• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flupyradifurone (FLU) is a novel butenolide insecticide with partial agonist activity for insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Its safety for non-target organisms has been questioned in the literature, despite initial claims of its harmlessness. Detailed understanding of its toxicity and related molecular mechanisms remain under discussion. Thus, in this work, an optimized set of CHARMM compatible parameters for FLU is presented. CHARMM General Force Field program was used as a starting point while the non-bonded and bonded parameters were adjusted and optimized to reproduce MP2/6-31G(d) accuracy level results. For the validity assessment of these parameters, infrared spectrum, water-octanol partition coefficient, and normal modes were computed and compared to experimental values found in the literature. Several MD simulations of FLU in water and FLU in complex with an acetylcholine-binding protein were performed to estimate the ability of the optimized parameters to correctly describe its torsional space and reproduce observed crystallographic trends respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    αD-conotoxins are 11 kDa homodimers that potently inhibit nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) through a non-competitive (allosteric) mechanism. In this study, we describe the allosteric binding mode of the granulin-like C-terminal (CTD) of VxXXB bound to Lymnea stagnalis acetylcholine binding protein (Ls-AChBP), a soluble homologue of the extracellular ligand-binding domain of nAChRs. This co-crystal complex revealed a novel allosteric binding site for nAChR antagonists outside the C-loop that caps the orthosteric site defined by the nAChR agonist nicotine and the antagonist epibatidine. Mutational and docking studies on Ls-AChBP supported a two-site binding mode for full-length VxXXB, with the first CTD binding site located outside the C-loop as seen in the co-crystal complex, with a second CTD binding site located near the N-terminal end of the adjacent subunit of AChBP. These results provide new structural insight into a novel allosteric mechanism of nAChR inhibition and define the cooperative binding mode of the N-terminal domain linked granulin core domains of αD-conotoxins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OmIA, isolated from Conus omaria venom, is a potent antagonist at α7 nAChRs. We determined the co-crystal structure of OmIA with Lymnae stagnalis acetylcholine binding protein (Ls-AChBP) that identified His5, Val10 and Asn11 as key determinants for the high potency of OmIA at α7 nAChRs. Remarkably, despite a competitive binding mode observed in the co-crystal structure, OmIA and analogues displayed functional insurmountable antagonism at α7 and α3β4 nAChRs, except OmIA analogues having long side chain at position 10 ([V10Q]OmIA and [V10L]OmIA), which were partial insurmountable antagonist at α7 nAChRs in the presence of type II positive allosteric modulators (PAMs). A \"two-state, two-step\" model was used to explain these observations, with [V10Q]OmIA and [V10L]OmIA co-existing in a fast reversible/surmountable as well as a tight binding/insurmountable state. OmIA and analogues also showed biphasic-inhibition at α7 nAChRs in the presence of PNU120596, with a preference for the high-affinity binding site following prolonged exposure. The molecular basis of binding and complex pharmacological profile of OmIA at α7 nAChRs presented in here expands on the potential of α-conotoxins to probe the pharmacological properties of nAChRs and may help guide the development novel α7 modulators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Venoms from snakes are rich sources of highly active proteins with potent affinity towards a variety of enzymes and receptors. Of the many distinct toxicities caused by envenomation, neurotoxicity plays an important role in the paralysis of prey by snakes as well as by venomous sea snails and insects. In order to improve the analytical discovery component of venom toxicity profiling, this paper describes the implementation of microfluidic high-resolution screening (HRS) to obtain neurotoxicity fingerprints from venoms that facilitates identification of the neurotoxic components of envenomation. To demonstrate this workflow, 47 snake venoms were profiled using the acetylcholine binding protein (AChBP) to mimic the target of neurotoxic proteins, in particular nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). In the microfluidic HRS system, nanoliquid chromatographic (nanoLC) separations were on-line connected to both AChBP profiling and parallel mass spectrometry (MS). For virtually all neurotoxic elapid snake venoms tested, we obtained bioactivity fingerprints showing major and minor bioactive zones containing masses consistent with three-finger toxins (3FTxs), whereas, viperid and colubrid venoms showed little or no detectable bioactivity. Our findings demonstrate that venom interactions with AChBP correlate with the severity of neurotoxicity observed following human envenoming by different snake species. We further, as proof of principle, characterized bioactive venom peptides from a viperid (Daboia russelli) and an elapid (Aspidelaps scutatus scutatus) snake by nanoLC-MS/MS, revealing that different toxin classes interact with the AChBP, and that this binding correlates with the inhibition of α7-nAChR in calcium-flux cell-based assays. The on-line post-column binding assay and subsequent toxin characterization methodologies described here provide a new in vitro analytic platform for rapidly investigating neurotoxic snake venom proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epibatidine is an alkaloid toxin that binds with high affinity to nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, and has been extensively used as a research tool. To examine binding interactions at the nicotinic receptor, it has been co-crystallised with the structural homologue acetylcholine binding protein (AChBP; PDB ID 2BYQ), and with an AChBP chimaera (3SQ6) that shares 64% sequence identity with the α7 nACh receptor. However, the binding orientations revealed by AChBP co-crystal structures may not precisely represent their receptor homologues and experimental evidence is needed to verify the ligand poses. Here we identify potential binding site interactions between epibatidine and AChBP residues, and substitute equivalent positions in the α7 nACh receptor. The effects of these are probed by [3H]epibatidine binding following the expression α7 nACh receptor cysteine mutants in HEK 293 cells. Of the sixteen mutants created, the affinity of epibatidine was unaffected by the substitutions Q55C, L106C, L116C, T146C, D160C and S162C, reduced by C186A and C187A, increased by Q114C and S144C, and abolished by W53C, Y91C, N104C, W145C, Y184C and Y191C. These results are consistent with the predicted orientations in AChBP and suggest that epibatidine is likely to occupy a similar location at α7 nACh receptors. We speculate that steric constraints placed upon the C-5 position of the pyridine ring in 3SQ6 may account for the relatively poor affinities of epibatidine derivatives that are substituted at this position.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The central and peripheral nervous system transcriptomes of the spider Cupiennius salei have 15 Cys-loop receptor subunits and an acetylcholine-binding protein (AChBP). Twelve subunits are predicted to form anion channels gated by γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate, histamine, or changes in pH, and three are putative ACh-gated cation channels. Spiders have a variety of mechanosensilla and proprioceptive organs that are innervated by efferents in their peripherally located parts, and efferents also innervate muscle fibers. We investigated Cys-loop gene expression in muscle tissue by qPCR and localized this expression in mechanosensilla via in situ hybridization. The cuticular mechanosensory neurons had only CsGABArdl and CspHCl2 subunits, whereas the muscle tissue expressed a wider variety of subunits, especially CsGABAgrd, CsGABAA β, CsGluCl1 and CspHCl, but very low levels of the CsGABArdl or CsnACh subunits. An nACh non-α subunit was expressed in a group of unidentified cells in the hypodermis and at low level in the muscle tissue, but the physiological function of this subunit is unknown. The CsnAChα subunit was not expressed in sensory neurons and was expressed at extremely low level in the muscle tissue. None of the probes gave signals in proprioceptive joint receptors, suggesting that efferent innervation to this sense organ employs other receptor types. CsAChBP and a glia-specific homeodomain CsREPO were both expressed in glial cells that surround sensory neurons and also in muscle tissue, probably around the nerve endings of the neuromuscular junction. These locations have large numbers of synapses, suggesting that AChBP may have a function in modulating synaptic transmission. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:1139-1154, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The binding of thiaclopride (THI), a neonicotinoid insecticide, with Aplysia californica acetylcholine binding protein (Ac-AChBP), the surrogate of the extracellular domain of insects nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, has been studied with a QM/QM\' hybrid methodology using the ONIOM approach (M06-2X/6-311G(d):PM6). The contributions of Ac-AChBP key residues for THI binding are accurately quantified from a structural and energetic point of view. The importance of water mediated hydrogen-bond (H-bond) interactions involving two water molecules and Tyr55 and Ser189 residues in the vicinity of the THI nitrile group, is specially highlighted. A larger stabilization energy is obtained with the THI-Ac-AChBP complex compared to imidacloprid (IMI), the forerunner of neonicotinoid insecticides. Pairwise interaction energy calculations rationalize this result with, in particular, a significantly more important contribution of the pivotal aromatic residues Trp147 and Tyr188 with THI through CH···π/CH···O and π-π stacking interactions, respectively. These trends are confirmed through a complementary non-covalent interaction (NCI) analysis of selected THI-Ac-AChBP amino acid pairs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We performed a hierarchical structure-based virtual screening utilizing a comparative model of the human α4β2 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) extracellular domain. Compounds were selected for experimental testing based on structural diversity, binding pocket location, and standard error of the free energy scoring function used in the screening. Four of the eleven in silico hit compounds showed promising activity with low micromolar IC50 values in a calcium accumulation assay. Two of the antagonists were also proven to be selective for human α4β2 vs human α3β4 nAChRs. This is the first report of successful discovery of novel nAChR antagonists through the use of structure-based virtual screening with a human nAChR homology model. These compounds may serve as potential novel scaffolds for further development of selective nAChR antagonists.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) has a central role in neuromuscular transmission, and is the major target in the autoimmune disease myasthenia gravis (MG). We created mutants of the extracellular domains (ECDs) of the human α1, β1, δ and ε AChR subunits, whereby their Cys-loop was exchanged for that of the acetylcholine binding protein. The mutants were expressed in Pichia pastoris and had improved solubility resulting in 2- to 43-fold higher expression yields compared to the wild type. An additional mutant was created for the α1 ECD restoring its glycosylation site within the Cys-loop and its α-bungarotoxin binding ability. Furthermore, we constructed dimeric and pentameric concatamers of the mutant ECDs. All concatamers were successfully expressed as soluble secreted proteins, although the pentamers had about 10-fold lower expression than the dimers and were more susceptible to fragmentation. Initial crystallizations with the mutant ECDs were promising, and we reproducibly obtained crystals of the β1 ECD, diffracting at ~12 Å. Further optimization is underway to obtain crystals suitable for high resolution crystallography. The proteins described herein are useful tools in structural studies of the human muscle AChR and can be used in applications requiring high yields such as therapeutic adsorbents for MG autoantibodies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal venoms are important sources for finding new pharmaceutical lead molecules. We used an analytical platform for initial rapid screening and identification of bioactive compounds from these venoms followed by fast and straightforward LC-MS only guided purification to obtain bioactives for further chemical and biological studies. The analytical platform consists of a nano-LC separation coupled post-column to high-resolution mass spectrometry and parallel on-line bioaffinity profiling for the acetylcholine binding protein (AChBP) in a chip based fluorescent enhancement based bioassay. AChBP is a stable structural homologue of the extracellular ligand binding domain of the α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7-nAChR). This receptor is an extensively studied medicinal target, previously associated with epilepsy, Alzheimer\'s, schizophrenia and anxiety. The workflow is demonstrated with the venom of the Naja mossambica mossambica. Two medium affinity AChBP ligands were found. After subsequent LC-MS guided purification of the respective venom peptides, the purified peptides were sequenced and confirmed as Cytotoxin 1 and 2. These peptides were not reported before to have affinity for the AChBP. The purified peptides can be used for further biological studies.





