
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Successive lockdowns have a significant impact on the mental health of university students.PhD students have experienced the most significant deterioration in their mental health.The rate of suicidal ideation has increased significantly across the university student population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The CARE system is a gift from Mother Nature, we have it in our biological heritage; it enables us humans-as a basic gift-to help each other in a large, life-serving context, and thus also to counterbalance destruction. It is about a basic human ability, linked to typical behaviour, but also about a basic human need for connectedness. In this paper, I would like to show how the CARE system can be activated as a collective attitude. The CARE system is strengthened by positive emotions. We are currently being affected by many crises and this triggers fear. How can we deal with this better? Fear is countered with hope and the associated positive emotions such as joy, awe, kama muta and others. These emotions and feelings can be consciously encouraged and placed alongside the feelings of fear. But also, when we share the feelings of grief with each other, it triggers an attitude of CARE. We can grieve together for the various experiences of loss that we go through-but we can also imagine together how we envisage a future that is worth living for everyone. An attitude in the sense of CARING has been practised in friendship for thousands of years. It would therefore be possible to move away from an attitude of competing and outdoing, to an attitude not only of recognition, care, and solidarity in human interaction, but also in our connection with nature.
    Le système CARE (prendre soin) est un cadeau de Mère Nature, nous l\'avons dans notre patrimoine biologique ; il nous permet, à nous les humains, en tant que don fondamental, de nous entraider dans un contexte vaste et vital et donc aussi de faire contrepoids à la destruction. Il s\'agit d\'une capacité humaine fondamentale, liée à un comportement typique, mais aussi du besoin humain fondamental d\'être en lien. Dans cet article, j\'aimerais montrer comment le système CARE peut être activé en tant qu\'attitude collective. Le système CARE est renforcé par des émotions positives. Nous sommes actuellement touchés par de nombreuses crises, ce qui suscite la peur. Comment pouvons‐nous mieux gérer cette situation ? La peur est contrée par l\'espoir et les émotions positives qui y sont associées telles que la joie, la crainte, kama muta et autres. Ces émotions et ces sentiments peuvent être consciemment encouragés et placés à côté des sentiments de peur. Mais aussi, lorsque nous partageons les sentiments d\'affliction les uns avec les autres, cela déclenche une attitude de BIENVEILLANCE. Nous pouvons faire ensemble le deuil dans diverses expériences de perte que nous traversons, mais nous pouvons aussi imaginer ensemble comment nous envisageons un avenir qui vaut la peine d\'être vécu pour tous. Une attitude cultivant la BIENVEILLANCE est pratiquée dans l\'amitié depuis des milliers d\'années. Il serait donc possible de passer d\'une attitude de compétition, et qui vise à supplanter, à une attitude non seulement de reconnaissance, d\'attention et de solidarité dans l\'interaction humaine, mais aussi dans notre relation avec la nature.
    Das CARE‐System ist ein Geschenk von Mutter Natur, wir haben es in unserem biologischen Erbe; Es befähigt uns Menschen als Grundgabe, einander in einem großen, lebensdienlichen Kontext zu helfen und so auch der Zerstörung entgegenzuwirken. Dabei geht es um eine grundlegende menschliche Fähigkeit, verbunden mit typischem Verhalten, aber auch um ein menschliches Grundbedürfnis nach Verbundenheit. In diesem Beitrag möchte ich zeigen, wie das CARE‐System als kollektive Haltung aktiviert werden kann. Das CARE‐System wird durch positive Emotionen gestärkt. Wir sind derzeit von vielen Krisen betroffen und das löst Angst aus. Wie können wir besser damit umgehen? Angst wird mit Hoffnung und den damit verbundenen positiven Emotionen wie Freude, Ehrfurcht, kama muta und anderen begegnet. Diese Emotionen und Gefühle können bewußt gefördert und neben die Angstgefühle gestellt werden. Aber auch wenn wir die Gefühle der Trauer miteinander teilen, löst dies eine Haltung des CARE aus. Wir können gemeinsam über die verschiedenen Verlusterfahrungen trauern, die wir durchmachen – aber wir können uns auch gemeinsam vorstellen, wie wir uns eine lebenswerte Zukunft für alle vorstellen. Eine Haltung im Sinne von CARING wird in der Freundschaft seit Jahrtausenden praktiziert. Es wäre daher möglich, weg von einer Haltung des Wettbewerbs und des Überbietens hin zu einer Haltung nicht nur der Anerkennung, Fürsorge und Solidarität im menschlichen Miteinander, sondern auch in unserer Verbindung mit der Natur zu gelangen.
    Il sistema CARE è un dono di Madre Natura, lo abbiamo nel nostro patrimonio biologico; consente a noi esseri umani – come dono fondamentale – di aiutarci a vicenda in un contesto ampio e a servizio della vita, e quindi anche di controbilanciare la distruzione. Si tratta di un\'abilità umana fondamentale, legata ad un comportamento tipico, ma anche di un bisogno umano fondamentale di connessione. In questo articolo vorrei dimostrare come il sistema CARE possa essere attivato come attitudine collettiva. Il sistema CARE è rafforzato da emozioni positive. Attualmente ci sono molte crisi, e questo suscita paura. Come possiamo affrontare meglio questa situazione? Alla paura si contrappone la speranza e le emozioni positive ad essa associate, come la gioia, lo stupore, la commozione ed altre. Queste emozioni e sentimenti possono essere incoraggiati e affiancati ai sentimenti di paura. Allo stesso tempo, quando condividiamo reciprocamente sentimenti di dolore, si innesca un atteggiamento di CURA. Possiamo soffrire insieme per le varie esperienze di perdita che attraversiamo – ma possiamo anche immaginare insieme come ipotizzare un futuro che valga la pena di essere vissuto per tutti. Un atteggiamento di CURA è stato praticato nell\'amicizia per migliaia di anni. È quindi possibile passare da un atteggiamento di competizione ad un atteggiamento non solo di riconoscimento, cura e solidarietà nell\'interazione umana, ma anche nella nostra connessione con la natura.
    Функция заботы ‐ это дар Матери‐природы, составляющий часть нашего биологического наследия. Она позволяет нам, людям, ‐ и это и есть основной дар ‐ помогать друг другу в глобальном масштабе, в контексте сохранения жизни, и таким образом противостоять разрушению. Речь идет о базовой человеческой способности, проявляющейся в типовом поведении, но также имеется в виду и основополагающая человеческая потребности во взаимосвязи. В этой статье я хочу показать, как функция заботы может работать в качестве коллективной установки. Функцию заботы укрепляют положительные эмоции. В настоящее время мы переживаем множество кризисов, и это вызывает страх. Как мы можем лучше справляться с этим? Страху противостоит надежда и связанные с ней положительные эмоции ‐ радость, благоговение, кама мута и другие. Такие эмоции и чувства можно осознанно поддерживать и находить для них место рядом с чувством страха. При этом установка заботы включается и тогда, когда мы разделяем друг с другом чувство горя. Мы можем вместе скорбеть о различных утратах, но мы также можем вместе представлять в своем воображении будущее, которое станет достойным для всех. Установка, связанная с заботой, в течение многих тысячелетий присутствует в дружбе. В связи с этим имеется возможность перейти от установки на соперничество и превосходство к установке не только на признание, заботу и солидарность в человеческом взаимодействии, но и на нашу взаимосвязь с природой.
    El sistema DE CUIDADO es un regalo de la Madre Naturaleza, lo tenemos en nuestra herencia biológica; nos permite a los humanos ‐como regalo básico‐ ayudarnos unos a otros en un contexto amplio, al servicio de la vida, y así también contrarrestar la destrucción. Se trata de una capacidad humana básica, vinculada al comportamiento típico, pero también de una necesidad humana básica de conexión. En este artículo, me gustaría mostrar cómo el sistema DE CUIDADO puede activarse como una actitud colectiva. El sistema DE CUIDADO se fortalece a través de emociones positivas. Actualmente nos vemos afectados por muchas crisis, y esto desencadena el miedo. ¿Cómo podemos afrontarlo mejor? El miedo se contrarresta con la esperanza y las emociones positivas asociadas, como la alegría, el asombro, el kama muta y otras. Estas emociones y sentimientos pueden fomentarse conscientemente y ocupar un lugar junto al miedo. Pero también, cuando compartimos los sentimientos de dolor con otros, se desencadena una actitud de CUIDADO. Podemos sentir juntos el dolor por las diversas experiencias de pérdida por las que pasamos, pero también podemos imaginar juntos un futuro que merezca la pena vivir para todos. Una actitud en el sentido de CUIDAR se practica en la amistad desde hace miles de años. Por lo tanto, sería posible pasar de una actitud de competencia y superación a una actitud no sólo de reconocimiento, cuidado y solidaridad en la interacción humana, sino también en nuestra conexión con la naturaleza.
    照料系统及其在面对今日危机之时的重要性 照料系统是来自母性的礼物, 我们生而有之;它作为一种基础的天赋, 让我们作为人类可以在大规模的、为服务生命的背景下互相帮助, 同时也可以抵消破坏。这是人类的一种基本能力, 联系着典型的行为, 同时也是人类相互联系的一种基本需求。在本文中, 我想说明“照料”系统作为一种集体态度, 是如何被激活的。 积极情绪会强化照料系统。我们目前正受到许多危机的影响, 这引发了恐惧。我们该如何更好地应对呢?希望和相关的积极情绪, 如喜悦、敬畏、被爱感动 (kama muta)等可以用来对抗恐惧。这些情绪和感受可以被有意识地鼓励, 并将它们与恐惧感放在一起。此外, 当我们彼此分享哀伤的感受时, 也会引发一种“照料”的态度。我们可以一起为失去亲人的各种经历感到哀伤, 但我们也可以一起想象有一个怎样值得每个人生活的未来。 几千年来, 人们在友谊中一直奉行关爱的态度。因此, 在人际交往中, 在我们与大自然的联系中, 都可以把竞争和战胜的态度转变为认可、照料和团结的态度。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Secondary traumatic stress (STS) has been studied in therapists, spouses, and mainly in children of traumatised individuals. To date, the relationship between children\'s posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and their parents\' mental health outcomes have been understudied, and specifically, long term STS symptoms of parents of war veterans were not investigated. The current study examined PTSD symptoms among veterans of the 2014 Israel-Gaza war and STS among their parents, five years after the war. The control group consisted of veterans from combat military units who were on active duty at the time of the war but did not actively participate in the war (stand-by units) - providing a natural experiment condition. We found that PTSD symptoms were almost twice as high in the directly active war veterans (DAV, N = 32) group compared to the indirectly active war veterans (IAV, N = 26) group. Results showed that mothers had higher STS symptoms in general, and DAV PTSD symptoms correlated with their fathers STS symptoms. The current study provides novel evidence for: (a) subclinical PTSD symptoms in war veterans 5 years after the war, and (b) transmission of trauma from war veterans to their parents. The overall negative effect of sending a child to war on the parents are also discussed.
    The current study examined post-traumatic stress symptoms among undiagnosed war veterans of the 2014–2014 Israel-Gaza Military Conflict compared to matched control who were on active military duty at the same time but did not actively participate in the war. We found higher post-traumatic stress symptoms in the veterans who actively participated in the war, roughly five years after the war.Parents of veterans who actively participated in the war exhibited higher secondary traumatic stress compared to parents of veterans who did not actively participate in the war. This is especially interesting given that parents of all veterans were not aware of their whereabouts during the war. Overall, mothers exhibited higher secondary traumatic stress compared to fathers. However, fathers were more ‘in-sync’ with their sons’ traumatic experience as evident by a significant correlation between the war veterans’ post-traumatic stress and the fathers’ secondary traumatic stress symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent social restrictions created an unprecedented context for families raising young children. Although studies have documented detrimental effects of the pandemic on maternal well-being, less is known about how the pandemic specifically impacted low-income mothers. We examined depression, anxiety, and sleep quality among low-income mothers of one-year-olds during the early months of the pandemic using data from the Baby\'s First Years study. Focusing on the control group (n = 547), we compared mothers interviewed before March 14th, 2020 (n = 342) to mothers interviewed between March 14th and June 30th, 2020 (n = 205) to determine whether the pandemic was associated with differences in mental health and sleep quality. Mothers were recruited from four cities in the United States, and most of the sample identified as Hispanic (42.2%) or Black, non-Hispanic (38.6%). We found that mothers interviewed during the pandemic reported better mental health and sleep quality. While we cannot speak to longer-term impacts of the pandemic, it is possible low-income mothers experienced relief from daily stressors during the initial shelter-in-place orders, which may have led to improvements in well-being. These results have implications for understanding how complex life stressors influence mental health and sleep quality among low-income mothers raising young children.
    La pandemia del COVID-19 y las subsecuentes restricciones sociales crearon un contexto sin precedentes para las familias que estaban criando niños pequeños. Aunque los estudios han documentado los efectos perjudiciales de la pandemia sobre el bienestar materno, menos se conoce acerca de cómo la pandemia específicamente tuvo un impacto sobre madres de bajos recursos económicos. Examinamos la depresión, ansiedad y calidad del sueño entre madres de bajos recursos económicos de niños de un año de edad durante los primeros meses de la pandemia usando datos del estudio Primeros Años del Bebé. Enfocándonos en el grupo de control (n = 547), comparamos las madres entrevistadas antes del 14 de marzo de 2020 (n = 342) con madres entrevistadas entre el 14 de marzo y el 30 de junio de 2020 (n = 205) para determinar si la pandemia se asociaba con diferencias en salud mental y calidad del sueño. A las madres se les reclutó en cuatro ciudades de Estados Unidos y la mayor parte del grupo muestra se identificaron como Hispanas (42.2%) o Negras no Hispanas (38.6%). Encontramos que las madres entrevistadas durante la pandemia reportaron mejor salud mental y calidad del sueño. A pesar de que no podemos hablar sobre el impacto a largo plazo de la pandemia, es posible que las madres de bajos recursos económicos experimentaran alivio en los factores diarios de estrés durante el inicial mandato de quedarse en su casa, lo cual pudiera haber llevado a mejoras en el bienestar. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones para comprender cómo los complejos factores de estrés influyen en la salud mental y la calidad del sueño entre madres de bajos recursos económicos que crían a niños pequeños.
    La pandémie du COVID-19 et les restrictions sociales qui en ont découlé ont créé un contexte sans précédent pour les familles élevant de jeunes enfants. Bien que des études aient documenté des effets préjudiciables de la pandémie sur le bien-être maternel, on en sait moins sur la manière dont la pandémie a spécifiquement impacté les mères de milieux défavorisés. Nous avons examiné la dépression, l\'anxiété, et la qualité du sommeil chez des mères de milieux défavorisés avec un enfant d\'un an durant les premiers mois de la pandémie, en utilisant des données de l’étude Baby\'s First Years. Nous concentrant sur le groupe de contrôle (n = 547), nous avons comparé des mères interviewées avant le 14 mars 2020 (n = 342) à des mères interviewées entre le 14 mars et le 30 juin 2020 (n = 205) afin de déterminer si la pandémie était liée à des différences en santé mentale et en qualité de sommeil. Les mères ont été recrutées dans quatre villes des Etats-Unis et la plupart de l’échantillon s\'identifiait comme Hispanique (42,2%) ou Noires, non hispaniques (38,6%). Nous avons trouvé que les mères interviewées Durant la pandémie faisaient état d\'une meilleure santé mentale et d\'une meilleure qualité de sommeil. Bien que nous ne puissions pas parler des impacts de la pandémie à long terme, il est possible que les mères de milieux défavorisés aient fait l\'expérience d\'un soulagement des facteurs de stress quotidiens durant la période initiale de confinement, ce qui pourrait avoir mené à des améliorations dans le bien-être. Ces résultats ont des implications pour la compréhension de la manière dont des facteurs de stress complexes influencent la santé mentale et la qualité du sommeil chez les mères de milieux défavorisés élevant de jeunes enfants.
    Die COVID-19-Pandemie und die darauffolgenden sozialen Einschränkungen schufen ein noch nie dagewesenes Umfeld für Familien, die kleine Kinder aufziehen. Obwohl Studien negative Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf das Wohlbefinden von Müttern dokumentiert haben, ist weniger darüber bekannt, wie sich die Pandemie speziell auf Mütter mit niedrigem Einkommen auswirkte. Wir untersuchten Depression, Angst und Schlafqualität bei einkommensschwachen Müttern von Einjährigen in den ersten Monaten der Pandemie anhand von Daten aus der Baby\'s First Years-Studie. Wir konzentrierten uns auf die Kontrollgruppe (n = 547) und verglichen Mütter, die vor dem 14. März 2020 befragt wurden (n = 342), mit Müttern, die zwischen dem 14. März und dem 30. Juni 2020 befragt wurden (n = 205), um festzustellen, ob die Pandemie mit Unterschieden in der psychischen Gesundheit und der Schlafqualität assoziiert war. Die Mütter wurden aus vier Städten in den Vereinigten Staaten rekrutiert und ein Großteil der Stichprobe identifizierte sich als hispanisch (42,2 %) oder schwarz, nicht-hispanisch (38,6 %). Wir fanden heraus, dass Mütter, die während der Pandemie befragt wurden, von einer besseren psychischen Gesundheit und Schlafqualität berichteten. Zwar können wir keine Aussagen zu den längerfristigen Auswirkungen der Pandemie treffen, allerdings ist es möglich, dass Mütter mit niedrigem Einkommen während der Phase der ersten Schutzanordnungen eine Entlastung von den täglichen Stressfaktoren erfuhren, was zu einer Verbesserung des Wohlbefindens geführt haben könnte. Diese Ergebnisse sind wichtig, um zu verstehen, wie komplexe Lebensstressoren die psychische Gesundheit und die Schlafqualität von Müttern mit geringem Einkommen und kleinen Kindern beeinflussen.
    COVID-19のパンデミックとその後の社会的制約は、幼な子を育てる家族にとって前例のない状況を作り出した。パンデミックが母親の幸福に有害な影響を及ぼすことは研究によって報告されているが、パンデミックが特に低所得の母親にどのような影響を与えたかについては、あまり知られていない。私達はBaby\'s First Years研究のデータを用いて、パンデミックの初期に1歳児を抱える低所得層の母親の抑うつや不安、睡眠の質を調査した。対照群 (n = 547) に焦点を当て、2020年3月14日以前に面接を受けた母親 (n = 342) と、2020年3月14日から6月30日までに面接を受けた母親 (n = 205) を比較し、パンデミックがメンタルヘルスと睡眠の質の違いに関連しているかどうかを検討した。母親は米国の4都市において募集し、サンプルのほとんどがヒスパニック (42.2%) または非ヒスパニック系の黒人 (38.6%) であった。パンデミック時にインタビューを受けた母親は、精神的な健康と睡眠の質が向上していると答えたことが分かった。パンデミックの長期的な影響については言及できないが、低所得の母親が最初の屋内退避命令中に日常的なストレスから解放され、それが幸福度の向上につながった可能性がある。これらの結果は、幼い子どもを育てている低所得の母親において、複雑な生活上のストレス要因がメンタルヘルスや睡眠の質にどのように影響するかを理解する上で示唆的である。.
    COVID-19大流行及其后续的社会限制为养育幼儿的家庭创造了前所未有的环境。虽然研究已经记录了疫情对母亲健康的不利影响, 但人们对疫情如何具体影响低收入母亲知之甚少。我们使用“婴儿的第一年”研究的数据, 考察了疫情早期阶段低收入一岁幼儿母亲的抑郁、焦虑和睡眠质量。我们将焦点放在对照组 (n = 547)上, 比较了2020年3月14日之前接受采访的母亲 (n = 342)和在2020年3月14日至6月30日之间接受采访的母亲 (n = 205), 以确定疫情是否与心理健康和睡眠质量的差异有关。母亲是从美国的四个城市招募的, 大部分样本被确定为西班牙裔 (42.2%) 或非西班牙裔黑人 (38.6%)。我们发现, 在疫情期间接受采访的母亲表示心理健康和睡眠质量更好。虽然我们无法谈论疫情的长期影响, 但是在最初的避难令期间, 低收入母亲可能经历了日常压力的缓解, 这可能导致了健康状况的改善。这些结果对于理解复杂的生活压力如何影响养育幼儿的低收入母亲的心理健康和睡眠质量具有重要意义。.
    خلقت جائحة كوفيد-19 والقيود الاجتماعية المترتبة عليها بيئة غير مسبوقة للأسر التي تربي أطفالاً صغاراً. على الرغم من أن الدراسات قد وثقت الآثار الضارة للوباء على رفاهية الأم ، إلا أنه لا يُعرف الكثير عن كيفية تأثير الوباء على الأمهات ذوات الدخل المنخفض على وجه التحديد. قمنا بفحص الاكتئاب والقلق وجودة النوم بين الأمهات ذوات الدخل المنخفض لأطفال بعمر عام واحد خلال الأشهر الأولى من الوباء باستخدام بيانات من دراسة السنوات الأولى للطفل. بالتركيز على المجموعة الضابطة (العدد = 547) ، قمنا بمقارنة الأمهات اللواتي تمت مقابلتهن قبل 14 مارس 2020 (العدد = 342) بالأمهات اللائي تمت مقابلتهن بين 14 مارس و 30 يونيو 2020 (العدد = 205) لتحديد ما إذا كان الوباء مرتبطاً بالاختلافات في الصحة النفسية ونوعية النوم. اشتركت الأمهات من أربع مدن في الولايات المتحدة ، وتم تحديد معظم العينة على أنها لاتينية (42.2٪) أو سوداء ، وغير لاتينية (38.6٪). وجدنا أن الأمهات اللواتي تمت مقابلتهن أثناء الوباء أبلغن عن صحة نفسية وجودة نوم أفضل. في حين أننا لا نستطيع التحدث عن الآثار طويلة المدى للوباء ، فمن الوارد أن الأمهات ذوات الدخل المنخفض قد حصلن على بعض الراحة من الضغوط اليومية نتيجة الإغلاق ، مما أدى إلى تحسين مستوى الرفاهية. هذه النتائج لها تطبيقات لفهم مدى تأثير ضغوطات الحياة المعقدة على الصحة النفسية وجودة النوم بين الأمهات ذوات الدخل المنخفض اللائي يقمن بتربية أطفال صغار.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Investigating different approaches to operationalizing childhood adversity and how they relate to transdiagnostic psychopathology is relevant to advance research on mechanistic processes and to inform intervention efforts. To our knowledge, previous studies have not used questionnaire and interview measures of childhood adversity to examine factor-analytic and cumulative-risk approaches in a complementary manner.Objective: The first aim of this study was to identify the dimensions underlying multiple subscales from three well-established childhood adversity measures (the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse Interview, and the Interview for Traumatic Events in Childhood) and to create a cumulative risk index based on the resulting dimensions. The second aim of the study was to examine the childhood adversity dimensions and the cumulative risk index as predictors of measures of depression, anxiety, and psychosis-spectrum psychopathology.Method: Participants were 214 nonclinically ascertained young adults who were administered questionnaire and interview measures of depression, anxiety, psychosis-spectrum phenomena, and childhood adversity.Results: Four childhood adversity dimensions were identified that captured experiences in the domains of Intrafamilial Adversity, Deprivation, Threat, and Sexual Abuse. As hypothesized, the adversity dimensions demonstrated some specificity in their associations with psychopathology symptoms. Deprivation was uniquely associated with the negative symptom dimension of psychosis (negative schizotypy and schizoid symptoms), Intrafamilial Adversity with schizotypal symptoms, and Threat with depression, anxiety, and psychosis-spectrum symptoms. No associations were found with the Sexual Abuse dimension. Finally, the cumulative risk index was associated with all the outcome measures.Conclusions: The findings support the use of both the empirically-derived adversity dimensions and the cumulative risk index and suggest that these approaches may facilitate different research objectives. This study contributes to our understanding of the complexity of childhood adversity and its links to different expressions of psychopathology.
    We investigated how different approaches to operationalizing childhood adversity relate to transdiagnostic psychopathology.Four childhood adversity dimensions were found to underlie multiple subscales from three well-established childhood adversity measures.The childhood adversity dimensions demonstrated some specificity in their associations with the psychopathology symptom domains and the cumulative risk index was associated with all the outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: There is evidence to suggest that the experience of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) may be commonly associated with elevated risk for several mental ill-health comorbidities.Objective: The current study seeks to contribute to the growing literature on C-PTSD comorbidity by examining the relationship between C-PTSD and other mental health disorders in a UK Armed Forces veteran sample.Method: This study used data from the Northern Ireland Veterans\' Health and Wellbeing Study (NIVHWS). The effective sample consisted of 638 veterans (90.0% male). Tetrachoric correlations examined the relationship between C-PTSD caseness and other mental health outcomes. Latent class analysis was then conducted, determining the optimal number and nature of classes in the sample in relation to C-PTSD, depression, anxiety, and suicidality.Results: C-PTSD caseness (i.e. probable diagnosis) was found to be significantly associated with positive caseness of depression, anxiety, and suicidality. Overall, four latent classes emerged, with each of these classes characterized by varying degrees of comorbidity: a \'Resilient/Low Comorbidity\' class, a \'Lifetime Suicidal\' class, a \'PTSD Polymorbid\' class, and a \'C-PTSD Polymorbid\' class.Conclusions These findings support and extend previous results indicating the highly comorbid nature of C-PTSD. C-PTSD may be considered a highly polymorbid condition, increasing the risk for multiple mental health pathologies concurrently.
    The results showed that probable complex PTSD was associated with depression, anxiety, and suicidality in this military veteran sample.Latent class analysis revealed that probable complex PTSD was associated with multiple conditions concurrently, suggesting that complex PTSD is not only highly comorbid but polymorbid.The findings highlight the importance of screening for multiple pathologies, particularly in cases of probable complex PTSD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: There are 26 million people recognised as refugees worldwide. Many of them spent a prolonged period of time in transit - time after they leave their country of origin and before they reach the receiving country. Transit brings numerous protection and mental health risks refugees are exposed to.Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the stressful and traumatic experiences refugees are exposed to during transit, with a special focus on the experience of pushback - the denial of access to the territory to foreign nationals and forcible return to countries of origin or neighbouring countries without an assessment of their rights to international protection, as well as the impact of these experiences on refugees\' mental health and well-being.Method: 201 refugees currently residing in Serbia completed the Stressful and Traumatic Experiences in Transit questionnaire - short version (SET-SF), questionnaire for assessing stressful and traumatic experiences during pushback (SET-SF PB), Refugee Health Screener (RHS-15), and Well-being index (WHO-5).Results: The results showed that refugees experience a large number of stressful and traumatic events (M = 10.27, SD = 4.85). In addition, half of the participants experience severe symptoms of depression (50.7%), while about a third of the participants experience severe symptoms of anxiety (37.8%) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (32.3%). Refugees who experienced pushback showed overall higher levels of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Traumatic experiences during transit and pushback were positively related to the severity of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. In addition, traumatic experiences during pushback showed an incremental contribution in predicting refugees\' mental health difficulties over and above traumatic experiences in transit.Conclusions: This study provides valuable insights into the multiple risks refugees are exposed to and emphasise the need for the provision of adequate protection and support.
    There is a high prevalence of traumatic experiences refugees face during transit and pushback, a high prevalence of mental health problems, and impaired psychological well-being in refugees.Traumatic experiences contribute to mental health problems.Urgent measures are needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Childhood maltreatment (CM) is a common psychological stressor associated with multiple mental disorders. While CM is associated with vulnerability to depression and anxiety, little is known about the specific mechanism underlying this relationship.Objective: This study aimed to investigate the white matter (WM) of healthy adults with CM and their relationships with depression and anxiety to provide biological evidence for the development of mental disorders in subjects with childhood trauma.Methods: The CM group included 40 healthy adults with CM. The non-CM group included 40 healthy adults without CM. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data were collected, and tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) were applied to the whole brain to assess WM differences between the two groups; post-hoc fibre tractography was used to characterise the developmental differences; and mediation analysis was used to assess the relationships among the Child Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) results, DTI indices, and depression and anxiety scores.Results: Relative to the non-CM group, the CM group revealed significantly lower fractional anisotropy (FA) in the right posterior corona radiata (PCR-R), right anterior corona radiata (ACR-R), left super corona radiata (SCR-L), anterior thalamic radiation (ATR), and right posterior limb of the internal capsule (PLIC-R). Additionally, shorter fibre bundles passed through the PCR-R, ACR-R, and ATR in the CM group compared with the non-CM group. Besides, the length of the ACR-R mediated the relationship between CM and trait anxiety.Conclusions: The alteration of white matter microstructure associated with childhood trauma in healthy adults may reflect biomarkers of childhood trauma. Besides, an alteration of WM microstructure in healthy adults with CM mediates the association between CM and trait anxiety, which may represent the vulnerability to developing mental disorders after childhood trauma experiences.
    In this paper, we found specific alterations associated with CM in healthy adults, which may mediate the relationship between childhood trauma and trait anxiety in later life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The article discusses dominance and oppression in society due to cultural complexes filled with collective memories of destructiveness and perpetration, implicit memories which have remained repressed. Individual personal complexes and traumas are intertwined with traumatizing historical circumstances, setting up pairs of perpetrator and victim. The metaphors of devouring and asphyxiation are used to denote interpersonal and group relationships in which feelings of imprisonment, suffocating anxiety and expulsion are predominant, all of which leads to painful projections and introjections, dissociation and suffering. Asphyxiating death symbolizes not only environmental devastation by fire, the pandemic and the plague, but is also seen as a symptom of acute anxiety in modern times. Devouring stands for the annulment of the objectified Other in a patriarchal society best revealed in fratricidal struggles, the oppression of women and, ultimately, wars.
    L’article traite de la domination et de l’oppression dans la société, du fait de complexes culturels chargés de souvenirs de destruction et de culpabilité, de mémoires implicites qui sont restées refoulées. Les complexes personnels et les traumatismes des individus sont entremêlés avec les circonstances historiques traumatisantes. Ainsi se forment des couples coupable-victime. Les métaphores de dévoration et d’asphyxie sont utilisées pour désigner des relations interpersonnelles et de groupe dans lesquelles les sentiments d’emprisonnement, l’angoisse d’étouffement et l’expulsion sont prédominants, tout cela menant à des projections et des introjections douloureuses, à de la dissociation et de la souffrance. La mort par asphyxie symbolise non seulement la dévastation de l’environnement par l’incendie, la pandémie et la peste, mais est aussi comprise comme un symptôme d’anxiété aigüe à notre époque. La dévoration signifie l’annulation d’un Autre traité comme un objet dans une société patriarcale qui se dévoile dans des batailles fratricides, l’oppression des femmes et au final, les guerres.
    Der Artikel diskutiert Dominanz und Unterdrückung in der Gesellschaft durch kulturelle Komplexe voller kollektiver Erinnerungen an Destruktivität und Täterschaft, implizite Erinnerungen, die verdrängt geblieben sind. Individuelle persönliche Komplexe und Traumata werden mit traumatisierenden historischen Umständen verflochten und bilden Täter-Opfer-Paare. Die Metaphern des Verschlingens und Erstickens werden verwendet, um zwischenmenschliche und Gruppenbeziehungen zu bezeichnen, in denen Gefühle des Gefangenseins, Erstickungsangst und Vertreibung vorherrschen, was zu schmerzhaften Projektionen und Introjektionen, Dissoziation und Leiden führt. Der Erstickungstod symbolisiert nicht nur die Umweltzerstörung durch Feuer, Pandemie und Pest, sondern gilt auch als Symptom akuter Angst in der Neuzeit. Verschlingen steht für die Aufhebung des objektivierten Anderen in einer patriarchalischen Gesellschaft, die sich am besten in Bruderkämpfen, Frauenunterdrückung und letztlich Kriegen offenbart.
    Questo articolo discute il dominio e l’oppressione nella società a causa di complessi culturali pieni di memorie collettive di distruzione e perpetrazione, memorie implicite che sono rimaste represse. I complessi e i traumi personali individuali sono intrecciati con circostanze storiche traumatizzanti, creando coppie di carnefici e vittime. Le metafore del divoramento e dell’asfissia sono usate per denotare le relazioni interpersonali e di gruppo in cui sono predominanti sentimenti di prigionia, angoscia soffocante e espulsione, che portano a dolorose proiezioni e introiezioni, dissociazione e sofferenza. La morte asfissiante simboleggia non solo la devastazione ambientale dovuta al fuoco, la pandemia e la pestilenza, ma viene anche vista come un sintomo di ansia acuta nei tempi moderni. Il divoramento rappresenta l’annullamento dell’Altro oggettivato in una società patriarcale che si rivela meglio nelle lotte fratricide, l’oppressione delle donne e, infine, le guerre.
    В статье рассматриваются вопросы доминирования и притеснения в обществе, обусловленных культурными комплексами, которые основаны на коллективной памяти о разрушениях и преступлениях - вытесненных латентных воспоминаниях. Индивидуальные личные комплексы и травмы переплетаются с травмирующими историческими обстоятельствами, порождая пары преследователя и жертвы. Для характеристики межличностных и групповых отношений, основанных на ощущении тюремного заточения, удушающей тревоги и изгнания, следствием которых являются болезненные проекции и интроекции, диссоциация и страдания, используются метафоры пожирания и удушья. Смерть от удушья не только символизирует опустошение окружающей среды вследствие пожара, пандемии и чумы, но и рассматривается как симптом острой тревоги в наше время. Пожирание символизирует уничтожение объективированного Другого в патриархальном обществе, максимально наглядно проявляющееся в братоубийственной борьбе, в притеснении женщин и, в максимальной степени, в войнах.
    El artículo analiza la dominación y la opresión en la sociedad debido a complejos culturales llenos de memorias colectivas de destructividad y perpetración, memorias implícitas que han permanecido reprimidas. Los complejos y traumas personales individuales se entrelazan con circunstancias históricas traumatizantes, estableciendo pares de perpetrador y víctima. Las metáforas de la devoración y la asfixia se utilizan para denotar relaciones interpersonales y grupales en las que predominan sentimientos de aprisionamiento, ansiedad sofocante y expulsión, todo lo cual conduce a proyecciones e introyecciones dolorosas, disociación y sufrimiento. La muerte asfixiante simboliza no sólo la devastación medioambiental por el fuego, la pandemia y la peste, sino que también se considera un síntoma de ansiedad aguda en los tiempos modernos. Devorar representa la anulación del Otro cosificado en una sociedad patriarcal que sobre todo se revela en las luchas fratricidas, la opresión de la mujer y, en última instancia, las guerras.
    吞噬和窒息:当代文化情结的症状 文章讨论了社会中的统治和压迫, 这是因为文化情结充满了关于破坏性和肇事的集体记忆, 这些隐性记忆一直被压抑着。个人的情结和创伤与创伤性的历史环境交织在一起, 形成了加害者和受害者的成对关系。吞噬和窒息的隐喻被用来表示人际关系和群体关系, 其中监禁、窒息性焦虑和驱逐的感觉占主导地位, 所有这些都导致了痛苦的投射和内射、分离和痛苦。窒息性死亡不仅象征着火灾对环境的破坏、大流行病和瘟疫, 还被视为现代人严重焦虑的一种症状。吞噬代表了父权制社会中被物化的他者的毁灭, 这最明显地体现为自相残杀的斗争、对妇女的压迫以及终极性的战争。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Research on grief, depression, and anxiety reactions following job loss is sparse. More insight in this matter could be important for the development of preventive and curative interventions targeting different manifestations of emotional distress following job loss, including grief reactions.Objective: The aim of this study was to examine job loss-related grief reactions in relation to depression and anxiety symptoms.Method: A sample of 525 Dutch workers (59.8% women, mean age of 50.6 years) who had lost their job was recruited. Latent class analysis was used to examine whether separate classes could be distinguished based on the endorsement of grief reactions and symptoms of depression of anxiety. We also examined factors associated with class membership.Results: Four classes were identified, including a so-called \'mixed\', a \'grieving\', a \'depressed\', and a \'resilient\' class. Job loss circumstances and coping strategies (but not socio-demographic and work characteristics) were associated with class membership.Conclusion: These results shed light on unique characteristics that might be targeted with specific clinical methods to increase mental health of different subgroups of individuals confronted with job loss.
    Research on grief, depression, and anxiety reactions following job loss is sparse.Latent class analysis revealed four distinct classes.Job loss circumstances and coping strategies (but not socio-demographic and work variables) were associated with class membership.






