• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to examine and characterize patterns of injury to the upper extremity caused by fireworks in a nationally representative sample of emergency department patients from 2011 to 2020.
    METHODS: The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System was queried for upper-extremity injuries caused by fireworks between 2011 and 2020.
    RESULTS: One thousand two hundred fifty-one injuries were identified from the database representing 47,235 national cases that presented to emergency departments in the United States. Case frequency was stable during the period until 2020, which was nearly 70% higher than the previous 9-y average. Patients were generally young and male, with most cases in the 10-29-y age group and males over three times as likely to be injured as females. The most common injury was burn, and the week of July 4th accounted for 53% of cases alone. Diagnosis was also significantly associated with device type.
    CONCLUSIONS: These data can be used to target prevention measures and campaigns to specific patient populations most at risk of injury, specifically young males. They may also be used to highlight the impact of policy changes on availability of fireworks, the need for public health education coinciding with injury incidence peaks, and secondary pandemic effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim was the assessment of the epidemiological situation of gonorrhoea in Poland in 2019 and 2020.
    METHODS: Case-based data on gonorrhoea from surveillance were used (to calculate the rate, data from the Statistics Poland on the number of population was used), which were compared with data from previous years. Data on patients treated in dermatology-venereology clinics in 2019-2020 were taken from the Statistical Bulletins of the Ministry of Health. The surveillance definition is: a confirmed case (means meeting the laboratory criteria), probable case (clinical criteria and an epidemiological link - contact with a confirmed case of gonorrhoea) and a possible case (the doctor diagnosed gonorrhoea).
    RESULTS: Year 2019 was the one with the highest number of reported gonorrhoea cases over the 2014-2020 period - 522 cases and 1.37/100,000 population. In 2020, there was a decrease in cases by 47.13% (246 cases and 0.64/100,000 inhabitants). Delays in reporting were identified - between the diagnosis and the first notification for 2019 and 2020, on average, intervened 36 and 52 days, respectively. On the other hand, in dermatologyvenereology clinics, the number of people treated for gonorrhoea did not change - 448 in 2019 and 442 in 2020.
    CONCLUSIONS: 1) The COVID-19 pandemic has deepened the problems of reporting good quality gonorrhoea data in epidemiological surveillance - the planning of appropriate preventive measures in central/local health policies is not possible. Improving surveillance and reporting of complete data on gonorrhoea cases is essential for reliable evaluation of the epidemiological situation. 2) Extensive prophylactic measures should be implemented (including for those under 18 years of age), targeting the source of and to cross routes of infection, including the promotion of safer sexual behaviors and informing the sexual partner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to assess the epidemiological situation of salmonellosis in Poland in 2020 compared with previous years.
    METHODS: The epidemiological situation was assessed on the basis of data provided to the Department of Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases and Surveillance of the NIPH NIH-NRI by sanitary-epidemiological stations through the EpiBaza System and the Registry of Epidemic Outbreaks System (ROE), as well as on the basis of data published in the annual bulletin \"Infectious Diseases and Poisoning in Poland in 2020\" (NIPH NIH-NRI, GIS, Warsaw, 2021) and from information received from laboratories of sanitary-epidemiological stations and data from the Demographic Research Department of the Statistics Poland.
    RESULTS: In Poland in 2020, in the sanitary-epidemiological surveillance registered a total of 5,470 cases of salmonellosis, 5,302 cases of intestinal salmonellosis, and the remaining 168 cases of extra-intestinal salmonellosis. The incidence per 100,000 population was 14.3 for total salmonellosis, 13.8 for intestinal salmonellosis and 0.44 for extra-intestinal salmonellosis. Sanitary-epidemiological stations registered 5,349 confirmed cases and 121 probable cases of salmonellosis. Due to intestinal salmonellosis, 63.9% of all patients were hospitalized, while for extra-intestinal salmonellosis 153 patients or 91.1% of cases, were hospitalized. The increase in the number of salmonellosis cases in 2020 started in June, while the peak of the incidence was in August. Among the voivodeships, the highest incidence of salmonellosis was registered in the Podkarpackie voivodeship 33.3/100,000 population, the lowest in Zachodniopomorskie 6.1/100,000 population. Cases in the 0-4 age group accounted for 45.2% of all salmonellosis cases in 2020. Among extra-intestinal salmonellosis, 63.1% were people aged 60+. Sanitary-epidemiological stations registered 131 food poisoning outbreaks caused by Salmonella bacilli in the ROE system, 108 of these outbreaks were caused by the Enteritidis serotype. In 2020, the most common serotypes were S. Enteritidis 70% of all recorded salmonellosis, S. Typhimurium 1.9%, and S. Infantis 0.54%. There were 9 deaths due to Salmonella infection.
    CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic and the associated restrictions introduced in the country, as well as increased hygiene through more frequent washing and disinfection of hands, could have contributed to a reduction of almost 69% in the number of salmonellosis cases registered in 2020, in Poland, compared to 2019. This is a 82% decrease in relation to 2018. There was also a decrease in the number of food poisoning outbreaks caused by Salmonella bacilli, while at the same time their percentage in the total number of outbreaks increased. On the one hand, the implemented restrictions could have had an impact on the decrease in the number of cases and outbreaks, on the other hand, worse access to medical care and diagnostics, most likely deepened the underestimation of these cases in the country observed for years, and distorted the real picture of the situation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by the varicella zoster virus. The characteristic feature of this virus is very high visibility of 90-95%. The most common connection is direct contact with the disease or via droplets. The United States was the first country to introduce a universal, population-based childhood varicella vaccination program in 1995. In its 25 years of implementation, this program has significantly reduced the burden of chickenpox. There was a more than 97% reduction in varicella incidence and a 90% reduction in varicella-related hospitalizations and deaths, the highest (99%) in those under the age of 20 (born after starting the vaccination programme). Chickenpox is very common in Poland. In recent years, starting from 2002, there has been an upward trend in the incidence of chickenpox, except for 2020. In 2020, a decrease in the number of cases was recorded.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to assess the epidemiological situation of chickenpox in Poland in 2020 and to compare it with the situation in previous years.
    METHODS: Evaluation of the epidemiological situation of chickenpox in Poland in 2020 was based on the results of the analysis of aggregate data published in the annual bulletins: \"Infectious diseases and poisonings in Poland in 2020.\" and \"Vaccinations in Poland in 2020\". In addition, recommendations from the Protective Vaccination Program for 2020 were used.
    RESULTS: In 2020, 71,567 cases of chickenpox were registered in Poland, i.e. 39.6% less than in the previous year. The incidence of chickenpox in 2020 was 186.6 per 100,000 and was lower than in 2019. The lowest incidence was recorded in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship - 118.5/100,000, while the highest in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship - 263.5/100,000. Most cases concerned children aged 0-4 years (36,661). The incidence of chickenpox in men was higher than in women, and in rural areas higher than in urban dwellers. Hospitalization due to chickenpox in 2020 covered 1,368 people, which accounted for 0.51% of the total number of registered cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: In 2020, there was a decrease in the number of cases of chickenpox compared to the previous year. The lower incidence may have been the result of reduced transmission of the varicella virus due to changes in the health behavior of the population during the COVID-19 pandemic (isolation measures and the introduction of a lock down throughout Poland limiting the activity of the population).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mumps is an acute, generalized viral disease whose source of infection is the infected person. In 2003, vaccination against mumps became compulsory in Poland, performed according to a twodose scheme. The combined MMR vaccine (against measles, mumps and rubella) was introduced as part of the Protective Vaccination Program (PVP), which influenced the number of cases in Poland.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to evaluate the epidemiological indicators of mumps in Poland in 2020 compared to previous years.
    METHODS: The analysis of the epidemiological situation of mumps in Poland in 2020 was based on the interpretation of data from the bulletin \"Infectious diseases and poisonings in Poland in 2020\" and \"Vaccinations in Poland in 2020\".
    RESULTS: In 2020, 582 cases of mumps were registered in Poland. The total incidence was 1.5 per 100,000 inhabitants and was lower compared to 2019. The highest incidence was 2.0 per 100,000 inhabitants were registered in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship and the lowest - 0.7 in the Dolnośląskie Voivodeship. The highest incidence (24.6/100,000) was recorded in children aged 5-9 years. The incidence of men (1.8/100,000) was higher than that of women (1.2/100,000). In 2020, 6 patients were hospitalized in Poland due to mumps, which was less than in 2019 (22 patients). The level of vaccination against mumps in children aged 3 was lower by 0.7 percentage points compared to 2019 and amounted to 91.9% across Poland.
    CONCLUSIONS: In 2020, there was a decrease in the number of mumps cases compared to the previous year. The lower incidence may have been the result of a reduction in mumps virus transmission due to a change in population health behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the epidemiological threat, the functioning of nurseries, kindergartens and schools was also temporarily suspended, which resulted in a reduction in the incidence of mumps in younger age groups, which are the main group of patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Since 2005, rubella has been included in the eradication program coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO). The elimination of rubella in the country is possible provided that it is achieved by min. 95% immunization status and monitoring of the epidemiological situation, including the recording all suspicions of rubella and conducting laboratory diagnostics in the WHO Reference Laboratory.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to assess the epidemiological situation of rubella in Poland in 2020, taking into account the assessment of rubella vaccination status and the degree of implementation of the WHO rubella elimination program in Poland.
    METHODS: Assessment of the epidemiological situation of rubella in Poland based on aggregated reports of suspected rubella cases sent to the National Institute of Public Health NIH - National Research Institute by the Voivodeship Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations, data from the bulletin \"Infectious diseases and poisoning in Poland in 2020\" and data from the Epibaza system and the bulletin \"Preventive vaccination in Poland in 2020\".
    RESULTS: In 2020, 98 cases of rubella were registered, 187 cases less than in 2019 (285 cases). There was also a decrease in the incidence to 0.26 per 100,000, compared to 0.74 per 100,000 in 2019. The highest incidence, iregardless of gender and place of residence, was recorded in the 0-4 age group (2.98 per 100,000). In 2020, no cases of congenital rubella syndrome were reported. In 2020, only one case (1.02%) was classified as a case confirmed in a laboratory test. The remaining 98.98% (97 cases) were diagnosed on the basis of clinical symptoms.
    CONCLUSIONS: In 2020, in Poland, a decrease in the number of rubella was observed. Rubella was registered in 99% on the basis of a general diagnosis, without the required laboratory confirmation, which means that other rash diseases can be registered as rubella.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Measles is a disease under the elimination program coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO). The elimination of measles in the country is possible provided that 95% of the population is vaccinated with two doses of the vaccine, the epidemiological situation is monitored, all suspected cases of measles are recorded, and laboratory diagnostics are conducted by the WHO Reference Laboratory. Polish Reference Laboratory is located at the Department of Virology NIPH NIH - NRI.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to analyze the epidemiological situation of measles in Poland in 2020 with presenting the measles vaccination coverage and the progress of the measles elimination programme in Poland.
    METHODS: The epidemiological situation of measles in Poland was analyzed on the basis of the case-based questionnaires of cases suspected of measles sent to NIPH NIH - NRI by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations, data from the publications: \"Infectious diseases and poisonings in Poland in 2020\" and \"Vaccinations in Poland in 2020\".
    RESULTS: In 2020, 29 cases of measles were notified to the surveillance system in Poland (incidence 0.08 per 100,000 population). The highest incidence was observed in the aged 0-4 was estimated at 0.42 per 100,000 population. Out of all cases, 9 (31%) were hospitalized. No fatal cases due to the measles were reported.
    CONCLUSIONS: The epidemiological situation of measles in 2020 in comparison with the situation in 2019, has improvement. This was a trend in throughout Europe.






  • 文章类型: Review
    UNASSIGNED: The article reviews the main problems of the epidemiology of infectious diseases in Poland in 2020. It summarizes relevant findings from the national infectious disease surveillance system.
    METHODS: The data contained in this article come from the reports collected by the State Sanitary Inspection on cases of notifiable infectious diseases notified by clinicians and/or laboratories. These are supplemented by mortality data published by the Statistics Poland.
    UNASSIGNED: The epidemiology of infectious diseases was highly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. There were 1,306,983 cases notified in 2020 and 41,451 deaths attributed to COVID-19 (according to Statistics Poland). The reported incidence of other infections decreased by 10-98%. We noted especially high decreases in the incidence of viral gastrointestinal infections (by over 70%). The incidence of influenza and influenza-like infections decreased by 34% and tuberculosis by 36% as compared to 2019. However, important decreases were also noted for other diseases under surveillance, which could point to disruption of diagnosis services and reporting due to lockdowns and high workload on the public health services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the study was to assess the epidemiological situation of syphilis cases in Poland in 2020 in comparison to previous years.
    Analysis of the epidemiological situation was based on case-based data from reports of newly detected syphilis cases received from doctors and laboratories in 2020. Additionally aggregated data from MZ-56 reports on infectious diseases, infections and poisoning from 2014 to 2018 sent from Sanitary Inspections to NIPH NIH -NRI was used. Also, data about treatment patients in dermatology/venerology clinics in 2020 reported on MZ-14 forms and published in statistics bulletin on Ministry of Health on e-health system website (actually: https://e-zdrowie.gov.pl; https://cez.gov.pl) and NIPH NIH - NRI website were used.
    In 2020 in Poland 686 newly diagnosed syphilis cases were reported (diagnosis rate was 1.79 per 100,000), including 18 cases among non-Polish citizens. The frequency of newly detected syphilis cases decreased by 54.6% compared to the previous year and similar decreased 52.5% compared to the median in 2014-2018 years. The syphilis cases were most often detected in the age group between 20 and 39 years (68.9%) and among men (86.2%). On the other hand, places where syphilis cases are treated, reported 1,529 cases - less by 4% than in 2019 year, including 979 cases on early stage of syphilis.
    In 2020, the number of reported a newly detected syphilis cases decreased more than by half compared to the previous year, what is probably related to the COVID-19 pandemic and action taken to reduce it. A huge difference in some regions in Poland for diagnosis rates and not visible a significant decrease in the number of treated person, indicate on problem with reporting a newly diagnosed infections, as a main explanation about increasing observed in 2020.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Lyme borreliosis, also known as Lyme disease, is a zoonotic disease transmitted by ticks. The infection occurs through a bite by a common tick (Ixodes ricinus). Due to the annual cycle of tick activity, mainly dependent on temperature, Lyme disease is seasonal. In certain cases, post-exposure prophylaxis may be indicated, while the vaccine is in phase III clinical trials.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to assess the epidemiological situation of Lyme disease in Poland in 2020 compared to the situation in previous years.
    METHODS: The epidemiological situation of Lyme disease in Poland was assessed on the basis of the data sent to NIPH NIH - NRI by voivodeship sanitary-epidemiological stations and published in the bulletin \"Infectious diseases and poisoning in Poland in 2020\".
    RESULTS: In 2020, 12,934 Lyme borreliosis cases and 459 hospitalizations were registered which, compared to 2019, means a 37.3% decrease in morbidity and a 73% decrease in hospitalization. It may be related to the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at the end of 2019, which reached Poland at the beginning of March 2020. It can be seen that in Q2, due to the lower activity of people due to the epidemic, the number of cases of Lyme disease was less than in Q1 (2,064 in Q2 compared to 2,253 in Q1). The decrease compared to 2019 also continued in the third and fourth quarter, by 28% and 49%, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak on the distribution of Lyme disease incidence is noticeable, in particular on the decrease in the overall number of cases during the year, as well as on hospitalization due to Lyme disease with the previously observed stabilization of the incidence. The pandemic could have influenced this state of affairs on various levels. The main reason was, of course, the introduction of the epidemic and the related restrictions (including reduced mobility), but it cannot be ruled out that the cause was not an excessive burden on the health care system and sanitary inspection (delay in registration of reports).





