%, and 99.14%, respectively. The presented DAD-Net outperforms other state-of-the-art models in all evaluation metrics, according to the simulation results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A stable predictive model is essential for forecasting the chances of cesarean or C-section (CS) delivery, as unnecessary CS delivery can adversely affect neonatal, maternal, and pediatric morbidity and mortality, and can incur significant financial burdens. Limited state-of-the-art machine learning models have been applied in this area in recent years, and the current models are insufficient to correctly predict the probability of CS delivery. To alleviate this drawback, we have proposed a Henry gas solubility optimization (HGSO)-based random forest (RF), with an improved objective function, called HGSORF, for the classification of CS and non-CS classes. Real-world CS datasets can be noisy, such as the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS) dataset used in this study. The HGSO can provide fine-tuned hyperparameters of RF by avoiding local minima points. To compare performance, Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), K-nearest neighbors (KNN), gradient boosting classifier (GBC), and logistic regression (LR) have been considered in this research. The ADAptive SYNthetic (ADASYN) algorithm has been used to balance the model, and the proposed HGSORF has been compared with other classifiers as well as with other studies. The superior performance was achieved by HGSORF with an accuracy of 98.33% for the PDHS dataset. The hyperparameters of RF have also been optimized by using commonly used hyperparameter-optimization algorithms, and the proposed HGSORF provided comparatively better performance. Additionally, to analyze the causes of CS and their significance, the HGSORF is explained locally and globally using eXplainable artificial intelligence (XAI)-based tools such as SHapely Additive exPlanation (SHAP) and Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME). A decision support system has been developed as a potential application to support clinical staffs. All pre-trained models and relevant codes are available on:






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The whole world faces a pandemic situation due to the deadly virus, namely COVID-19. It takes considerable time to get the virus well-matured to be traced, and during this time, it may be transmitted among other people. To get rid of this unexpected situation, quick identification of COVID-19 patients is required. We have designed and optimized a machine learning-based framework using inpatient\'s facility data that will give a user-friendly, cost-effective, and time-efficient solution to this pandemic. The proposed framework uses Bayesian optimization to optimize the hyperparameters of the classifier and ADAptive SYNthetic (ADASYN) algorithm to balance the COVID and non-COVID classes of the dataset. Although the proposed technique has been applied to nine state-of-the-art classifiers to show the efficacy, it can be used to many classifiers and classification problems. It is evident from this study that eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) provides the highest Kappa index of 97.00%. Compared to without ADASYN, our proposed approach yields an improvement in the kappa index of 96.94%. Besides, Bayesian optimization has been compared to grid search, random search to show efficiency. Furthermore, the most dominating features have been identified using SHapely Adaptive exPlanations (SHAP) analysis. A comparison has also been made among other related works. The proposed method is capable enough of tracing COVID patients spending less time than that of the conventional techniques. Finally, two potential applications, namely, clinically operable decision tree and decision support system, have been demonstrated to support clinical staff and build a recommender system.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many countries have attempted to monitor and predict harmful algal blooms to mitigate related problems and establish management practices. The current alert system-based sampling of cell density is used to intimate the bloom status and to inform rapid and adequate response from water-associated organizations. The objective of this study was to develop an early warning system for cyanobacterial blooms to allow for efficient decision making prior to the occurrence of algal blooms and to guide preemptive actions regarding management practices. In this study, two machine learning models: artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machine (SVM), were constructed for the timely prediction of alert levels of algal bloom using eight years\' worth of meteorological, hydrodynamic, and water quality data in a reservoir where harmful cyanobacterial blooms frequently occur during summer. However, the proportion imbalance on all alert level data as the output variable leads to biased training of the data-driven model and degradation of model prediction performance. Therefore, the synthetic data generated by an adaptive synthetic (ADASYN) sampling method were used to resolve the imbalance of minority class data in the original data and to improve the prediction performance of the models. The results showed that the overall prediction performance yielded by the caution level (L1) and warning level (L2) in the models constructed using a combination of original and synthetic data was higher than the models constructed using original data only. In particular, the optimal ANN and SVM constructed using a combination of original and synthetic data during both training (including validation) and test generated distinctively improved recall and precision values of L1, which is a very critical alert level as it indicates a transition status from normalcy to bloom formation. In addition, both optimal models constructed using synthetic-added data exhibited improvement in recall and precision by more than 33.7% while predicting L-1 and L-2 during the test. Therefore, the application of synthetic data can improve detection performance of machine learning models by solving the imbalance of observed data. Reliable prediction by the improved models can be used to aid the design of management practices to mitigate algal blooms within a reservoir.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Challenges posed by imbalanced data are encountered in many real-world applications. One of the possible approaches to improve the classifier performance on imbalanced data is oversampling. In this paper, we propose the new selective oversampling approach (SOA) that first isolates the most representative samples from minority classes by using an outlier detection technique and then utilizes these samples for synthetic oversampling. We show that the proposed approach improves the performance of two state-of-the-art oversampling methods, namely, the synthetic minority oversampling technique and adaptive synthetic sampling. The prediction performance is evaluated on four synthetic datasets and four real-world datasets, and the proposed SOA methods always achieved the same or better performance than other considered existing oversampling methods.





