2C-like cells

2C 样细胞
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) can differentiate into all cell types of the embryonic germ layers. ESCs can also generate totipotent 2C-like cells and trophectodermal cells. However, these latter transitions occur at low frequency due to epigenetic barriers, the nature of which is not fully understood. Here, we show that treating mouse ESCs with sodium butyrate (NaB) increases the population of 2C-like cells and enables direct reprogramming of ESCs into trophoblast stem cells (TSCs) without a transition through a 2C-like state. Mechanistically, NaB inhibits histone deacetylase activities in the LSD1-HDAC1/2 corepressor complex. This increases acetylation levels in the regulatory regions of both 2C- and TSC-specific genes, promoting their expression. In addition, NaB-treated cells acquire the capacity to generate blastocyst-like structures that can develop beyond the implantation stage in vitro and form deciduae in vivo. These results identify how epigenetics restrict the totipotent and trophectoderm fate in mouse ESCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in regenerative medicine or in disease modeling requires a complete understanding of these cells. Two main distinct developmental states of ESCs have been stabilized in vitro, a naïve pre-implantation stage and a primed post-implantation stage. Based on two recently published CRISPR-Cas9 knockout functional screens, we show here that the exit of the naïve state is impaired upon heme biosynthesis pathway blockade, linked in mESCs to the incapacity to activate MAPK- and TGFβ-dependent signaling pathways after succinate accumulation. In addition, heme synthesis inhibition promotes the acquisition of 2 cell-like cells in a heme-independent manner caused by a mitochondrial succinate accumulation and leakage out of the cell. We further demonstrate that extracellular succinate acts as a paracrine/autocrine signal, able to trigger the 2C-like reprogramming through the activation of its plasma membrane receptor, SUCNR1. Overall, this study unveils a new mechanism underlying the maintenance of pluripotency under the control of heme synthesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A rare sub-population of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), the 2-cell-like cell, is defined by the expression of MERVL and 2-cell-stage-specific transcript (2C transcript). Here, we report that the ribosomal proteins (RPs) RPL14, RPL18, and RPL23 maintain the identity of mESCs and regulate the expression of 2C transcripts. Disregulation of the RPs induces DUX-dependent expression of 2C transcripts and alters the chromatin landscape. Mechanically, knockdown (KD) of RPs triggers the binding of RPL11 to MDM2, an interaction known to prevent P53 protein degradation. Increased P53 protein upon RP KD further activates its downstream pathways, including DUX. Our study delineates the critical roles of RPs in 2C transcript activation, ascribing a novel function to these essential proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cell-fate transition between pluripotent and totipotent states determines embryonic development and the first cell-lineage segregation. However, limited by the scarcity of totipotent embryos, regulators on this transition remain largely elusive. A novel model to study the transition has been recently established, named the 2-cell-like (2C-like) model. The 2C-like cells are rare totipotent-like cells in the mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) culture. Pluripotent mESCs can spontaneously transit into and out of the 2C-like state. We previously dissected the transcriptional roadmap of the transition. In this study, we revealed that Zfp281 is a novel regulator for the pluripotent-to-totipotent transition in mESCs. Zfp281 is a transcriptional factor involved in the cell-fate transition. Our study shows that Zfp281 represses transcripts upregulated during the 2C-like transition via Tet1 and consequentially inhibits mESCs from transiting into the 2C-like state. Interestingly, we found that the inhibitory effect of Zfp281 on the 2C-like transition leads to an impaired 2C-like-transition ability in primed-state mESCs. Altogether, our study reveals a novel mediator for the pluripotent-to-totipotent state transition in mESCs and provides insights into the dynamic transcriptional control of the transition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Totipotent cells have more robust developmental potency than any other cell types, giving rise to both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues. Stable totipotent cell cultures and deciphering the principles of totipotency regulation would be invaluable to understand cell plasticity and lineage segregation in early development. Our approach of remodeling the pericentromeric heterochromatin and re-establishing the totipotency-specific broad H3K4me3 domains promotes the pluri-to-totipotency transition. Our protocol establishes a closer match of mouse 2-cell (2C) embryos than any other 2C-like cells. These totipotent-like stem cells (TLSCs) are stable in culture and possess unique molecular features of the mouse 2C embryo. Functionally, TLSCs are competent for germline transmission and give rise to both embryonic and extraembryonic lineages at high frequency. Therefore, TLSCs represent a highly valuable cell type for studies of totipotency and embryology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) show cell-to-cell heterogeneity. A small number of two-cell-like cells (2CLCs) marked by endogenous retrovirus activation emerge spontaneously. The 2CLCs are unstable and they are prone to transiting back to the pluripotent state without extrinsic stimulus. To understand how this bidirectional transition takes place, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing on isolated 2CLCs that underwent 2C-like state exit and re-entry, and revealed a step-by-step transitional process between 2C-like and pluripotent states. Mechanistically, we found that cell cycle played an important role in mediating these transitions by regulating assembly of the nucleolus and peri-nucleolar heterochromatin to influence 2C gene Dux expression. Collectively, our findings provide a roadmap of the 2C-like state entry and exit in ESCs and also a causal role of the cell cycle in promoting these transitions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are derived from the inner cell mass of blastocyst-stage embryos and cultured in different culture media with varied pluripotency. Sporadically, a small population of ESCs exhibit 2-cell stage embryonic features in serum containing medium. However, whether ESCs can transit into 2-cell embryo-like (2C-like) cells in the chemically defined media remains largely unknown.
    METHODS: We established a robust in vitro induction system, based on retinoic acid (RA) containing chemically defined media, which can efficiently increase the subpopulation of 2C-like cells. Further test the pluripotency and 2C features of ESCs cultured in RA. 2C reporter-positive cells were selected by FACS; the level of protein was detected via immunofluorescence staining and western blot; the level gene expressions were measured by RNA-seq.
    RESULTS: Retinoic acid drives a NELFA (negative elongation factor A)-mediated 2C-like state in mouse ESCs, characterized with 2C-specific transcriptional networks and the ability to contribute trophectoderm (TE) when injected into developing embryos. In addition, RA treatment triggers DNA hypomethylation, active histone modification, suppressed glycolysis metabolism and reduced protein synthesis activity of ESCs.
    CONCLUSIONS: We showed that RA has a broader role in 2C-like cells state, not only is one of the upstream regulators of the 2C-like state in chemically defined media but also illuminates genetic and epigenetic regulations that govern ESCs to 2C-like transition.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Post-translational modification by SUMO is a key regulator of cell identity. In mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), SUMO impedes reprogramming to pluripotency, while in embryonic stem cells (ESCs), it represses the emergence of totipotent-like cells, suggesting that SUMO targets distinct substrates to preserve somatic and pluripotent states. Using MS-based proteomics, we show that the composition of endogenous SUMOylomes differs dramatically between MEFs and ESCs. In MEFs, SUMO2/3 targets proteins associated with canonical SUMO functions, such as splicing, and transcriptional regulators driving somatic enhancer selection. In contrast, in ESCs, SUMO2/3 primarily modifies highly interconnected repressive chromatin complexes, thereby preventing chromatin opening and transitioning to totipotent-like states. We also characterize several SUMO-modified pluripotency factors and show that SUMOylation of Dppa2 and Dppa4 impedes the conversion to 2-cell-embryo-like states. Altogether, we propose that rewiring the repertoire of SUMO target networks is a major driver of cell fate decision during embryonic development.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Minor splicing plays an important role in vertebrate development. Zrsr1 and Zrsr2 paralog genes have essential roles in alternative splicing, mainly participating in the recognition of minor (U12) introns. To further explore their roles during early embryo development, we produced Zrsr1mu and Zrsr2mu mutant mice, containing truncating mutations within the second zinc finger domain. Both homozygous mutant mice were viable with a normal lifespan. When we crossed a homozygous Zrsr2mu/mu female with Zrsr1mu/mu male, the double heterozygotes were non-viable, giving rise to embryos that stopped developing mainly between the 2- and 4-cell stages, just after zygotic gene activation. RNA-seq analysis of Zrsr1/2mu 2-cell embryos showed altered gene and isoform expression of thousands of genes enriched in gene ontology terms and biological pathways related to ribosome, RNA transport, spliceosome, and essential zygotic gene activation steps. Alternative splicing was analyzed, showing a significant increase in intron retention in both U2 and U12 intron-containing genes related to cell cycle and mitotic nuclear division. Remarkably, both Zrsr1 and Zrsr2 were required for the conversion of mouse-induced pluripotent stem cells into 2C-like cells. According to our results, Zrsr1 or Zrsr2 are necessary for ZGA and both are indispensable for the conversion of induced pluripotent stem cells into 2C-like cells.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) sporadically express preimplantation two-cell-stage (2C) transcripts, including MERVL endogenous retrovirus and Zscan4 cluster genes. Such 2C-like cells (2CLCs) can contribute to both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues when reintroduced into early embryos, although the molecular mechanism underlying such an expanded 2CLC potency remains elusive. We examine global nucleosome occupancy and gene expression in 2CLCs and identified miR-344 as the noncoding molecule that positively controls 2CLC potency. We find that activation of endogenous MERVL or miR-344-2 alone is sufficient to induce 2CLCs with activation of 2C genes and an expanded potency. Mechanistically, miR-344 is activated by DUX and post-transcriptionally represses ZMYM2 and its partner LSD1, and ZMYM2 recruits LSD1/HDAC corepressor complex to MERVL LTR for transcriptional repression. Consistently, zygotic depletion of Zmym2 compromises the totipotency-to-pluripotency transition during early development. Our studies establish the previously unappreciated DUX-miR-344-Zmym2/Lsd1 axis that controls MERVL for expanded stem cell potency.






