• 文章类型: Journal Article
    We aimed to produce a mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) using the mouse blood-brain barrier (BBB)-penetrating adeno-associated virus (AAV)-PHP.B. Four-to-five-week-old C57BL/6 mice received injections of high-dose (2.0 × 1011 vg/mouse) or low-dose (5.0 × 1010 vg/mouse) AAV-PHP.B encoding a SCA3 causative gene containing abnormally long 89 CAG repeats [ATXN3(Q89)] under the control of the ubiquitous chicken β-actin hybrid (CBh) promoter. Control mice received high doses of AAV-PHP.B encoding ATXN3 with non-pathogenic 15 CAG repeats [ATXN3(Q15)] or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) alone. More than half of the mice injected with high doses of AAV-PHP.B encoding ATXN3(Q89) died within 4 weeks after the injection. No mice in other groups died during the 12-week observation period. Mice injected with low doses of AAV-PHP.B encoding ATXN3(Q89) exhibited progressive motor uncoordination starting 4 weeks and a shorter stride in footprint analysis performed at 12 weeks post-AAV injection. Immunohistochemistry showed thinning of the molecular layer and the formation of nuclear inclusions in Purkinje cells from mice injected with low doses of AAV-PHP.B encoding ATXN3(Q89). Moreover, ATXN3(Q89) expression significantly reduced the number of large projection neurons in the cerebellar nuclei to one third of that observed in mice expressing ATXN3(Q15). This AAV-based approach is superior to conventional methods in that the required number of model mice can be created simply by injecting AAV, and the expression levels of the responsible gene can be adjusted by changing the amount of AAV injected. Moreover, this method may be applied to produce SCA3 models in non-human primates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adeno-associated virus (AAV)- PHP.B and AAV-PHP.eB (PHP.eB), a capsid variant of AAV serotype 9, efficiently penetrates the mouse blood-brain barrier and predominantly infects neurons. Thus, the PHP.B / PHP.eB capsid and a neuron-specific promoter is a reasonable combination for effective neuronal transduction. However, the transduction characteristics of intravenously administered PHP.B / PHP.eB carrying different neuron-specific promoters have not been studied systematically. In this study, using an intravenous infusion of PHP.eB in mice, we performed a comparative study of the ubiquitous CBh and three neuron-specific promoters, the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase subunit α (CaMKII) promoter, neuron-specific enolase (NSE) promoter, and synapsin I with a minimal CMV sequence (SynI-minCMV) promoter. Expression levels of a transgene by three neuron-specific promoters were comparable to or higher than those of the CBh promoter. Among the promoters examined, the NSE promoter showed the highest transgene expression. All neuron-specific promoters were activated specifically in the neurons. PHP.eB carrying the CaMKII promoter, which is generally believed to exert its function exclusively in the excitatory neurons, transduced both the excitatory and inhibitory neurons without bias, whereas PHP.eB with the NSE and SynI-minCMV promoters transduced neurons with significant bias toward inhibitory neurons. These results are useful in neuron-targeted broad transgene expression through systemic infusion of blood-brain-barrier-penetrating AAV vectors carrying the neuron-specific promoter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    GABAergic interneurons play a critical role in tuning neural networks in the central nervous system, and their defects are associated with neuropsychiatric disorders. Currently, the mDlx enhancer is solely used for adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector-mediated transgene delivery into cortical interneurons. Here, we developed a new inhibitory neuron-specific promoter (designated as the mGAD65 promoter), with a length of 2.5 kb, from a mouse genome upstream of exon 1 of the Gad2 gene encoding glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) 65. Intravenous infusion of blood-brain barrier-penetrating AAV-PHP.B expressing an enhanced green fluorescent protein under the control of the mGAD65 promoter transduced the whole brain in an inhibitory neuron-specific manner. The specificity and efficiency of the mGAD65 promoter for GABAergic interneurons, which was assessed at the motor cortex, were almost identical to or slightly higher than those of the mDlx enhancer. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the mGAD65 promoter preferentially transduced parvalbumin (PV)-expressing interneurons. Notably, the mGAD65 promoter transduced chandelier cells more efficiently than the mDlx enhancer and robustly labeled their synaptic boutons, called the cartridge, targeting the axon initial segments of excitatory pyramidal neurons. To test the ability of the mGAD65 promoter to express a functional molecule, we virally expressed G-CaMP, a fluorescent Ca2+ indicator, in the motor cortex, and this enabled us to monitor spontaneous and drug-induced Ca2+ activity in GABAergic inhibitory neurons. These results suggest that the mGAD65 promoter is useful for AAV-mediated targeting and manipulation of GABAergic neurons with the dominance of cortical PV-expressing neurons, including chandelier cells.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Retinoid-related orphan receptor α (RORα) is a transcription factor expressed in a variety of tissues throughout the body. Knockout of RORα leads to various impairments, including defects in cerebellar development, circadian rhythm, lipid metabolism, immune function, and bone development. Previous studies have shown significant reduction of RORα expression in Purkinje cells (PCs) of spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) type 1 and type 3/MJD (Machado-Joseph disease) model mice. However, it remains unclear to what extent the RORα reduction in PCs is involved in the disease pathology. Here, RORα expression was downregulated specifically in mature mouse PCs by intravenous infusion of blood-brain barrier-permeable adeno-associated virus (AAV), expressing a microRNA against RORα (miR-RORα) under the control of the PC-specific L7-6 promoter. The systemic AAV infusion led to extensive transduction of PCs. The RORα knock-down caused degeneration of PCs including disruption of the PC monolayer alignment and dendrite atrophy. In behavioral experiments, mice expressing miR-RORα showed motor learning deficits, and later, overt cerebellar ataxia. Thus, RORα in mature PCs plays pivotal roles in maintenance of PC dendrites and the monolayer alignment, and consequently, motor learning and motor function. Decrease in RORα expression in PCs could be a primary etiology of the cerebellar symptoms in patients with SCA1 and SCA3/MJD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene therapy for neurological diseases was revolutionized by the discovery that AAV9 crosses the blood-brain barrier (BBB) after systemic administration. Transformative results have been documented in various inherited diseases, but overall neuronal transduction efficiency is relatively low. The recent development of AAV-PHP.B with ∼60-fold higher efficiency than AAV9 in transducing the adult mouse brain was the major first step toward acquiring the ability to deliver genes to the majority of cells in the central nervous system (CNS). However, little is known about the mechanism utilized by AAV to cross the BBB, and how it may diverge across species. In this study, we show that AAV-PHP.B is ineffective for systemic CNS gene transfer in the inbred strains BALB/cJ, BALB/cByJ, A/J, NOD/ShiLtJ, NZO/HILtJ, C3H/HeJ, and CBA/J mice, but it is highly potent in C57BL/6J, FVB/NJ, DBA/2J, 129S1/SvImJ, and AKR/J mice and also the outbred strain CD-1. We used the power of classical genetics to uncover the molecular mechanisms AAV-PHP.B engages to transduce CNS at high efficiency, and by quantitative trait locus mapping we identify a 6 Mb region in chromosome 15 with an logarithm of the odds (LOD) score ∼20, including single nucleotide polymorphisms in the coding region of 9 different genes. Comparison of the publicly available data on the genome sequence of 16 different mouse strains, combined with RNA-seq data analysis of brain microcapillary endothelia, led us to conclude that the expression level of Ly6a is likely the determining factor for differential efficacy of AAV-PHP.B in transducing the CNS across different mouse strains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability of recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) to deliver transgenes to the CNS has allowed for several advancements in the field of gene therapy to treat brain disorders. Although most AAVs do not readily cross the blood-brain barrier and transduce the CNS following peripheral administration, AAV-PHP.B has recently been shown to transduce brains of mice with higher efficiency compared with its parent serotype, AAV9, following injection into the retro-orbital sinus. Here, we extended this foundational work by comparing AAV-PHP.B transduction efficiency in wild-type C57BL/6J mice using four clinically applicable delivery strategies including two intravascular (intra-jugular vein and intra-carotid artery) and two intra-cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) routes (intra-cisterna magna and intra-lateral ventricle). We scaled up these comparisons in a larger-animal model and evaluated transduction efficiency of AAV-PHP.B in the rhesus macaque. We found widespread and largely equal CNS transduction in mice following all four injection strategies, whereas we observed a differential pattern of transduction in macaques with broad cortical and spinal cord transduction seen after intrathecal administration and only very low transduction following intravascular administration. Taken together, these results suggest that AAV-PHP.B may be a useful gene therapy vector for neurological disorders, particularly those stemming from broad cortical or spinal cord neuropathology.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Efficient delivery of gene therapy vectors across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is the holy grail of neurological disease therapies. A variant of the neurotropic vector adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotype 9, called AAV-PHP.B, was shown to very efficiently deliver transgenes across the BBB in C57BL/6J mice. Based on our recent observation that this phenotype is mouse strain dependent, we used whole-exome sequencing-based genetics to map this phenotype to a specific haplotype of lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus A (Ly6a) (stem cell antigen-1 [Sca-1]), which encodes a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein whose function had been thought to be limited to the biology of hematopoiesis. Additional biochemical and genetic studies definitively linked high BBB transport to the binding of AAV-PHP.B with LY6A (SCA-1). These studies identify, for the first time, a ligand for this GPI-anchored protein and suggest a role for it in BBB transport that could be hijacked by viruses in natural infections or by gene therapy vectors to treat neurological diseases.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adeno-associated virus (AAV)-PHP.B, a capsid variant of AAV serotype 9, is highly permeable to the blood-brain barrier. A major obstacle to the systemic use of AAV-PHP.B is the generation of neutralizing antibodies (NAbs); however, temporal profiles of NAb production after exposure to AAV-PHP.B, and the influence on later AAV-PHP.B administration, remains unknown. To address these, AAV-PHP.Bs expressing either GFP or mCherry by neuron-specific or astrocyte-specific promoters were intravenously administered to mice at various intervals, and brain expression was examined. Injection of two AAV-PHP.Bs, separated temporally, showed that as little as a 1-day interval between injections resulted in a significant decrease in expression of the second transgene, with a complete loss of expression after 7 days, paralleling an increase in serum NAb titers. Brain parenchymal injection was explored to circumvent the presence of NAbs. Mice systemically pre-treated with an AAV-PHP.B were injected intra-cerebrally with an AAV-PHP.B expressing GFP. After 2 weeks, marked GFP expression in the cerebellum was evident, showing that pre-existing NAbs did not affect the AAV-PHP.B directly injected into the brain. In contrast, reversing the injection order, i.e., cerebellar injection followed by systemic injection, completely eliminated expression of the second transgene. We confirmed that intra-cerebellar injection produced NAbs in the serum, but not in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Our results indicate that the preclusion of brain transduction by a second AAV-PHP.B administration begins from the first day following systemic injection and is established within 1 week. Serum NAbs can be avoided by directly injecting AAV-PHP.Bs into brain tissue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intravenous administration of adeno-associated virus (AAV)-PHP.B, a capsid variant of AAV9 containing seven amino acid insertions, results in a greater permeability of the blood brain barrier (BBB) than standard AAV9 in mice, leading to highly efficient and global transduction of the central nervous system (CNS). The present study aimed to examine whether the enhanced BBB penetrance of AAV-PHP.B observed in mice also occurs in non-human primates. Thus, a young adult (age, 1.6 years) and an old adult (age, 7.2 years) marmoset received an intravenous injection of AAV-PHP.B expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) under the control of the constitutive CBh promoter (a hybrid of cytomegalovirus early enhancer and chicken β-actin promoter). Age-matched control marmosets were treated with standard AAV9-capsid vectors. The animals were sacrificed 6 weeks after the viral injection. Based on the results, only limited transduction of neurons (0-2%) and astrocytes (0.1-2.5%) was observed in both AAV-PHP.B- and AAV9-treated marmosets. One noticeable difference between AAV-PHP.B and AAV9 was the marked transduction of the peripheral dorsal root ganglia neurons. Indeed, the soma and axons in the projection from the spinal cord to the nucleus cuneatus in the medulla oblongata were strongly labeled with EGFP by AAV-PHP.B. Thus, except for the peripheral dorsal root ganglia neurons, the AAV-PHP.B transduction efficiency in the CNS of marmosets was comparable to that of AAV9 vectors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent research shows that butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) is not simply a liver enzyme that detoxifies bioactive esters in food and medications. In fact, in pursuing other goals, we recently found that it has an equally important role in regulating the peptide hormone ghrelin and its impact on hunger, obesity, and emotions. Here, we present and examine means of manipulating brain BChE levels by viral gene transfer, either regionally or globally, to modulate ghrelin signaling for long-term therapeutic purposes and to set the stage for exploring the neurophysiological impact of such an intervention.





