A. berlandi

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adult Anisakis Dujardin, 1845 were found in two specimens of killer whale Orcinus orca and one specimen of franciscana Pontoporia blainvillei stranded from off the coast of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Genetic identification of the nematodes (N = 144) was performed by sequence analysis of the mitochondrial (mtDNA cox2) and the nuclear (nas 10 nDNA) gene loci. Anisakis pegreffii and Anisakis berlandi were detected in the two individuals of O. orca, while Anisakis typica and A. pegreffii were identified in P. blainvillei. Morphological and morphometric analysis also carried out on adult specimens of A. pegreffii and A. berlandi has allowed to underlining the usefulness of genetic/molecular markers in their recognition. This represents the first record of A. pegreffii in O. orca and P. blainvillei and of A. berlandi in O. orca. This is also the first sympatric and syntopic occurrence, as adults, of A. pegreffii and A. berlandi from the Austral Region of the Atlantic Ocean waters. These results provide insights into the knowledge of the host ranges and geographical distribution of these parasites in the basin waters of the region. Pontoporia blainvillei showed low abundance values of infection with Anisakis spp., which is the general pattern for coastal dolphins in the area, whereas O. orca harboured higher abundance of Anisakis spp. than those previously recorded among cetacean species in the Argentine Sea. Differences in the Anisakis spp. distribution and their parasitic loads, observed among the three host specimens, are discussed in relation to the oceanographic parameters, as well as to the host ecology. The usefulness of genetic/molecular markers in the recognition of adults of the sibling species A. pegreffii and A. berlandi with considerable overlapping in morphometric and morphological characters was underlined. The distribution of Anisakis species from Southwestern Atlantic waters is discussed in relation to their value as indicators for studies on the zoogeography of their hosts at a regional-scale level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Anisakis represents one of the most widespread groups of ascaridoid nematodes in the marine ecosystem. Three closely related taxa are recognized in the Anisakis simplex (s. l.) complex: A. pegreffii, A. simplex (s. s.) and A. berlandi. They are widely distributed in populations of their intermediate/paratenic hosts (fish and squids) and definitive hosts (cetaceans). A novel nuclear gene locus, metallopeptidase 10 (nas 10) (451 bp), was sequenced and validated on a total of 219 specimens of the three species of Anisakis, collected in fish and cetacean hosts from allopatric areas included in their ranges of distribution. The specimens of Anisakis were first identified by allozymes and sequence analysis of the mtDNA cox2 and EF1α-1 nDNA. The novel nuclear marker has shown fixed alternative nucleotide positions in the three species, i.e. diagnostic at 100%, permitting the species determination of a large number of specimens analyzed in the present study. In addition, primers to be used for amplification-refractory mutation system (ARMS) PCR of the same gene locus were designed at these nucleotide positions. Thus, direct genotyping determination, by double ARMS, was developed and validated on 219 specimens belonging to the three species. Complete concordance was observed between the tetra-primer ARMS-PCR assays and direct sequencing results obtained for the nas 10 gene locus. The novel nuclear diagnostic marker will be useful in future studies on a multi-locus genotyping approach and also to study possible hybridization and/or introgression events occurring between the three species in sympatric areas.
    UNASSIGNED: Un nouveau marqueur nucléaire et développement d\'un test ARMS-PCR ciblant le locus de la métallopeptidase 10 (nas 10) pour identifier les espèces du complexe Anisakis simplex (s. l.) (Nematoda, Anisakidae).
    UNASSIGNED: Le genre Anisakis représente l’un des groupes de nématodes ascaridoïdes les plus répandus dans l’écosystème marin. Trois taxons étroitement apparentés sont reconnus dans le complexe Anisakis simplex (s. l.) : A. pegreffii, A. simplex (s. s.) et A. berlandi. Ils sont largement répartis dans les populations de leurs hôtes intermédiaires/paraténiques (poissons et calmars) et définitifs (cétacés). Un nouveau locus de gène nucléaire, la métallopeptidase 10 (nas 10) (451 pb), a été séquencé et validé sur un total de 219 spécimens des trois espèces d’Anisakis, collectés chez des hôtes poissons et cétacés de zones allopatriques incluses dans leur aire de répartition. Les échantillons d’Anisakis ont d’abord été identifiés par des allozymes et une analyse des séquences de l’ADNmt cox2 et de l’ADNn EF1α-1. Le nouveau marqueur nucléaire a montré des positions de nucléotides alternatives fixes dans les trois espèces, c’est-à-dire qu’il a permis un diagnostic à 100%, permettant la détermination de l’espèce d’un grand nombre d’échantillons analysés dans la présente étude. De plus, des amorces à utiliser pour la PCR par système de mutation réfractaire à l’amplification (ARMS) du même locus génique ont été conçues à ces positions nucléotidiques. Ainsi, la détermination directe du génotypage, par double ARMS, a été développée et validée sur 219 spécimens appartenant aux trois espèces. Une concordance complète a été observée entre les dosages ARMS PCR tétra-amorces et les résultats de séquençage direct obtenus pour le locus du gène nas 10. Le nouveau marqueur de diagnostic nucléaire sera utile dans les travaux futurs d’une approche de génotypage multi-locus et également pour étudier les éventuels événements d’hybridation et/ou d’introgression se produisant entre les trois espèces dans des zones sympatriques.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite Indonesia\'s high marine biodiversity, there is a lack of information regarding fish parasites in Indonesian waters. During a sampling of 136 teleost species from Indonesian waters, 22 of them were infected with larvae of Anisakis Dujardin, 1845, a genus with zoonotic potential. We genetically identified 118 worms, provide a revision of all available sequences of the ITS-1-5.8S-ITS-2 marker from Indonesian Anisakis in GenBank (n = 125), and establish 16 new host records. So far, 53 Indonesian teleosts harbour Anisakis spp., 32 of them with known sequence data, increasing the worldwide teleosts with genetically identified Anisakis from 155 to 177. Sequence analyses of this marker in the 243 Anisakis specimens identified 3 Anisakis sp. HC-2005 and 39 (16%) A. typica (sensu stricto). A. berlandi and A. pegreffii are reported for the first time from teleosts in the equatorial region and A. physeteris from the Pacific Ocean. The latter 3 species were exclusively found in the migratory scombrid Auxis rochei. Most common infection sites were the body cavity, with 299 (of 848) worms in the mesenteries surrounding the liver, and 129 unattached. Musculature infection was very low, demonstrating minor risk of anisakiasis for human consumers. A total of 193 worms (~79%) had a distinct genotype distinguished from A. typica by 4 positions in the ITS-1 region. This genotype is reported since 2008 as \'A. typica\', \'sibling\', \'Anisakis sp./type 1\', \'sp. I\', \'sp. 2\' or \'sp. II\'. To avoid further misleading identification, we hereby apply the subspecific entity Anisakis typica var. indonesiensis until description of the adults becomes available.





