3D chromatin organization

3D 染色质组织
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advances in chromatin mapping have exposed the complex chromatin hierarchical organization in mammals, including topologically associating domains (TADs) and their substructures, yet the functional implications of this hierarchy in gene regulation and disease progression are not fully elucidated. Our study delves into the phenomenon of shared TAD boundaries, which are pivotal in maintaining the hierarchical chromatin structure and regulating gene activity. By integrating high-resolution Hi-C data, chromatin accessibility, and DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) data from various cell lines, we systematically explore the complex regulatory landscape at high-level TAD boundaries. Our findings indicate that these boundaries are not only key architectural elements but also vibrant hubs, enriched with functionally crucial genes and complex transcription factor binding site-clustered regions. Moreover, they exhibit a pronounced enrichment of DSBs, suggesting a nuanced interplay between transcriptional regulation and genomic stability. Our research provides novel insights into the intricate relationship between the 3D genome structure, gene regulation, and DNA repair mechanisms, highlighting the role of shared TAD boundaries in maintaining genomic integrity and resilience against perturbations. The implications of our findings extend to understanding the complexities of genomic diseases and open new avenues for therapeutic interventions targeting the structural and functional integrity of TAD boundaries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    B-type lamins are critical nuclear envelope proteins that interact with the three-dimensional genomic architecture. However, identifying the direct roles of B-lamins on dynamic genome organization has been challenging as their joint depletion severely impacts cell viability. To overcome this, we engineered mammalian cells to rapidly and completely degrade endogenous B-type lamins using Auxin-inducible degron technology.
    Using live-cell Dual Partial Wave Spectroscopic (Dual-PWS) microscopy, Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM), in situ Hi-C, CRISPR-Sirius, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), we demonstrate that lamin B1 and lamin B2 are critical structural components of the nuclear periphery that create a repressive compartment for peripheral-associated genes. Lamin B1 and lamin B2 depletion minimally alters higher-order chromatin folding but disrupts cell morphology, significantly increases chromatin mobility, redistributes both constitutive and facultative heterochromatin, and induces differential gene expression both within and near lamin-associated domain (LAD) boundaries. Critically, we demonstrate that chromatin territories expand as upregulated genes within LADs radially shift inwards. Our results indicate that the mechanism of action of B-type lamins comes from their role in constraining chromatin motion and spatial positioning of gene-specific loci, heterochromatin, and chromatin domains.
    Our findings suggest that, while B-type lamin degradation does not significantly change genome topology, it has major implications for three-dimensional chromatin conformation at the single-cell level both at the lamina-associated periphery and the non-LAD-associated nuclear interior with concomitant genome-wide transcriptional changes. This raises intriguing questions about the individual and overlapping roles of lamin B1 and lamin B2 in cellular function and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In plants, the genome structure of hybrids changes compared with their parents, but the effects of these changes in hybrids remain elusive. Comparing reciprocal crosses between Col × C24 and C24 × Col in Arabidopsis using high-throughput chromosome conformation capture assay (Hi-C) analysis, we found that hybrid three-dimensional (3D) chromatin organization had more long-distance interactions relative to parents, and this was mainly located in promoter regions and enriched in genes with heterosis-related pathways. The interactions between euchromatin and heterochromatin were increased, and the compartment strength decreased in hybrids. In compartment domain (CD) boundaries, the distal interactions were more in hybrids than their parents. In the hybrids of CURLY LEAF (clf) mutants clfCol  × clfC24 and clfC24  × clfCol , the heterosis phenotype was damaged, and the long-distance interactions in hybrids were fewer than in their parents with lower H3K27me3. ChIP-seq data revealed higher levels of H3K27me3 in the region adjacent to the CD boundary and the same interactional homo-trans sites in the wild-type (WT) hybrids, which may have led to more long-distance interactions. In addition, the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) located in the boundaries of CDs and loop regions changed obviously in WT, and the functional enrichment for DEGs was different between WT and clf in the long-distance interactions and loop regions. Our findings may therefore propose a new epigenetic explanation of heterosis in the Arabidopsis hybrids and provide new insights into crop breeding and yield increase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Like other mammalian species, the pig genome is abundant with transposable elements (TEs). The importance of TEs for three-dimensional (3D) chromatin organization has been observed in species like human and mouse, yet current understanding about pig TEs is absent. Here, we investigated the contribution of TEs for the 3D chromatin organization in three pig tissues, focusing on spleen which is crucial for both adaptive and innate immunity. We identified dozens of TE families overrepresented with CTCF binding sites, including LTR22_SS, LTR15_SS and LTR16_SSc which are pig-specific families of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs). Interestingly, LTR22_SS elements harbor a CTCF motif and create hundreds of CTCF binding sites that are associated with adaptive immunity. We further applied Hi-C to profile the 3D chromatin structure in spleen and found that TE-derived CTCF binding sites correlate with chromatin insulation and frequently overlap TAD borders and loop anchors. Notably, one LTR22_SS-derived CTCF binding site demarcate a TAD boundary upstream of XCL1, which is a spleen-enriched chemokine gene important for lymphocyte trafficking and inflammation. Overall, this study represents a first step toward understanding the function of TEs on 3D chromatin organization regulation in pigs and expands our understanding about the functional importance of TEs in mammals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Liver cancer, particularly hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), poses a significant global threat to human lives. To advance the development of innovative diagnostic and treatment approaches, it is essential to examine the hidden features of HCC, particularly its 3D genome architecture, which is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the 3D genome organization of four HCC cell lines-Hep3B, Huh1, Huh7, and SNU449-using in situ Hi-C and assay for transposase-accessible chromatin sequencing. Our findings revealed that HCC cell lines had more long-range interactions, both intra-and interchromosomal, compared to human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs). Unexpectedly, HCC cell lines displayed cell line-specific compartmental modifications at the megabase (Mb) scale, which could potentially be leveraged in determining HCC subtypes. At the sub-Mb scale, we observed decreases in intra-TAD (topologically associated domain) interactions and chromatin loops in HCC cell lines compared to HMECs. Lastly, we discovered a correlation between gene expression and the 3D chromatin architecture of SLC8A1, which encodes a sodium-calcium antiporter whose modulation is known to induce apoptosis by comparison between HCC cell lines and HMECs. Our findings suggest that HCC cell lines have a distinct 3D genome organization that is different from those of normal and other cancer cells based on the analysis of compartments, TADs, and chromatin loops. Overall, we take this as evidence that genome organization plays a crucial role in cancer phenotype determination. Further exploration of epigenetics in HCC will help us to better understand specific gene regulation mechanisms and uncover novel targets for cancer treatment.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Mammalian embryogenesis commences with two pivotal and binary cell fate decisions that give rise to three essential lineages, the trophectoderm (TE), the epiblast (EPI) and the primitive endoderm (PrE). Although key signaling pathways and transcription factors that control these early embryonic decisions have been identified, the non-coding regulatory elements via which transcriptional regulators enact these fates remain understudied. To address this gap, we have characterized, at a genome-wide scale, enhancer activity and 3D connectivity in embryo-derived stem cell lines that represent each of the early developmental fates. We observed extensive enhancer remodeling and fine-scale 3D chromatin rewiring among the three lineages, which strongly associate with transcriptional changes, although there are distinct groups of genes that are irresponsive to topological changes. In each lineage, a high degree of connectivity or \"hubness\" positively correlates with levels of gene expression and enriches for cell-type specific and essential genes. Genes within 3D hubs also show a significantly stronger probability of coregulation across lineages, compared to genes in linear proximity or within the same contact domains. By incorporating 3D chromatin features, we build a novel predictive model for transcriptional regulation (3D-HiChAT), which outperformed models that use only 1D promoter or proximal variables in predicting levels and cell-type specificity of gene expression. Using 3D-HiChAT, we performed genome-wide in silico perturbations to nominate candidate functional enhancers and hubs in each cell lineage, and with CRISPRi experiments we validated several novel enhancers that control expression of one or more genes in their respective lineages. Our study comprehensively identifies 3D regulatory hubs associated with the earliest mammalian lineages and describes their relationship to gene expression and cell identity, providing a framework to understand lineage-specific transcriptional behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The multi-level spatial chromatin organization in the nucleus is closely related to chromatin activity. The mechanism of chromatin organization and remodeling attract much attention. Phase separation describes the biomolecular condensation which is the basis for membraneless compartments in cells. Recent research shows that phase separation is a key aspect to drive high-order chromatin structure and remodeling. In addition, chromatin functional compartmentalization in the nucleus which is formed by phase separation also plays an important role in overall chromatin structure. In this review, we summarized the latest work about the role of phase separation in spatial chromatin organization, focusing on direct and indirect effects of phase separation on 3D chromatin organization and its impact on transcription regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell fate transition is a fascinating process involving complex dynamics of three-dimensional (3D) chromatin organization and phase separation, which play an essential role in cell fate decision by regulating gene expression. Phase separation is increasingly being considered a driving force of chromatin folding. In this review, we have summarized the dynamic features of 3D chromatin and phase separation during physiological and pathological cell fate transitions and systematically analyzed recent evidence of phase separation facilitating the chromatin structure. In addition, we discuss current advances in understanding how phase separation contributes to physical and functional enhancer-promoter contacts. We highlight the functional roles of 3D chromatin organization and phase separation in cell fate transitions, and more explorations are required to study the regulatory relationship between 3D chromatin organization and phase separation. 3D chromatin organization (shown by Hi-C contact map) and phase separation are highly dynamic and play functional roles during early embryonic development, cell differentiation, somatic reprogramming, cell transdifferentiation and pathogenetic process. Phase separation can regulate 3D chromatin organization directly, but whether 3D chromatin organization regulates phase separation remains unclear.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To infer potential causal relationships between 3D chromatin structure, enhancers, and gene transcription, we mapped each feature in a genome-wide fashion across eight narrowly spaced time points of macrophage activation. Enhancers and genes connected by loops exhibit stronger correlations between histone H3K27 acetylation and expression than can be explained by genomic distance or physical proximity alone. At these looped enhancer-promoter pairs, changes in acetylation at distal enhancers precede changes in gene expression. Changes in gene expression exhibit a directional bias at differential loop anchors; gained loops are associated with increased expression of genes oriented away from the center of the loop, and lost loops are often accompanied by high levels of transcription within the loop boundaries themselves. These results are consistent with a reciprocal relationship where loops can facilitate increased transcription by connecting promoters to distal enhancers, whereas high levels of transcription can impede loop formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human genome is covered by 8% of candidate cis-regulatory elements. The identification of distal acting regulatory elements and an understanding of their action are crucial to determining their key role in gene expression. Disruptions of such regulatory elements and/or chromatin conformation are likely to play a critical role in human genetic diseases. Non-syndromic hearing loss (i.e., DFNB1) is mostly due to GJB2 (Gap Junction Beta 2) variations and DFNB1 large deletions. Although several GJB2 cis-regulatory elements (CREs) have been described, GJB2 gene regulation remains not well understood. We investigated the endogenous effect of these CREs with CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) disruptions and observed GJB2 expression. To decipher the GJB2 regulatory landscape, we used the 4C-seq technique and defined new chromatin contacts inside the DFNB1 locus, which permit DNA loops and long-range regulation. Moreover, through ChIP-PCR, we determined the involvement of the MEIS1 transcription factor in GJB2 expression. Taken together, the results of our study enable us to describe the 3D DFNB1 regulatory landscape.





