2D Western blot

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Severe equine asthma (SEA) is a common chronic disease of adult horses with characteristic recurrent airway obstruction and similarities to neutrophilic asthma in humans. As an extrinsic stimulus, hay dust exposure is a major risk factor and induces acute exacerbation in susceptible horses. However, single inducing agents of SEA have hardly been identified on a molecular basis. Aspergillus fumigatus (A. fumigatus) is a common mold species in hay and has been described as a major provoking agent of SEA.
    Aiming to identify disease-relevant antigens, we analyzed A. fumigatus using an immunoproteomics approach on two-dimensional immunoblots of A. fumigatus protein probed with serum from environmentally matched asthmatic and healthy horses (n=5 pairs). A. fumigatus binding serum immunoglobulins (Pan-Ig), and the isotypes IgG4/7 and IgG3/5 were quantified for each protein spot and then compared between asthmatic and healthy horses.
    For 21 out of 289 spots serum immunoglobulin (Ig) binding was different between the two groups for Pan-Ig or the isotypes. If differences were detected, Pan-Ig and IgG4/7 binding to the proteins were lower, while IgG3/5 binding was higher in asthmatic than healthy horse sera. Proteins were extracted from the 21 spots of interest and analyzed by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Eight prioritized proteins (candidate antigens) were expressed as recombinant proteins. Some of these have been previously described as major or minor A. fumigatus allergens, alongside other proteins, most with hydrolase activity. Recombinant candidate antigens were tested on 1D immunoblots to confirm their relevance as antigens by serum antibody binding. Four proteins (beta-hexosaminidase, class II aldolase/adducin domain protein, glucoamylase, peptide hydrolase B0XX53) showed different antibody binding characteristics between asthmatic and healthy horses and are likely relevant antigens in SEA. Their identification can provide the basis for innovative diagnostics, prevention, or therapeutic approaches. Additionally, a more profound understanding of SEA and its potential underlying mechanisms can be established. Elevated serum IgG3/5 antibodies correlate with T helper cell 2 responses in other equine pathologies, and the recombinant SEA antigens developed here can become instrumental in analyzing the involvement of SEA-specific T cell responses and Ig responses in future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Severe equine asthma (SEA) is a common, chronic respiratory disease of horses characterized by hyperreactivity to hay dust which has many similarities to severe neutrophilic asthma in humans. SEA-provoking antigens have not been comprehensively characterized, but molds and mites have been suggested as relevant sources. Here, we identified relevant antigen candidates using immunoproteomics with IgG isotype-binding analyses.
    Proteins from Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p) were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by immunoblotting (2D immunoblots) resulting in a characteristic pattern of 440 spots. After serum incubation, antibody (Ig)-binding of all Ig (Pan-Ig) and IgG isotypes (type-2-associated IgG3/5, type-1-associated IgG4/7) was quantified per each spot and compared between asthmatic and healthy horses\' sera (n=5 per group).
    Ig binding differences were detected in 30 spots. Pan-Ig binding was higher with asthmatics compared to healthy horses\' sera on four spots, and IgG3/5 binding was higher on 18 spots. Small IgG4/7 binding differences were detected on 10 spots with higher binding with asthmatics\' sera on four but higher binding with healthy horses\' sera on six spots. Proteins from the spots with group differences including mite and yeast proteins were identified by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. The latter likely originated from the feeding substrate of the Der p culture. Prioritized antigen candidates amongst the proteins identified were Der p 1, Der p 11, group 15 allergens, myosin heavy chain, and uncharacterized Der p proteins. Additionally, yeast enolases, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and heat shock proteins were prioritized. Eleven antigen candidates were tested for confirmation by ELISAs using the respective proteins separately. Differences in asthmatics vs. healthy horses\' serum Ig binding to Der p 1, Der p 18, and three yeast enzymes (enolase, ADH, and PGK) confirmed these as promising antigens of immune responses in SEA.
    Antigens with relevance in SEA were newly identified by immunoproteomics, and yeast antigens were considered for SEA for the first time. Serum IgG3/5 binding to relevant antigens was increased in SEA and is a novel feature that points to increased type-2 responses in SEA but requires confirmation of the corresponding cellular responses.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammals, there are four tropomyosin (TPM) genes (TPM1, TPM2, TPM3, and TPM4) each of which generate a multitude of alternatively spliced mRNAs. TPM isoform diversity in bovine unlike in humans are not well characterized. The purpose of this investigation is to perform an extensive analysis of the expression of both transcripts and corresponding protein of sarcomeric TPMs in bovine strated muscles. We have cloned and sequenced the transcripts of the sarcomeric isoform of the TPM4 gene designated as TPM4α as well as a new splice variant TPM4ε from bovine striated muscles. Additionally, we have determined the expression of various sarcomeric TPM isoforms and TPM4ε in bovine heart and skeletal muscles. Relative expression as well as absolute copy number determination by qRT-PCR suggests that TPM1α expression is significantly higher in bovine cardiac muscle, whereas TPM2α is higher in skeletal muscle. The relative expression of TPM3α in bovine heart and skeletal muscle is very similar. The relative expression of TPM4α and TPM4ε is higher in bovine heart and skeletal muscle, respectively. We have evaluated the protein expression levels of various TPM isoforms by 2D western blot analyses in commercially available protein extracts of heart and skeletal muscles with the CH1 monoclonal antibody against TPM. Protein from each CH1-positive spot was extracted for LC-MS/MS analyses, which show that bovine heart extract contains 91.66% TPM1 and 8.33% TPM2, whereas skeletal muscle extract contains 57% TPM1 and 42.87% TPM2. We have failed to detect the presence of unique peptide(s) for TPM3α, TPM4α, and TPM4ε.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammals, four tropomyosin genes TPM1, TPM2, TPM3, and TPM4 are known. One isoform of the TPM3 gene, encoding 285 amino acid residues designated as TPM3α, has been reported. TPM3α protein expression in human hearts is not definitively established. We have cloned from human heart and skeletal muscle transcripts of TPM3α and three novel TPM3 isoforms, TPM3ν, TPM3ξ, and TPM3ο. TPM3ν and TPM3ο are alternatively spliced RNAs with different 3\'-UTRs encoding an identical novel protein with 285 amino acid differing from TPM3α and TPM3ξ in exon 6 only. TPM3α and TPM3ξ, which have different 3\'UTRs, also encode an identical protein. qRT-PCR data show that the transcripts of TPM3α, TPM3ν, TPM3ξ, and TPM3ο are expressed in both heart and skeletal muscle. We have evaluated the expression of various TPM proteins in fetal and adult human hearts, and also in skeletal muscle samples. Western blots using CG3 antibody show a stronger signal of TPM3 protein in fetal heart and adult skeletal muscle compared to adult heart. LC-MS/MS studies with the protein spots separated and identified by CH1 antibody after 2D Western blot analyses, confirm the expression of TPM3α/TPM3ξ in heart, but some peptides detected could be either TPM3α or TPM3ν. In heart samples, TPM1 protein was the dominant with varying amount of TPM2 and TPM3, while TPM4 expression was not observed. In skeletal muscles, TPM2 was the majority TPM protein expressed. The biological consequences of these varying expression of individual tropomyosin proteins are yet to be established.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Western blotting is widely used for protein identification and quantification in research applications, but different protein species, resulting from alternative splicing and post-translational modifications, can often only be detected individually by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and immunodetection by Western blotting (2D-WB). The additional separation by isoelectric focusing enables the detection of different protein species with the same specific antibody. Reliable assignment of signals from antibody-based detection to the total protein spot pattern of the original gel image is a challenge in 2D-WB, often resulting in ambiguous results. We therefore propose a reliable strategy for assignment of antibody signals from 2D-WB to the total protein spot pattern, using an imaging workflow in combination with a straightforward and easily reproducible image alignment strategy. The strategy employs vector-based alignment of protein spots and image contours in a stepwise manner. Our workflow is compatible with various protein visualization techniques, including prelabeling of proteins and poststaining of gels and membranes, as well as with chemiluminescent and fluorescent detection of bound antibody. Here, we provide a detailed description of potential applications and benefits of our workflow. We use experimental test settings with gold-standard stressors in combination with multiple staining and detection methods, as well as spike-in recombinant proteins. Our results demonstrate reliable attribution of signals to very similar heat shock proteins, phosphorylation patterns, and global analysis of proteins modified with O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Efforts to develop vaccines against malaria represent a major research target. The observations that 1) sterile protection can be obtained when the host is exposed to live parasites and 2) the immunity against blood stage parasite is principally mediated by protective antibodies suggest that a protective vaccine is feasible. However, only a small number of proteins have been investigated so far and most of the Plasmodium proteome has yet to be explored. To date, only few immunodominant antigens have emerged for testing in clinical trials but no formulation has led to substantial protection in humans. The nature of parasite molecules associated with protection remains elusive. Here, immunomic screening of mice immune sera with different protection efficiencies against the whole parasite proteome allowed us to identify a large repertoire of antigens validated by screening a library expressing antigens. The calculation of weighted scores reflecting the likelihood of protection of each antigen using five predictive criteria derived from immunomic and proteomic data sets, highlighted a priority list of protective antigens. Altogether, the approach sheds light on conserved antigens across Plasmodium that are amenable to targeting by the host immune system upon merozoite invasion and blood stage development. Most of these antigens have preliminary protection data but have not been widely considered as candidate for vaccine trials, opening new perspectives that overcome the limited choice of immunodominant, poorly protective vaccines currently being the focus of malaria vaccine researches.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The chicken has been used since the 1980s as an animal model for developmental studies regarding tropomyosin isoform diversity in striated muscles, however, the pattern of expression of transcripts as well as the corresponding TPM proteins of various tropomyosin isoforms in avian hearts are not well documented. In this study, using conventional and qRT-PCR, we report the expression of transcripts for various sarcomeric TPM isoforms in striated muscles through development. Transcripts of both TPM1α and TPM1κ, the two sarcomeric isoforms of the TPM1 gene, are expressed in embryonic chicken hearts but disappear in post hatch stages. TPM1α transcripts are expressed in embryonic and adult skeletal muscle. The sarcomeric isoform of the TPM2 gene is expressed mostly in embryonic skeletal muscles. As reported earlier, TPM3α is expressed in embryonic heart and skeletal muscle but significantly lower in adult striated muscle. TPM4α transcripts are expressed from embryonic to adult chicken hearts but not in skeletal muscle. Our 2D Western blot analyses using CH1 monoclonal antibody followed by mass spectra evaluations found TPM4α protein is the major sarcomeric tropomysin expressed in embryonic chicken hearts. However, in 7-day-old embryonic hearts, a minute quantity of TPM1α or TPM1κ is also expressed. This finding suggests that sarcomeric TPM1 protein may play some important role in cardiac contractility and/or cardiac morphogenesis during embryogenesis. Since only the transcripts of TPM4α are expressed in adult chicken hearts, it is logical to presume that TPM4α is the only sarcomeric TPM protein produced in adult cardiac tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tropomyosin is a component of thin filaments that constitute myofibrils, the contractile apparatus of striated muscles. In vertebrates, except for fish, four TPM genes TPM1, TPM2, TPM3, and TPM4 are known. In zebrafish, there are six TPM genes that include the paralogs of the TPM1 (TPM1-1 and TPM1-2), the paralogs of the TPM4 gene (TPM4-1 and TPM4-2), and the two single copy genes TPM2 and TPM3. In this study, we have identified, cloned, and sequenced the TPM1-1κ isoform of the TPM1-1 gene and also discovered a new isoform TPM1-2ν of the TPM1-2. Further, we have cloned and sequenced the sarcomeric isoform of the TPM4-2 gene designated as TPM4-2α. Using conventional RT-PCR, we have shown the expression of the sarcomeric isoforms of TPM1-1, TPM1-2, TPM2, TPM3, TPM4-1, and TPM4-2 in heart and skeletal muscles. By qRT-PCR using both relative expression as well as the absolute copy number, we have shown that TPM1-1α, TPM1-2α, and TPM1-2ν are expressed mostly in skeletal muscle; the level of expression of TPM1-1κ is significantly lower compared to TPM1-1α in skeletal muscle. In addition, both TPM4-1α and TPM4-2α are predominantly expressed in heart. 2D Western blot analyses using anti-TPM antibody followed by Mass Spectrometry of the proteins from the antibody-stained spots show that TPM1-1α and TPM3α are expressed in skeletal muscle whereas TPM4-1α and TPM3α are expressed in zebrafish heart. To the best of our knowledge, this is by far the most comprehensive analysis of tropomyosin expression in zebrafish, one of the most popular animal models for gene expression study.






