
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    α-Latrotoxin (α-LTX) was found to form two-dimensional (2D) monolayer arrays in solution at relatively low concentrations (0.1 mg/mL), with the toxin tetramer constituting a unit cell. The crystals were imaged using cryogenic electron microscopy (cryoEM), and image analysis yielded a ~12 Å projection map. At this resolution, no major conformational changes between the crystalline and solution states of α-LTX tetramers were observed. Electrophysiological studies showed that, under the conditions of crystallization, α-LTX simultaneously formed multiple channels in biological membranes that displayed coordinated gating. Two types of channels with conductance levels of 120 and 208 pS were identified. Furthermore, we observed two distinct tetramer conformations of tetramers both when observed as monodisperse single particles and within the 2D crystals, with pore diameters of 11 and 13.5 Å, suggestive of a flickering pore in the middle of the tetramer, which may correspond to the two states of toxin channels with different conductance levels. We discuss the structural changes that occur in α-LTX tetramers in solution and propose a mechanism of α-LTX insertion into the membrane. The propensity of α-LTX tetramers to form 2D crystals may explain many features of α-LTX toxicology and suggest that other pore-forming toxins may also form arrays of channels to exert maximal toxic effect.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lizards and spiders are natural adversaries, yet little is known of adaptations that lizards might possess for dealing with the venomous defences of spider prey. In the Western USA, two lizard species (Elgaria multicarinata and Sceloporus occidentalis) are sympatric with and predate western black widow spiders (Latrodectus hesperus). The consequences of black widow spider venom (BWSV) can be severe, and are well understood for mammals but unknown for reptiles. We evaluated potential resistance to BWSV in the lizards that consume black widows, and a potentially susceptible species (Uta stansburiana) known as prey of widows. We investigated BWSV effects on whole-animal performance (sprint) and muscle tissue at two venom doses compared with control injections. Sprint speed was not significantly decreased in E. multicarinata or S. occidentalis in any treatment, while U. stansburiana suffered significant performance reductions in response to BWSV. Furthermore, E. multicarinata showed minimal tissue damage and immune response, while S. occidentalis and U. stansburiana exhibited increased muscle damage and immune system infiltration in response to BWSV. Our data suggest predator-prey relationships between lizards and spiders are complex, possibly leading to physiological and molecular adaptations that allow some lizards to tolerate or overcome the dangerous defences of their arachnid prey.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We used α-Latrotoxin (α-LTx), the main neurotoxic component of the black widow spider venom, which causes degeneration of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) followed by a rapid and complete regeneration, as a molecular tool to identify by RNA transcriptomics factors contributing to the structural and functional recovery of the NMJ. We found that Urocortin 2 (UCN2), a neuropeptide involved in the stress response, is rapidly expressed at the NMJ after acute damage and that inhibition of CRHR2, the specific receptor of UCN2, delays neuromuscular transmission rescue. Experiments in neuronal cultures show that CRHR2 localises at the axonal tips of growing spinal motor neurons and that its expression inversely correlates with synaptic maturation. Moreover, exogenous UCN2 enhances the growth of axonal sprouts in cultured neurons in a CRHR2-dependent manner, pointing to a role of the UCN2-CRHR2 axis in the regulation of axonal growth and synaptogenesis. Consistently, exogenous administration of UCN2 strongly accelerates the regrowth of motor axon terminals degenerated by α-LTx, thereby contributing to the functional recovery of neuromuscular transmission after damage. Taken together, our results posit a novel role for UCN2 and CRHR2 as a signalling axis involved in NMJ regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Widow spiders are widely known for their potent venom toxins that make them among the few spiders of medical concern. The latrotoxins are the most well-studied widow toxins and include both the vertebrate-specific latrotoxins and the insect-specific latroinsectotoxins (LITs). Previous studies have shown that toxins are not limited to expression in the venom glands of adult spiders; however, gaps exist in latrotoxin screening across all life stages for brown widows, Latrodectus geometricus and southern black widows, Latrodectus mactans. In this study, we screened male and female venom gland, cephalothorax, and abdomen tissues, spiderling cephalothorax and abdomen tissues, and eggs of both L. geometricus and L. mactans, for the presence of three latrotoxins: α-latrotoxin (α-LTX), and α- and δ-latroinsectotoxins (α/δ-LITs). Widows were locally collected. Extracted RNA was used to prepare cDNA that was analyzed by PCR for the presence or absence of latrotoxin expression. Results show that expression profiles between the two species are very similar but not identical. Expression of α-LTX was found in all life stages in all tissues examined for both species. For both species, no LIT expression was detected in eggs and variable patterns of α-LIT expression were detected in spiderlings and adults. Notably, δ-LIT could only be detected in females for both species. Our results show that latrotoxin expression profiles differ within and between widow species. Data on their expression distribution provide further insight into the specific latrotoxins that contribute to toxicity profiles for each life stage in each species and their specific role in widow biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Melatonin is an ancient multi-tasking molecule produced by the pineal gland and by several extrapineal tissues. A variety of activities has been ascribed to this hormone in different physiological and pathological contexts, but little is known about its role in peripheral neuroregeneration. Here, we have exploited two different types of injury to test the capability of melatonin to stimulate regeneration of motor axons: (a) the acute and reversible presynaptic degeneration induced by the spider neurotoxin α-Latrotoxin and (b) the compression/transection of the sciatic nerve. We found that in both cases melatonin administration accelerates the process of nerve repair. This pro-regenerative action is MT1 -mediated, and at least in part due to a sustained activation of the ERK1/2 pathway. These findings reveal a receptor-mediated, pro-regenerative action of melatonin in vivo that holds important clinical implications, as it posits melatonin as a safe candidate molecule for the treatment of a number of peripheral neurodegenerative conditions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The noble false widow spider Steatoda nobilis originates from the Macaronesian archipelago and has expanded its range globally. Outside of its natural range, it may have a negative impact on native wildlife, and in temperate regions it lives in synanthropic environments where it frequently encounters humans, subsequently leading to envenomations. S. nobilis is the only medically significant spider in Ireland and the UK, and envenomations have resulted in local and systemic neurotoxic symptoms similar to true black widows (genus Latrodectus). S. nobilis is a sister group to Latrodectus which possesses the highly potent neurotoxins called α-latrotoxins that can induce neuromuscular paralysis and is responsible for human fatalities. However, and despite this close relationship, the venom composition of S. nobilis has never been investigated. In this context, a combination of transcriptomic and proteomic cutting-edge approaches has been used to deeply characterise S. nobilis venom. Mining of transcriptome data for the peptides identified by proteomics revealed 240 annotated sequences, of which 118 are related to toxins, 37 as enzymes, 43 as proteins involved in various biological functions, and 42 proteins without any identified function to date. Among the toxins, the most represented in numbers are α-latrotoxins (61), δ-latroinsectotoxins (44) and latrodectins (6), all of which were first characterised from black widow venoms. Transcriptomics alone provided a similar representation to proteomics, thus demonstrating that our approach is highly sensitive and accurate. More precisely, a relative quantification approach revealed that latrodectins are the most concentrated toxin (28%), followed by α-latrotoxins (11%), δ-latroinsectotoxins (11%) and α-latrocrustotoxins (11%). Approximately two-thirds of the venom is composed of Latrodectus-like toxins. Such toxins are highly potent towards the nervous system of vertebrates and likely responsible for the array of symptoms occurring after envenomation by black widows and false widows. Thus, caution should be taken in dismissing S. nobilis as harmless. This work paves the way towards a better understanding of the competitiveness of S. nobilis and its potential medical importance.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Latrodectism is a rare, but potentially severe, clinical syndrome caused by spider of the genus Latrodectus. L. tredecimguttatus is widespread in Italy and its bite cause the injection of α-latrotoxin that cause depletion of acetylcholine at motor nerve endings and release of catecholamines at adrenergic nerve endings. We describe the first clinical case of L. tredecimguttatus poisoning successfully treated with L. mactans antivenom from North America.
    METHODS: A healthy 60-year-old patient was admitted to the emergency department after unknown insect sting or arachnid/snake bite. In the early morning, the patient was working in the countryside when he felt a sting-like pain in the medial area of the right lower leg, associated with an intense burning sensation. An hour later he developed agitation, hoarseness, sweating, abdominal distress and intense pain in his right leg. In the emergency room vital signs showed a hypertensive crisis, tachycardia and peripheral oxygen desaturation. ECG was normal and ABE showed mixed acid-base disorder. Blood tests showed leukocytosis with neutrophilia, high levels of myoglobin, with normal coagulation and normal plasmatic cholinesterase. Neck, thorax and abdomen CT scan, with and without contrast medium, was negative. Four hours after admission hypertension worsened with board like rigid abdomen and onset of fasciculations, tremors, miosis and intense regional sweating. The definitive diagnosis of poisoning by L tredecimguttatus was based on the clinical picture. Within short time the antidote was provided by the Poison Centre and administered. A marked improvement of the symptomatology was noted after 30 minutes, and 1 hour later all symptoms were under control. The patient was discharged after 2 days.
    CONCLUSIONS: The clinical presentation of a patient suffering from latrodectism places the clinician in front of a challenging differential diagnosis. Following the suspicion, the first-line doctor is invited to discuss the case with a toxicologist, in order to confirm or exclude the diagnosis and implement all therapeutic measures. In our clinical case, the absence of organic lesions, laboratory tests not suggestive for other causes, and the presence of typical clinical feature suggested the diagnosis of L tredecimguttatus poisoning. This hypothesis was then supported by the close temporal relation between antivenom administration and symptoms improvement. With this case, we report the first use of L mactans antivenom from North America to treat L.tredecimguttatus poisoning and we confirm its effectiveness in counteracting latrodectism caused by this spider.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Latrophilin-1 is an adhesion G protein-coupled receptor that mediates the effect of α-latrotoxin, causing massive release of neurotransmitters from nerve terminals and endocrine cells. Autoproteolysis cleaves latrophilin-1 into two parts: the extracellular N-terminal fragment (NTF) and the heptahelical C-terminal fragment (CTF). NTF and CTF can exist as independent proteins in the plasma membrane, but α-latrotoxin binding to NTF induces their association and G protein-mediated signaling. We demonstrate here that CTF in synapses is phosphorylated on multiple sites. Phosphorylated CTF has a high affinity for NTF and copurifies with it on affinity columns and sucrose density gradients. Dephosphorylated CTF has a lower affinity for NTF and can behave as a separate protein. α-Latrotoxin (and possibly other ligands of latrophilin-1) binds both to the NTF-CTF complex and receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase σ, bringing them together. This leads to CTF dephosphorylation and facilitates CTF release from the complex. We propose that ligand-dependent phosphorylation-dephosphorylation of latrophilin-1 could affect the interaction between its fragments and functions as a G protein-coupled receptor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The redback spider (Latrodectus hasseltii Thorell) reportedly invaded Japan in September 1995. To date, 84 redback spider bite cases have been reported; 7 of these cases employed the antivenom. Antivenom has been imported from Australia in the past, but because of restrictions on exportation it was evident that nearly all of the antivenom present in Japan would expire during 2014. In 2014, a plan was proposed to experimentally manufacture and stockpile a horse antiserum for ourselves, using redback spiders indigenous to Japan. A total of 11,403 female spiders were captured alive: 1,217 from the vicinity of Nishinomiya City, Hyogo prefecture, and 10,186 from Osaka prefecture. Of these, 10,007 females were dissected, and the venom was extracted from the venom glands of individuals and subjected to crude purification to yield 4 lots, of which the majority was α-latrotoxin. Among them, a large amount of single lots with an estimated protein content of 236 mg is subsequently scheduled to be used for immunizing horses. We also determined lethal toxicity of the venom (LD50: 9.17 μg per mouse), and established the assay for the determination of an anti-lethal titer of antivenom in mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Black widow venom contains α-latrotoxin, infamous for causing intense pain. Combining 33 kb of Latrodectus hesperus genomic DNA with RNA-Seq, we characterized the α-latrotoxin gene and discovered a paralog, 4.5 kb downstream. Both paralogs exhibit venom gland specific transcription, and may be regulated post-transcriptionally via musashi-like proteins. A 4 kb intron interrupts the α-latrotoxin coding sequence, while a 10 kb intron in the 3\' UTR of the paralog may cause non-sense-mediated decay. Phylogenetic analysis confirms these divergent latrotoxins diversified through recent tandem gene duplications. Thus, latrotoxin genes have more complex structures, regulatory controls, and sequence diversity than previously proposed.





