structural dynamics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The photo-reaction of the LOV1 domain of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii phototropin is investigated by room-temperature time-resolved serial crystallography. A covalent adduct forms between the C4a atom of the central flavin-mononucleotide chromophore and a protein cysteine. The structure of the adduct is very similar to that of LOV2 determined 23 years ago from the maidenhair fern Phy3.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pioneer transcription factors are proteins with a dual function. First, they regulate transcription by binding to nucleosome-free DNA regulatory elements. Second, they bind to DNA while wrapped around histone proteins in the chromatin and mediate chromatin opening. The molecular mechanisms that connect the two functions are yet to be discovered. In recent years, pioneer factors received increased attention mainly because of their crucial role in promoting cell fate transitions that could be used for regenerative therapies. For example, the three factors required to induce pluripotency in somatic cells, Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4 were classified as pioneer factors and studied extensively. With this increased attention, several structures of complexes between pioneer factors and chromatin structural units (nucleosomes) have been resolved experimentally. Furthermore, experimental and computational approaches have been designed to study two unresolved, key scientific questions: First, do pioneer factors induce directly local opening of nucleosomes and chromatin fibers upon binding? And second, how do the unstructured tails of the histones impact the structural dynamics involved in such conformational transitions? Here we review the current knowledge about transcription factor-induced nucleosome dynamics and the role of the histone tails in this process. We discuss what is needed to bridge the gap between the static views obtained from the experimental structures and the key structural dynamic events in chromatin opening. Finally, we propose that integrating nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with molecular dynamics simulations is a powerful approach to studying pioneer factor-mediated dynamics of nucleosomes and perhaps small chromatin fibers using native DNA sequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perylene diimide (PDI) dimers and higher aggregates are key components in organic molecular photonics and photovoltaic devices, supporting singlet fission and symmetry breaking charge separation. Detailed understanding of their excited states is thus important. This has proven challenging because interchromophoric coupling is a strong function of dimer architecture. Recently, a macrocyclic PDI dimer was reported in which excitonic coupling could be turned on and off simply by changing the solvent. This presents a useful case where coupling is modified without synthetic changes to tune supramolecular structure. Here we present a detailed study of solvent dependent excited state dynamics in this dimer by means of coherent multidimensional spectroscopy. Spectral analysis resolves the different coupling strengths, which are consistent with solvent dependent changes in dimer conformation. The strongly coupled conformer forms an excimer within 300 fs. The low-frequency Raman active modes recovered from two-dimensional electronic spectra reveal frequencies characteristic of exciton coupling. These are assigned to modes modulating the coupling from the corresponding DFT calculations. Further analysis reveals a time dependent frequency during excimer formation. Analysis of two-dimensional \"beatmaps\" reveals features in the coupled dimer which are not predicted by the displaced harmonic oscillator model and are assigned to vibronic coupling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This operando study of epitaxial ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.48Ti0.52)O3 capacitors on silicon substrates studies their structural response via synchrotron-based time-resolved X-ray diffraction during hysteresis-loop measurements in the 2-200 kHz range. At high frequencies, the polarization hysteresis loop is rounded and the classical butterfly-like strain hysteresis acquires a flat dumbbell shape. We explain these observations from a time-domain perspective: The polarization and structural motion within the unit cell are coupled to the strain by the piezoelectric effect and limited by domain wall velocity. The solution of this coupled oscillator system is derived experimentally from the simultaneously measured electronic and structural data. The driving stress σFE(t) is calculated as the product of the measured voltage U(t) and polarization P(t). Unlike the electrical variables, σFE(t) and η(t) of the ferroelectric oscillate at twice the frequency of the applied electrical field. We model the measured frequency-dependent phase shift between η(t) and σFE(t).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) domains are small photosensory flavoprotein modules that allow the conversion of external stimuli (sunlight) into intracellular signals responsible for various cell behaviors (e.g. phototropism and chloroplast relocation). This ability relies on the light-induced formation of a covalent thioether adduct between a flavin chromophore and a reactive cysteine from the protein environment, which triggers a cascade of structural changes that result in the activation of a serine/threonine (Ser/Thr) kinase. Recent developments in time-resolved crystallography may allow the activation cascade of the LOV domain to be observed in real time, which has been elusive. In this study, we report a robust protocol for the production and stable delivery of microcrystals of the LOV domain of phototropin Phot-1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (CrPhotLOV1) with a high-viscosity injector for time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography (TR-SSX). The detailed process covers all aspects, from sample optimization to data collection, which may serve as a guide for soluble protein preparation for TR-SSX. In addition, we show that the crystals obtained preserve the photoreactivity using infrared spectroscopy. Furthermore, the results of the TR-SSX experiment provide high-resolution insights into structural alterations of CrPhotLOV1 from Δt = 2.5 ms up to Δt = 95 ms post-photoactivation, including resolving the geometry of the thioether adduct and the C-terminal region implicated in the signal transduction process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cag type IV secretion system (CagT4SS) translocates oncoprotein cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) into host cells and plays a key role in the pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori. The structure of the outer membrane core complex (OMCC) in CagT4SS consists of CagX, CagY, CagM, CagT, and Cag3 in a stoichiometric ratio of 1:1:2:2:5 with 14-fold symmetry. However, the assembly pathway of OMCC remains elusive. Here, we report the crystal structures of CagT and Cag3-CagT complex, and the structural dynamics of Cag3 and CagT using hydrogen deuterium exchange-mass spectrometry (HDX-MS). The interwoven interaction of Cag3 and CagT involves conformational changes of CagT and β strand swapping. In conjunction with biochemical and biophysical assays, we further demonstrate the different oligomerization states of Cag3 and Cag3-CagT complex. Additionally, the association with CagM requires the pre-formation of Cag3-CagT complex. These results demonstrate the generation of different intermediate sub-assemblies and their structural flexibility, potentially representing different building blocks for OMCC assembly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Serial crystallography, born from groundbreaking experiments at the Linac Coherent Light Source in 2009, has evolved into a pivotal technique in structural biology. Initially pioneered at X-ray free-electron laser facilities, it has now expanded to synchrotron-radiation facilities globally, with dedicated experimental stations enhancing its accessibility. This review gives an overview of current developments in serial crystallography, emphasizing recent results in time-resolved crystallography, and discussing challenges and shortcomings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The MC1R protein is a receptor found in melanocytes that plays a role in melanin synthesis. Mutations in this protein can impact hair color, skin tone, tanning ability, and increase the risk of skin cancer. The MC1R protein is activated by the alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH). Previous studies have shown that mutations affect the interaction between MC1R and α-MSH; however, the mechanism behind this process is poorly understood. Our study aims to shed light on this mechanism using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to analyze the Asp84Glu and Asp294His variants. We simulated both the wild-type (WT) protein and the mutants with and without ligand. Our results reveal that mutations induce unique conformations during state transitions, hindering the switch between active and inactive states and decreasing cellular levels of cAMP. Interestingly, Asp294His showed increased ligand affinity but decreased protein activity, highlighting that tighter binding does not always lead to increased activation. Our study provides insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the impact of MC1R mutations on protein activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding and controlling the structure and function of liquid interfaces is a constant challenge in biology, nanoscience and nanotechnology, with applications ranging from molecular electronics to controlled drug release. X-ray reflectivity and grazing incidence diffraction provide invaluable probes for studying the atomic scale structure at liquid-air interfaces. The new time-resolved laser system at the LISA liquid diffractometer situated at beamline P08 at the PETRA III synchrotron radiation source in Hamburg provides a laser pump with X-ray probe. The femtosecond laser combined with the LISA diffractometer allows unique opportunities to investigate photo-induced structural changes at liquid interfaces on the pico- and nanosecond time scales with pump-probe techniques. A time resolution of 38 ps has been achieved and verified with Bi. First experiments include laser-induced effects on salt solutions and liquid mercury surfaces with static and varied time scales measurements showing the proof of concept for investigations at liquid surfaces.





